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My Final Non Grata Announcement

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6 hours ago, firingline said:


You seem confused.


I was not involved at all except to point out the presence of the white knights, who came the second they heard criticism (which came from somebody who was not me). I have said nothing but good things about Lyanna in this thread.


I have noticed this trend with you where you get all worked up and seem to not understand what is happening. Please: calm down, take deep breaths, and try to comprehend what you're responding to.

So edgy and witty one cannot combat this most wise observation. 

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Says a lot when you have respect from across Planet Bob, and you always had mine, even if you've forogtten who I even am like the rest of your AA, but hey-ho. 🤪


Whilst Doom-NG relations have always been fractious, I've always found you to be approachable and level-headed, and being able to single-handedly maintain ridiculous heights of aid slot utilisation of a AA of NG-sized proportions is something to aspire to. Heights I only wish I could consistently reach, and I've been replaced by a bot anyway, so never underestimate the power of AI y'all. 🤖 


Back on track to the point in hand, I can only hope your retirement is temporary, but Blam wishes you well if this is indeed the end, we all get there eventually. Take care Ly, and congrats to Lenin on the promotion! ✌️ 


o/ Lyanna Mormont

o/ Lenin

o/ Non Grata

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11 hours ago, ditchboy00 said:

So edgy and witty one cannot combat this most wise observation. 


You're trying too hard.


Relax, it's all going to be ok, I promise.

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On 7/16/2024 at 12:33 AM, Lyanna Mormont said:



Dear Cybernations Community, 


I would like to thank you for an amazing 963 days playing this game with you all. It has been my honor and privilege to work for Non Grata as a member and later as NG Gov and finally as leader. Non Grata is the greatest alliance in the game. The members of Non Grata have been the most amazing, stubborn, difficult, wonderful, hilarious, delightful group of absolute misfit toys I have ever met. Thank you guys, you are honestly incredible and I am so thankful for each and every one of you. 


Shout Outs:


Caustic: had you not "poached" (for legal reasons this is a joke) me, I would not be here. Your discord invite changed the trajectory of my entire time in CN. Thank you for being you. You will forever be the greatest player CN has ever seen. 


Krabs: F it all, feed the trolls. I won't be here to leash you ever again. Chaos Elmo your heart out because everyone loves you. 


Schro: Your calm and steady and level headed counsel saved me from being stupid more times than I can count. Thank you. 


Weebl: Your brain is a delight. 


Crink, Rearview, Knight: You made my job so much more interesting every single time I ever made the mistake of letting you guys know I was offline. Thank you, because of you it was never boring. 


Come Dragons: You are so special, and I mean that is every single way. Bee, you are a straight up nutcase. 


NG Ladies: Liz, Draggie, Crink, Lia, Gatherum, and ZuZu, thank you so much for being an amazing support system and I am so thankful for each and every one of you. 


Lenin: From the day you came back to the game you have supported me. You have cheered me on. You helped me more times than I could ever count. Thank you for your enthusiasm and for your very real love of Non Grata. You not only help me, you understand the Dutch - thank you so much for translating lmao 


Speaking of Lenin. I would like everyone to welcome the new leader of Non Grata.




Lenin is the new leader of Non Grata. I know he will be amazing and he will lead with strength and purpose. Thank you, Lenin. I know I am leaving Non Grata in the best of hands. 


Thank you. 


For the last time, 

Sugar & Violence


NG Gov List:
Magic 8ball, Supreme Leader 
Lenin, The Milkman
Kerschbs, The Nice One
Caustic, Pope of Non Grata
Erwin Schrodinger, Schrothodoxy Patriarch, Mod of The Stickman
weebl, Concentrate and Ask Again
Rhizoctonia and Stewie, Advisors

I effectively stopped being active way before you joined the game and I never got actually close to you.

Even from a distance, though, it was clear that you have a lot of talents, to the point that they were, surely, absolutely, wasted in CN, no matter the alliance you were in. I'm pretty sure that I told you so in the thread that announced your ascension as the leader of NG.

