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Number of Alliances in your CN "career"



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I started in ACDC, about 2 months in Crappygate followed by a coup pretty much crippled the alliance since our beloved leader was forced to leave the game and well the coup made everyone not trust each other, so we merged with BPS to make BDC,. All was good until about this time last year, then Zzzptm tried a political stunt which would have worked if not a set of logs were leaked, unfortunately him not informing the rest of the alliance of the stunt ahead of time ruined most of our trust in him for the time being. After that BDC struggled which lead to the Black Dagger incident in which BDC was accused of spying on NPO without substantial proof, and luckily Dilber let us start negotiations for a merge in which we finally did to make DE. But unfortunately two of the tri had resigned for RL reasons leaving us with one tri and without the gov solidified, and that tri staged a mini-coup to make it an Imperial system, and after months of arguing with the gov members who at the time were blind of the path I finally left to go to a place i could really call home, The Dark Templar.

so in the end you could say i was in 4, or 2 since the first 3 were just merges

also the second question is to vauge, if someone was in lets say... 6 or so alliances within a given year, i would have a problem, but 6 alliances in 3 years is another story

Edited by Fort Pitt
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Well technically I've been in 10. However if you count the number of times I've left an alliance willingly that would be 2, making it 3 alliances I've been in.

SUA (merged into The Federation)

The Federation (disbanded from inactivity)

NAAC (disbanded from GW3)

Sanctum (left willingly for \m/)

\m/ (disbanded from UJW)

Atlantis (disbanded from things)

VE (left to form Hyperion)

Manticore (camped out there while forming Hyperion, then they merged into Hyperion)

Hyperion (merged into GR)

GR (currently there)

So I left Sanctum and VE willingly, and sort of \m/ in a way because I left 2 days before they disbanded. I don't have a problem with people that have been in more than 5 alliances if they've been playing the game since 2006, but if they started in 2008 or later then it says something about their dedication.

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To date, just lil ole RIA.

I also don't have particular problems with people who go from alliance to alliance, it all just depends on the circumstances. If it's cause you don't think you fit someplace or there's something different you wanna try, more power to ya.

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Ive been in three..

CDC (merged into TCB) (6 months)

Molon Labe (2 yrs)

TPF (3 months)

Molon Labe (current)

In my opinion randomly hopping around isn't the best thing but if I just never feel 'at home' or I do not like the direction my alliance is going I have no problem with submitting a resignation. If it isn't working out then it isn't working out. No sense staying just because,

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Just one (Not including Sparta Academy).

As for the second question, it depends on why and when they left. I often do have a problem with it. Sparta has gone in directions I haven't been behind before and likely will again. I try to bring my alliance around to where I want it. I don't leave it because I disagree with it (or worse because it will cost me pixels). I don't drop an alliance that has helped me simply because it doesn't do what I personally want. I think it's selfish and disloyal. I try to improve my alliance. Ask not what your alliance can do for you and what not.

o/ Doxa Sparte \o

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TORN and then umbrella.

Not much considering I've been playing over a year and only recently did I join umbrella.

As for 5+, everyone plays the game differently. Some like to get into as many cultures as they can. Some like where they are.

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One alliance, IRON (976 days). Sometimes you get lucky and find the best ones right away.

As for being in more then five, it really depends on the reasons for leaving. If you are a player that primarily isn't interested in bending people to your own will or inflating your ego, you should be able to find a home that suites you by the third or forth time. Any more then that and you’re probably not going to get the level of trust you may be looking for.

On the other extreme, if you're an egomaniac you may end up bouncing around a lot trying to find a group to subvert or at least put up with your antics…

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I'll echo the sentiments of Random, Doitzel, and Sponge, in that I've also been in 4 alliances in a similarly long period of time playing the game.

- LUE for about 3/4 of a year, alliance disbanded.

- CDS for all of 2-3 days, because I helped coup it but left due to a lack of interest and still being PZI thanks to WUT. It's worth noting they've also since disbanded.

- GOONS for a good what...4 months? I left under orders to form Mushroom Kingdom, so I'm not sure you can count that as alliance hopping :P (they've also since disbanded)

- Mushroom Kingdom for a month shy of two years.

I can't really imagine still bothering to play the game should MK somehow perish.

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Personally I have been in three different alliances. I left the New Pacific Order after six months, because I wanted to meet new people and left on good terms with a promise that I'll return eventually. With the experience I had gained in the New Pacific Order, both as a writer, instructor of the academy and community worker, I joined Ordo Verde. I choose a small alliance that had no issues with my previous alliance, and it seemed like a place where I could contribute. Alas I bade farewell to good friends once again. I sought an established alliance because I could no longer find time to contribute as much as I wanted. Then I joined the Viridian Entente. Good standings with both my previous alliances, and with another month of experience, I easily established connections with many good friends there - and I have been there ever since.

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I think I have been unaligned for a bit in between alliances.. I remember it because someone PM'd me telling me I was the strongest unaligned nation, and wondered if I wanted to make my own alliance. :P

You suck Smash!! lol

3 for me, I started at GDA because smashbro told me too, then went to Polaris because Smash was there, then he went to NPO and I didn't like them so I didn't follow... then after Polaris, I went to STA where I will remain until the end.

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