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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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I find it funny that you get all your info from a Wiki source XD

Either way, we never attacked our UJP allies. We allowed them to be destroyed yes, but many alliances have had to make tough decisions between allies in past and current wars - we chose our blood brothers over our other allies. It was a sad decision, but it certainly wasn't what we wanted.

You didn't just allow them to be destroyed, you plotted behind their backs and ignored all your treaties once the shots were fired then proceeded to attack their side.

Your attempt to cover that up is laughable at best.

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I find it funny that you get all your info from a Wiki source XD

Yet your alliance is the author of almost all CN wiki articles containing information about NPO, and you guys probably have a team dedicated to keeping the info "unbias" (which in reality is bias towards your alliance).

Its amazing how clueless the average member of NPO is about the world of CN, and this whole time I thought NPO had superior education programs.

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You didn't just allow them to be destroyed, you plotted behind their backs and ignored all your treaties once the shots were fired then proceeded to attack their side.

Your attempt to cover that up is laughable at best.

They didnt just ignore treaties, they violated them.

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Alright, try NAAC, LUE, \m/, or one of at least a dozen others. Are you really this dense?

Repeated declarations of war/eternal wars/consistent attempts to destroy specific communities don't count, I guess.

NPO releasing ONOS - Link

NAAC - Link - Don't see any mention of NPO in there.

LUE - "On April 6, 2007, LUEnited Nations announced their disbanding on the CyberNations forums, citing the fact that [OOC]"CN has become too boring.[OOC]"

\m/ -

[08:15.40] <|Jason8|> If I can ask, what will it cost \m/ to continue to exist as an alliance?

[08:18.14] <~sponge_afk> You have to disband to minimum military forever, including improvements, and become an eternal tech farm for Polaris.

[08:18.28] <~sponge_afk> With an appointed Polar Viceroy.

[08:19.08] <|Jason8|> You're kidding, right?

[08:19.37] <~sponge_afk> Not in the slightest.

[08:21.00] <|Jason8|> Got anything else?

[08:21.51] <~sponge_afk> A personal apology to every single member of the New Polar Order, each individually written and apropriately personalized.

[08:22.08] <|Jason8|> ...

[08:28.04] <|Jason8|> You cannot expect me to accept either of those.

[08:34.07] <~sponge_afk> Did you really think when it came down to it I would be at all charitable?

[08:34.38] <|Jason8|> Oh hell no.

[08:34.53] <|Jason8|> I just thought you might let us exist.

[08:36.11] <~sponge_afk> I will under the terms offered above.

[08:36.32] <|Jason8|> I guess this is over, then.

[08:36.43] <~sponge_afk> Yes, it is.

Session Close: Wed Sep 19 20:37:00 2007

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I did not kill this man. Yes I shot him in the head, but any death was incidental. Please adjust your phrasing accordingly.

I've long marvelled at Polaris being the Order with the 1984 theme.

Karma doesn't want us dead. They just want us to die the same as when we allegedly killed everyone else in the game (at least twice, and thrice on Sundays).

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You didn't just allow them to be destroyed, you plotted behind their backs and ignored all your treaties once the shots were fired then proceeded to attack their side.

Your attempt to cover that up is laughable at best.

Well, maybe before you get all indignant over things that happened months and months ago, go talk to your allies who did the same thing recently. Then you can whine and moan all you want. For someone seemingly so bitter who what the NPO didn't do in the Unjust War, what are your thoughts on your alliance being closely allied to the alliance led by the man who actually dropped the axe on \m/?

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NPO releasing ONOS - Link

NAAC - Link - Don't see any mention of NPO in there.

LUE - "On April 6, 2007, LUEnited Nations announced their disbanding on the CyberNations forums, citing the fact that [OOC]"CN has become too boring.[OOC]"

\m/ -

That is the reason LUE disbanded. For sure. Your knowledge of history is amazing.

Sorry, I don't know much about the others, besides NAAC which your reasoning I just laugh at and don't even want to go into the varied reasons why NAAC disbanded, one of which was NPO and their hatred of us.

