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I still can't believe you would let another alliances leadership into your private channel.

MHA and the Grämlins are about as close as two alliances can get, and we don't have each other in our IRC channels. I don't understand how you guys find that acceptable when the NPO Emperor comes into your private IRC room.

Also, censorship is bad.


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It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

So where are they supposed to talk about it? Whatever excuse you gave, and I still have no idea what those people said, you still stifled free discussion. You shouldn't let the enemy dictate your actions, especially when they have as little an effect as a poorly placed spy.

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It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

An alliance forum is like a home. Your family is there. They laugh together, they cry together, and they fight with each other.

When did it become an excepted thing on PB to go into someone’s home and take pictures of their family and post them on the OWF?It’s an invasion of ones privacy of the worst kind.

When did the members of PB start to feed on thing of this type like hungry dogs?

When did tabloid journalism become a good thing?

There are alliances out there I think of as the enemy and want nothing more that to see them gone. But never, would I wish for their home to be invaded and pictures of their CN family be plastered all over these forums.

I say to you members of CN to stop encouraging this type of behavior. To think it’s funny that one’s family home has been violated is wrong. Get your heads on straight and stop with the mob mentality.

Spies are becoming more and more troublesome. This is true. OPSEC needs to be guarded at all costs these days.

The SS's are an atrocious act, and I for one look forward to all the moles being dug out.

It's one thing to chase them down for any incompetence, but to flame them for protecting sensitive information when they know you have eyes in that particular area - that's just funny.

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It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

So, it's mindless followers that GGA is looking for?


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It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

An alliance forum is like a home. Your family is there. They laugh together, they cry together, and they fight with each other.

When did it become an excepted thing on PB to go into someone's home and take pictures of their family and post them on the OWF?It's an invasion of ones privacy of the worst kind.

When did the members of PB start to feed on thing of this type like hungry dogs?

When did tabloid journalism become a good thing?

There are alliances out there I think of as the enemy and want nothing more that to see them gone. But never, would I wish for their home to be invaded and pictures of their CN family be plastered all over these forums.

I say to you members of CN to stop encouraging this type of behavior. To think it's funny that one's family home has been violated is wrong. Get your heads on straight and stop with the mob mentality.

No it is more like one government taking pictures of files from another government that the 2nd government dident want known

Spying is not wrong just not accepted

And for the bolded part dident GGA spy on Vox ( <--- I cant remember details or even if you were in GGA at the time so feel free to correct me here )

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An alliance forum is like a home. Your family is there. They laugh together, they cry together, and they fight with each other.

When did it become an excepted thing on PB to go into someone’s home and take pictures of their family and post them on the OWF?It’s an invasion of ones privacy of the worst kind.

When did the members of PB start to feed on thing of this type like hungry dogs?

When did tabloid journalism become a good thing?

There are alliances out there I think of as the enemy and want nothing more that to see them gone. But never, would I wish for their home to be invaded and pictures of their CN family be plastered all over these forums.

I say to you members of CN to stop encouraging this type of behavior. To think it’s funny that one’s family home has been violated is wrong. Get your heads on straight and stop with the mob mentality.

I *love* this post, and agree 100%.

It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

I think it a shame that you have to do that to protect your member's privacy. I hope you are able to find a good workaround.

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I think internal censorship is a worse display than anything those members could've said, ironchef.

I understand if there was some type of OPSEC in the posts, but my question is, wouldnt continuing to stifle free speech cause members to be upset and potentially help your enemies even more?

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It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec.


When did it become an excepted thing on PB to go into someone’s home and take pictures of their family and post them on the OWF?It’s an invasion of ones privacy of the worst kind.

The word is accepted, and your analogy fails. It became acceptable to do this when you and your clique started denying some of us the basic dignity of being allowed to participate in a normal manner. Don't like it? I will be willing to offer you terms for your surrender, oh Almighty GGA Overlady.

When did the members of PB start to feed on thing of this type like hungry dogs?

Right about the time your little clique decided to kill any action from happening around here.

When did tabloid journalism become a good thing?

When I started doing it.

There are alliances out there I think of as the enemy and want nothing more that to see them gone. But never, would I wish for their home to be invaded and pictures of their CN family be plastered all over these forums.

I say to you members of CN to stop encouraging this type of behavior. To think it’s funny that one’s family home has been violated is wrong. Get your heads on straight and stop with the mob mentality.

Boo !@#$@#$ hoo. You want to ride rough shod all over other people but don't like it one bit when someone starts fighting back any way they can. Cry me a river. Everything you say or do is fair game for me to tell others about, so you better watch your tongue.

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It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

You have to understand that it's difficult to believe you when you're a leader of an alliance which has shown a blatant disregard for free speech recently, but I thank you for that explanation anyway and can understand the sentiment in the rest of your post, even if spies are to be expected when you're at war with a guerilla organisation.

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Spying is an act of war. Vox declared war on you back in September and so it's not surprising, if a bit sad, that they are still spying on you. That is not a good enough reason to suspend the right of members to discuss freely in my opinion; without free internal discussion an alliance is nothing.

We have a spy in Citadel at the minute but we haven't censored anything.

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I think internal censorship is a worse display than anything those members could've said, ironchef.

The thing is Gork its my home. And its not for you to decide if what was posted there was worse. You dont get to see it and that is the part that you dont like.

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It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

Yes, but removing it most likely makes it look even worst.

