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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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I suspect that the discussion regarding Golden Sabres has little relevance to the actual subject. Let's get back on topic so this does not need to be locked.

Edit: Oops, accidentally locked it for a moment :unsure:

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You do know that RoseBlood was the leader of Golden Sabres at the time. That Golden Sabres had 36 members and that 12 or 13 were on other colors than yellow? Did you even bother to see how many votes RoseBlood had at the time? Or perhaps how may of the nations on yellow had not voted?

Again, do you have any proof that Golden Sabres voted for the FAN senator?

You know, I actually had written a post saying sarcastically that "Well, that just proves someone asked to, not that anyone did it", but decided that was too ridiculous to actually post, yet you do it for me. So, let's go with this.

Golden Sabres gov said "Vote for these guys, they're pretty awesome", but nobody did, so clearly they're clear of all wrongdoing as per any agreements or imposed force (not getting into an argument about whether or not it was justified, because this was before my time so I don't know what happened and can only read many biased viewpoints).

So, back on topic, they said it, but never did it, therefore are totally free and clear. Well, NPO said that all peace mode GATO nations must come out, or face ZI. That was never acted upon, so does that mean that all the NPO-GATO peacemode arguments are now void too?

*Edit* Sorry Manwe, I started writing this before you posted your request to get back on topic. Hopefully the tying it back in helps.

Edited by Qazzian
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So now, that war is cleared. Next. Is this thread really going to be a re-run of every war thread we've ever had? There have always been people, in every single war, that claim the Pacific is lying and manufacturing CBs. Reminds me of that thread Revanche wrote where LUE accused NPO of spying, and really it was their spy...

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TORN had 3-4 nations on yellow that got sanctioned. FAN was using senate as a weapon (which honestly i feel should be done) and GS was publicly telling people to keep FAN in the senate.

That is why it was a big deal to TORN.

That begs the question, why would TORN possibly have any nations on yellow at that time after being at war with FAN?

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So now, that war is cleared. Next. Is this thread really going to be a re-run of every war thread we've ever had? There have always been people, in every single war, that claim the Pacific is lying and manufacturing CBs. Reminds me of that thread Revanche wrote where LUE accused NPO of spying, and really it was their spy...

So, speaking of spies, how did you guys get the information for your CB for this war?

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If you ask me the terms are generous. If I was still w/ OV I would be asking for P's complete dismantlement. That's what is actually the reciprocal action for all the crap they pulled on bob. No perma zi, and I'm sure they'd just start a new alliance w/ the same folk but... I'd have asked for the name to be banished from the land for all the evil and obvious wrong they did.

except mary... or any other xgpa still over there.

Edit: and mob

Edited by Grossman
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So now, that war is cleared. Next. Is this thread really going to be a re-run of every war thread we've ever had?

Apparently, yes it is. You didn't expect your previous misdeeds to come up when trying to play the victim of oppression? Maybe you guys should throw radio silence back up, take some nations out of peace mode, and try again later. And by try again, I mean try for terms again, not try to win a hopeless PR battle about the injustice of karma. It's not going to work, and it's not going to help you get peace. It's just going to be this every time. People clearly have very long memories. Don't ever try to play the victim again, take you well deserved beating, then and only then, move on.

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I know it's from a few pages back, but:

RoK didn't force NEO to disband. Due to inactivity and incompetent leadership, NEO had been rotting from the inside well before RoK attacked. As a former member of NEO, I don't harbor any ill will towards Ragnarok for them attacking NEO.

I'm not going back to find the post yankeesfan quoted and I have pretty much been ignoring this thread since page 35, however, it was brought to my attention yet again that RoK has this "evil" past and has forced alliances to disband, etc.

As the person who declared those wars, I can tell you that they were declared with legit CBs that every one of you hailed and accepted as legit at the time. No one was forced to disband and no harsh terms were imposed. NEO disbanded, undisbanded, and disbanded again as we declared and members that were at war with us were allowed to peacefully leave if they changed AAs as their government left them to die. The Illuminati disbanded due to the stupidity of Terry Howard and not due to our re-declaration on them for repeatedly violating the peace terms they agreed to.

Fact checking and information gathering is a wonderful thing. Please refrain from using Ragnarok in your poor attempts at spin. While we held a treaty with tC alliances, we were never part of their clique or one of the powers that be at any point.

