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Since my nation with my WRC was deleted, I didn't think I'd ever be able to sleep again. Then I MDPed the NPO! Best idea of my life!!!!!!!!!!! Now I can sleep easy every night.

I suggest a lower amount of stimulants before typing in the future, you laid into that poor 1 key a bit much.

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They were and are phonies still... They just were shamed back into war.

BLAH BLAH BLAH guess we cant be friends then. There is no shame in our game neither your opinion or the opinion of Bob brought us back in to this war. Cuz we never left plans just happened to have changed a bit. But if it makes YOU feel better to spread false hoods please do continue I need a good laugh while im at work.

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BLAH BLAH BLAH guess we cant be friends then. There is no shame in our game neither your opinion or the opinion of Bob brought us back in to this war. Cuz we never left plans just happened to have changed a bit. But if it makes YOU feel better to spread false hoods please do continue I need a good laugh while im at work.

:P but I loves you. Does this mean that we get to have some more fun? :awesome:

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I :wub: Stumpy i dont know Revanche other than by his posts and you I have only heard of. Wanna be friends? :P

I personally have no opinion of Vanguard but your members unfriendly posts it tends to leave me with aggressive feelings and at some point I would love to meet Orukles on the battle field. :ph34r: So if we can arange it lets dance you just got to clear it with Gov and we can go. Lets all have fun with this and get it out we aint hiding anywhere :jihad:

Yeah Orkules is a DICK.

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And you all said they were phonies.

o/ Valhalla.

It was all a double triple bluff, to get them to come out of peace mode claiming* they were all phonies and cowards. You thought you'd blind sided us. ^_^

*We don't claim it, we know it. I was just being nice. Not now though. How does the shame feel? Feels green and glowing, I should hope.

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OOC: You do understand that the pixels contained in the database that supports the software that makes up the game aren't real either, right? <_<

Heh. I remember that video.

Good luck and such with your war.

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Doubtful. What you all don't seem to understand is that Valhalla doesn't give a poop about their infra. They thrive on casualties and love fighting stuff. They brag about how many nukes they've taken.

Soon, when you're crying on your boards about how much infra and tech you've lost, Valhalla will most likely be holding contests for who's lost the most.

This is why I can't stand the so called "karma" side. You hate how the NPO treated everyone, yet here you are being just as arrogant and uncivil as them.

Crush your enemies Valhalla.

haha, I doubt I'll win the who has lost the most; but I'm not settling for anything outside the top 3 in most nukes eaten :awesome:

They were and are phonies still... They just were shamed back into war.

Valhalla has always and will always follow her treaties. You can spin your BS all you want; anyone who has a clue about us is not buying it.

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haha, I doubt I'll win the who has lost the most; but I'm not settling for anything outside the top 3 in most nukes eaten :awesome:

Valhalla has always and will always follow her treaties. You can spin your BS all you want; anyone who has a clue about us is not buying it.

I'm hoping to beat you in nukes. ;)

Keep thinking what you want guys; doesn't matter much.

When it's all said and done, we'll still have the honor and values that we had and will stand by them as always.

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Whatever makes it easier to sleep at night for you. :awesome:

What makes it easier for me to sleep at night is the knowledge that Moo sees through this and that he also know that you only came crawling back to Pacifica's side due to your own self interest.

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not that this is any of my personal business...but it is my understanding that actions taken by NPO as dictated by others previously were more unilateral than the agreement Valhalla signed...specifically section three which I quote:

E – Notice of offensive military action by any signatory must be given to other signatories no less than 72 hours prior to the commencement of hostilities. This time period will be used for the consideration of whether to undertake supportive offensive action.

Hence by not following that agreed upon directive, that treaty was imo broken by NPO, not Valhalla, NATO and others that have left tC without the proper notice. Valhalla is standing by the treaty partner that has honored their treaty to the letter of it. I see nothing wrong with this action.

o/ Valhalla and Godspeed my purple friends

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What makes it easier for me to sleep at night is the knowledge that Moo sees through this and that he also know that you only came crawling back to Pacifica's side due to your own self interest.

So wait, we came crawling back because we canceled a redundant treaty and were still bound by 2-3 others? Okay, good to know. I was expecting something original, like a glib reference to the IGV or some such.

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Nothing like stabbing your friends in the back - such great honor and values

haha, I'm more than willing to go to ZI and back for Pacifica; and I can assure you I'm not alone in that regard. Still think we're stabbing our friends in the back? In fact don't answer that, no need to make a further fool of yourself.

Oh and I hope you're saying this to all the alliances that actually have stabbed their 'friends' in the back. Somehow I doubt it though.

oh and hi Jens :wub:

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What makes it easier for me to sleep at night is the knowledge that Moo sees through this and that he also know that you only came crawling back to Pacifica's side due to your own self interest.

Crawling back I doubt it KingSrqt for some one who is usually dead on with facts you missed far left on this one.

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Well it would appear that no right can be done through the eyes of some of the most moral and self righteous CN Nations leaders I have ever had the mispleasure of reading. Its a catch 22 with you haters, but sobeit. I would expect nothing less from such amazing upstanding citizens of Planet Bob.

The hate that you hang on to and repeatedly display speaks volumes to me about how my alliance is doing things properly.

Less talk, more battle haters.

o/ Haters

o/ Valhalla

o/ War

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