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Joint Announcememnt from DAAN, DOA, GDI, IOTA, and NRM

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July 20....can we call the pool Operation Valkyrie?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't CoMA 1.0 fly apart when one or more of its signatories attacked another signatory? (I know, I know....it's probably on the Wiki, but it's more fun to learn this way.)

Pretty sure you're right, although I haven't had my mandatory pot of coffee yet, so my mind is still a little cloudy.

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July 20....can we call the pool Operation Valkyrie?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't CoMA 1.0 fly apart when one or more of its signatories attacked another signatory? (I know, I know....it's probably on the Wiki, but it's more fun to learn this way.)

I believe it disbanded right after the so-called Christmas War when the bloc banded together against one signatory.

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To build on kingzog's question, I would like to formally request that the signatories of this bloc open a formal "Q&A" post. This will better inform the at large public of the plans and thought processes of said signatories as well as give us a very good discourse with the people involved in development and creation of this new bloc.

Them doing this would be as bad as GGA announcing anything

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Them doing this would be as bad as GGA announcing anything

Dependant on your point of view yes, however I dont dismiss out of hand the potential of a Q & A from this bloc. I for one found COMA to be a beacon of entertainment in an otherwise bleek landscape when they were out and about regularly.

Anyway, a formal request isnt really necessary I have no doubt we will be hearing more from them soon.

July 20th right? ;)

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Dependant on your point of view yes, however I dont dismiss out of hand the potential of a Q & A from this bloc. I for one found COMA to be a beacon of entertainment in an otherwise bleek landscape when they were out and about regularly.

Anyway, a formal request isnt really necessary I have no doubt we will be hearing more from them soon.

July 20th right? ;)

Oh I was just playing devil's advocate and kinda hinting against the idea for their sake. I'm sure the entertainment would be delicious, but not all PR is good PR.

And yes, i'll be marking the date in my calendar lol

Edited by hizzy
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Dependant on your point of view yes, however I dont dismiss out of hand the potential of a Q & A from this bloc. I for one found COMA to be a beacon of entertainment in an otherwise bleek landscape when they were out and about regularly.

Anyway, a formal request isnt really necessary I have no doubt we will be hearing more from them soon.

July 20th right? ;)

Do it guyz :awesome:

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Independence Day War?

That gives the bloc less than a month at life :(

They obviously like to have their "wars" on holidays. July 4th could be the day the CoMA 2.0 Civil War begins, or maybe it will be the "Fathers Day War". I'm sure they will find a perfect holiday for them. :P

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erase my signature as to i am no longer apart of NRM..i am with CBS

Typically once a document is signed by authorized representatives, their signature remains on the document even after they leave the alliance. It's more to symbolize that the alliance's proper government agreed to the pact, rather than to mean that each individual person still holds to it.

(ooc: you certainly don't see George Bush trying to scribble his name with crayons all over the Declaration of Independence... though I'm sure he tried)

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Simply put, allow me to clarify why CoMA fell apart (since many don't seem to have the full understanding of why):

- The Christmas War (TCW) started after SPA found proof of UNSC spying on an alliance allied to theirs. TCW didn't involve all CoMA signatories, just GDI and TUON against UNSC...the remaining alliances attacking UNSC were part of a bloc that GDI was also a part of for a short time, the Warsaw Micro-Coalition. TCW pulled GDI out of the equation as we sided with SPA via personal (alliance-to-alliance) relations. (SPA/GDI MDAP > CoMA MDoAP)

- After Hedgemon Rob and Cowman were found trying to create a spy organization of their own, MARS and REC were quickly shut down. Since Cowman was basically the more leadership-based representative, this put the bloc in yet another (yet slighter in comparison) difficulty. This discovery opened alot of eyes about CoMA, and pointed to CoMA's involvement in Cowman/Rob's plans.

- Personally I'm not sure about CT, but from what I've heard they pulled out afterwards. And of course, leaving only UNSC (which fell apart and reformed as yet another "Nod" alliance), and TUON (led by a character who thinks splitting your alliance in half and calling the new half a "colony" is a good idea to solve internal issues, only to find that your government had the same idea), CoMA was practically hopeless.

- And hell, may as well as pitch it out there too. Unlike what most seem to say, TCW wasn't a GDI-led war. tl;dr - UNSC spies on Jama, they get away, SPA gets intelligence from UNSC forums of the spy op, SPA asks us for help via MDAP, we join in. Not "we find the intelligence, rally a bunch of socialist/communist-based alliances and attack".

Needless to say, I've gotten to know the other signatories of this pact to varying degrees, and I see it as safe to say that we have no potential spy rings, "misinformed" leaders, or internal issues within the bloc. And no, we're not planning a war for the next holiday...don't bother with the bets. ;)

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Needless to say, I've gotten to know the other signatories of this pact to varying degrees, and I see it as safe to say that we have no potential spy rings, "misinformed" leaders, or internal issues within the bloc. And no, we're not planning a war for the next holiday...don't bother with the bets. ;)

After I finish dying laughing, I think I'll save this little bit for a rainy day.

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Needless to say, I've gotten to know the other signatories of this pact to varying degrees, and I see it as safe to say that we have no potential spy rings, "misinformed" leaders, or internal issues within the bloc. And no, we're not planning a war for the next holiday...don't bother with the bets. ;)

What, not a holiday? Hmm, 3 million on 22 June it is then.

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