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The Heart of Echelon

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Paying reps and recovering from being reduced to 1 fifth our former size is not enough of a deterrent to ensure that we are no threat against Karma alliances anymore? You really have to dismantle our heavy hitters who have the tech amount to induce at least some kind of damaging effect in our enemies? You might as well tell us all to reroll, it would have the same effect of cripling Echelon's military abilities.

Erm Newsflash, thats exactly the point, do you really think that Karma are going to allow you to rebuild faster by keeping your tech? knowing fine well that if given the opportunity to attack, you would.

I really can't see the problem in nations over 1k tech paying it back ? Please I'm having trouble trying to understand why you would throw away lenient terms for the sake of having nations paying back reps? You know that the terms if refused will be even harsher than the first. Which only brings you down, so instead of having the well being of your members at heart and getting them out of war, you instead want to not pay and condemn them to destruction. If anyones forcing re-rolls on there members, ITS YOU.

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Echelon is willing to pay reparations.

The amount that they'll be capable of paying is steadily decreasing with each day of war.

GOD insists on very specific terms that they know Echelon will not accept.

GOD gets to take Echelon into perpetual war and claim the moral high ground because they turned down the terms.

It's extremely transparent, and knowing GOD's leadership, they've got some grudges, and would almost surely rather see Echelon destroyed than to actually grant them peace of any kind. What's the point of such a specific term? If it wasn't created simply because you all knew it would be turned down, then what purpose does it serve? It's quite evident that you don't want your blood money like other alliances. You want the blood instead. Why drag all those alliances to the table if you already know what you want? You want this war to continue until Echelon is dust. Why waste everyone's time, Xiphosis?

Karma's a b@#$%*.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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I know this post is old, but it cracked me up. I feel the need to share that.

Awwww, this is cute. It looks like little Tela is all growd up now and has discovered "losing a war".

You lost a war, you have to surrender. You should not be saddled with harsh and demeaning terms, no. But you still have to pay the price for losing and that price is not "white peace have a nice day". Unless of course your opponent wants to take your leash over post-war. Your previous leash holder is a smoking ruin, and it's not like Echelon can lead itself.

Okay look, we have tried to explain this on several occasions. Tela's old nation is gone. When she quit, she also gave up any power she had in Echelon. You have a diplomat floating around. Send the guy over, get a copy of the damned Constitution. While you are at it feel free to check her mask on our boards, and Caffine's for that matter. They are in no way, shape, or form involved with us. To continually use this old guilt by association chestnut after a year or better makes you sound like someone who can't let go of a personal grudge. That is just sad.

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Erm Newsflash, thats exactly the point, do you really think that Karma are going to allow you to rebuild faster by keeping your tech? knowing fine well that if given the opportunity to attack, you would.

I really can't see the problem in nations over 1k tech paying it back ? Please I'm having trouble trying to understand why you would throw away lenient terms for the sake of having nations paying back reps? You know that the terms if refused will be even harsher than the first. Which only brings you down, so instead of having the well being of your members at heart and getting them out of war, you instead want to not pay and condemn them to destruction. If anyones forcing re-rolls on there members, ITS YOU.

No you don't understand, they feel as if they should have a say in the reparations.

It's a two way street to them, you see....

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Which is simply not true. Most nations now in peace mode have fought long and hard. A handful remained in peace mode this entire conflict, but they had understandable RL issues with their families and loved ones. Paying reps and recovering from being reduced to 1 fifth our former size is not enough of a deterrent to ensure that we are no threat against Karma alliances anymore? You really have to dismantle our heavy hitters who have the tech amount to induce at least some kind of damaging effect in our enemies? You might as well tell us all to reroll, it would have the same effect of cripling Echelon's military abilities.

Hardly. 35K tech can be regained within a few months, if that. That's 700 aid packages / 85 members = 8 deals per member. That can be accomplished in, what, a few cycles?

You act like we're asking for something you couldn't possibly handle. Sounds to me like you're underestimating your alliance a little.

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Okay look, we have tried to explain this on several occasions. Tela's old nation is gone. When she quit, she also gave up any power she had in Echelon. You have a diplomat floating around. Send the guy over, get a copy of the damned Constitution. While you are at it feel free to check her mask on our boards, and Caffine's for that matter. They are in no way, shape, or form involved with us. To continually use this old guilt by association chestnut after a year or better makes you sound like someone who can't let go of a personal grudge. That is just sad.

He shoots, he misses. The point that is.

The point is the following: Your alliance wants to claim how honorable they've been all along. That they've always done the right thing. When clearly, that is not the case... at all... or even close. You've had leaders that were rash, to say the last. Your alliance did things that were, let's say questionable. And now you want to come on here and state how great and honorable you were. It's a funny joke if that's what you were going for. Ask BLEU if Echelon was an honorable ally. LOL. So my question is this: Why would you give white peace to an alliance that clearly does not deserve it, and furthermore was a good little puppet to exactly what we're trying to extradite from CN? The term is Karma my friend. It may not be immediate, but it will come back to bite you in the $@!. And this, is a grade A case of the such.

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Everyone knows, it would just be unwise to give Echelon a chance to stand back up. Those guys are insane, and man they never let go of grudges! If you don't crush them now, they will absolutely end you. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next month, but eventually. And a year from now, when you are being crushed underfoot while Echelon laughs maniacally and chases the last of your life away, you'll think back on this moment, when you so very nearly had them in your grip and let them go, and you'll cry out. But it will be too late. It will be over.

