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The Phoenix Federation


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Perhaps what we allow you and Shartinpants to make public only serves our purposes.

That sort of falls flat. Sorry, you guys aren't anywhere near clever enough and really don't appreciate the depth of our operations. I think the coming days and weeks are going to educate you a bit.

...that last line was really a slow pitched grapefruit, thanks:

Electron Sponge.....setting himself up as overlord without consent since day one.

Actually since about day 55, when I proclaimed myself Viceroy of ODN. Or the times I claimed to be the lord of all the beasts of the earth and fishes of the sea, remember that? The difference between what I've done and what you do is that I'm actually funny about it, and you guys are kind of dicks about it. That and the whole 'everyone gang up, screw competitive balance' thing that for some reason you all still feel like you can defend. That's coming to an end though and thank Barry White for that.

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Official statement from the Overlord, The Phoenix Federation

By executive order, the Phoenix Federation will exercise the following policy in regards to enemy combatants.

“For all in-character actions taken against The Phoenix Federation, reasonable terms in relation to the crime will be presented to the offending ruler. These terms shall be designed to uphold the highest values and traditions of the Federation and under no condition will mandate or indirectly attempt to force the destruction of a ruler. “

I understand that there are those whom this policy would have preserved, but perished under former reigns. I understand the history of this proud, great, and often voracious alliance, and that in the end we can not wash our hands of the past. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore. Until that day, I will continue to lead this alliance on my terms, to the standards our membership expects.


The Hard Six

We have also activated article IV of our Valhalla treaty. We remain on very friendly terms with all of Valhalla and will of course work closely with them via Q.


Upon ratification by their respective alliance's legislative process this treaty is enacted for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days, at which time it shall be subject to renewal, or until it is terminated by either signatory. Should either party decide it is not in their interests to retain this treaty, be it during the renewal period or at any other time; the signatories shall still be subject to the terms of the treaty for a period of fifteen (15) days. Violations of this agreement are grounds for dissolution of this agreement without prior notice.

Mhawk standing up and being his own man?

well... god damn. I honestly can't say anything bad about this, and I REALLY, REALLY want to. Good job, though now I'm all conflicted. I need to get back to my spaceship and fly to venus for awhile.

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wheres the free tech? /me is dissapointed

TPF has 379,892 units, I'm sure there is some in even your range.....or is all your visual propaganda just badboy posturing?

Talk the talk...walk the walk?

....didn't think so.

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TPF has 379,892 units, I'm sure there is some in even your range.....or is all your visual propaganda just badboy posturing?

Talk the talk...walk the walk?

....didn't think so.

Hey JBone, how much longer until you're in bill lock? And when is Peggy Sue going to have a successful air attack?

Don't worry, I'm already taking my share of your tech.

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Hey JBone, how much longer until you're in bill lock? And when is Peggy Sue going to have a successful air attack?

Don't worry, I'm already taking my share of your tech.


No idea.

Not mine, stat junkie. :P

...anyway, let's not derail this any further, there is already a TPF/PC death match thread.

Boo eZI/pZI...hooray it's dinner time.

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does the pheonix hunger or something? why wait? grab a snickers!

EDIT: terrible grammer

Ok. We get it. Every TPF/PC/Vox thread is going to end up in a total mess with random jabs and insults. And then someone, usually from PC, is going to turn everything into "Hungry Phoenix" jokes. Congratulations. You've just rebeaten a dead horse with an equally dead joke.

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Ok. We get it. Every TPF/PC/Vox thread is going to end up in a total mess with random jabs and insults. And then someone, usually from PC, is going to turn everything into "Hungry Phoenix" jokes. Congratulations. You've just rebeaten a dead horse with an equally dead joke.

oh snap! burn baby burn. like i care how entertained you are! haha

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Ok. We get it. Every TPF/PC/Vox thread is going to end up in a total mess with random jabs and insults. And then someone, usually from PC, is going to turn everything into "Hungry Phoenix" jokes. Congratulations. You've just rebeaten a dead horse with an equally dead joke.

