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What do you think is the most influential event is Cybernations history?

Emperor Whimsical

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The Warpstorm War, When Few Few Alliances existed, 4 of them went to war with the Warpstorm alliance... If this hadnt happened... What would the Warpstorm alliance have budded into?

Wiki info on Warpstorm War:


EDIT: Their forum still has tons of activity and they did say theyd form Warpstorm 2.0...

Edited by Rotavele
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GWII probably. Two years later and its outcome still rings the same. It was the last stand made against Pacific and it failed. I don't know if nukes or if the Legion or ODN would've made a difference, and I don't really count their absence much of an event. The war itself, however...

But perhaps I'm a bit biased. That was the last time that the game was, to me, "whole". I don't know if it's the most influential event so much as it's the climax of the game's story.

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...in my day, likely banned member's "OOC Attacks". Everyone got butthurt, and the Unjust War ended with the destruction of the most prominent Unjust alliances, as well as an ongoing (as well as annoying, and likely neverending) debate upon whether or not it was the Fourth Great War, and, by extension, what the proper alternate name of the more recent War of the Coalition is.

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Probably the failure of the CoaLUEtion to defeat the Orders when they were in their weakest strategic position at the end of Great War I. The Orders were the strongest individual military powers at the time, however, the war was like 20 alliances versus 3. The next war the Order had far more allies. The CoaLUEtion had achieved containment and isolation of their enemy in GW I, something which was broken not too long afterwards, and ultimately ceded the political advantage they had.

would not have happened had Ivan not stepped down at the end of GWI.... B)

Umm... what is your point here?

Edited by Triyun
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The failed coup attempt by Ivan and Sponge known as the Moldavi rebellion started a chain of events that smashed the Initiative and led to the UJW.

Might I suggest you learn your history a little better before attempting to spout it on the forums? Ivan Moldavi did not attempt to coup anyone.

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Might I suggest you learn your history a little better before attempting to spout it on the forums? Ivan Moldavi did not attempt to coup anyone.

Looks like a coup to me, it also wasn't a criticism it was, in my opinion the most influential event.

coup (k)

n. pl. coups (kz)

1. A brilliantly executed stratagem; a triumph.


a. A coup d'état.

b. A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover:


Drama has long accompanied the Cyberverse. It has been with us from the

first war and remains with us still. There are some announcements that stir

murmurs from the distant corners of the Cyberverse, some that that draw a

roar, and still others that shake the Cyberverse to its very core.

No member of the Order is above it, no member more important than the

welfare of the whole. We all swear to this but it seems sometimes even the

highest of us must be reminded of this fact. The Order must be protected

from all enemies, within, and without; and that is why the Order must now

part ways from Ivan Moldavi, and be returned to the

rightful emperor, TrotskysRevenge and returned to its true path.

Ivan Moldavi betrayed the Order upon his return, using others in threatening Emperor Moo into relinquishing power to him against his will. His actions upon his return were questionable at best and treasonous at worst, poisoning our allies against us, pushing the Order to the brink of war with those whom we have sworn friendship, and engaging in acts of mutiny against the Emperor, threatening to destroy the Order internally himself if he could not command it once

more. In the interests of preserving the Order, Ivan Moldavi is hereby

expelled from the Order and rule is returned to Emperor Revenge.

It is unfortunate, in this dark hour, Emperor Electron Sponge of the New

Polar Order has chosen to follow the path of traitors. As he controls our board

server, our forums must move to a location where they will be safe and

Pacifica can flourish. Rising as a true Pacifican, Frawley has agreed to

provide a new home for the Order and it is from there we will continue to

prosper. Towards this end, he has established a new server for our board,

which can be found here:


There will be those who put their loyalty to the man above the loyalty to

the Order. Do not bear them grudge, only spare them pity for they have lost

their way. One day, perhaps, they will remember their true calling and

return to Mother Pacifica but until that day, view their absence as the high

price of putting man above country.

Emperor Revenge, Ruler of Pacifica

Emperor Emeritus Dilber

Imperial Regent Bakunin's Dream

Imperial Officer Afslavakistan

Imperial Officer Frawley

Imperial Officer Koona

Imperial Officer Mary the Fantabulous

Imperial Officer Z'ha'dum

Pacifica Prevails!

Edited by Alterego
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Looks like a coup to me, it also wasn't a criticism it was, in my opinion the most influential event.

coup (k)

n. pl. coups (kz)

1. A brilliantly executed stratagem; a triumph.


a. A coup d'état.

b. A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover:


don't belive everything pacifica puts out, they have a very well oiled propaganda machine,

as i recall prior to this power was wrested from Ivan in a coup by Emporer Moo, i could be wrong but those were the rumors at the time.

most influencial thing in CN history?....... the creation and fall of the Initiative, .... it was that which stood against the UJP and defeated it soundly, but collapsed shortly afterwards....

i miss the old days.

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don't belive everything pacifica puts out, they have a very well oiled propaganda machine,

as i recall prior to this power was wrested from Ivan in a coup by Emporer Moo, i could be wrong but those were the rumors at the time.

I choose to believe the official version and dismiss the rumour, I would need more than rumours to call all signatories on the post liars.

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