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@Maximus Augustus- I lol'd. You see neither of those things would have been possible if not for the fact that the generality of NPO's members are absolutely clueless about IC affairs, and just do as they are told by their all fore-seeing leaders. Member's would have been tricked into attacking GGA (I did that for lulz, you have no idea how hard I laughed when it actually worked and like 5 GGA'ers were attacked.) nor into aiding me when I was in anarchy, at war with NPO, in DEFCON 1 lol.

Basically if you send the aid, do not complain if you don't get it back in the form that you like or at all. ;) The less folks you attempt to make leave the game, the less folks will do things like this. :D Have a great day.

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Well in all honesty if he hasnt done anything wrong, its STUPID AND IGNORANT to start yelling "SCAM SCAM!!"

Until he does something wrong, there is nothing to blame on him. Also if he did, its the theoretically scammed nations fault. Same as in a real world scam or theft. The signs are there, only a blind or fool wouldnt notice them.

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Gatherum cleared his throat,

Large Explanation

Mine apologies to the nations who aided me if you got any !@#$ from your alliances or allies. However, expect your Tech to come over the next 20 days. That is all. :)

I knew it once I saw the name, however you are at war and what's that saying " All is Fair in Love & ? "

Now if by some chance you cannot fulfill your business obligations get a hold of me and I'll see if I can arrange something for those who feel slighted.

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I knew it once I saw the name, however you are at war and what's that saying " All is Fair in Love & ? "

Now if by some chance you cannot fulfill your business obligations get a hold of me and I'll see if I can arrange something for those who feel slighted.

Are you sure you want to do that? Rumor has it that Valhalla was thinking about hitting me. You wouldn't want to mess up their plans, would you?

Assuming that they don't, though, sure. I'm always up for a nice contest. But then, that is assuming I cannot fulfill my business obligations.

We shall see.

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Are you sure you want to do that? Rumor has it that Valhalla was thinking about hitting me. You wouldn't want to mess up their plans, would you?

Assuming that they don't, though, sure. I'm always up for a nice contest. But then, that is assuming I cannot fulfill my business obligations.

We shall see.

To add to this, if you attack a Vox nation and your alliance isn't at war with Vox, you're essentially stepping on the toes of the other 10+ large alliances at war with Vox, and chances are without any a reason better than to cure boredom, seeing as they don't particularly mess with the business of alliances they aren't at war with, atleast to my knowledge.


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Are you sure you want to do that? Rumor has it that Valhalla was thinking about hitting me. You wouldn't want to mess up their plans, would you?

Assuming that they don't, though, sure. I'm always up for a nice contest. But then, that is assuming I cannot fulfill my business obligations.

We shall see.

Knowing BnT and the offer I just made, I would expect just that, he's been taking money out of my pocket for years :P

However a little tact and business savoy may prove prudent in this situation, hopefully Valhalla will let you fulfill your obligations before attempting to send you to see "Oden"

Edited by Freelancer
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Short on funds is obviously a joke as to how easy it is to steal from his enemies.

As for the 4 wars, if you wait and buy all the tech and send the 50 right on time, it's possible, he just needs to keep his enemies at bay so they don't steal much.

This is true. I intend to pay Schattenmann's debt to TOP by raiding ODN.

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Knowing BnT and the offer I just made, I would expect just that, he's been taking money out of my pocket for years :P

However a little tact and business savoy may prove prudent in this situation, hopefully Valhalla will let you fulfill your obligations before attempting to send you to see "Oden"

Foolish weaklings! I have been fighting with Oden on my side this whole time. I descended upon their wall of shields and cut them down as they ran, not sparing anyone. They felt my rage as assuredly as they heard the black birds cry.


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I mocked Vox at times, I argued with Vox at times and I disagreed with Vox at times but I have always respected their tenacity and defiance until now. This is pretty low and Vox claim to be freeing us from bondage or some rubbish. From this day on I will see you as nothing more than an alliance willing to screw anyone or any alliance over to achieve your goals. This is low and I will be boycotting all Vox threads from this day forward.

