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Why I am a Pacifican


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Very well put.

During my Internet game travels, I have belonged to many other internet game based groups. NPO is by far the best.

Karma hasn't taken into consideration that I am fanatical about NPO. I will fight for her to the very last breath.

If she was disbanded, I would leave CN. I only play CN to be a part of NPO.

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I, and most of the NPO membership, personally dont consider the OWF as the primary avenue of "playing" CN. An important one yes, but not our primary means of playing. Its a major difference between us and many other alliances.

Yeah, it's not. This is what isolation does to you. Marked ignorance.

Nasty cases of cabin fever in this thread too, mmhmm.

Francograd is a thriving city and a very involving experience.


Upon rereading, I think I did take it as something other than what you meant. Or maybe I am wrong yet again. You can PM me with your meaning if you wish.

Also, what is interesting? I am not hiding from the fact I did some things I am not proud of.

It's Freudian my good man.

Karma hasn't taken into consideration that I am fanatical about NPO.

I have seen the equations, and I can assure you sir, that your specific fanaticism for the NPO was taken into consideration. Ones were carried, and divisions by Pi were calculated with their due and proper diligence.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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It's Freudian my good man.

So it is :P Yes, when I read your comment, I instantly thought of the main thing I have done wrong in this community. I am trying hard to work past it, but Freud always seems to rear his head.

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My very own personal opinion, I would rather fight for two years then take those terms.

That is my very own little opinion. Ultimately I will faithfully do as Moo directs.

You can have my nation. It means nothing to me.

I will fight with whatever resources I can find to protect the community of NPO.

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yea you give Karma too much credit. Once NPO attacked OV, it just sorta happened and everything fell into place.

You must have done something terribly wrong to get tossed out. I've been terribly vocal on my own perspectives and they still haven't kicked my hide out of the order yet. That leaves a special category of convictions which could have caused your exile, but I don't know the details of the facts and won't bother going into them. I just know they do not expel without VERY good reason.

By the way, I highly recommend that karma continue to aid their lower level battalion members. It's keeping me alive *chuckles*.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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That Karma planned out several months back.

And we took the bait.

ahahaha, oh god this is a killer.

Edit: Towards OP: Stay in the alliance you wish to call home dude but try to get informed before posting a thread involving information on the current war (i.e. saying stuff like "i don't know why karma attacked NPO" will just show you to be ignorant really). Best of luck nonetheless :)

Edited by uaciaut
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I love how you put quotations around the words 'truth' and 'facts', but provide no alternative accounts and then admit that you don't even know what the hell is going on. I suppose nothing beats blind ignorant obedience.

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The radio silence has been lifted.

I am slightly amazed that some folks actually needed to be told this. Only slightly amazed due to the fact of being around long enough that such things begin to not amaze me.

To the OP, well done. Pieces lacking propaganda are few and far between.

To those going after him, take a good hard look at yourself.

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I would consider at several Pacificans my true friends, and I know there are many people with good hearts there, and that there must be a worthwhile community if those people choose to stay there. I sympathize with your sentiments, and though you are quite naive for how long you have been playing the game, I commend you for your sincere heart.

With that said, I would never join the NPO, and I don't think your reasons for staying there hold water. Community can be found.... well.... anywhere, with nearly anyone. True friendships do not cease with alliance changes, or even "whether you're playing CN" statuses. I have made and kept good friends from each alliance I have been in. Most of my closest friends in CN are in alliances that I have never been in.

The reality is that IC you will be known by and held responsible for the actions of your alliance. While there are people who can and will look past that to get to know you as a person (as I would upon encountering anyone in CN) here's the simple truth: NPO has been fair at times, impressively intelligent nearly all the time.... and willing to compromise nobility for the sake of winning too often. That last point is where the hostility is coming from in this thread. Too many of these people's communities have been forced to disband or were destroyed by your community. Is that fair? I joined CN because a friend of mine (former gov for CIS) committed suicide and I wanted to learn more about his thinking in his last days since he was away at college when it happened. Do you think it doesn't hurt me every day that the community that knew him doesn't exist anymore? That all that he worked for in game is decayed and dusted? I don't really know a lot of the details since I had already lost interest in CN for other reasons and I can hardly stand to let myself feel anything in this game anymore. I walk around each day numb to the greater happenings of Planet Bob.

From that desire to "win at all costs" your alliance has lost it's soul... heck, it's pushed me toward the direction of losing mine. You seem like a good guy, and I hope that drivenness that chooses to win, and avenge at all costs, does not poison your own soul with time.

With that said, your alliance has always had my respect because they have always been able to accomplish what they wanted to do. I also have a lot of hope for the NPO in that part of my core that is stubbornly idealistic and hopeful about the future of people that I love and see so much good in. Your alliance really is full of very brilliant, thoughtful people who have been, are, and will be successful in RL as well as CN. You have three great ideals that you claim to hold to as an alliance. If you pursue those as your "North Star" (and interpret strength as, well, strength, rather than absolute power and control) I think you can prosper again and the community you love can have a true, lasting place at the table in Planet Bob.

Until then, you will always live in isolation... whether it is by your own choice, or the choice of others. So, uhm, have fun with your brothers over there on the island. I'll be over here on the mainland crossing my fingers.

Edited by apriland
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Very well put.

During my Internet game travels, I have belonged to many other internet game based groups. NPO is by far the best.

Karma hasn't taken into consideration that I am fanatical about NPO. I will fight for her to the very last breath.

If she was disbanded, I would leave CN. I only play CN to be a part of NPO.

My very own personal opinion, I would rather fight for two years then take those terms.

That is my very own little opinion. Ultimately I will faithfully do as Moo directs.

You can have my nation. It means nothing to me.

