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Celebrating 150 Nukes

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Wow, i only got hit by cruise missiles (which i shall dub 'baby nukes' from now on) so far, and the counter for those is at... six i believe.

Got a LONG way to go myself, but congrats on passing the 150 mark nonetheless ^^

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FAN, yes.

MK? Contrary to popular belief MK and NPO were never at war for 2 years :)

No, MK wasn't at war with NPO for two years, but there was a rather recent war with MK nuking NPO extensively if you'll recall...

After all, after that first month or two, the speed that nukes fly slows down significantly.

That said I wouldn't doubt that FAN lays claim to many more of Moo's nukes than MK ever did.

Edited by Seerow
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No, MK wasn't at war with NPO for two years, but there was a rather recent war with MK nuking NPO extensively if you'll recall...

After all, after that first month or two, the speed that nukes fly slows down significantly.

That said I wouldn't doubt that FAN lays claim to many more of Moo's nukes than MK ever did.

MK didn't even get their other waves out. It was like a week or two war that was it.

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I only read the first page and didn't see it brought up there so I apologize if it's already been clarified, but it this 150 nukes fired at you or 150 nukes that have hit you?

If the latter (which I think it is because I just saw you said 165 and counting), that is a ton...

Edited by Drai
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I'm curious how many nukes were from FAN and MK respectively. I would imagine a decent chunk of it were from those two alliances alone.

I threw the first few at Moo at the beginning of VietFan. One of them was named, 'Cow Tipper'. Good times.

So.... congrats? and best of luck reaching 200! :D

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165 nukes!!!!! Wow! :awesome:

You are the most nuked person in the game, right?

Well, that's really amazing.

Also, is your SDI broken? :blink:

No. He said he didn't keep count of how many were blocked. When you look at how long he's played, and how many wars he's been, and how hated he is, it isn't that surprising really :P

Onward to 200! lol

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If anyone else had started this thread, the cries of "Attention whore!" would drown out the OP.

If anyone else managed to catch 150 nukes I'd be surprised, and would not cry attention whore.

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If anyone else managed to catch 150 nukes I'd be surprised, and would not cry attention whore.

Yeah, I was just about to say that too :P

If it was "50 nukes" or something less impressive then by all means the attention whore name calling would come out.

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As the people of Pierconium and Dilber found out, the Emperor of the Order is traditionally the most nuked nation in the game. If you're tired of the planet, or just looking for a good time, nothing beats nuking the wreathed Pacifican flag.

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As the people of Pierconium and Dilber found out, the Emperor of the Order is traditionally the most nuked nation in the game. If you're tired of the planet, or just looking for a good time, nothing beats nuking the wreathed Pacifican flag.

That's a grand advertisement.

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