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IRON Surrenders

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This statement below made me laugh.

"b. IRON is encouraged to participate in foreign aid deals with nations of the Alliances of Karma as a demonstration of goodwill and the desire to see all involved nations recover from the recent extermination of billions of innocent pixels."

Below is my favorite part in this (doubt they will fallow this rule in the future only time will tell but I have seen IRON change slightly. only time will tell only time will tell.)

"Article 8.

With the granting of peace to IRON, IRON agrees to grant peace to all nations on Planet Bob. All existing wars, PZI lists, EZI lists, and ZI lists are to be considered null, void, and waived. Clean the slate. It’s considered good karma to forgive old grudges. That way you can be the happy drunk everybody laughs with instead of the mean drunk everybody laughs at."

I wish good luck to IRON and all the karma alliance's in here o/

live long and prosper (and eat green muffins(not the moldy ones))

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IRON, you fought well and I enjoy the nice green tint me and my citizens now have from you nukes.

To those that say that the reps are too harsh: keep in mind IRON wasn't the only one who took damage. :wink:

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Congrats on peace IRON. Considering all the alliances you were fighting, you held managed to stay in and fight honorably for a long time, and have earned my respect watching you.

o/ Karma

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IRON is a force to be reckoned with


It was a great war, all my opponents were great on the battlefield, and i had some nice chats with them.

I hope that i dont have to fight you guys again. :-)


And now i'll have to find me some delicious tech. :ehm:

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Classy move and fair terms by GRE and friends, but not so classy by RoK and puppets. Maybe Rok deserve some reps because they have been attacked, but that much? Also small RoK puppets shouldn't receive any money. Look at GRE and Fark, they took real damage and didn't cried for silly reps.

Also congrats IRON, hope you rebuild fast!

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Classy move and fair terms by GRE and friends, but not so classy by RoK and puppets. Maybe Rok deserve some reps because they have been attacked, but that much? Also small RoK puppets shouldn't receive any money. Look at GRE and Fark, they took real damage and didn't cried for silly reps.

Also congrats IRON, hope you rebuild fast!

Calling RoK's allies puppets is unnecessarily disrespectful at best. Just because they helped RoK through a treaty they're deserving of insult? Well, I suppose you're a puppet of UPN then since you followed them into the war via treaty. I wonder how much FEAR would've demanded had it been attacked and won a war?

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Oh, look at that. Someone actually had the balls to give someone actual terms and not a complete slap on the wrist. Wish they would've gotten stomped on for a tinnnnny bit longer, though. Oh well. Gratz.

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o/ War!

o/ Farkistan!

o/ MHA!

The only opponents who put up any fight against me. Great job!

I'm a bit (okay WAY) too small to have dealt with The Grämlins, though I respect their utter classiness.

I've come away from this with a deep respect for MHA. It is my hope that we can work closely together until that bloody improbability drive starts acting up again.

A special shout out to Fleet I Commander pudge1975. The man is level headed, fair, tough, smart, and a class act. It was an honor to war with you sir, and I'm glad it was you who got the defeat alert against me. Best of luck to you in all your endeavours.

The show of respect amongst the majority of the victors will not be forgotten by me. You backed us as friends throughout the negotiation process. For this, I give you my thanks.

Y'all take care.

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