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Trouble at the MCXA?

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Forgive me, I was referring to the vacancies in the rest of the High Council. Given that High Chancellors serve for life, I thought it was pretty much implied that Sam and Celt would have to resign first in order to hold immediate elections for their position.

I was going off of Gopherbashi's post: "For the next several weeks, the MCXA will be governed by a Transition Council until elections are held." It appeared as if most of the previous High Council, elected at the end of January, did not finish their two month term.

Looking through their recent elections announcement here, I compiled a mental list of MCXA government members who left the alliance this month.

February-March High Council who joined The Sweet Oblivion







Jesse James



February-March High Council who left MCXA


February-March High Council who remained in MCXA

Dr. Fresh


I'm really sorry if I offended you with my ignorance, watchman, but it appeared to me that a good portion of MCXA's current elected officials were no longer in the MCXA. I'm willing to retract my hasty statements. When were the most recent MCXA High Council elections? Sorry, I must have missed the announcement of them.

There are some mistakes in that list, for example I was appointed, not elected, for another Skingrad did not run for High Council this term afaik.

I did offer whoever would be the next MoFA help, if he asked for it, and my HC position is replaced by the new Co-Chancellors anyways :) (as is Lakies, the second appointee's)

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One could wonder if anyone actively took advantage by leeching during the turmoil. Whether the new MCXA cares or not is another question emot-toot.gif.

I hear USN posted some hearty gains during that time.

I also hear that is bloody awesome to see someone else making drama.

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There are some mistakes in that list, for example I was appointed, not elected, for another Skingrad did not run for High Council this term afaik.

I did offer whoever would be the next MoFA help, if he asked for it, and my HC position is replaced by the new Co-Chancellors anyways :) (as is Lakies, the second appointee's)

That's actually a very kind offer and I think highly of you because of it. I do my research and don't like being called ignorant and accusatory by Watchman when I am not being either.

Edited by Penguin
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MCXA just had regular elections. In those elections, Gopher and Fresh were elected as Chancellor. Sam and Celt left when their terms were up. An ignorant accusation of dereliction is uncalled for, in my opinion. Go ask first. #tso

The problems began more than two weeks before the elections.

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There are some mistakes in that list, for example I was appointed, not elected, for another Skingrad did not run for High Council this term afaik.

I fail to see how the manner of accession to the High Council is in any way conflicting with what Penguin has said. I assume you held the same rights and responsibilities as any other member of that body so his point still stands.

The problems began more than two weeks before the elections.

The TFS-nc1701 thing was indicative of much bigger issues and tells me that the leadership at MCXA were more into settling political scores than governing justly. Hopefully the new crowd will change the tone there.

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Something that i have been wondering......

MCXA's govt left the alliance owing to differences between the membership and the government. This issue came about because of the democratic system that they follow.....which more or less gave the government less room to maneuver. Then how come TSO has almost the same democratic process. Only difference i see is that the two chancellors are replaced by three commanders and the high council / council is replaced by a security council.

Arent you guys setting the stage for the same thing to repeat again ?

In an alliance with a democratic structure, it's not so much about what the government wants, but what its members want. If both clash and one has to leave in order to both exist, I do think that it's preferable that the minority leaves rather than kicking out the majority...

I dont get it, where does "clash" come into the picture when its the ELECTED governments DUTY to deliver what the membership wants ??

If they felt the membership's views did not match their own....why contest in the first place, they could have let someone else contest in the elections ??

Wait... wait... Sam is no longer in MCXA?!?!?! WHAT THE $%&@? Who am I suppose to troll senselessly now?

he only changed AA's....he didnt disappear from CN....as yet :lol:

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The best comparison I can think of here is if myself, choop, Thick, and KungFuGeek all left TORN to start a new alliance because we didn't like how things were going.

If, as LEADERS of your alliance, you couldn't make your alliance a place you wanted to stay, that doesn't bode well. You guys built the MCXA into what it is, so leaving it because you don't like it's direction is more a reflection on yourselves than on anyone else.

And now that I've vented my piece, best of luck to all.

After reading Archon's comment about bigwoody, I went back to read it, and I have to whole heartedly agree.

Having been in leadership of a democracy for over two years, I understand very well the desire to break away and start fresh when the general membership seems to be on an entirely different page. In fact, I've almost succumbed to the temptation a couple times in the past. Initially the only thing that stopped me was a refusal on my part to leave the alliance until I had made sure that I had found a replacement. As time progressed, though, I realized I had all the raw materials already constructed into an alliance. If I couldn't form what I had into an alliance I really wanted to be a part of, what does that say about me?

