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The Phoenix Federation


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You're trying way too hard.

You're right. Though it would be nice if they came out of their secret IRC channel on irc.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.net and actually...I don't know...did something other than talk?

Maybe if I offer to buy them pizza instead....

Edited by ChairmanHal
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I don't think the intent of this announcement was to illicit your praise Sal, but more to formally establish and clarify a policy regarding eZI/pZI.

That alone makes it noteworthy, as this is a rather controversial topic in our world and there seemed to be some confusion amongst the masses as to where we stood.

OOC: Whether you want to elicit my praise or not is irrelevant to the point that this won't get it. If you had said this is meant to deliberately not elicit praise, I could see your point.

The OP seems to suggest that you are not simply establishing or clarifying your policy, but changing it and recognizing the wrongs committed in the past because of your previous policy. I'm not sure whom to believe.

Our private conversations with our allies reflects this stance.

......and before everyone starts yelling that we should attempt to publicly dictate how allied sovereign alliances conduct their business.... friends don't call out friends in public just for the amusement of the mob.

Sorry to disappoint.

You might have noticed I'm using OOC tags in my comments here. That is because EZI/PZI are strictly OOC offenses. EZI is obvious; PZI may be a little more nuanced, but it is in the realm of sportsmanship and therefore OOC. You can't shirk your responsibilities as players and members of this community with an IC reference to alliance sovereignty.

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My best trick is identifying people with bad senses of humor.

Ok, I'll tell you how I do it: they advertise that they actually find "On a Boat" amusing.

But.... But... I never thought I'd be on a boat. It's a big blue watery road:(

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My best trick is identifying people with bad senses of humor.

Umbrella seems to have a knack for that kind of thing.

Also, nice one by TPF. If the treaty's definitely out the door (as opposed to what most seem to think) even better.

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Have something planned? <_<

Why yes... yes I do!

Sending flowers to Pansy. He does not seem to too pleased with the way this announcement was handled and as his ally he has my complete support thus my post. Its kinda what treaty partners do you know like you as a member of Valhalla and me a Member of MA... your MDoAP partner???

Edit: GRRRR spelling

Edited by KaitlinK
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OOC: This is a private irc server. This goes beyond anything IC. Edit it out immediately.

Knowledge of the existence of the server is pretty easy to come by, even OOC. Access to the IC conversations in the channels on that server was and is completely in bounds.

In the interest of international relations (and because I find accusations of OOC attacks about something like this silly but I recognize that some may not see it that way), I have edited my previous post. However, if you wish to take the issue further with me IC, I think you know where to find my nation.

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Meh the announcement doesn't announce anything TPF wasn't already doing. They never did practice PZI/EZI. They only ever practiced "attack an offender until he comes and straightens things out." Most people always liked to think that TPF was PZing and EZing anyone who looked at them funny.

As for the treaty thing they accomplished narrowing down ES's next spy spy from ~250 to ~20 members. Even if it was a joke...it's not that big of a deal. TPF has accused itself of having poor judgement when it comes to humor. :P

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Our Treaty IS cancelled. That is not a joke.

What is a joke, is that the same people who think we need to re-evaluate treaties and get rid of meaningless treaties piss and moan about jokes when you actually do so. Is it a meaningless treaty? Of course it is. TPF have an MDoAP with Valhalla through Q. In 15 more days we will still have an MDoAP with TPF. in 30 days we will still have an MDoAP with TPF. Unless Valhalla or TPF are planning another announcement soon to leave Q, then this is a meaningless treaty. It's canceled. It's not April Fools Day. No MADP has come across my desk yet. Get over it.

What is also a joke is watching the very same people here condemn ZI lists and grovel that people should not be held accountable for their actions past a certain point. Yet the very same people carry on and on about something an Alliance or an Alliance leader who is no longer even playing the game did over a year ago. Example: JB is back, and wants to play the game, but should not be held accountable for anything he did in the past as Jonathan Brookbank. However. noWedge PZI'd an entire alliance. He has since been removed, ejected and attacked for his actions and is no longer in the game, yet you still hold myself and Valhalla accountable for those things. LOL. Careful there.. You may just choke on your own hypocrisies.

