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no, not at all. I consider getting rid of Shane being the mistake.

However, no matter what that mistake was, I honestly can't believe how much mud has been thrown at GGA in this thread.

They provided the mud, truth be told. And in an attempt to clear up their image struck themselves a few times with it.

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To the Grand Global Alliance,

Trust me, I know that the title of WAE must sting, but there is good news. The church of Walford, holder of the teachings of Walford, Grenval, Vincent Xander, and Christopher J. Kaos, can help you through these tough times and ease the transition into the role. Don't fight it. Rejoice in the chosen path.

Please come visit our chapel (OOC: #walford on ColdFront) to listen to the teachings, and learn the Way.


High Priest of Walford

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Something my mother once told me about urinating into the wind comes to mind.

Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

Does this mean we are friends Doitzel?


This thread needs to die soon, and I am not helping this cause as of now. I guess they are doing the smartest thing possible: avoiding the thread, which is understandable.

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Way I see it, this nightmare is a huge motivational tool to never let anything damn near this happen again. The way things are looking, it's pretty hard to be optimistic about their future as well.

Good point, it should be used as a fine, fine example. I'd rather be optimistic that GGA can overcome this though, whether there is a chance of that or not I do not know.

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They provided the mud, truth be told. And in an attempt to clear up their image struck themselves a few times with it.

I don't dispute that. It's no question that they were very, very wrong in their handling of the situation (I'll even admit I had a laugh or two myself). However, page after page of calling for their disbandment or shouting a constant stream of insults which have nothing to do with the topic is simply uncalled for. If you want to be better than those whom you despise, don't sink to the level you perceive them to be.

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However, no matter what that mistake was, I honestly can't believe how much mud has been thrown at GGA in this thread.

In all honesty, GGA government provided a good portion of the mud thrown with their posts here. I really don't intend this to be trolling, but their handling of the whole situation was...inept at best. That and Vox SSs. That being said, I want this trainwreck to die. I can't keep my eyes off of it and I have precious little time (what with 7 AP tests to study for).

Edited by Tolkien
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A simple gag order on the first page by a Triumvir would have killed this beautifully hideous trainwreck.

You'd think so, right? But if this were true, the fun would've ended back around page 20 when Degenerate handed out a gag order....either people ignored it or those allowed to post just made themselves look even worse with bad spin and even worse contradictions

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In all honesty, GGA government provided a good portion of the mud thrown with their posts here. I really don't intend this to be trolling, but their handling of the whole situation was...inept at best. That and Vox SSs. That being said, I want this trainwreck to die. I can't keep my eyes off of it and I have precious little time (what with 7 AP tests to stud

OOC: You study for those? :awesome:

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OOC: You study for those? :awesome:

OOC: Yes, considering I'm not taking courses in 3 of them (them being Bio, Euro, and Psych), and I've put it off until just now. :P

yesitsbobby: Yesitwouldhavebobby. They started posting replies because the ball started rolling and they tried vainly tried to do something to stop it. The thread really went downhill for GGA once the Chancellor posted the whole speech on NPO...and all three of the Triumvirs decided to post contradictory stories in an attempt to spin the whole thread.

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So after having read the entire topic I have a few simple questions:

1. Is GGA really going to be lead and ruled by what is essentially a member of Vahalla?

2. Was it ever decided if the NPO is or isn't hosting the GGA boards?

3. Who actually has ownership of the GGA IRC channels?

4. What other alliance's boards does the NPO currently own? (Hint: The oldest alliance in the game)

5. What other alliance's IRC channels, public and private, are currently populated by high ranking NPO leaders at all times. (Hint: See previous hint)

And finally, I wish the GGA the best of luck. I didn't like it when it formed, I was sad to see it switch to "the other side" post-GWI, I haven't liked it recently, but any alliance currently under the rule of another alliance (whether it is admitted to publicly or not) has my deepest sympathy.

o/ GGA -- I look forward to a time when you have control of your own alliance again.

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So after having read the entire topic I have a few simple questions:

1. Is GGA really going to be lead and ruled by what is essentially a member of Vahalla?

No, she left Vahalla and rejoined GGA

2. Was it ever decided if the NPO is or isn't hosting the GGA boards?

They have root access to them

3. Who actually has ownership of the GGA IRC channels?


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Well knowing how quick some are to post screenshots of everyone else's business I'm sure it would have came out regardless. Last I checked this thread was made by VE not GGA.

And not a single word of GGA's internal business was mentioned till Dephire did it on page 6.

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Well knowing how quick some are to post screenshots of everyone else's business I'm sure it would have came out regardless. Last I checked this thread was made by VE not GGA.

And the OP has nothing to do with GGA, GGA came in and made it about them. Of course if you bothered to read the thread you would know that, especially since this is at least the third time I have explained it.

VE made this announcment because they were protecting an unaligned nation and that is all it was.

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Good point, it should be used as a fine, fine example. I'd rather be optimistic that GGA can overcome this though, whether there is a chance of that or not I do not know.

I'd probably be more optimistic if I had any association with them, and knew exactly what's going through their minds, but with censorship and everything I'm seeing, it doesn't look too hot for them. It'll take quite a lot of change for them to survive, and I just don't see it happening.

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And not a single word of GGA's internal business was mentioned till Dephire did it on page 6.

Seems a lot of people were taking shots at GGA within the first few posts to me. If they didn't say anything for 6 pages it shows quite a bit of restraint. I know I wouldn't sit by for that long taking shots for what i thought was best for my alliance. Yet everyone here decided to derail the topic into a GGA bashing and force them to make a statement to defend themselves. Regardless of the contents of any of their posts it was nobody's business to come and and badger GGA in a topic that quite frankly didn't concern them. You people act high and mighty but damn you guys are seriously screwed in the head.

I won't condone what GGA did or attack it. Quite frankly it's none of my damn business. I'll let the parties involved sort it out. You people sicken me. You honestly think your doing the right thing but you don't see you're tearing down your own character to do it. It's sad. It really is. Now I remember why I decided not to keep posting here. You people are so bass ackwards you don't even realize it.

Get it together CN.....seriously....or at least have a nice GW and start over because you guys are getting ridicul0us.

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Seems a lot of people were taking shots at GGA within the first few posts to me. If they didn't say anything for 6 pages it shows quite a bit of restraint. I know I wouldn't sit by for that long taking shots for what i thought was best for my alliance. Yet everyone here decided to derail the topic into a GGA bashing and force them to make a statement to defend themselves. Regardless of the contents of any of their posts it was nobody's business to come and and badger GGA in a topic that quite frankly didn't concern them. You people act high and mighty but damn you guys are seriously screwed in the head.

I won't condone what GGA did or attack it. Quite frankly it's none of my damn business. I'll let the parties involved sort it out. You people sicken me. You honestly think your doing the right thing but you don't see you're tearing down your own character to do it. It's sad. It really is. Now I remember why I decided not to keep posting here. You people are so bass ackwards you don't even realize it.

Get it together CN.....seriously....or at least have a nice GW and start over because you guys are getting ridicul0us.

ooc: this is a game if everyone followed that logic nothing would ever happen in it.

IC: Major leadership changes have large impact on alliances and their foreign affairs also the internal integrity of an alliance is our business if for nothing more than to evaluate any ties we may have to that alliance.

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Regardless of the contents of any of their posts it was nobody's business to come and and badger GGA in a topic that quite frankly didn't concern them.

You're absolutely right. Nobody should read or post in any threads other than those made by their own alliance or by their treaty partners, and no form of criticism should ever be posted here.

Come on, how boring would that be? ;)

Edited by Lord Brendan
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