It takes a lot to be a leader in a democracy, but it seems like a lot of people forget what the word leader actually means. Yes, you are beholden to the will of your members, but it's still your job to lead them. If you can't get them to respect you enough to listen to your views and take them seriously, to convince them you are right, that doesn't say much for your leadership skill. Yes, it's long and difficult work to bring large numbers of opinionated people around to your point of view. But it's always going to be. Every alliance in CN is at base a democracy. If you can't get your members to agree with you, they will eventually vote with their feet and leave. I've seen it happen enough times.

What I don't generally see is a government, especially a high government, jumping ship and going on to a bright new future. It's possible that TSO will accomplish it, but all I see here is either a lack of ability to lead, or a a desire for instant gratification. Neither of which is a great thing in a leadership. Maybe I'm way off base, but as someone who has fought the uphill battle to mold a democratic alliance into something I'm truly happy with, I can definitely say I'm much more pleased with the results than I could have been by breaking away.

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Something that i have been wondering......

MCXA's govt left the alliance owing to differences between the membership and the government. This issue came about because of the democratic system that they follow.....which more or less gave the government less room to maneuver. Then how come TSO has almost the same democratic process. Only difference i see is that the two chancellors are replaced by three commanders and the high council / council is replaced by a security council.

Arent you guys setting the stage for the same thing to repeat again ?

I dont get it, where does "clash" come into the picture when its the ELECTED governments DUTY to deliver what the membership wants ??

If they felt the membership's views did not match their own....why contest in the first place, they could have let someone else contest in the elections ??

he only changed AA's....he didnt disappear from CN....as yet :lol:

A more concrete structure on who gets in does wonders for a democracy.

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A more concrete structure on who gets in does wonders for a democracy.

This is pretty funny coming from one of the least productive gov members ever to exist in CN :wub:

I hope we can work closely with both MCXA and TSO to ensure both of them prosper.

@freelancer: Yes. TOP is actively working towards controlling Bob by inviting many large players from other alliances to secret conferences. Our next meeting is at Buller's house.

Edited by mitchh
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I dont get it, where does "clash" come into the picture when its the ELECTED governments DUTY to deliver what the membership wants ??

If they felt the membership's views did not match their own....why contest in the first place, they could have let someone else contest in the elections ??

Well, keep in mind that the government are also members. In the end it would go down to the nature of the internal issues mentioned. It could be, instead of a difference of views, a difference of opinion in regards to methods. In that case the views would actually match, they would clash on the way of doing things. But I am speculating, there are plenty of ways clashes could happen not related to views, or related to a single view :)

Eitherway, in a democratic regime, everyone has the right to run for their ideas and objectives.. it's up to the membership to judge them. I fail to see how they not running would have made any difference besides making the people leaving not being government :P

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Well, keep in mind that the government are also members. In the end it would go down to the nature of the internal issues mentioned. It could be, instead of a difference of views, a difference of opinion in regards to methods. In that case the views would actually match, they would clash on the way of doing things. But I am speculating, there are plenty of ways clashes could happen not related to views, or related to a single view :)

Eitherway, in a democratic regime, everyone has the right to run for their ideas and objectives.. it's up to the membership to judge them. I fail to see how they not running would have made any difference besides making the people leaving not being government :P

That is a HUGE difference.....cos when they did leave, the new government would have settled in....instead of being forced to form a transitional government to fill the void.

On hindsight, if the views didnt match, how does one get elected in a democratic process ?? :unsure:

Edited by raasaa
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That is a HUGE difference.....cos when they did leave, the new government would have settled in....instead of being forced to form a transitional government to fill the void.

On hindsight, if the views didnt match, how does one get elected in a democratic process ?? :unsure:

How do you know that views didn't match though? :P

(I recognize MCXA and TSO are probably having a laugh at our costs for discussing something only they know :lol:)

Anyway, we do not know the details in particular, but I am pretty sure they did the best they could with the situation they had. I seriously doubt that most MCXA government would try to damage on their way out an alliance they dedicated years to build.

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@freelancer: Yes. TOP is actively working towards controlling Bob by inviting many large players from other alliances to secret conferences. Our next meeting is at Buller's house.

I anxiously await my new global overlords, I'm always in search of new faces to dictate how I should live my life here and abroad, OCC, curious though, who plays Alex Jones :P ?

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