To be fair, you politely replied that you were happy that way, and sure enough your time is yours to spend.

Still, I'm somewhat relieved that you're going to use your considerable personal resources on some new and different task.


Cheers, madam, enjoy your retirement from CN and especially your new commitments and activities out there. Thanks for having brought quality to this place.


Never ever actively join the game again and you'll be fine!

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I apologize for taking this long to post a response.   Nonetheless I thank you for everything you've done for NG under your leadership. I truly don't think NG would be near what it is without your dedication to it, and this world in general.  It's unfortunate that your inspiration and commitment wasn't able to be seen during the "hay" day of this world.  Would of enjoyed seeing it.  For a world where we see less and less individuals putting the effort to make things exciting and fun, you succeeded in doing both during your reign.  You deserve a relaxing retirement.   

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2 hours ago, Rhizoctonia said:

For a world where we see less and less individuals putting the effort to make things exciting and fun, you succeeded in doing both during your reign.


Well said.

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  • 1 month later...
11 hours ago, ak47don said:

Good riddance. Lyanna will go down as one of the worst leaders this game has ever seen.

I've fought alongside and against her. Anyone with a good pair of eyes and a functioning brain knows she got things done and was a net positive for her team. Let's give credit where it's due or at the very least be a good sport as she bids farewell and zip it.

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2 hours ago, Kapleo said:

I've fought alongside and against her. Anyone with a good pair of eyes and a functioning brain knows she got things done and was a net positive for her team. Let's give credit where it's due or at the very least be a good sport as she bids farewell and zip it.


Your experience with her doesn't mean anything. Anyone with a brain cell knows she will go down as one of the worst leaders of all time.

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9 minutes ago, CrinkledStraw said:

The definition of triggered is posting twice since 2015 and both times about someone who has never thought about you. 🥺

Who thinks about you?

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3 hours ago, ak47don said:


Your experience with her doesn't mean anything. Anyone with a brain cell knows she will go down as one of the worst leaders of all time.


She's not one of the worst by any means.


She was pretty mediocre. Maybe slightly above average.

"One of the worst leaders of all time" isn't really a reasonable take.

Edited by firingline
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4 hours ago, ak47don said:


Your experience with her doesn't mean anything. Anyone with a brain cell knows she will go down as one of the worst leaders of all time.

i brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel once

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2 hours ago, firingline said:


She's not one of the worst by any means.


She was pretty mediocre. Maybe slightly above average.

"One of the worst leaders of all time" isn't really a reasonable take.

There can't be anyone worse than junka, its impossible for anyone to be that terrible......

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hmm, sounds like a puppet


maybe she's still in charge and this is fake news


you're still the best temp trade partner ever though

see you on discord from time to time

watch out for enchiladas because well enchiladas 

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On 8/28/2024 at 11:12 PM, ak47don said:

Good riddance. Lyanna will go down as one of the worst leaders this game has ever seen.


Is what somebody who had no idea what they were talking about would say.  Unless this is your first day and you are just trying to be contrarian 

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You step away for as little bit and things happen.  This is my constant.  It is probably other people's constant. Is a constant, consistant? Or is consistant a constant? Constant consistant? Consistant constant? Much thinking and pondering for a decomposing knight of the Order of the Black Rose.  This is something I seem to be good at. Constantly, consistently thinking and pondering, pondering and thinking.


Oh, look! Squirrel.


Now where was I? Ah, yes. Young Lyanna.  


We share a strong appreciation of pencil porn, Blackwings in particular. There is nothing quite like a fine piece of writing equipment to scrawl down notes and musings, idle thoughts and incisive points of clarity. A firm lead or soft, a sketch or doodle.


Good luck in what you choose to do. Your decisions are yours - take them, make them, own them and create whatever future you desire. Destiny awaits, but  beware, fate lurks.  Go fearlessly and confidently - constantly and consistently.


W_A_R of Vijar  

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