I suggest reading the whole ONOS thread as well :)

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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NPO releasing ONOS - Link

Read my previous posts.

NAAC - Link - Don't see any mention of NPO in there.

I trust you weren't there for this, then.

LUE - "On April 6, 2007, LUEnited Nations announced their disbanding on the CyberNations forums, citing the fact that [OOC]"CN has become too boring.[OOC]"

Do I even have to say anything about this?

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That is the reason LUE disbanded. For sure. Your knowledge of history is amazing.

Sorry, I don't know much about the others, besides NAAC which your reasoning I just laugh at and don't even want to go into the varied reasons why NAAC disbanded, one of which was NPO and their hatred of us.

Sorry, I don't have the time to dig through the old forums and find everything; Enlighten us. Please give us logs and whatnot showing why NAAC disbanded. If you wish, feel free to send them to me. I'm dying to find out. [OOC] It's the history major in me. I'm paying for it; glad it has some use. :lol1: [OOC]

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NPO releasing ONOS - Link

NAAC - Link - Don't see any mention of NPO in there.

LUE - "On April 6, 2007, LUEnited Nations announced their disbanding on the CyberNations forums, citing the fact that [OOC]"CN has become too boring.[OOC]"

\m/ -

You clearly weren't around when any of this happened then.

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Well, maybe before you get all indignant over things that happened months and months ago, go talk to your allies who did the same thing recently. Then you can whine and moan all you want. For someone seemingly so bitter who what the NPO didn't do in the Unjust War, what are your thoughts on your alliance being closely allied to the alliance led by the man who actually dropped the axe on \m/?

What did my allies do wrong recently, pray tell.

Also I hate it, pretty much why I'll be leaving soon enough.

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NPO should be worshipping the alliances at war with them for being so generous. NPO has no clue how lucky it is that they have decided to be merciful and impose lenient terms compared to the harshness of terms NPO has historically given (LUE, NAAC, LoSS, GATO, Legion, MK, etc).<------More of the past, But this is about OV and being attacked by NPOsure <_<
I've never made any bones about it.

We can't trust the NPO to behave them selves, so we have to reduce you to a point where you have no choice but to behave and conduct your selves like decent neighbours on Planet Bob.

We? who is we? You dont look like a member of OV and I think that is who NPO attacked but I could be wrong

NPO has years of history of throwing its weight around to the detriment of just about everybody else, regardless if they are or were your allies, hell you even back stabbed Polaris.You can't even be trusted to treat your own brothers well! And you wonder why you end up with harsh terms? You can't be trusted any further than we can throw you, and sanctioned alliances don't throw very far.<------ More reasons for what is being done that have nothing to do with OV

So OV do you feel used yet?

From what I can see this war has nothing, and had nothing to do with the fact NPO attacked OV.

The reparations being asked for have nothing to do with NPO attacking OV, Karmas reasons for any actions involving NPO stem from past actions taken by the NPO against other alliances altogether.

Take it from one who knows what it’s like to be used OV, you have been.

From the spy intell that was passed on to you, the peace negotiations that you did not get to run to keep the war from starting, and the terms given to all the alliances that came to fight for NPO that I’m sure Karma didn’t ask your opinion on,

Even now I don’t see OV in any of this as far as the reparations being asked for. They are the alliance that was attacked! Don’t you think that reps should be left up to them and the rest of you that came in to help them should be happy with what they feel is fair and just? No I don’t think so because OV was used and it’s sad to see it from those that say they are here to change things.

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Read my previous posts.

Link? It's hard to read everything. I've read ~75% of this thread and its difficult keeping everything in order.

I trust you weren't there for this, then.

I came to power on Feb. 13, 2007. So I caught the end of it and thought I was relatively well informed. But I've also asked for clarification and will do so again. If you have something to add, please enlighten me/us.

Do I even have to say anything about this?

Yes. That I rock. That would be awesome. And I would greatly appreciate it.

Edit: I did it wrong.

