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The Treaty that is so Awesome we Couldn't Give it a Name Pact


Let it be known that Athens and IAA are all about the love and friendship that only degenerates like us are able to share. Let no man rend asunder the bond between these two scumbag alliances and the everlasting respect and friendship that this document represents. In Osbourne's name we pray.

Article 1: Sovereignty

Both signatories shall remain sovereign entities at all times and will demonstrate this by agreeing to never knowingly interfere in the internal and external affairs of another. Both parties recognize that any overt or malicious violations of this article may result in an immediate cancellation of this document by the affected party.

Article 2: Non Aggression

Both signatories shall enter into a state of non aggression with each other for the entire duration of this treaty and agree to never conspire or commit acts of espionage against one another. Both signatories agree to never give any form of aid or assistance to an alliance or individual that a signatory of this treaty is militarily engaged with. Both parties recognize that any overt or malicious violations of this article may result in an immediate cancellation of this document by the affected party.

Article 3: Respect

In order for our relationship to remain strong and healthy, we must agree to always show respect towards each other in all public domains and agree to refrain from trolling or flaming each other's allies. Any disputes shall be settled in private, in a calm and dignified manner.

Article 4: Communication

Both parties shall remain in constant communication with each other in order to keep the relationship strong and healthy. Any available form of communication may and should be used.

Article 5: Intelligence

Both parties agree to share any and all information with each other that pertains to the safety and stability of one another. Any information passed shall be kept confidential and not shared with any third parties unless explicit permission is given.

Article 6: Mutual Defence

A direct attack on a signatory of this treaty by a non signatory alliance or individual shall be seen as an attack on both signatories and will be treated as such. All proper retaliatory manoeuvres will be taken. This article is subject to a non chaining clause stated below.

No-chaining clause: If either signatory is attacked due to honouring a military treaty that they share with a foreign alliance, mutual defence is no longer mandatory, but an option. Both alliances advocate enacting the option, but understand that there is the possibility that the other may choose not to enact the option, for whatever reason, and that decision will be supported by the other signatory, regardless.

Article 7: Cancellation

This treaty may be cancelled at any time, by either signatory. The cancelling party must give the other signatory a private, 72 hour notice of their intent to cancel. This treaty shall remain in effect until this time period elapses, at which point, it shall be declared officially null and void.

Should Articles 1 or 2 be violated, with no chance of a diplomatic solution that allows for the continuation of these accords, this treaty may be cancelled immediately by the affected party, thereby releasing both signatories from all the obligations set out in this treaty at the moment cancellation notice is given.

Signed on behalf of Athens,

Londo Mollari, Archon eponymos

Rsoxbronco1, Archon basileus

Lonpeo, Polemarch

Jgoods45, Theorodokos

Anon, Agoranomos of Finance

Dragon, Agoranomos of Trade

an4rk, Dikast of Security and Membership

john jalapeno, Dikast of Arbitration

Medtech, Didact

Hobbies0310, Hierophant

Von Shizer, Demitheorodokos

Signed on behalf of the Imperial Assault Alliance,

His Majesty, the Emperor: Chimaera, Dark Lord of the Sith and Sovereign Schemer of the Stars

Grand Vizier: Mathias

Imperial Regent: Schecterville

Grand Admiral: MercyFallout

Grand Moff: Phoenix Rising

Galactic Reserve Chairman: Rebirth

I have known Athens for a very long time, and for every single moment of their existence they have proved to be one of the most steadfast allies and stalwart defenders of their beliefs upon Planet Bob, ideals we in the IAA prize very highly. As such, upon our reformation Athens was one of the first groups we set out to befriend, and the bounties of such a friendship and alliance are certain to be many more than just this piece of paper. I know I speak for all Imperials when I say we are proud to call Athenians our new brothers and allies.

tl;dr: Von Shizer has died in an unfortunate accident as a ninja shurukian made from a blank CD was Force Pushed through his body and into the Athenian Akropolis. The resulting celebration regarding this momentous murder from both IAA and Athens prompted this treaty.

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