I will fight with whatever resources I can find to protect the community of NPO.

You say these things about yourself and assume that we don't feel the same about our alliances. I'm glad you have found something you feel at home with, but please don't try to make it out like that feeling is unique to NPO and that we are some kind of heartless community destroyers :rolleyes:

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It's good that you are having fun in your community. That is, after all, the main purpose of the alliances and political constructions we have built around the pixel nations. Alliances which have been successful through adversity, like FAN, or GATO, have strong communities, and I know NPO is one of those.

That said, this thread is clearly a PR stunt (normal people don't post 'Yeah! Go <my alliance>!' threads on the OWF), and so transparently so it won't win you any friends. When the NPO has been (largely) responsible for destroying several other communities which had the attributes you are so proud of in NPO, you are going to find sympathy in short supply. And when you won't believe in the real 'truthiness' it just shows that yes, NPO members really are that out of touch.

So, all in all: if you can keep having fun through a losing war and through the surrender period, good. We ought to always have fun, since it's a game. But don't expect this type of thread to help your IC situation.

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This thread remains me of one made during the GATO-1V War:


As it was stated there. It's good to be proud of your alliance.

Thanks for finding that. I also recall them making a 'Why I love NPO' thread during the GATO-1V war. Directly after the linked thread began to get attention.

At least try to not rip off other people, Pacificans. Even if you've not been in this position before.

Edited by ShinRa
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That said, this thread is clearly a PR stunt (normal people don't post 'Yeah! Go <my alliance>!' threads on the OWF), and so transparently so it won't win you any friends.

I thought it was transparent too but judging by the amount of people leaping to this guy's defence and saying how honest and genuine he is I guess it isn't.

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I thought it was transparent too but judging by the amount of people leaping to this guy's defence and saying how honest and genuine he is I guess it isn't.

And we all know how the general crowd around here is always on the ball.

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I think OP is just trying to relay that under the AA that is being demonized by the majority of the CN community is a person who very much is like you. The OP fights for his nation and alliance. The same as me and you. Only reason we really need to fight. It’s really that simple.

Don’t be so quick to judge a person’s intentions because he flies an AA that you hate.

“I will rest when I die”

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Maybe this will change people's mind's (doubt it) over the suggestions to make NPO disband.

The current Karma forces in charge of the surrender terms facing NPO do not want disbandment.

When I started playing CN, I joined the red team because I like red, mostly because I'm a dirty commie. NPO seemed like the logical choice.

I do now and have always considered Pacifica to be honorable. Sure we were arrogant, but that's what happens with a flawless (or near flawless <_<) record coupled with being on top and treatied to every large alliance. I'm hoping that the leadership sees the error of our ways, because I sure have.

Logical choice or only choice ;)

I really wish more of your comrades shared your opinions in the 2nd paragraph there. Seems to me you have made some valuable realizations.

That said, this thread is clearly a PR stunt (normal people don't post 'Yeah! Go <my alliance>!' threads on the OWF), and so transparently so it won't win you any friends. When the NPO has been (largely) responsible for destroying several other communities which had the attributes you are so proud of in NPO, you are going to find sympathy in short supply. And when you won't believe in the real 'truthiness' it just shows that yes, NPO members really are that out of touch.

So, all in all: if you can keep having fun through a losing war and through the surrender period, good. We ought to always have fun, since it's a game. But don't expect this type of thread to help your IC situation.

This hits the nail on the head.

The feelings the OP exhibits are not unique to any alliance one calls home, and if you are in an alliance and don't feel the same thing, well then you need to move somewhere else.

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What it boils down to for NPO and TPF is that they're where every alliance is in month 2 of war (not peace terms). Everyone is still mad and there's still some money, so they're still fighting. By month 9 it's not fun anymore, not funny anymore, and while there's a large core crew in NPO, a game that's not fun doesn't keep players. The longer they drag their feet on surrender, the less people there'll be to pay the reps.

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I think OP is just trying to relay that under the AA that is being demonized by the majority of the CN community is a person who very much is like you. The OP fights for his nation and alliance. The same as me and you. Only reason we really need to fight. It’s really that simple.

Don’t be so quick to judge a person’s intentions because he flies an AA that you hate.

“I will rest when I die”

Oh Holy Admin.

/me rubs her eyes.

/me rubs her eyes again.

I don't seriously agree with a Pacifican?

(and yes, deliberate irony here.)

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You say these things about yourself and assume that we don't feel the same about our alliances. I'm glad you have found something you feel at home with, but please don't try to make it out like that feeling is unique to NPO and that we are some kind of heartless community destroyers :rolleyes:

Oh that wasn't my intent. I am sure you are very content with your AA. I bet you even feel the same convictions about your AA.

we are some kind of heartless community destroyers

This is an attempt at sarcasm? Right? I know you have been reading the forums. Lets go count the posts together that ppl are giving the rally cry for harsher terms or to disband NPO.

I think you should seriously reevaluate your life.

I am not sure how to respond to this one. Are you OOC?

I will walk this road. There is not a lot to the actual game of CN. 15 minutes at update and your CN nation runs smoothly for years.

I play CN to be a part of NPO. If NPO was gone, I would give my 15 minutes to another game.

I belonged to a hand full of other AAs before joining NPO. Not one of them could hold a candle to NPO.

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It's nice that you have found a good place to be. But don't deafen yourself to the rest of the community either. There are many good people outside of the NPO as well. One thing often criticized about the NPO is that their members rarely bother to immerse themselves in the community and learn the history. I think that failing to do that you miss a lot of what this community has to offer. Enjoying the company of your alliance is great and so is befriending people from other alliances and learning of the tensions that exist. But the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. I hope you will keep that in mind.

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