An alliance forum is like a home. Your family is there. They laugh together, they cry together, and they fight with each other.

When did it become an excepted thing on PB to go into someone’s home and take pictures of their family and post them on the OWF?It’s an invasion of ones privacy of the worst kind.

Since when did parents censor what their kids could think? I know my parents never made me think like them. In fact, my parents let each other express their opinions as well, and when they disagreed, they talked it out. They didn't kick each other out of the house for giving opinions. Your family example is terrible for GGA. It also doesn't allow for the whole "eternal war thing" that's going on between Vox and GGA

There are alliances out there I think of as the enemy and want nothing more that to see them gone. But never, would I wish for their home to be invaded and pictures of their CN family be plastered all over these forums.

So your saying GGA doesn't spy on alliances they are at war with?

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It was not removed because I didnt like what was said it was removed because of opsec. We cant tlak about some things in our members area because we have a spy and it would be posted here. Members are free to say what they like. you are just not free to see it.

An alliance forum is like a home. Your family is there. They laugh together, they cry together, and they fight with each other.

When did it become an excepted thing on PB to go into someone’s home and take pictures of their family and post them on the OWF?It’s an invasion of ones privacy of the worst kind.

When did the members of PB start to feed on thing of this type like hungry dogs?

When did tabloid journalism become a good thing?

There are alliances out there I think of as the enemy and want nothing more that to see them gone. But never, would I wish for their home to be invaded and pictures of their CN family be plastered all over these forums.

I say to you members of CN to stop encouraging this type of behavior. To think it’s funny that one’s family home has been violated is wrong. Get your heads on straight and stop with the mob mentality.

Oddly enough, this is the one GGA statement that I will back up. OPSEC is important and spying is never good although it has been entertaining.

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There are alliances out there I think of as the enemy and want nothing more that to see them gone. But never, would I wish for their home to be invaded and pictures of their CN family be plastered all over these forums.

Maybe this is the difference. You seem to think getting spied on is worse than destroying/disbanding an alliance. Some people would disagree. Additionally, I'm thinking that carrying out the latter might bring the former down on you, with little sympathy from onlookers.

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"Oh no, you are using screens from our Alliance's boards against us!"

It's like stolen screenshots have never been used in CyberNations before, the horror!

I find it funny how much bawwing goes on when the shoe is on the other foot.

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The thing is Gork its my home. And its not for you to decide if what was posted there was worse. You dont get to see it and that is the part that you dont like.

Okay, it isn't. But, even disregarding the tone with which you edited the post, it's about time you made your comrades feel at home.

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Spying is an act of war. Vox declared war on you back in September and so it's not surprising, if a bit sad, that they are still spying on you. That is not a good enough reason to suspend the right of members to discuss freely in my opinion; without free internal discussion an alliance is nothing.

We have a spy in Citadel at the minute but we haven't censored anything.

Bob the fact that Vox has done this is not what I have an issue with. It’s that people think its ok to do this and feed on it like candy.

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"Oh no, you are using screens from our Alliance's boards against us!"

It's like stolen screenshots have never been used in CyberNations before, the horror!

I find it funny how much bawwing goes on when the shoe is on the other foot.

Now you're playing doublestandardsnations.

Bob the fact that Vox has done this is not what I have an issue with. It’s that people think its ok to do this and feed on it like candy.

You're really going to say your alliance and your alliance's allies have never benefited from spies?

Edited by Mogar
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I still can't believe you would let another alliances leadership into your private channel.

MHA and the Grämlins are about as close as two alliances can get, and we don't have each other in our IRC channels. I don't understand how you guys find that acceptable when the NPO Emperor comes into your private IRC room.

The impression I'm getting is not that GGA finds it merely acceptable, but rather desirable. Frankly ... it kind of blows my mind. I mean, I've talked to Moo about various things, and I like him (a good thing to be able to say when you're allied to someone); but I wouldn't dream of inviting him to Invicta private channels (other than those that are devoted to talking to foreigners, anyway, lol - but we get non-allies in those too on occasion).

Or, to put it another way. Yes, it's perfectly normal to talk to your allies about government issues, particularly in foreign relations. It's sorta weird to incorporate those allies into your own government discussion.

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I must say, editing posts in a general membership area to combat spies has to make conducting business rather hard. Short of actually giving spies information, I can't think of too many better ways to play into their hands :v:

OOC: If you're going to claim so fervently GGA is your home, you might want to edit your user title and alliance affiliation from saying you're in Valhalla.

Edited by Matthew George
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The thing is Gork its my home. And its not for you to decide if what was posted there was worse. You dont get to see it and that is the part that you dont like.

Well it looks like he gets to see it now at least some of it ;)

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Bob the fact that Vox has done this is not what I have an issue with. It’s that people think its ok to do this and feed on it like candy.

It's the content of the screenshots that's interesting, not the fact that they exist. Frankly I couldn't care less about where they came from.

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People are going to feed on drama however it is obtained. Several times in the past, screenshots have been at the centre of drama; notably in the initial DoW on GATO in GW3 there was a shopped screenshot, the war on NoV relied heavily on screenshots (off non-CN boards no less), the war on Illuminati had screenshots in the OP. None of those threads were stayed away from because of that. Yes, it sucks that you have a spy and I wish you luck in catching him, but you can't expect the spectacular fail that they have exposed to be ignored simply because it was obtained by devious means.

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