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If you ask me the terms are generous. If I was still w/ OV I would be asking for P's complete dismantlement. That's what is actually the reciprocal action for all the crap they pulled on bob. No perma zi, and I'm sure they'd just start a new alliance w/ the same folk but... I'd have asked for the name to be banished for the land for all the evil they did.

except mary... or any other xgpa still over there.

You know, your signature says "in perpetual neutrality", right? Sure doesn't seem overly neutral.

Now, on to the content: Are you saying that if all of the NPO picked up and changed their AA to "Order of Pacifica" everything would be squeaky clean?

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If you ask me the terms are generous. If I was still w/ OV I would be asking for P's complete dismantlement. That's what is actually the reciprocal action for all the crap they pulled on bob. No perma zi, and I'm sure they'd just start a new alliance w/ the same folk but... I'd have asked for the name to be banished for the land for all the evil they did.

except mary... or any other xgpa still over there.

Mary is the Imperial Regent, and next in line for the Emperorship. (Empresship?)

Edited by James Dahl
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Thanks for the input, WC. The door is right there, btw. Feel free to use it.

Musso with the zinger. Also, Id like to say it now, that I like ES. He is very handsome.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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You know, your signature says "in perpetual neutrality", right? Sure doesn't seem overly neutral.

Now, on to the content: Are you saying that if all of the NPO picked up and changed their AA to "Order of Pacifica" everything would be squeaky clean?

Yeah it's a reference to my enduring pro-GPA sentiment. I know that's a little hard to understand, but it is what it is. Humor me.

No it would not be ok, I would be against it but hell others have done it and there's really not much you can do about it if your against ezi or pzi. Maybe it would be ok if they really changed. Deeds speak louder than words. If they re-named themselves w/ new core ideals and asked for another chance and mixed up their leadership again... yeah that would be at least worth giving a chance imho. I don't think they are even mildly interested in that.

I didn't know mary was next in line. Very interesting.

Edit: Is there any talk of moo leaving? I thought that was not really a possibility do to his seemingly insane popularity.

Edited by Grossman
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Uh, \m/ was NpO, we were allies of \m/. We are only 'responsible' insofar as we did not intervene as Electron Sponge destroyed our allies <_<. NAAC and LUE was Ivan Moldavi, and 90% of those who were responsible for that decision today reside in either one of the alliances of Frostbite or no longer exist.

Thus, it sounds as though your true enemies are the Frostbite bloc, go take your grudges there.

You are a piece of work, Mr. Dahl. The NPO has never reneged of its history. They are proud of what they did to the NAAC and what they did to LUE.

Your posts are very amusing, keep it up.

EDIT: an example of what I don't like about the terms and Karma's rationale for enforcing them is that they are quoting conflicts (NAAC, LUE) that have long been settled and buried. That world is not the world we live in and the "crimes" the NPO presumably committed against those alliances have long been settled. LUE and the NAAC were as clear a threat to the NPO as is theoretically possible. I don't understand how they can be held accountable for such events.

Edited by Mussolandia
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Yeah it's a reference to my enduring pro-GPA sentiment. I know that's a little hard to understand, but it is what it is. Humor me.

No it would not be ok, I would be against it but hell others have done it and there's really not much you can do about it if your against ezi or pzi. Maybe it would be ok if they really changed. Deeds speak louder than words. If they re-named themselves w/ new core ideals and asked for another chance and mixed up their leadership again... yeah that would be at least worth giving a chance imho. I don't think they are even mildly interested in that.

I didn't know mary was next in line. Very interesting.

Edit: Is there any talk of moo leaving? I thought that was not really a possibility do to his seemingly insane popularity.

Peace is fail.

GPA is win.

If Moo leaves, admin help us.

If Brennan gets promoted, I'd need to shoot myself with a nuke.

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You know, you can look at the aid screen to see if an alliance sent aid, you don't have to take someone's word for it.

If you're willing to stake any more of your reputation on this claim we can always wait for Bilrow to dump the statistics.

I can do better since that IRC meeting was comedic GOLD (pun intended)

[23:15] <Bakunin> You might as well just tell me if you're attacking. Every time you evade the question, I assume you will be and prepare for our response. :)

[23:16] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> You've been preparing ever since you heard the first rumour

[23:16] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> beofre then even

[23:16] <Bakunin> Actually, the first I heard of GOLD going to war was today.

