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I honestly can't wait...


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I think one thing that will evolve out of this mess is more inter-color unity. NPO's dominance of red allowed them to move into other spheres, which created tension and division. The blue and green spheres are perfect examples of this.

This trend will compete with intra-color blocs like Citadel, SF, and C&G. Because of the power vacuum left by the NPO and Q I don't see another Hegemony cropping up anytime soon.

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Will the general sense of good-will and camaraderie that seems to exist on the Karma side remain after the war (assuming they win!), leading to an entirely new era of peace, love, and understanding? Or will the winners be falling over each other to place the knife in their allies' spines as fast as possible, hoping to claim one of the spots at the top that have been vacated?

Well it wasnt a month ago that IRON saved ODN's bacon because VE wasnt playing very nice with ODN.

ODN is in Karma as is VE; war makes strange bed fellows.

If there is to be any backstabbing I vote for anyone stabbing ODN repeatedly then install me as Viceroy of ODN :awesome:

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Yes, because Karma has truly shown themselves to be different than the Hegemony... :lol:

I hate to say it, but I agree with the sig of a Pacifican: WaPropaganda.png

My good friend that sig was created by a Polar :)

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Well it wasnt a month ago that IRON saved ODN's bacon because VE wasnt playing very nice with ODN.

ODN is in Karma as is VE; war makes strange bed fellows.

If there is to be any backstabbing I vote for anyone stabbing ODN repeatedly then install me as Viceroy of ODN :awesome:

Sorry, but if ODN is to ever have a viceroy it'll be ES ;)

I have to agree with the general concept of people migrating away from large alliances to those that are smaller and more tight knit. I'm one of them. I like being pleasantly surprised when we have an applicant or two and knowing everyone in the alliance.

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I already am Viceroy of ODN

I will be interested to see how the "lulz" alliances and the "conservative" alliances (for lack of a better term) will deal with each other post war. They are working together currently with a common enemy, but once that enemy is gone will we still see the same unity? Within Karma there are those who pine for the complete destruction of the "Hegemony", while there are others who wish to be merciful. Will that be the first big conflict? Post-war is going to be a very, very interesting time, given the assumption that Karma wins (which I feel is not too big an assumption at this juncture).

Old alliances reappear, like \m/ or GOONS or gen[m]ay, some alliances re-enter the limelight, like FAN...what will the public reaction be to this? I know many still despise the way \m/ did things, but will anyone dare to not allow a legitimate \m/ reformation to not exist on Planet Bob? So many hypotheticals in my head and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

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Old alliances reappear, like \m/ or GOONS or gen[m]ay, some alliances re-enter the limelight, like FAN...what will the public reaction be to this? I know many still despise the way \m/ did things, but will anyone dare to not allow a legitimate \m/ reformation to not exist on Planet Bob? So many hypotheticals in my head and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

I would be extremely surprised to see GOONS or \m/ reform.

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I will be interested to see how the "lulz" alliances and the "conservative" alliances (for lack of a better term) will deal with each other post war. They are working together currently with a common enemy, but once that enemy is gone will we still see the same unity? Within Karma there are those who pine for the complete destruction of the "Hegemony", while there are others who wish to be merciful. Will that be the first big conflict? Post-war is going to be a very, very interesting time, given the assumption that Karma wins (which I feel is not too big an assumption at this juncture).

Old alliances reappear, like \m/ or GOONS or gen[m]ay, some alliances re-enter the limelight, like FAN...what will the public reaction be to this? I know many still despise the way \m/ did things, but will anyone dare to not allow a legitimate \m/ reformation to not exist on Planet Bob? So many hypotheticals in my head and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

\m/ is not \m/ without Ninja R and Liberal_Extinction. Any remake will be a terrible fake.

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For the new alliances that'll spawn at the end of this war. Just like post-UJW, we should see a lot more talent spread around, and it should be fun :)

Now back to the nuking!

Lesser alliances but bigger! And finer lines drawn after. :)

Now go n00k someone! :D

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The great irony , is replacing a hegemony of few with the hegemony of the masses.

Of course, a hegemony must posess some form of direction, and thus I question what the current direction is.

Towards a national community not unlike today IRL?

Pure political anarchy.


The hegemony of the few was once the hegemony of the masses.

They just brought about their own destruction.

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