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The Heart of Echelon

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Can someone explain to me how GOD is evil in this topic? Because, frankly, I don't get it.

I'm in GOD, I take great pride in being considered to be evil by some...

But I don't get it either, man.

Edited by Aurion
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I agree with Matt and support this message 100%.

Echelon has never acted uncivil or without honor. We expected the same from all our opponents, however its clear that we expected too much of GOD.

What? You're annoyed at us because we're still offering individual terms, despite your government being too stupid to accept alliance wide terms?

Anyway, suit yourselves. No skin off our backs.

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its no lie that some players of this game have no sense of humor. That particular propaganda was made completely in fun and games, and never has Echelon ever published any propaganda formed with malice aforethought. Echelon has always acted with poise and honor and tried to stay on the right side of the line of whats appropriate and whats not appropriate. To compare NoFish's actions with that of Echelon's The Body Bag are like comparing poodles and great bernards. There is no comparision.

Regardless of what Echelon may have done in the past, we never sank to the levels of which NoFish did tonight, and besides, two wrongs never make a right, sinking down to their level makes you just as bad, etc. I can for one say that I'm very disappointed in NoFish's actions tonight and was saddened he stooped to this level.

I dont understand how sending a PM is at a lower level than the propaganda used by Echelon earlier in the war... :huh: please explain that one to me
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Regardless of what Echelon may have done in the past, we never sank to the levels of which NoFish did tonight, and besides, two wrongs never make a right, sinking down to their level makes you just as bad, etc. I can for one say that I'm very disappointed in NoFish's actions tonight and was saddened he stooped to this level.

Explain to me how sending out a PM allowing individuals to surrender is "stooping" to anything? Many would consider that very merciful.

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Wow. That PM wasn't even bad. Trying to ride the coattails of TOP's PR moves doesn't look so well.
It wasn't. It's what I like to call "propaganda."

For you kids who don't understand what "propaganda" is, you can see two very clear and concise examples, here and in the text Matthew117 wrote in the OP.

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This thread is largely useless without the context of GOD's demeanor during the actual peace talks; which contrary to what this mass message implies was made available to every echelon member immediately after they concluded.

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Regardless of what Echelon may have done in the past, we never sank to the levels of which NoFish did tonight, and besides, two wrongs never make a right, sinking down to their level makes you just as bad, etc. I can for one say that I'm very disappointed in NoFish's actions tonight and was saddened he stooped to this level.

Yes because obviously by offering individual peace terms to your nations and telling you where the reps should come from so those big nations wouldn't be an immediate threat despite the fact that they could rebuy the tech at the same rate is so much worse than This Fun Part of Echelon's History

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This thread is largely useless without the context of GOD's demeanor during the actual peace talks; which contrary to what this mass message implies was made available to every echelon member immediately after they concluded.

Care to post them then? Because I've read the peace talks and it doesn't make your thread any more valid or "outrageous" at all.

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I'm afraid that no matter how you try and spin it, very few people are going to consider Echelon anything close to honorable nor will they believe that Echelon is a victim. Too many of us have seen enough contrary evidence to ever buy that.

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Care to post them then? Because I've read the peace talks and it doesn't make your thread any more valid or "outrageous" at all.

I agree.

What you just said makes it worse. That means you didn't have the foresight to see how this would be largely received. How could you not know posting the logs in context, assuming you are right, would help your cause?

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I believe a certain KaitlinK could speak against that, specially with some comments your government made.

I could say something, but...no. She is more than capable of speaking for herself and I have enough respect for her to allow her to do so. This particular thread was made without any foreknowledge of Echelon leadership I would have asked him not to. As to nofish's use of psych out tactics; it is a personal decision. No Fish is within his rights to employ them to whatever end he chooses, but whereas the Echelon membership is being kept up to date on the negotiation process he will find it's efficacy somewhat blunted.

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Echelon has always acted with poise and honor and tried to stay on the right side of the line of whats appropriate and whats not appropriate.

I'll steal a line from the late great Caffiene here.

<Caffine[Echelon]> Well we have evidence that says otherwise

He continues...

<Caffine[Echelon]> KaitlinK[MA] your demeanor is not cute, if you value your alliance and your infra I'd knock it the $%&@ off

<Caffine[Echelon]> Alright Kaitlin here's the deal. Your lying is unnacceptable.

