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Regarding the Brown Team

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Looking at your AA I can tell you one thing:

Tyga will have your head when he sees how you've been acting.

You're being rude and abrasive to an alliance that is/was (has it expired?) your protectorate. If you disagree with them, go ahead, but be polite about it and preferably tell it to their faces instead of slathering it all over the OWF. It only makes you look like a huge tool (no offense intended to The Order Of Light).


Edit: Youwish959 types faster then me.

Edited by Owned-You
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If it did then the sychophant comment would fit rather well. I said Ivan would need sychophants to attack me. I did not say he has sychophants. I have not been attacked, so perhaps it is up in the air. If I am attacked then he obviously has sychophants. I understand why you may take it as calling all of NSO sychophants, but I did not.

You have traded your shovel for an excavator.

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Looking at your AA I can tell you one thing:

Tyga will have your head when he sees how you've been acting.

You're being rude and abrasive to an alliance that is/was (has it expired?) your protectorate. If you disagree with them, go ahead, but be polite about it and preferably tell it to their faces instead of slathering it all over the OWF. It only makes you look like a huge tool (no offense intended to The Order Of Light).

I do not think Tyga will try to interfere in personal opinions and free speech of the members.

+ I agree about being the polite part.

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Here's to hoping the Brown team will all hop on board.

I don't know. It'd need GATO's seal of approval, as much as it is in their power to make one considering NPO's viceroyalty which never seems to end is still in effect. When it comes to the Brown Sphere GATO pretty much has the lineage there. They've been around since before history. If anything can turn Brown's streak around though it's Ivan.

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Yes, I could be more polite. No, I am not eloquent like Ivan. Yes, I will speak my mind. No, I did not call NSO sychophants. Yes, if someone attacks me for disagreeing with Ivan I do believe they are sychophants.

Make up your damned mind.

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If it did then the sychophant comment would fit rather well. I said Ivan would need sychophants to attack me. I did not say he has sychophants. I have not been attacked, so perhaps it is up in the air. If I am attacked then he obviously has sychophants. I understand why you may take it as calling all of NSO sychophants, but I did not.

I have seen this before...where was it?

Oh yes:

"you are not true until proven false"

It was a brilliantly choreographed idiocy then and this is its equivalent today. Excellent.

First, if your nation is targeted it will be because the leader of your alliance has released you from membership because you have attempted to cause a diplomatic incident without the authority to do so. Then it would be up to the loyal soldiers of the New Sith Order to see that your obvious attempts to sabotage our diplomatic dealings abroad are sufficiently compensated for.

Sycophantism doesn't come into play at all. It is a matter of duty and honor.

Now, I hold tremendous respect for Tygaland, having known him for over half a decade and having launched the most impactful war the Cyberverse has ever seen in order to defend him and his alliance, and I would not wish to do anything to harm that association so I feel it prudent at this point to once again point out that you are clearly speaking out of turn in this conversation.

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Don't you mean you'll laugh heartily at those supporting it? We are lambs to the slaughter, you know. The others at least get to say they were right.

No, there is an order to how things go. First, NSO must get a dominant position in politics, obviously, starting with a strong Brown sphere. A strong Brown sphere is a united Brown sphere. Carpe Diem is doing fine right now, endorsing Terra-Cotta goes along with unifying the brown sphere. A strong NSO is a strong Brown, a la a strong NPO is a strong Red. When NSO becomes supremely dominant on Brown, Brown alliances not signed onto Terra-Cotta will either be "persuaded" to sign it, or declared and kicked off Brown in the name of Brown sphere unity. If you don't have a unified opinion and want to defend Brown alliances against outside aggression, you're obviously not for Brown unity. This is phase 1, NSO becoming dominant on Brown.

Phase 2 has more world factors playing into it. Phase 2 is NSO becoming a major world power, since they've already achieved domination of their color sphere (they have no Brown threats to worry about). By various means, NSO needs to become relatively strong world power, be it through incredible growth or the current large alliances being knocked down a few notches; perhaps a combination of both since the extreme of either one is highly unlikely. This here is the turning point to where old time CoaLUEtion members will laugh at people like Carpe Diem. You will have risen to great importance, but only because you're tied to NSO, who is now of great world importance. Here starts the process of Drinking Buddies, WUT, etc again. As NSO rises to power, they will accumulate a variety of allies, who all staunchly support NSO, since NSO's strength protects them. Occasionally, an ally might stray from the nest too far and will be picked off, keeping the others in line, not wanting to be next.

The only way to avoid the repeat of WUT/last few sentences of my last paragraph is to jump off as soon as NSO becomes more/just/nearly/etc as powerful as the other top alliances in CN. Oh, and you need at least two evenly matched "sides" to keep each other in check, also last seen leading up to GW2. That's not a real novel concept though, just balance of power in CN.

The complex point is balancing all of this. Do you want a balance of power returned to CN? Well, if you do, a strong NSO led by Ivan is probably a good thing. However, if and when the largest alliances in the game get knocked down in NS a little, and if and when NSO is able to catch up to somewhere near this NS, then you must worry about Ivan and keeping him in check. First things first though, you need NSO to be strong.

TL;DR: Short term to medium term laughs on brown alliances not signing Tera-Cotta. Long term laughs on allies who stick with NSO all the way through to the top (assuming they get there, of course) and then a few being picked off one by one, just as we've seen happen in NPO's circle.

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TL;DR: Short term to medium term laughs on brown alliances not signing Tera-Cotta. Long term laughs on allies who stick with NSO all the way through to the top (assuming they get there, of course) and then a few being picked off one by one, just as we've seen happen in NPO's circle.

Your comments and predictions about the other alliances in Brown are misinformed and not appreciated at all by LEN.

