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Rebranding the war


Rebrand the War  

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What part of Karma do you not understand? The idea is that NPO will pay for its past crimes... and it is

That's not even the meaning of Karma. Karma is if you do bad things, bad things are more likely to happen to you. The CN version of Karma, is acting as a judge, jury, and executioner, to punish for things done to them, that is way out of the definition of Karma, that is not Karma.

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What part of Karma do you not understand? The idea is that NPO will pay for its past crimes... and it is

What part of Karma do you not understand? Karma is an exclusively inward looking concept i.e. you are responsible for your own actions and no one elses actions. Karma is some guy who gets away with murder getting killed by a random passing car or sleepwalking off a cliff etc. If the victim's brother goes and shoots the murderer that is not Karma, that is pure revenge. Karma was an extremely poor choice of names considering its only application in this scenario is that eventually something bad will happen to those administering the terms. By the same token if NPO is the one delivering that "something bad" it will not remotely qualify as Karma.

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That's not even the meaning of Karma. Karma is if you do bad things, bad things are more likely to happen to you. The CN version of Karma, is acting as a judge, jury, and executioner, to punish for things done to them, that is way out of the definition of Karma, that is not Karma.

So...karma is receiving bad for doing bad. What do you call punishment? Receiving cake for doing bad? Receiving bad for being so innocent?

The way I see it, it's negative reinforcement either way. Karma has always claimed to be giving the opposing side "what they deserve." Naturally, the other side isn't going to agree with it.

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Rebrandings are tough,... you have to first scrub the earlier established brand so that you don't have to compete with your former product image, then you have to do an almost start from scratch marketing campaign,... of course there'll be A LOT of hardcore supporters of the old brand which you have to win over, etc etc etc.

Sarqun is right,... it is expensive.

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"Karma" kinda implies a revenge to a certain extent...

The dharmic principle of karma is about justice, not revenge. It is why the word was selected by the coalition facing us, in order to quite deliberately brand the coalition as one seeking justice, not revenge. This was an important distinction in the events leading up to the war, and one that we failed to counter. MK does indeed have a hell of a propaganda department.

This subtle distinction appears to have been thrown out the window.

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What part of Karma do you not understand? Karma is an exclusively inward looking concept i.e. you are responsible for your own actions and no one elses actions. Karma is some guy who gets away with murder getting killed by a random passing car or sleepwalking off a cliff etc. If the victim's brother goes and shoots the murderer that is not Karma, that is pure revenge. Karma was an extremely poor choice of names considering its only application in this scenario is that eventually something bad will happen to those administering the terms. By the same token if NPO is the one delivering that "something bad" it will not remotely qualify as Karma.

From some academic discussions about karma as a concept:

"We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate. "

"It is this doctrine of Karma that the mother teaches her child when she says "Be good and you will be happy and we will love you; but if you are bad, you will be unhappy and we will not love you." In short, Karma is the law of cause and effect in the ethical realm."

- - -

We all create our own hells, the most anyone can hope for is the that they will have the strength to live in theirs.

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We can for it on credit. Karma has a lot of money coming soon. :awesome:

This assumes that the NPO will surrender, and it is clearly evident that they will not given the current terms.

Based on my knowledge of the NPO I can say that is probably safe to assume that they are going to fight to the last man and the last bullet.

"The Fall of Pacifica" is my name for this war. Since this will probably be the defining event of this war when it is remembered in the future.

Pacifica is breathing its last breaths now and lies at the mercy of alliances that they have shown no mercy to in the past. And they are likely to show none.

The days of the hegemony are over (we can but hope) and a new era is dawning, What this era is going to be like is entirely karma's choice, but I for one hope that it will be a era of mercy and compassion. But this is probably just the idle dream of an old ex-hippy. :blush:

But this much is certain,

The architect of the future of CN is YOU!

And we are at a nexus of history for CN at THIS moment.

How YOU act during this period WILL decide the general tone of the new era!

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The Manufactured War?

At the risk of sounding childish, you started it! How can you claim it was manufactured when you guys directly caused the war by declaring war on OV. I don't even understand how you can pretend that name could in any way apply.

Now if we were naming the NoCB War...

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