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Dark Fist DoW 2.0

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You're right, NEW was holding their own, you wanted to make sure it was a curbstomp.

How? A curbstomp happens when everyone attacks one alliance. But now, DE and GR are fighting more important wars of their own, and CD and CCC are getting damaged. If you can't see that we have half the NS and nukes of NEW, then you clearly fail at maths.

I hope to see more friendly posts from NEW members. No harsh feelings at all, we're just having fun and helping our friends. If you fight honorably and have fun, then you're clearly a winner and if you just continue trolling and behaving like children, you clearly fail at this game.

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The situation was simple: CCC, GR, CD and DE was simply not enough to take down NEW. NEW was mostly unknown before the war. now they proved that they are oe of the best fighters in CN. NEW lost 700k NS in this war, CD lost 1mil NS, De lost like 400k, CCC lost like 500k. I think the numbers shows that how good is NEW.

DF is just an other bandwagoner, they doesn't worth more than a sentence. I hope they will be destroyed.

Hail NEW, have a good fight!

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Yes, I've fought in every great war this game has seen, and had hoped for closer to a Great War than another curbstomp.

As did we; we would have loved to go for the fairer war - which is why we planned to re-enter the conflict as soon as NATO surrendered.

To the Elephant Troll in the room - this thread will serve for historical purposes, where everybody will be able to see how you put words into people's mouths and spin things faster then a cyclone; efforts to pervert the truth have been futile.

The points raised by legitimate players have been answered (and repeated as all great threads need to be cyclic in nature)

NEW has had their smack talk.

I believe everything is now out of the way for war for friends. Good luck to all alliances involved.

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Yeah, well. SCM overstates the number of friends he has, as usual. However at the same time I'm against requiring alliances to have a treaty in order to declare war.

I doubt SCM has entirely pure motives here, but that's not the point. I expect his alliance will take a decent number of nukes in return for this attack; NEW are pretty tough fighters.

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Never seen so much bawwing and e-lawyering packed into only 12 pages.

This may be a record. On the upside, I get to add a person to my ignore list for the first time ever, so that is indeed a plus.

Wars aren't meant to be fair. They are meant to be won. You don't leave your friends to fight until those friends are crushed, just because it's not "fair" for you to enter. This isn't football (Football being the national sport of Krymson, not soccer which is a minor sport mostly played by floppy haired men who fake injuries a lot :awesome:), where penalties are called for having 12 men on the field. You play to win.

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My concern is whether Dark Fist entered this war on his own accord or bring in by Karma. It is NOT whether their entrance is "legal" or not. I feel need to reply to you, janax, because I contributed a least one pages. lol :P

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I make no judgements about the legality or not. It's not my alliance or choices. As with the reps handed out, it's up to each alliance to do what they feel is right, and deal with any consequences thereof.

I would counsel against threatening to keep fighting them until they or you are ZIed, regardless of the peace acrossed the rest of the cyberverse. That just gives you bad karma. :awesome:

edit: I are a gewd speeler.

Edited by janax
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I got to page six.

My thoughts are everything is optional even if not written. I have the option to go nuke rogue. NPO has the option to fight, surrender, disband or do whatever they feel is necessary as is their sovereign right to do. CN has gotten too serious for its own good. I'd rather someone admit they don't have a treaty to fight then pull an excuse out their $@! like half of CN.


Dark First isn't run by the CN peanut gallery. If they choose to fight without a treaty either complain like a little !@#$%* or do something about it. It's 2009 people take a stand or shut the hell up with the whining.

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I would counsel against threatening to keep fighting them until they or you are ZIed, regardless of the peace acrossed the rest of the cyberverse. That just gives you bad karma. :awesome:

i love the idea :awesome:

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I got to page six.

My thoughts are everything is optional even if not written. I have the option to go nuke rogue. NPO has the option to fight, surrender, disband or do whatever they feel is necessary as is their sovereign right to do. CN has gotten too serious for its own good. I'd rather someone admit they don't have a treaty to fight then pull an excuse out their $@! like half of CN.


Dark First isn't run by the CN peanut gallery. If they choose to fight without a treaty either complain like a little !@#$%* or do something about it. It's 2009 people take a stand or shut the hell up with the whining.

Well I agree at least they flat out admitted it, that is more honorable than most, I just disagree with curbstomps in general, I'd rather have a real Great War again., also hai Timlee.

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My, my.

Quite the thread...

I just wanted to congradulate NEW on tying the CCC on the number of offensive wars that have been declared upon their alliance - 4 each (But we still have you beat in the number of offensive DoW ! 1 to 2 ) :awesome: NEW = 5, CCC = 6 (who will win ?!?! :popcorn: good luck NEW o/)

To the e-lawyers, well. We at the CCC do have a piece of paper with GR, this is true. But do you really think that is why the CCC is still fighting ? Do you really honestly believe that the woefully unprepared, underequipped, never declared war on ANYONE in almost 3 years CCC, has been fighting since 0055 hrs on April 23rd for a piece of paper ?....at one point against 6 AA's ? Welcome to the wonderful world of karma, where people actually fight for what they believe in, rather than for "obligation".

