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Then I pledge that so long as I am Kaiser of Nordreich, he shall never be put into a position of authority.

I thank you for this intel, and sentence you to EZI for having clearly spied on my alliance.

You sir, are not allowed to play cybernations ever again for letting him in your alliance.

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The vid trails off into nothing but soundtrack at the end. I was hoping for some more quotes.

Clearly you need more [OOC] Breakfast Club [/OOC] Anyway if I used every funny quote from our detrators over the last 9 months it'd take up hours. I think those from our DoE were sufficient.

Edited by Schattenmann
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Well with all of these high fives for vox I now say to you all. Take in those members you praise so highly here, put them into your govt. (for as you all so clearly state here, they are men of honor) let them help guide your alliances in the direction that best suits their needs.

Thom, I know you mean well, but Invicta's one of those alliances that has former Vox in its government. Like all alliances, Vox Populi was not a gathering of identical people, and there were some good people there.

I see Schattenmann is up to his old tricks of repeating what I'm saying, claiming I didn't say it, and arguing that I'm wrong as a result. :v:

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Heck, even as a member of the Phoenix Federation, Vox's sworn enemy so-to-speak, I wish to pay my respects.

I fought several Vox nations throughout the war, and all were considerably pleasant and nice to speak with. Opposing forces aside, I believe I could even call them, friends.

With that said, I remove myself from this thread.

With respects,

Airikr - The Phoenix Federation

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We do not expect the alliances to find out who they are. Most spies were not plants sent on assignment; they were members who fed information. They kept fighting for their alliance, they kept voting in elections, they kept sending aid, they kept fulfilling every obligation to their alliance. If they are unknown to their government at this point in time, then I expect that they will remain in their alliances just as the Continuum spy has remained in his alliance (unless we had the most quite expulsion and ZI ever). If they hate their alliance and were only staying there as a stategic advantage to Vox, then I imagine they will move on and no one will ever be the wiser.

Come on bob, as someone who leaked Q secrets you should know this :v:

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Thom, I know you mean well, but Invicta's one of those alliances that has former Vox in its government. Like all alliances, Vox Populi was not a gathering of identical people, and there were some good people there.

Invicta is not a gathering of identical people, and there were some good people there.

See what I did thar? :v:

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Shame, so you guys stop fighting with the NPO too? We still could use lowrange support on the NPO.

Also it looked like you could have become a successful red color alliance after this war.

Good luck to all of you in the future.

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We do not expect the alliances to find out who they are. Most spies were not plants sent on assignment; they were members who fed information. They kept fighting for their alliance, they kept voting in elections, they kept sending aid, they kept fulfilling every obligation to their alliance. If they are unknown to their government at this point in time, then I expect that they will remain in their alliances just as the Continuum spy has remained in his alliance (unless we had the most quite expulsion and ZI ever). If they hate their alliance and were only staying there as a stategic advantage to Vox, then I imagine they will move on and no one will ever be the wiser.

This is pretty much true of 90% of the spies on Planet Bob.

Sure you have those people who pretend to be "journeymen" alliance hoppers who in reality work for an alliance and spy regular internal member info. You even have a few people who go down to the public library and create an account (illegal by CN standards, don't do this at home) for much the same purpose. If they are smart about it and patient enough, can work their way into the lower levels of government and get better intel.

But overwhelmingly the best source of information to spy networks is the disgruntled member (someone who doesn't like the direction the alliance is going, feels betrayed, is bored witless, etc.). Seemingly innocent RL convos about CN (if I had a dollar for every time I wondered aloud in an IRC channel what alliance 'X' was up to and someone piped up, "hey I know someone at school who belongs to that alliance, I'll get them to talk", I would be significantly wealthier...) and even IC convos where someone said just a bit too much are also wonderful sources of intel.

Vox was able to take major advantage of a variety of sources if for no other reason but the diverse backgrounds they all came from--it gave them an automatic network of friends in most all of the major alliances. It also helped that they were able to tap into FAN's network of former members, many of whom continued to provide info to FAN.

It can now be revealed that Schattenmann and I maintained fairly regular contact with each other over the run of Vox Populi. Aside from being friends and sharing an interest in music, I'm fairly certain we saw each other as sources of possible intelligence. It made for some fascinating conversations. ;)

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Clearly you need more [OOC] Breakfast Club [/OOC] Anyway if I used every funny quote from our detrators over the last 9 months it'd take up hours. I think those from our DoE were sufficient.

I don't really like that movie,... it showed me the apprehension of how my school years would be in the following decade. Meh, director's discretion I suppose.

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