<KaitlinK[MA]> LOL

<Caffine[Echelon]> And it would be in the best interest of your alliance if you didn't lie

Such poise, such class.

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I have very little to say in regards to TOP's actions in abandoning the war due to a minor disagreement. They threatened to do the same earlier, and frankly it's unbefitting of an alliance which is supposed to be fighting for all the right reasons to abandon a war because they don't like what is not a highly undeserved conclusion. I don't want to mar TOP as opportunists but this wreaks of it. The fact that Echelon has been so quick to embrace TOP is more proof of that. If you didn't want to end this war, if you didn't want to break the hegemony, why be apart of it brah?

As for Echelon, you haven't changed much. Running your mouth about the alliance you're at war with for demanding terms, and you don't need me to tell you the history between you alliance and it's allies and GOD and it's allies. You've been nothing but a thorn in their backside.

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This thread is largely useless without the context of GOD's demeanor during the actual peace talks; which contrary to what this mass message implies was made available to every echelon member immediately after they concluded.

Really? I mean, I'm fully prepared to admit that we (especially Xiph) were not exactly friendly. I mean, it's no secret that GOD and Echelon weren't on the best of terms even before open war broke out. There were also a number of issues we considered non-negotiable.

I had simply assumed that Echelon government hadn't made the logs available since they would seem to be a bit of a morale killer for you guys. If I had known I probably wouldn't have felt the need to PM the parties who were most hurt by the rejection of terms to let them know. Admittedly there was an agenda behind my phrasing, but I don't think I said anything untrue and certainly didn't do so knowingly.

(edit; this is just not a good night for me and typing...)

Edited by NoFish
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I agree with Matt and support this message 100%.

Echelon has never acted uncivil or without honor. We expected the same from all our opponents, however its clear that we expected too much of GOD.

I think the buddies you stabbed in the back to get out of a certain war would laugh at your so called honor. The rank and file have every right to know your leaders passed on even making a effort to discuss the terms you've been asking for. Instead of trying to start the haggling process, they instead insisted on talking about meaningless crap. Oh how cute do we have to be? After wasting the time of everyone involved Xiph told you to discuss the terms or we're done speaking with you today, and your rep bailed. You'd think after the weeks of your lot asking for terms, and we finally come up with some to give you, you'd of put some effort into it.

Your members have a right to know your leaders could end this at any second, but instead they choose to make half the alliance fight, while the other half, mostly untouched by war, and certainly unprepared for it judging from the WCs, sit in peace and snuggle with their pixels. Half of the alliance has abandoned the normal folks to their fate. That's some brotherly love right there.

Bottom line, you attacked us, we're not your buddies, we have no interest in being friendly with you after this is done. We didn't come to exchange numbers to chat with you or be BFFs. We've never hid the fact that if you attack us, it's going to be ugly and costly. We don't care what you think of us, you're the enemy. Respect the cruise missiles leaving our silos. Salute our bombers as they pass overhead. Honor our nukes as they light the night sky. I've spoken to several of your folks, and the only one who showed any respect at all had enough sense to leave you to your fate and change AAs, so don't come to us preaching respect when your most famous act is backstabbing a bloc to get cuddly with NPO, or taking a protectorate of MA's failed coup leaders.

Nofish, shame on you. You could of sent a better PM then that, god, you're supposed to LIE in propaganda man, haven't you learned anything from the Hegemony? Ah well, we're trying hard to get down on their level, but our drilling rigs keep breaking down on this real thick layer of BS on the way there.

I could say something, but...no. She is more than capable of speaking for herself and I have enough respect for her to allow her to do so. This particular thread was made without any foreknowledge of Echelon leadership I would have asked him not to. As to nofish's use of psych out tactics; it is a personal decision. No Fish is within his rights to employ them to whatever end he chooses, but whereas the Echelon membership is being kept up to date on the negotiation process he will find it's efficacy somewhat blunted.

Oh my god, a respectful Echelon member? No offense man, but maybe you should go join Allyourbase in Karma POW. You're sticking out like a sore thumb.

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Judging from this you don't.
What do you mean?

I am merely attempting to clarify your post, not stop you from talking altogether. After all, I'm not a co-Director of Echelon. I don't disallow people from talking simply because I don't respect them :v:

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