There have been many many things that have been commited over a piece of paper around here. Acts of cowardice, acts of bravery, acts of suicide, acts of shameless bandwaggoning, nations ZI'ed, perma ZI'ed, whole alliances forbidden to particpate.

And now, the abuses have culminated into this war and you are still so stuck on viewing CN in the manner in which certain people manufactured it, to keep themselves in power, that your perspective on what is and is not a righteous and just declaration of war is, from the humble perspective of a simple soldier fighting on the Front in question, schewed beyond reason.

NEW is nowhere near to being "curbstomped" on this Front and you e-lawyers (those in NEW who want/need clarification due to negotiations issues not included) are doing a disservice to NEW. Thus far, NEW has fought hard and held their heads high as the elite fighting force they are, and you all come in here and make them look like whiners. Stop that ! Yeah they are fighting 5 AA's, well we were fighting 6 and NPO is fighting more than NEW & CCC combined, so what ?

It is an amazing thing for the novice in international politics. You have a piece of paper, so that makes it okay to fight for that which you do not believe in, and thus it is deemed "just" and "honorable" to commit acts of cruelty and barbarism upon your fellow man (I refer to abuses in the past), but to fight for what you believe in ? That offends you ?

Let NEW obtain the clarifications that they require and stop making them look bad.

To the brave men of Dark Fist, you know what you are walking into. You have chosen to fight for what you believe in and you have my respect and my thanks.

I as a soldier (not an e-lawyer) salute you 0/ welcome to the battlefield and keep doing what you believe is right. The cause is just, and those who you succor now, will not forget.

"All that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke 0/Dark Fist

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Wow this war is getting interesting, we DoW 1 AA (CCC), and then 3 other AA (CD,TDE, and GR) DoW on us. Couple days later, one AA who call them DF DoW on us with the excuse to help TDE. They said that CD, TDE, and GR are busy fighting other bigger AA. The question is:

1. If they are busy with others, why they even bother to DoW on us in the first place?

2. Now if TDe n GR are really busy, why suddenly TDE n GR can tandem together with DF to attack us? suddenly they become not occupied with other fronts?

a DF member said that, even though we fight with 4AA but we only have 1 defensive slot. Don't you know that by yesterday, some of us already have expired war? and we cannot reDoW on nation who attack us because our enemy NS is falling below our NS range?. u think we have 1 defensive war all along, how come u can be so naive.?

This fits you and certain other trolls in this thread very well. Way to imply that we are idiots after your leader tells you to be respectful. Well done.

I think there is a huge different between an IDIOT and being a respectful to our elder. *at least that's what I Think*

Now, you are just trolling in this thread, but let me remind you of something; If you have any slightest bit of honor, you'd better show us what you can do in the battlefield. If you lose this war, there will be white peace. These harassment tactics and mass-posting in the DoW thread doesn't change anything, and it just shows that you fear that you will lose. If you believe you are brave, then see you on the battlefield.

Before u make any prejudgment about NEW, u need to get the info straight that ppl who defend NEW in this thread are mostly not NEW members. So, next time, think twice before make any harsh comment.

If you believe u r brave, why u 46K NS DoW on 29K NS nation?

Thank you DF for doing what you feel is right and for not sitting idly by when you could have. You have engaged an opponent who is *stronger* than you and that only has one offensive war against an alliance a fraction of their own size. I applaud you for declaring war to defend your friends! There is no greater CB than that! Thank you!

NEW only has 1 offensive war? where have u been during all this war, dood? Why we only have 1 offensive war if our enemy is 4AA? we will miss all the fun, wont we?

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Couple days later, one AA who call them DF DoW on us with the excuse to help TDE.

I don't believe I or anyone from DF ever mentioned helping TDE specifically. What is it about your alliance and putting words into our mouths? :wacko:

a DF member said that, even though we fight with 4AA but we only have 1 defensive slot. Don't you know that by yesterday, some of us already have expired war? and we cannot reDoW on nation who attack us because our enemy NS is falling below our NS range?. u think we have 1 defensive war all along, how come u can be so naive.?

Not entirely sure what you mean here. What we said was, several of your nations had 2-3 offensive wars and 0-1 defensive wars, meaning they needed to be countered.

Let's get past that and fight though, yeh?

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I applaud you for declaring war to defend your friends! There is no greater CB than that! Thank you!

Except, perhaps one based on facts rather than feelings. Just because someone feels something is right doesnt make it right. I for one cant wait for the first karma alliance to complain about no CB or no treaty in the post war world after this DoW.

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