[23:16] <MadMike[GOLD]MoD> we need to get the last couple SC members in to vote howdo

[23:16] <MadMike[GOLD]MoD> oops wrong topic

[23:17] <Bakunin> So the GOLD SC is currently voting on going to war?

[23:17] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> ...

[23:17] <MadMike[GOLD]MoD> no!!!

[23:17] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> maybe

[23:17] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> no!!

[23:17] <Bakunin> uh-huh

[23:17] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> >_<

[23:17] <DarkMistress> lol

[23:17] <Bilrow[GGA]> Protip: check window you are typing in before you make a mistake like that ;p

[23:18] <electron_sponge> BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

[23:18] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> yeah he will check the flippin window next time

[23:18] * Howso[GOLD_Premier] backslaps the MoD

[23:18] <Bakunin> Well, now that that's out in the open, may I ask how said vote is likely to turn out?

[23:19] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> you may ask what you wish

[23:19] <electron_sponge> lol

[23:19] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> but i am still bound my goldsec not to tell a soul

[23:19] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> and I'm afraid you are no exception to the rule

[23:19] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> *that rule

[23:20] <Bakunin> Understandable. I just hope the people who haven't voted realize what the consequences of joining this war will be for your alliance's well-being.

[23:21] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> I've no doubt they'll decide what's best for GOLD

[23:21] * MadMike[GOLD]MoD facepalms

[23:22] <MadMike[GOLD]MoD> i am such a retard some times

[23:22] <Bakunin> So is there any way I can talk you guys out of digging your own graves?

[23:22] <jert14[CIS]> mm hmm

[23:22] <ALdbeign> [23:22] <MadMike[GOLD]MoD> i am such a retard some times <-- by definition thats called being human my friend ;)

[23:22] <Bakunin> Because I promise you that that is precisely what you will be doing if you declare war.

[23:22] <MadMike[GOLD]MoD> i guess if you say so

[23:22] <jert14[CIS]> or quite the thespian ;)

[23:24] <MadMike[GOLD]MoD> as for a grave are they still 6ftx3ftx6ft deep

[23:24] <MadMike[GOLD]MoD> i am to tall for that

[23:24] <jert14[CIS]> your men are jumping the gun a tad ;)

[23:24] <Bakunin> 9/14/2007 11:21:33 PM

[23:24] <Bakunin> "orders"

[23:24] <Bakunin>

[23:24] <Bakunin> [Team: Yellow]

[23:24] <Bakunin> Cave Dwellers

[23:24] <Bakunin> Ruler: Kerlin

[23:24] <Bakunin> Alliance: Global Organization for Liberty and Defense

[23:24] <Bakunin> [Team: White]

[23:24] <Bakunin> Chucknorland

[23:24] <Bakunin> Ruler: Emperor Mike

[23:24] <Bakunin> Alliance: Confederacy of Independent States

[23:24] <Bakunin> Currently Fighting

[23:24] <Bakunin> Is he a rogue? He claims he has orders.

[23:25] <jert14[CIS]> i count 4

[23:25] <Bakunin> All right, seems you've made your decision.

[23:25] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> decision?

[23:25] <MadMike[GOLD]MoD> well what are the orders i guessi have to check that out, i should know what they are being the MoD and all

[23:26] <Bakunin> If there's any big red "abort" button you can push right now, I'd certainly recommend it if you plan on GOLD's continued existence.

[23:26] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> aye aye, ego's in the final vote is about to be cast

[23:27] <Bakunin> If not, I'm sure FAN's looking forward to being the largest yellow alliance again. :)

[23:27] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> i'm sure they are

[23:27] <Howso[GOLD_Premier]> especialy with the 200 mil we gave them 4 days ago :P

[23:28] <Bakunin> So you admit that GOLD willfully sent aid to FAN?

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You are a piece of work, Mr. Dahl. The NPO has never reneged of its history. They are proud of what they did to the NAAC and what they did to LUE.

Your posts are very amusing, keep it up.

EDIT: an example of what I don't like about the terms and Karma's rationale for enforcing them is that they are quoting conflicts (NAAC, LUE) that have long been settled and buried. That world is not the world we live in and the "crimes" the NPO presumably committed against those alliances have long been settled. LUE and the NAAC were as clear a threat to the NPO as is theoretically possible. I don't understand how they can be held accountable for such events.

