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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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They should and do but that still doesn't make any sense. It's hypocritical just as these terms.

"They should and do but that still doesn't make any sense"

So they should, and they do.

But that doesn't make sense?

Please, make some form of sense, it is really quite annoying to decipher your message.

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Jesus Christ, Do you honestly think posting your bawwwing on the OWF is going to help your cause any? How about manning up, face the consequences of your actions and move on and learn from it.

Edited by sethb
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Were you also not once a part of the NPO war machine? Is it not hypocritical now to throw stones at what you once were?

lets pick out the key phrase 'once part of' but not currently right?

who cares who WAS a part of NPO, if they left they had reason to, get over this silly point of shame on you, you were once npo. sad attempt to try and argue a pathetic point of view.

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New terms: NPOs reps are $10,000,000 X however many pages this thread reaches


You mean $100,000,000x? because the chances of a topic getting to around 700 pages without a lock is near zero. The same posts/points are starting to get repeated already.

Edited by XRCatD
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lawl, those terms are not harsh for what NPO has done to countless other alliances. Sad to see that NPO still has a giant ego. I thought it was crushed weeks ago but I guess not. Oh well, keep smashing them in Karma!

Again, another former NPOer attacking it's former residence when all of these "harsh" terms were given out. You accepted them then, how can you act so hypocritical now?

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No. Actually it is even more fitting that former NPOers disown the movement. They, afterall, should know the most about the NPO's dealings.

Actually you are saying that once one leave their old alliance and if it has been the NPO anything they diss about our politics gets them a free get out of jail card towards the fact that they were NPO but have now seen the light. Give me a break.

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Again, another former NPOer attacking it's former residence when all of these "harsh" terms were given out. You accepted them then, how can you act so hypocritical now?

So you admit that the reparations you imposed were unjust. Exactly how can you pretend to preach to us about fairness and justice again?

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Again, another former NPOer attacking it's former residence when all of these "harsh" terms were given out. You accepted them then, how can you act so hypocritical now?

I'm gonna just quote Doitzel here.

All kidding aside, I am tired of this misuse of the word "hypocrisy". Hypocrisy is when you claim to hold characteristics and values that you actually do not or actively contradict. This is not true. I am not the same person now that I was two and a half years ago. I have grown through experience and, of course, time. Likewise, the NPO of that time was not as it is now. We did not force alliances to disband, we did not seek to permanently destroy nations, we did not pursue eternal wars.

The present is not the past. Stop acting as if it is.

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See what I said above ;)


Can I just ask that we give up on the Killing of alliances point as both sides or at least people from both sides have stated you can't kill something, they have to willingly give it up.

Unless disbandment is part of the terms, as NoV found out at the hands of the allies you allowed to dictate said terms.

Edited by kingzog
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Again, another former NPOer attacking it's former residence when all of these "harsh" terms were given out. You accepted them then, how can you act so hypocritical now?

You claim a form of knowledge that doesn't exist. Do you know the reasons that they left the NPO? Perhaps that was one of them, and as such they did not accept them then. Also, people who are newer to the game are often not as attached to politics and just to the internal workings of an alliance. They could not have known about. Then, we have the whole fact that you addressed Sandwich Controversy, whose alliance MK was rolled by NPO and given terrible terms. Now, does his past association with the NPO (which I'm not even sure is true, and if its true it was for a short time) mean that he cannot be angry at NPO for rolling MK and giving them terrible terms? Your attempts to blanket say that "If you were NPO, you are not allowed to talk back to us" are wrong, and are not supported by most of the facts of the matter.

Actually you are saying that once one leave their old alliance and if it has been the NPO anything they diss about our politics gets them a free get out of jail card towards the fact that they were NPO but have now seen the light. Give me a break.

No, most people have proven that they aren't, and the "examples" that you guys are using, Magnum and sandwich controversy, left at least a year ago, if not a lot more. They have shown that they aren't supporters of you in any way shape or form.

I almost feel bad for NPO. Almost.

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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Can I just ask that we give up on the Killing of alliances point as both sides or at least people from both sides have stated you can't kill something, they have to willingly give it up.

You're just trying to distract us from noticing Kristospherein accusing ex-Pacificans of hypocrisy aren't you :P

Seriously though who brought up killing alliances <_<

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Jesus Christ, Do you honestly think posting your bawwwing on the OWF is going to help your cause any? How about manning up, face the consequences of your actions and move on and learn from it.

I am currently in bill lock and ZIed. Is that not manning up enough for you?

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Uh, the only thing I'm possibly seeing there is harsh reps and forcing nations out of peace mode. And that's only been for the original instigator, all of NPO's allies have gotten off with relatively light terms.

Like Echelon?

I suppose Aurora Borealis doesn't count, not having been an NPO ally.

No, they only actively participated in the war planning of the coalition that was to hit \m/, and only refused to honor our MDoAP bloc treaty (the WUT), and refused to help us at all.

Sorry, I'm confused here. Did NPO betray \m/ and GOONS to Sponge, or did they scheme against Sponge because he destroyed \m/ and GOONS?


My problem with this is you can not JUMP and SIT DOWN at the same time.

After having 95% of the alliance fight a nuke war for 14 days or more whilst outnumbered you can not expect them to still be able to pay the largest amount of reps ever seen as well. Pick one or mix it up. But both together like that is not possible.

Sure NPO has done wrong and they do deserve to be punished for it. But if it's wrong when they do it it's wrong if we do it. Cut the double standards and the moral high ground act.

Suddenly I remember liking Blacky back when he was helping good folks like Raka, back before he joined Valhalla and it all went sorta weird.

After reviewing the situation more closely, especially since a couple of people, including Cortath, have argued that you can be nuked thrice in one day and thus convinced me, I've determined that...


This is a lie.

Multiple all but nukes by three and then 14. Multiple nukes by 13. Add it all together.

Note that he says "all but nukes by three."

7 billion and 300k tech? I wish. Remember the pre-terms? Those currently add at least $7,250 billion and 245k tech, almost doubling the total to $14.25 billion and 545k tech -- that's 120% of the NPO's current tech.

Are the preterms included in the offer Karma presented to NPO? This is not clear.

Honestly Londo the llama god is probably one of the only sane people during the whole reps logs (i read 'em). Massive respect to him, he may not be showing himself in the best light at the moment, but most likely because he has been infuriated by people who think they can read the english language and feel NPO is bashing them.

If you look through the thread you will see most of the Londo bashing doesn't come from NPO.

Yes, and the Londo bashing is unjustified.

1) How would that be any different to what you did to FAN?

2) What makes you so certain the alliances arrayed against you would do such a thing? Do any of those alliances have a history for things of that nature?

Hey, Ragnarok redeclared on Illuminati :awesome:

(Note that this is a joke. They were right to do so. Illuminati were being idiots.)

I mean let's think about one of the most obvious, how can Karma justify overturning the Revenge Doctrine?

What does Karma have against unaligned nations?

Gotta get those techraid targets ;)

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Actually you are saying that once one leave their old alliance and if it has been the NPO anything they diss about our politics gets them a free get out of jail card towards the fact that they were NPO but have now seen the light. Give me a break.

What do you mean out of jail card? You attack former members? Yeah I suppose the whole deserting in a time of war. Although if the NPO keeps on for another 3 months, it would be civil war because you would have as many deserters as loyalists.

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