Ask JBone not to start it if you can't handle the heat, Edi. ;)

Maybe the thread turns into a load of jokes when the Phoenix opens its mouth?

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Ok. We get it. Every TPF/PC/Vox thread is going to end up in a total mess with random jabs and insults. And then someone, usually from PC, is going to turn everything into "Hungry Phoenix" jokes. Congratulations. You've just rebeaten a dead horse with an equally dead joke.

That's the spirit!

As I understand it, you're obligated to return the favor to any IC attacks... and this is an IC forum... so you're obligated to troll us every time someone mentions a hungry phoenix.

Also, I like your announcement... not the Valhalla one, couldn't care less about that.

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That sort of falls flat. Sorry, you guys aren't anywhere near clever enough and really don't appreciate the depth of our operations. I think the coming days and weeks are going to educate you a bit.

Actually since about day 55, when I proclaimed myself Viceroy of ODN. Or the times I claimed to be the lord of all the beasts of the earth and fishes of the sea, remember that? The difference between what I've done and what you do is that I'm actually funny about it, and you guys are kind of dicks about it. That and the whole 'everyone gang up, screw competitive balance' thing that for some reason you all still feel like you can defend. That's coming to an end though and thank Barry White for that.

Never a bad reason to drop some Barry White lyrics.

Sponge, My first, my last, my everything,

And the answer to all my dreams.

You're my sun, my moon, my guiding star.

My kind of wonderful, that's what you are.

I know there's only, only one like you Sponge,

There's no way they could have made two.

You're, you're all I'm living for (to kill)

Your love I'll keep for evermore.

Sponge, You're the first, my last, my everything.

In you I've found so many things,

A love so new, only you could bring.

Can't you see if you,

You'll make me feel this way,

You're like a first morning dew on a brand new day.

I see so many ways that I can love you,

'Till the day I die, Sponge....

You're my reality, yet I'm lost in a dream.

You're my first, my last, my spongey-thing.

I know there's only one, only one Sponge like you

There's no way they could have made two.

Girl, you're my reality.

But I'm lost in a dream,

You're the first, you're the last, my ultra-absorbent thing.


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As for the EZI/PZI announcement, I belive it is sincere, and hope it is something that catches on. I believed the OP, but with OBM stating it is truth, I have no doubt.

About the treaty Cancellation there are a few options:

1. They cancelled the treaty and had no intention to re-sign or upgrade unless relations improve, the Mhawk post that Sponge posted is a joke...small victory to Mhawk and the TPF

2. They had every intention of upgrading, but will now delay it until day 15 because they do not want Sponge to look like he knows what he is doing...small/medium victory for Sponge as he forced a whole alliance to change its plans slightly.

3. They had every intention of upgrading, but now will just leave their other redundant treaty as the only treaty between them, again to show Sponge who is the boss...huge victory for Sponge, as he is now dictating foreign policy for TPF.

If it is #2 or #3 we may never know, but the heads of Vallhalla and TPF will know, and it will eat at them.

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It's a statement. They are now legally bound to not be a pushover alliance. TPF would rather disband before they acquire the same reputation as GGA.
Well, I am happy to know that Valhalla and TPF will remain such a nice grouping of alliances.
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That sort of falls flat. Sorry, you guys aren't anywhere near clever enough and really don't appreciate the depth of our operations. I think the coming days and weeks are going to educate you a bit.
God I hope so.
Actually since about day 55, when I proclaimed myself Viceroy of ODN. Or the times I claimed to be the lord of all the beasts of the earth and fishes of the sea, remember that? The difference between what I've done and what you do is that I'm actually funny about it, and you guys are kind of dicks about it. That and the whole 'everyone gang up, screw competitive balance' thing that for some reason you all still feel like you can defend. That's coming to an end though and thank Barry White for that.
You are funny at times, but I have seen you be a dick as well. We all have our moments.....and again, God I hope so.