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Your comments and predictions about the other alliances in Brown are misinformed and not appreciated at all by LEN.

He makes assumptions based on actions from other arenas. I can not fault him for the idea but I do disagree with him. I am truly seeking something different. Running the same plays wouldn't make sense.

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I think they'll probably consider it unwelcome meddling. Oh to be a fly on the wall when Tyga talks to you...

I await that talk as well.

allow me to sum up the words my Lord has said to you: "Shut your mouth."

Go ahead and stand up for yourself, you're still pretty much screwed.

Let's see how it goes Margrave.

Well you need to find better building material. Here is a suggestion: neurons.

If you truly wish to compare IRL intelligence this isn't a place, and odds are you wouldn't want to if you knew me.

What is your advice chief? Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?

Already been given, read the post that... I believe it was Corinan responded to.

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No, there is an order to how things go. First, NSO must get a dominant position in politics, obviously, starting with a strong Brown sphere. A strong Brown sphere is a united Brown sphere. Carpe Diem is doing fine right now, endorsing Terra-Cotta goes along with unifying the brown sphere. A strong NSO is a strong Brown, a la a strong NPO is a strong Red. When NSO becomes supremely dominant on Brown, Brown alliances not signed onto Terra-Cotta will either be "persuaded" to sign it, or declared and kicked off Brown in the name of Brown sphere unity. If you don't have a unified opinion and want to defend Brown alliances against outside aggression, you're obviously not for Brown unity. This is phase 1, NSO becoming dominant on Brown.

Phase 2 has more world factors playing into it. Phase 2 is NSO becoming a major world power, since they've already achieved domination of their color sphere (they have no Brown threats to worry about). By various means, NSO needs to become relatively strong world power, be it through incredible growth or the current large alliances being knocked down a few notches; perhaps a combination of both since the extreme of either one is highly unlikely. This here is the turning point to where old time CoaLUEtion members will laugh at people like Carpe Diem. You will have risen to great importance, but only because you're tied to NSO, who is now of great world importance. Here starts the process of Drinking Buddies, WUT, etc again. As NSO rises to power, they will accumulate a variety of allies, who all staunchly support NSO, since NSO's strength protects them. Occasionally, an ally might stray from the nest too far and will be picked off, keeping the others in line, not wanting to be next.

The only way to avoid the repeat of WUT/last few sentences of my last paragraph is to jump off as soon as NSO becomes more/just/nearly/etc as powerful as the other top alliances in CN. Oh, and you need at least two evenly matched "sides" to keep each other in check, also last seen leading up to GW2. That's not a real novel concept though, just balance of power in CN.

The complex point is balancing all of this. Do you want a balance of power returned to CN? Well, if you do, a strong NSO led by Ivan is probably a good thing. However, if and when the largest alliances in the game get knocked down in NS a little, and if and when NSO is able to catch up to somewhere near this NS, then you must worry about Ivan and keeping him in check. First things first though, you need NSO to be strong.

TL;DR: Short term to medium term laughs on brown alliances not signing Tera-Cotta. Long term laughs on allies who stick with NSO all the way through to the top (assuming they get there, of course) and then a few being picked off one by one, just as we've seen happen in NPO's circle.

First, brown team, next, THE WORLD AHAHAHAHAHA

I think you should stop looking into treaties so much - is wanting to strengthen brown such a bad cause?

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First, brown team, next, THE WORLD AHAHAHAHAHA

I think you should stop looking into treaties so much - is wanting to strengthen brown such a bad cause?

When you've only been around for about 2 weeks and want to start with an MDP bloc, it's suspiscious to say the least.

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When you've only been around for about 2 weeks and want to start with an MDP bloc, it's suspiscious to say the least.

I personally want brown to be a more inviting place - do you know how tough it is to find good trades on Brown? As a former green nation when green was the biggest trading sphere, finding trades was really easy, yet on Brown it is currently awkward, something we at NSO are currently helping to remedy. Bringing strength to the brown team and showing stability with treaties such as the Terra Cotta treaty can only benefit brown nations, which even includes you. This treaty brings strength and stability to brown.

Take off your crazy tin foil hat and recognise that we are a new and growing alliance, and not out to colonise the world just because Ivan "Dark Lord" Moldavi is at the helm.

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He makes assumptions based on actions from other arenas. I can not fault him for the idea but I do disagree with him. I am truly seeking something different. Running the same plays wouldn't make sense.

You're right, I am. Why run different plays when the same old ones are just as effective now? Anyways, time will tell. That post wasn't a shot at NSO, just a historical contextual response to Cairna, on why I wasn't laughing at Carpe Diem for signing Terra-Cotta.

I would definitely be smiling in amusement if you were able to make NSO into the same type of power as NPO was under you.

First, brown team, next, THE WORLD AHAHAHAHAHA

I think you should stop looking into treaties so much - is wanting to strengthen brown such a bad cause?

No, it's not. And for the record, Terra-Cotta, at least in wording, is not in conflict with AA, seeing as AA is not a brown military pact and Terra-Cotta is not a brown economic pact. I will be interested to see in the long run, relations between those who sign Terra-Cotta and those who don't on the brown sphere.

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I personally want brown to be a more inviting place - do you know how tough it is to find good trades on Brown? As a former green nation when green was the biggest trading sphere, finding trades was really easy, yet on Brown it is currently awkward, something we at NSO are currently helping to remedy. Bringing strength to the brown team and showing stability with treaties such as the Terra Cotta treaty can only benefit brown nations, which even includes you. This treaty brings strength and stability to brown.

Take off your crazy tin foil hat and recognise that we are a new and growing alliance, and not out to colonise the world just because Ivan "Dark Lord" Moldavi is at the helm.

I was expressing the opinion many on brown feel. Trades would go a great deal better when NSO joins Amber Accords.

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