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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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So which alliance should we hit?

I think you may be starting to get it. If you're going to have to suffer 14 days of war you guys might as well be smart enough to make your enemies pay (even just a little bit) for forcing the term on you.

Oh, and to answer your question: GGA :)

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Did you know that little red arrow in the white box which appears in the quote bar can take you back to the quoted text?

I invite you go use that little arrow to go back to page 139 where the entire issue (of which you are not understanding based on your response,) takes place. The sum up is:

Haf: The game is gonna go on pause till the NPO rebuilds and that's gonna stink

See: No, there's a lot of drama brewing

Haf: Yeah, but the NPO will be on the sidelines for all that while it rebuilds, and so are their allies (implication on Invitca.)

See (and others): The heck are you talking about?! Is the NPO the ONLY treaty you care about?!?!

Haf: ...

This is not what I said. Sigh.

Does anyone have basic reading comprehension anymore...

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It's quite funny how easy it is for some people to say rather silly remarks without even knowing it. I wonder if he even knows how ridiculous the entirety of his statement was.

Looking at his Alliance, I dont think so.

150 Pages in less than 48 hours...

o/ Moo!

Amazing how far stupidity goes these days.

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I think you may be starting to get it. If you're going to have to suffer 14 days of war you guys might as well be smart enough to make your enemies pay (even just a little bit) for forcing the term on you.

Oh, and to answer your question: GGA :)

Well I guess we could hit who is hitting us the most, and that would be RoK. They have almost 3x the wars with us than that of Sparta and yet not as many people. But then again I dont know who is getting reps. So maybe we should hit whoever is taking the biggest reps. Maybe we should try and make FoK lose their sanction, I mean VE and RoK lost theirs already. Maybe we should hit whoever we feel like.

I got an idea lets have a civil war


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Well I guess we could hit who is hitting us the most, and that would be RoK. They have almost 3x the wars with us than that of Sparta and yet not as many people. But then again I dont know who is getting reps. So maybe we should hit whoever is taking the biggest reps. Maybe we should try and make FoK lose their sanction, I mean VE and RoK lost theirs already. Maybe we should hit whoever we feel like.

I got an idea lets have a civil war


You gotta admit, hitting GGA would have a certain element of hilarity.

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TSI, and i would say MCXA.

Oh man TSI's terms were brutal, they had to sell tech!!! at market rates!!. Never before have such awful terms been handed down. With regard to MCXA they had to pay 10k in reps, peanuts for an alliance of that size. MK regularly sent out more than that per cycle while we paid reps.

Edited by Sandwich Controversy
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This is not what I said. Sigh.

Does anyone have basic reading comprehension anymore...

Let's see:

I just don't think putting the political game on pause for a year because too many people are scared of the NPO is a good idea.
Haf: The game is gonna go on pause till the NPO rebuilds and that's gonna stink

His summary about right to me. Let's go on.

There's plenty of room for politics outside of the NPO. There's been enough drama stirring within karma for the last month or so that I'm sure we'll see something interesting come of that before NPO is in a possition of power again.
See: No, there's a lot of drama brewing

Once again a pretty apt summary

There are an awful lot of people tied politically to the NPO. You want to make us watchers, that's fine. We'll enjoy our popcorn I'm sure.
Haf: Yeah, but the NPO will be on the sidelines for all that while it rebuilds, and so are their allies (implication on Invitca.)

Once again he hit pretty much exactly what you said.

But please, keep digging and trying to claim you said something else. You may have meant something else but what you said very clearly implied exactly what everyone else read into it.

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I just don't think putting the political game on pause for a year because too many people are scared of the NPO is a good idea.

1) Haflinger says putting the political game on hold for a year would be a bad idea, indiciating we do not intend to jus "wait for NPO to come back"

There are an awful lot of people tied politically to the NPO. You want to make us watchers, that's fine. We'll enjoy our popcorn I'm sure.

2) When Karma starts biting at eachother, we'll be happy to watch from the outside.

No, but our relationship with them is important, and when they're under surrender terms isn't an appropriate time to discuss it with them.

And there are other factors at work that you don't know anything about, that I'm not going to go into here.

3) As stated, Our relationship is important and we intend to wait for them to figure out what theyre doing before we make any drastic changes to it, unlike other alliances who will edit, suspend or cancel treaties at the drop of a hat.

So...where again did haf say that NPO was our ONLY important treaty? I only see him mentioning that it is important, which as I said before, every treaty is to us.

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TSI, and i would say MCXA.

TSI is being paid for the tech they are giving. The TFO and IS are helping them rebuild with that money.

The MCXA has to destroy its military improvements (something that they'd probably do anyway) and pay rather modest reps.

Tell me why those terms are harsh.

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Depends on whether or not you want to have -40% on collection.

Hell, even more after those first 5 days of hiding in PM. Between the penalties from PM, and the GC penalites... that's just insane amount of income loss. Stupid to keep em sure, but what else should we expect from an alliance who's been crying the whole thread, that they don't want to war, because they'll get nuked THREE times a day.

o/ NPO not understanding game mechanics.

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This is not what I said. Sigh.

Does anyone have basic reading comprehension anymore...

No that is basically what you said. Before you insult people's reading comprehension you should work on some writing comprehension.

You said that politics in this game are going to go on hold until NPO rebuilds and that Invicta's foreign policy is solely dependent on the NPO.


I just don't think putting the political game on pause for a year because too many people are scared of the NPO is a good idea.

There are an awful lot of people tied politically to the NPO. You want to make us watchers, that's fine. We'll enjoy our popcorn I'm sure.

If you would like to clarify your seemingly clear statements, please be our guest and do so.

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TSI is being paid for the tech they are giving. The TFO and IS are helping them rebuild with that money.

The MCXA has to destroy its military improvements (something that they'd probably do anyway) and pay rather modest reps.

Tell me why those terms are harsh.

Oh, oh I know!

MCXA's terms are harsh because they had to stop ZIing their own members. How dare Karma stop their purges.

Edited by Aurion
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How can you say we have been hiding in peace mode if you guys cant KEEP us in war mode when we come out to play?

I don't think anybody denied that staggering has been a failure for the most part, hence why the two week term is even there. You can either remain in peace mode, or come out for two weeks of fun. Had they been successful at keeping you in war mode, you wouldn't have received that term. It's pretty much the same thing, albeit the this two week version is a bit more in your advantage.

The point is the bulk of those nations in peace mode aren't cycling. They just sit there. What do you call that?

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How can you say we have been hiding in peace mode if you guys cant KEEP us in war mode when we come out to play?

Cause you spent 5 days in war mode and then ran right back into hippy mode. Forgive us for missing a nation or two when we have to focus on your more numerous smaller nations.

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Hey now, not just everyone can do this.

I mean hell, not even GGA got this far.

That's just because they had someone get it locked for them by posting nude pictures. I think the NPO is much more noble then GGA and noble enough NOT to do that :P

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