.....you're the first, the last, my everything, and more...

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I'm afraid it's far more complicated than that, as it seems that Vox has gone in against a Sicilian with death on the line.

"You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong, so you could've put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your strength to save you, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But, you've also bested my Spaniard, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me."

LOL nicely done sir nicely done

Well, I am happy to know that Valhalla and TPF will remain such a nice grouping of alliances.

Were not hiding anywhere

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Our Treaty IS cancelled. That is not a joke.

What is a joke, is that the same people who think we need to re-evaluate treaties and get rid of meaningless treaties piss and moan about jokes when you actually do so. Is it a meaningless treaty? Of course it is. TPF have an MDoAP with Valhalla through Q. In 15 more days we will still have an MDoAP with TPF. in 30 days we will still have an MDoAP with TPF. Unless Valhalla or TPF are planning another announcement soon to leave Q, then this is a meaningless treaty. It's canceled. It's not April Fools Day. No MADP has come across my desk yet. Get over it.

What is also a joke is watching the very same people here condemn ZI lists and grovel that people should not be held accountable for their actions past a certain point. Yet the very same people carry on and on about something an Alliance or an Alliance leader who is no longer even playing the game did over a year ago. Example: JB is back, and wants to play the game, but should not be held accountable for anything he did in the past as Jonathan Brookbank. However. noWedge PZI'd an entire alliance. He has since been removed, ejected and attacked for his actions and is no longer in the game, yet you still hold myself and Valhalla accountable for those things. LOL. Careful there.. You may just choke on your own hypocrisies.

My personal opinion of the matter is that if someone wants to reroll and come back, so be it.. its like a reset button, its a whole new game. They are free to start anew. However I will not be sitting here in the OWF baawing about it over and over trying to push my views or opinions of the matter upon other sovereign Alliances. I'd rather spend the time making my Alliance itself better within. I'd rather make sure Valhalla's military is always primed and ready. Id rather keep to making sure everyone is properly trained and ready to put the curbstomp down at the drop of a dime. By looking at some of you and your alliances, I can see why you are here. It would be a waste of time to do any of these things. You'll never be anything except a stain on the game board.

If you have a problem with TPF or Valhalla, step up and do something about it. But don't sit and whine about things that happened in the past with someone else in charge and then in the same breathe condemn holding a nation accountable for something THEY did themselves in the past. How can you NOT see the hypocrisy in that?

Whats next? Condemning personal attacks and then posting personal attacks yourselves? Oh that's right, some of you have done that too.

How about wishing someone good luck or "getting behind" an Alliances war against someone who was spying, when your alliance is full of spies yourself? Oh that's been done too.

Owell I guess all the jokes are old.

Wake up.. your moral high ground is sitting in a cesspool of hate and hypocrisy.

-Tron(oh and please GROW up too)ix

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Our Treaty IS cancelled. That is not a joke.

What is a joke, is that the same people who think we need to re-evaluate treaties and get rid of meaningless treaties piss and moan about jokes when you actually do so. Is it a meaningless treaty? Of course it is. TPF have an MDoAP with Valhalla through Q. In 15 more days we will still have an MDoAP with TPF. in 30 days we will still have an MDoAP with TPF. Unless Valhalla or TPF are planning another announcement soon to leave Q, then this is a meaningless treaty. It's canceled. It's not April Fools Day. No MADP has come across my desk yet. Get over it.

So are you telling to us that all redundant treaties are meaningless? Because there are tons of them mainly among Q's alliances...

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Good Announcement, TPF.

Good Luck, Valhalla.

I'm afraid it's far more complicated than that, as it seems that Vox has gone in against a Sicilian with death on the line.

"You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong, so you could've put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your strength to save you, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But, you've also bested my Spaniard, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me."


Ha ha ha, that rocked. :lol:

Ha ha heh ... heh.. oooh, now I feel old. :(

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