The ends never justify the means, remember that as you fight for justice from the sewer. <_<

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I mocked Vox at times, I argued with Vox at times and I disagreed with Vox at times but I have always respected their tenacity and defiance until now. This is pretty low and Vox claim to be freeing us from bondage or some rubbish. From this day on I will see you as nothing more than an alliance willing to screw anyone or any alliance over to achieve your goals. This is low and I will be boycotting all Vox threads from this day forward.

The ends never justify the means, remember that as you fight for justice from the sewer. <_<

Did you read the thread at all?

He plans on doing the tech deal.

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I mocked Vox at times, I argued with Vox at times and I disagreed with Vox at times but I have always respected their tenacity and defiance until now. This is pretty low and Vox claim to be freeing us from bondage or some rubbish. From this day on I will see you as nothing more than an alliance willing to screw anyone or any alliance over to achieve your goals. This is low and I will be boycotting all Vox threads from this day forward.

The ends never justify the means, remember that as you fight for justice from the sewer. <_<

Just a note- He only did tech deals with nations in alliances that his was directly at war with, so the willingness to screw anyone or any alliance in order to achieve their goals type thing kind of fails now until he decides to tech deal an alliance that is in fact not at war with Vox. To back to what CZ has said, it's not "screwing the member over" if he's going to get the same amount of tech for the same amount of money as he would with any standard CN tech deal. It's just that the person happened to not pay attention or do the slightest bit of thinking or research before sending money off to an unknown source.

So once again I say that there is nothing wrong with what he has done, he's going to repay the tech deals, the person who sent the aid will be no different than if they had sent it to a nation in their own alliance and will still gain the same amount of tech in the same time.

This is quite extraordinary seeing as nations that are allied to those he is doing a tech deal with are ATTACKING him right now. If I did a real deal with you, and you sent me aid and then subsequently had several people organize to attack me, it'd be pretty spectacular if I still finished that tech deal.

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Sorry, maybe I'm missing something... but how is it Gatherum's fault that those nations agreed to do deals with him? Everyone in my alliance certainly knows not to aid Vox. Even if he wasn't wearing the AA, if someone in my alliance had done a deal with Gatherum I would use some tough love and tell them they just gave away $3m, and that I would be contacting any alliances that Gatherum was actively at war with (IE, people in his slots) to see if reps were required. That is the same principle I used when someone in my alliance aided a rogue that had attacked another alliance. IMO this is the buyer's fault, not the sellers.

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It's not a scam until it's a scam.

It's still a scam even if he pays the tech, as they are unwittingly be solicited to engage in an act to help someone in a war against their alliance mates.

Objection! Speculation! You don't know what these rulers in particular want.

I'll grant you that it's possible they want to help out their enemies by doing a tech deal with them, but it's highly unlikely.

But, let's play it your way: No one intentionally wants to be in total war forever; however, these nations have expressed their explicit desire to be at war with Vox POpuli forever by joining or remaining in alliances that intend to be at war with Vox Populi forever.

They can't have it both ways. They're at war with us, or they're hapless victims, but they're not both.

I didn't say they were helpless victims. Hell by many of the "might makes right" arguments NPO members like to use to defend their actions there is nothing wrong with it.

Nor did I say that it's necessarily a great evil as it is a war. (OOC-sort of) I did something kind of similar in TE where I spammed The Pacific Army pretending to be their senate candidate so i could get enough votes to sanction their alliance mates in a war with my alliance. I'm not gonna pretend it wasn't underhanded, though it was fun.

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Very low. But of course, sacrifices must be made for the Cause.

Should the people who sent the aid have checked the guy out first? Of course. But what you "lol, what n00bs" people don't get is that a lot of people, even in big alliances, don't pay much attention to how to do things "right" in CN. It's funny how so much of the "give them a chance, they're new" crowd turns that stance on its head when it's new people on the other side.


