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The Big Bad

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First United Council/ United Foundation owes you its survival. It was your quick action when we lost the protection of NEO that ensured our survival. I want to personally thank you for all you have done for us.


Kyle Smith

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You know, honestly, after all of the things you have said to me, and your invasion of my private personal channel when I quit, I have a lot of things I could say here...

But I'll just say goodbye.

Your such a big man. :mellow:

Anyways, goodbye Bigbad. Find something more fun to waste your time. ^_^

Edited by Galapagos
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A lot of people don't care for you IC, and maybe they have good reasons for that, but there is another side to TBB that does not always make it into the public's eye. I remember when a little purple newbie wandered onto your lawn with a problem and you didn't just chase her off. Heaven only knows where I would be today if things had gone differently that day. Also, back when you were in harness there were few who could make the forums so entertaining to read. You will be missed. :wub:

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We didn't always agree on everything but you will always have my respect. I'd suggest to staying in touch. Things tend to change around here and when they do, there are lots of explosions. :awesome:

Bolded for interest. I must echo this statement.

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