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IRON Surrenders

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You have a wonderful avy....I had to send it to my friend. Sorry for being offtopic. :P

On topic....yeah, I think we all need to chill out. If you are still a bit stressed from the war, take a step back and think before you post. That goes for both sides. Id much rather keep it civil. Enemies or not, we're all citizens of Bob :)

Lol...why thank you :). I love my avy too.

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That's not even the point. The point is showing class and not throwing someone's friendliness in their face. When people, whom I may dislike, argue a point with me in a friendly manner, I don't go and act unnecessarily aggressive towards them.

That's ok, I can understand the negative feelings.

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That is unfortunate isn't it :P

I'm not naive enough to think there isn't tension here. If you want to release some steam, you should perhaps choose a different target or consider what the consequences are for your image. You may be angry now, but cooling off does wonders.

Apologies. After taking some time off the computer and cooling off I would like to say I am sorry for my words. They do not reflect that true me and I can only hope to be forgiven for them.

@Delgursh - Thanks for trying to rope me in buddy :)

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Article 5


IRON nation aiding other alliances in wars with Karma after this was posted...

Obviously you are posting that to show how evil IRON truly is. We are just waiting in the wings to hop back in this war. You just wait.

Oh, and, thanks for that, because I am SURE no one is watching for that kind of stuff. RoK, Karma, you guys should send him some tech or something for the help.

i witnessed an unprecedented lack of hookers during the 7 months of my stay in IRON <_<

never where trully happy? please. IRON and NPO gov were and probably still are best pals. speaking against NPO made any members looked down upon by gov.

i know for a fact that the main reason why i wasn't promoted to a higher position in the IRON military after it emptied and after 5 months of officer service in that battalion was the scepticism i showed in my posts on the private IRON boards towards NPO.

people in gremlins think that IRON would go against NPO if given a fair chance, but it is mistaken.

i hope it won't cost you in the future.

Oh, come on. You still butt hurt over the fact you couldn't accomplish anything?

I can't believe this thread is still going on. It's pretty obvious no one is being swayed by anyone elses opinions. Get what you have to say out if you really must, and stop whining. RoK isn't going to suddenly become 'enlightened' and go back on their terms. They won, we have to play with what we were dealt. Do we have to like it? Nope. We do however, have to pay it off. Might as well just do it as quickly as possible and get it over with.

Edited by worrgames08
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Article 5


IRON nation aiding other alliances in wars with Karma after this was posted...

First of all, I'm sure RoK, MHA, Gremlins, FCC, Fark ect. have got it under control.

Second of all, that's pretty low of you to point that out.

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Article 5


IRON nation aiding other alliances in wars with Karma after this was posted...

It's only the continuation of an ongoing tech deal, nothing the victorious alliances will get their panties in a bunch over.

It would be a sad commentary on Karma if IRON got re-attacked over that. :rolleyes:

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It's only the continuation of an ongoing tech deal, nothing the victorious alliances will get their panties in a bunch over.

It would be a sad commentary on Karma if IRON got re-attacked over that. :rolleyes:

It'd make Herux the new Chickenzilla. :)

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I can't believe this thread is still going on. It's pretty obvious no one is being swayed by anyone elses opinions. Get what you have to say out if you really must, and stop whining. RoK isn't going to suddenly become 'enlightened' and go back on their terms. They won, we have to play with what we were dealt. Do we have to like it? Nope. We do however, have to pay it off. Might as well just do it as quickly as possible and get it over with.

I have to echo worr's comment here. Keep it classy and professional here, IRON, and let's get on with rep payments and rebuilding and get it over with. The war and the discussion of reps and terms are in the past for us now.

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I'm sure it's some NPO plot to get IRON back into the war.

It's sad commentary that humor as good as that goes unnoticed here.

Also, next time you unleash a plot like this, get them to send it to TPF. kplzthx.

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Meh, this thread should die down now. I think we all got our points out and its pretty settled. I, after all my arguing, can understand why Rok wanted reps. Its not a hard concept to understand their point of view. Everyone in an OWF argument is always at least a little right....or usually a little right :D

If you want to argue....argue about how long it will take us to pay off the reps :P

I'll be dissapointed in you guys if it takes any longer than two cycles.

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