My personal opinion of the matter is that if someone wants to reroll and come back, so be it.. its like a reset button, its a whole new game. They are free to start anew. However I will not be sitting here in the OWF baawing about it over and over trying to push my views or opinions of the matter upon other sovereign Alliances. I'd rather spend the time making my Alliance itself better within. I'd rather make sure Valhalla's military is always primed and ready. Id rather keep to making sure everyone is properly trained and ready to put the curbstomp down at the drop of a dime. By looking at some of you and your alliances, I can see why you are here. It would be a waste of time to do any of these things. You'll never be anything except a stain on the game board.

If you have a problem with TPF or Valhalla, step up and do something about it. But don't sit and whine about things that happened in the past with someone else in charge and then in the same breathe condemn holding a nation accountable for something THEY did themselves in the past. How can you NOT see the hypocrisy in that?

Whats next? Condemning personal attacks and then posting personal attacks yourselves? Oh that's right, some of you have done that too.

How about wishing someone good luck or "getting behind" an Alliances war against someone who was spying, when your alliance is full of spies yourself? Oh that's been done too.

Owell I guess all the jokes are old.

Wake up.. your moral high ground is sitting in a cesspool of hate and hypocrisy.

-Tron(oh and please GROW up too)ix

What is a joke, is that the same people who think we need to re-evaluate treaties and get rid of meaningless treaties piss and moan about jokes when you actually do so. Is it a meaningless treaty? Of course it is. TPF have an MDoAP with Valhalla through Q.

I will disagree, respectfully. My opinion is a separate treaty with each alliance shows a formulation of bonding, or rather, a significant relationship far beyond the bloc. When you're in a bloc, your allied with individuals for different purposes (Goal of bloc, individual goals, etc). In the Citadel, we have an independent treaty with each alliance to show our true colors, to remind them we have been friends with them before said bloc or because of our relationship, it lead to the bloc. And if the bloc and its goals seem to wilt away, we still have that ultimate friendship and its foundational treaty, which unlike the bloc, will NEVER go away. The treat in itself is symbolizing your independent friendship, saying it is meaningless, in my opinion, is saying the friendship is meaningless.

This has been a common practice for a long time now, ever since WuT and whatnot.

What is also a joke is watching the very same people here condemn ZI lists and grovel that people should not be held accountable for their actions past a certain point. Yet the very same people carry on and on about something an Alliance or an Alliance leader who is no longer even playing the game did over a year ago. Example: JB is back, and wants to play the game, but should not be held accountable for anything he did in the past as Jonathan Brookbank. However. noWedge PZI'd an entire alliance. He has since been removed, ejected and attacked for his actions and is no longer in the game, yet you still hold myself and Valhalla accountable for those things.

Your alliance gets scrutinized in threads such as this when a member of your alliance scolds them for their past, hence YOUR past gets mentioned as a direct result, or at least, this is what I have seen recently, though I personally haven't done it myself. This argument is the argument others used against YOUR members, which responded in the same manner. Though, generally I agree. We shouldn't dwell on the past, but when someone dwells on the past, their past will be exposed and exploited as well. Common existing response in Cybernations'.

However I will not be sitting here in the OWF baawing about it over and over trying to push my views or opinions of the matter upon other sovereign Alliances.

Seems a little aggressive, eh? People generally raise their concerns and opinions, they aren't criminals because of it. [ooc]This is the purpose of these forums[/ooc]. However, YOU are 'baaawing' over 'baaawing', though 'baawwing' is subject and shouldn't be fround upon, virtually anyone raising their opinions could be considered 'baawing', and in your sense, you just did it by raising your opinion - which is what half of CN does - debates and promotes their ideas and values. To scrutinize people for it isn't the smartest idea in my opinion mate, you're heading for a slippery slope.

I'd rather spend the time making my Alliance itself better within. I'd rather make sure Valhalla's military is always primed and ready. Id rather keep to making sure everyone is properly trained and ready to put the curbstomp down at the drop of a dime. By looking at some of you and your alliances, I can see why you are here. It would be a waste of time to do any of these things. You'll never be anything except a stain on the game board.