Stop making me agree with you <_<

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You are a piece of work, Mr. Dahl. The NPO has never reneged of its history. They are proud of what they did to the NAAC and what they did to LUE.

Your posts are very amusing, keep it up.

EDIT: an example of what I don't like about the terms and Karma's rationale for enforcing them is that they are quoting conflicts (NAAC, LUE) that have long been settled and buried. That world is not the world we live in and the "crimes" the NPO presumably committed against those alliances have long been settled. LUE and the NAAC were as clear a threat to the NPO as is theoretically possible. I can't possibly stomach how they can be held accountable for such events.

Those terms and the justifications used show that this war is more about revenge and grudges than setting the world on a new path. Karma has seemingly succumbed to its members bloodlust and won't be happy until NPO is completely destroyed. Karma went from ending the hegemony to settling scores from long ago and few in Karma seem to care.

In a few weeks, maybe the leaders of the 18 alliances that make up Karma will manage to find a way to get acceptable terms together. Probably not though.

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Those terms and the justifications used show that this war is more about revenge and grudges than setting the world on a new path. Karma has seemingly succumbed to its members bloodlust and won't be happy until NPO is completely destroyed. Karma went from ending the hegemony to settling scores from long ago and few in Karma seem to care.

In a few weeks, maybe the leaders of the 18 alliances that make up Karma will manage to find a way to get acceptable terms together. Probably not though.

I think you'll find a lot of Karma does care, but, unfortunately, not in the manner you want them to.

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In a few weeks, maybe the leaders of the 18 alliances that make up Karma will manage to find a way to get acceptable terms together. Probably not though.

Its a motley crew of haters. Half want justice, half want tech, and half want suffering. Since two out of three halves demand high sentencing, the chances of an acceptable sentence are basically nix.

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Those terms and the justifications used show that this war is more about revenge and grudges than setting the world on a new path. Karma has seemingly succumbed to its members bloodlust and won't be happy until NPO is completely destroyed. Karma went from ending the hegemony to settling scores from long ago and few in Karma seem to care.

In a few weeks, maybe the leaders of the 18 alliances that make up Karma will manage to find a way to get acceptable terms together. Probably not though.

How come it's bloodlust to exterminate the most violent and warlike alliance in the history of Bob? Couldn't you claim peacekeeping? Maybe there new charter should be like Japans and have an article 9 declaring them unable to have a military forever and be pro-peace. They did that to the GPA you know. They neutered the neutral alliance that had never been in a single war ever. Never put an alliance out of existence, never did half the many wrongs P has done. It's not bloodlust to want 'em wiped off bob, it's kind of reasonable. They shouldn't be pzi/ezi, just neutered. They can't handle the power. They always abused it, and usually for bad or flimsy reasons. Mostly for fun I imagine.

So these terms... don't do any of that they allow P to continue. Seems mighty mighty kind to me considering the long history of just insane sh*t NPO has pulled on bob. If they had to write an honest book about what as an alliance P was guilty for they would fill more pages than any other alliance, they would fill volumes of books.

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I think you'll find a lot of Karma does care, but, unfortunately, not in the manner you want them to.

Oh, I have no doubt that many of them care to see the NPO disbanded and many of its members put on EZI/PZI/ZI/whatever list they want. Whether or not they'd have the fortitude to actually follow through is what some people doubt.

What I meant is that while some in Karma are disturbed at the lengths Karma will go to destroy the NPO, most take it was a smile and try to justify it instead of stand up to the NPO must be dismantled sentiment.

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How come it's bloodlust to exterminate the most violent and warlike alliance in the history of Bob? Couldn't you claim peacekeeping? Maybe there new charter should be like Japans and have an article 9 declaring them unable to have a military forever and be pro-peace. They did that to the GPA you know. They neutered the neutral alliance that had never been in a single war ever. Never put an alliance out of existence, never did half the many wrongs P has done. It's not bloodlust to want 'em wiped off bob, it's kind of reasonable. They shouldn't be pzi/ezi, just neutered. They can't handle the power. They always abused it, and usually for bad or flimsy reasons. Mostly for fun I imagine.

So these terms... don't do any of that they allow P to continue. Seems mighty mighty kind to me considering the long history of just insane sh*t NPO has pulled on bob. If they had to write an honest book about what as an alliance P was guilty for they would fill more pages than any other alliance, they would fill volumes of books.




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