Edited by Brandon Simonson
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Sorry, I don't have the time to dig through the old forums and find everything; Enlighten us. Please give us logs and whatnot showing why NAAC disbanded. If you wish, feel free to send them to me. I'm dying to find out. [OOC] It's the history major in me. I'm paying for it; glad it has some use. :lol1: [OOC]

OOC: Oh good god no. I am not going onto those forums again to dig up these logs yet again showing the terms that we were offered and Grub's decision to disband NAAC after GATO abandoned them at war. Plus, seeing that this is a public forum, I will not post private logs without asking the permission of people who were involved in them, some of who have left the game. Ask me again in a month and I'll have worked on it a bit more, but I promise nothing. It is really a complicated situation, but NpO/NPO were not the main factor in it, they just caused it by going to war.

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Go cry about the peace terms somewhere else.

I could have swore I heard an annoying buzzing noise, it must have been something utterly insignificant.

Straylight, wasn't GOON's also considered blood brothers, much like Polaris, at the time?

Yes, but a choice had to be made. We chose our absolute closest allies... for some reason we chose Sponge... in hindsight, probably a horrible idea.

You didn't just allow them to be destroyed, you plotted behind their backs and ignored all your treaties once the shots were fired then proceeded to attack their side.

Your attempt to cover that up is laughable at best.

GOLD aided FAN... So we killed them. We helped Polaris once we were committed in the war yes, but in an advisory position. We never attacked \m/, GOONS, or any of the UJP.

Yet your alliance is the author of almost all CN wiki articles containing information about NPO, and you guys probably have a team dedicated to keeping the info "unbias" (which in reality is bias towards your alliance).

Its amazing how clueless the average member of NPO is about the world of CN, and this whole time I thought NPO had superior education programs.

Uh yeah, all alliances with any sort of organization manage their Wiki articles. You're attempt at slander is pretty transparent, considering you clearly know nothing about the Pacific. If you can't post with substance stop making this thread longer, i.e. get lost.

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Illuminati and NEO, but I guess if there is a "change of heart" it is all alright.

I am tasting this new recipe first hand. I must say, I don't see much of a difference, but your taste buds may be better than mine.

I know it's from a few pages back, but:

RoK didn't force NEO to disband. Due to inactivity and incompetent leadership, NEO had been rotting from the inside well before RoK attacked. As a former member of NEO, I don't harbor any ill will towards Ragnarok for them attacking NEO.

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GOLD aided FAN... So we killed them. We helped Polaris once we were committed in the war yes, but in an advisory position. We never attacked \m/, GOONS, or any of the UJP.

You've helped polaris since before the war started. Ignored treaties, lied, and plotted behind our backs which violated said treaties. Are you seriously trying to spin this?

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I know it's from a few pages back, but:

RoK didn't force NEO to disband. Due to inactivity and incompetent leadership, NEO had been rotting from the inside well before RoK attacked. As a former member of NEO, I don't harbor any ill will towards Ragnarok for them attacking NEO.

There goes most of Letum's argument :P

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I know it's from a few pages back, but:

RoK didn't force NEO to disband. Due to inactivity and incompetent leadership, NEO had been rotting from the inside well before RoK attacked. As a former member of NEO, I don't harbor any ill will towards Ragnarok for them attacking NEO.

I'm pretty sure you could say the same about the alliances that fought us and disbanded, at least about the incompetent leadership part.

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OOC: Oh good god no. I am not going onto those forums again to dig up these logs yet again showing the terms that we were offered and Grub's decision to disband NAAC after GATO abandoned them at war. Plus, seeing that this is a public forum, I will not post private logs without asking the permission of people who were involved in them, some of who have left the game. Ask me again in a month and I'll have worked on it a bit more, but I promise nothing. It is really a complicated situation, but NpO/NPO were not the main factor in it, they just caused it by going to war.

Doesn't that right there completely ruin your argument? By your own admission, NpO/NPO weren't the main factor in the disbandment of NAAC. The inference I draw is that there was already a large problem in NAAC. If a problem was already existing, then the war likely only exacerbated the already existing issue. How does the make the NPO responsible?

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