Before you help yourself internally, external matters are just as important. With this behavior you are displaying mate, it HURTS your alliance's image and yourself, you are directly insulting individuals spanning from both sides of Bob, which externally, isn't good for either yourself or your alliance. I am here so I can quote comments like yours and use this as a "Doing it wrong" example. Your alliance, in my opinion, is better than your behavior (Trust me, I know how many will disagree with this, but I have my own opinions of Chef and Bob, etc). And 'a stain on the game board?' because people post here and offer their opinion...which is exactly what you have done mate? IN which MANY have done it more respectfully than yourself?

If you have a problem with TPF or Valhalla, step up and do something about it.

I will bring it to the boards, that is doing something about it. Though, this is directly towards you rather than your alliance and TPF. Furthermore, this excuse/method is outdated and old. Oh, and furthermore, I believe some alliances are 'doing something' in the context you meant it to represent.

But don't sit and whine about things that happened in the past with someone else in charge and then in the same breathe condemn holding a nation accountable for something THEY did themselves in the past. How can you NOT see the hypocrisy in that?

Whats next? Condemning personal attacks and then posting personal attacks yourselves? Oh that's right, some of you have done that too.

How about wishing someone good luck or "getting behind" an Alliances war against someone who was spying, when your alliance is full of spies yourself? Oh that's been done too.

I see hypocrisy from yourself mate. You are bringing up other peoples' past actions (Spying, etc etc), yet...you are complaining when it is being done to yourself? Dwell on the past and you'll never be able to move forward, it isn't completely illogical people bring your past up when you bring theirs up, and yes, 'you' is in a figurative sense meaning anybody.

You hurt your alliances' image mate, chillax and try being more civil.

[Joke or not, I posted this.]

Edited by Ejayrazz
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Knowledge of the existence of the server is pretty easy to come by, even OOC.

OOC: Regardless of the ease of finding out what the server address is, it is still private. The owner of the server has expressed a strong interest in it remaining that way and I had hoped you would respect those wishes. Giving out the address for the server is contrary to the bounds of in character play and goes far beyond the game. That is why I asked that you edit out your previous post.

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You're right. Though it would be nice if they came out of their secret IRC channel on irc.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.net and actually...I don't know...did something other than talk?

Maybe if I offer to buy them pizza instead....

Except extorting Valhallan allies is not only pretty low, but a ZIable offense. Your childish threats to release government information from your previous alliance (which holds a MDoAP with your current alliance) is a pretty clear cut case. Honestly, why would you go through and start stockpiling screenshots on your way out if you didn't plan to use them and/or hang them over someone's head?

You were pretty much blacklisted when I let you come to RoK and my reward for gving you a chance is treachery. You're a traitor, a liar, and now a twice over coward ... you should be ashamed of yourself.

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Except extorting Valhallan allies is not only pretty low, but a ZIable offense. Your childish threats to release government information from your previous alliance (which holds a MDoAP with your current alliance) is a pretty clear cut case. Honestly, why would you go through and start stockpiling screenshots on your way out if you didn't plan to use them and/or hang them over someone's head?

You were pretty much blacklisted when I let you come to RoK and my reward for gving you a chance is treachery. You're a traitor, a liar, and now a twice over coward ... you should be ashamed of yourself.

Damn Hal, you went and pissed off Van-Hoo, I see bright glowing lights in your future..

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Except extorting Valhallan allies is not only pretty low, but a ZIable offense. Your childish threats to release government information from your previous alliance (which holds a MDoAP with your current alliance) is a pretty clear cut case. Honestly, why would you go through and start stockpiling screenshots on your way out if you didn't plan to use them and/or hang them over someone's head?

You were pretty much blacklisted when I let you come to RoK and my reward for gving you a chance is treachery. You're a traitor, a liar, and now a twice over coward ... you should be ashamed of yourself.

No offense Hoo, but are you really surprised?

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OK, so is the cancellation real or a joke or real until the joke is revealed?

I mean... really...

They planned to post an upgrade within the next few days, they may have changed plans to try and 'outsmart' Sponge & Co.

Suffice to say they still have the same relationship as ever with or without the piece of paper.

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You're right. Though it would be nice if they came out of their secret IRC channel on irc.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.net and actually...I don't know...did something other than talk?

Maybe if I offer to buy them pizza instead....

since you are the one with the giant chip on his shoulder and an apparent giant grudge why don't you do something about it.

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