Don't let Echelon stand again, they're just too dangerous.

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Okay look, we have tried to explain this on several occasions. Tela's old nation is gone. When she quit, she also gave up any power she had in Echelon. You have a diplomat floating around. Send the guy over, get a copy of the damned Constitution. While you are at it feel free to check her mask on our boards, and Caffine's for that matter. They are in no way, shape, or form involved with us. To continually use this old guilt by association chestnut after a year or better makes you sound like someone who can't let go of a personal grudge. That is just sad.

I believe it is you who have missed the point. I responded to a poster complaining about Echelon's treatment. Anything you saw in my post as attacking Echelon directly is something you invented. You are projecting. I responded directly to Tela, which last I checked I am allowed to do. It looks to me like you are the one here that needs to relax and let go a bit.

Everyone knows, it would just be unwise to give Echelon a chance to stand back up. Those guys are insane, and man they never let go of grudges! If you don't crush them now, they will absolutely end you. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next month, but eventually. And a year from now, when you are being crushed underfoot while Echelon laughs maniacally and chases the last of your life away, you'll think back on this moment, when you so very nearly had them in your grip and let them go, and you'll cry out. But it will be too late. It will be over.

Don't let Echelon stand again, they're just too dangerous.

I don't think anyone is making that argument. Echelon has never been an alliance to "worry about". However it has gleefully taken part in the actions that their allies are being punished for, and they should meet an appropriate fate, in regards to terms.

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I agree with Matt and support this message 100%.

Echelon has never acted uncivil or without honor. We expected the same from all our opponents, however its clear that we expected too much of GOD.

If you're ignoring most of Echelon's history, sure, they've never acted uncivil or without honor.

There's really not much to say that hasn't been said. They were offering individual surrender terms, last I checked, that was a good thing.

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Just a note.

Assuming the mentioned reps of 35K tech, entirely taken from nations with 1K tech or higher, is true.

Echelon currently has 32 nations with 1K tech or higher. Those nations have in total 39,244 tech (yes I ran the numbers). These terms would reduce them to an average of 132.625 tech.

Yeah that's totally with precedent in the history of interalliance conflict.

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I believe it is you who have missed the point. I responded to a poster complaining about Echelon's treatment. Anything you saw in my post as attacking Echelon directly is something you invented. You are projecting. I responded directly to Tela, which last I checked I am allowed to do. It looks to me like you are the one here that needs to relax and let go a bit.

I don't think anyone is making that argument. Echelon has never been an alliance to "worry about". However it has gleefully taken part in the actions that their allies are being punished for, and they should meet an appropriate fate, in regards to terms.

Maybe, whatever, I really don't personally care either way. I have always had difficulty holding Echelon responsible for anything, given how they seemed to behave there for awhile (like, they really didn't seem aware of they were doing). In either case, as with most of the alliances in this war, it's difficult and seems a bit silly to try and hold Echelon fully culpable for every past sin they've committed even as other alliances on both sides are essentially being entirely forgiven, or almost. The entire "make them pay!" mentality just seems silly.

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You must be right. It is in no way like this thread.

The irony of someone from STA posting a private channels FTW message in this situation is... remarkable. (Note that I still think that thread was a good idea on STA's part.)

That aside, GOD needs to get its people on message. Are the reps demands just normal reps demands because NPO attacked OV, GOD's winning the war, and GOD likes reps, or are they because Echelon has a desire to seek revenge on GOD over the Aurora Borealis incident and GOD needs to protect themselves in the future from Echelon's evil? Really, I'm not clear.

Oooh, I know the answer....Who cares? The losers pay reps. Whether its for revenge or for reducing a threat is irrelevant. Why did Athens have to pay almost all of their tech to NPO? Were we a threat? No, we were the losers. We accepted the fate. Paid, rebuilt, and are bigger and better than ever. Reasons for reps are unimportant.

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Just a note.

Assuming the mentioned reps of 35K tech, entirely taken from nations with 1K tech or higher, is true.

Echelon currently has 32 nations with 1K tech or higher. Those nations have in total 39,244 tech (yes I ran the numbers). These terms would reduce them to an average of 132.625 tech.

Yeah that's totally with precedent in the history of interalliance conflict.

You sure about that?

I just ran the numbers up, it comes out to 74,702 tech, which would reduce them to an avg. 1,240 tech. 668 for the entire alliance.

Could be much worse.

Edited by Mixoux
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TOP and TSO have acted extremely honorably and with such valor in this matter, considering how much infra was at stake. Shame on GOD for not believing that Echelon has never acted uncivil or without honor.


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You sure about that?

I just ran the numbers up, it comes out to 74,702 tech, which would reduce them to an avg. 1,240 tech.

Not nearly that bad if you ask me.

I think it's unfair that you are using facts in what is clearly a fantasy inspired debate.

)): Mixoux )):

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There is nothing wrong with the message that GOD sent out. In fact, it is a wonderful propaganda peace for use in war. Did you want GOD to be all cuddly and hand you cookies and hot chocolate in the midst of war? The message was civil and contained nothing that wasn't true... so unless your feelings are hurt because they offered you a way out of the war then I don't see what's wrong.

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