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Very low. But of course, sacrifices must be made for the Cause.

Should the people who sent the aid have checked the guy out first? Of course. But what you "lol, what n00bs" people don't get is that a lot of people, even in big alliances, don't pay much attention to how to do things "right" in CN. It's funny how so much of the "give them a chance, they're new" crowd turns that stance on its head when it's new people on the other side.


They know how to tech deal, thus, they have read their alliance's forums due to guides which would say how to tech deal.

They should know enough.

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I mocked Vox at times, I argued with Vox at times and I disagreed with Vox at times but I have always respected their tenacity and defiance until now. This is pretty low and Vox claim to be freeing us from bondage or some rubbish. From this day on I will see you as nothing more than an alliance willing to screw anyone or any alliance over to achieve your goals. This is low and I will be boycotting all Vox threads from this day forward.

The ends never justify the means, remember that as you fight for justice from the sewer. <_<

You will remember that these alliances attacked us and are at a state of war with us.

Your presence will be sorely missed.

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They know how to tech deal, thus, they have read their alliance's forums due to guides which would say how to tech deal.

They should know enough.

Doesn't mean they get how big of a deal it is to aid someone at war/in Vox. Funny, posts like the one you just made are the type that people like you usually condemn as part of the problem with CN.

Person 1: "We're not tolerant of newbies. Give them a shot."

Person 2: "Yeah, well, he's in an alliance, he ought to know better."

Person 3: "So? He's new! He doesn't get it! Give him a chance to learn CN."

Show me that a month ago, tell me that one of the posters is in Vox and one is in an alliance allied to two Q alliances, and tell me to match the speaker to the quote... I'd match them easily. Show them to me today, I wouldn't be sure.

Double standards ain't just for us puppets. ;)


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Doesn't mean they get how big of a deal it is to aid someone at war/in Vox. Funny, posts like the one you just made are the type that people like you usually condemn as part of the problem with CN.

Person 1: "We're not tolerant of newbies. Give them a shot."

Person 2: "Yeah, well, he's in an alliance, he ought to know better."

Person 3: "So? He's new! He doesn't get it! Give him a chance to learn CN."

Show me that a month ago, tell me that one of the posters is in Vox and one is in an alliance allied to two Q alliances, and tell me to match the speaker to the quote... I'd match them easily. Show them to me today, I wouldn't be sure.

Double standards ain't just for us puppets. ;)


Eh. It might have something to do with the fact that most nations don't begin to buy tech through tech dealers until they have grown to a certain size. Sure, it's easy to grow exponentially nowadays through the aid of your alliance and while being in the lower tiers, but even then, to reach the size of being a tech buyer has to give you some experience with the world of CN.

I mean, I'd like to think that it's not just my alliance who gives the newbs a heads-up as to how things work before bloating them with aid at the drop of a hat. Got to protect that shiny new investment after all. ;)

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If he's getting aid it is only due to the utter incompetence of either members of Q alliances in their decisions of with whom to make such deals or in leadership in failing to inform their membership of who is a member of Vox Populi. I fail to see anything 'wrong' with this at all - it is no different fundamentally from looting in war. It is simply another way to take an enemy's money, and until I hear you all complaining that it's somehow morally wrong to take a million or two in a ground attack then you have absolutely no ground to stand on.

Edited by Moridin
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This whole thread is nonsensical and hysterical. The guy just got the aid today, for god sakes. What's going to be the next thread? "Members are getting screwed after the tech is sent"? Before you start screaming screwjob, wait ten days. If he pays the tech, all is over. If not, then complain.

Your problem is the guy allegedly is from Vox. That is your problem. Not the fact that he got money from Q members. That is only a sidebar. If your membership does not know who not to take deals from, that is not their problem. It is the problem of those Alliances who fail to educate their membership.

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