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The Spartan North Atlantic Mutual Fund

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Sparta, despite not having been direct allies for more than a decade and even having been on opposing ends of nuclear-tipped warheads, have been brought back together by a strong desire to pool their resources for the common purpose of maximizing acquisitions of the intrinsically valuable and highly perspective cryptocurrency Dogecoin through the signing of this optional Defense and optional Aggression Pact establishing the Spartan North Atlantic Mutual Fund
Article I: Proprietorship over Resources
Although the Parties have decided to pool their resources for the common purpose of acquiring Dogecoin, their resources shall remain their own and by no means will either Party infringe on the other’s control thereof.


Article II: Communication about Investments
The Parties shall regularly communicate and coordinate future investments in order to maximize both’s profit in the lucrative Dogecoin trade.
This information shall remain confidential even in the unfortunate case that this Fund is terminated.


Article III: Relations while Trading
While trading Dogecoin and in all other situations, the Parties shall maintain amicable and friendly relations, refraining from attempting to make a profit off of each other and pledging to make profits together. 


Article IV: Insider Information
The Parties shall share any and all insider information, regardless of how it was obtained, about future market movements in order to share in the spoils of Dogecoin profit and coordinate in the use thereof in order to maximize expected profits.
The Parties undertake to endeavor to provide support to each other, pledging to share any relevant intelligence collected and to endeavor to provide diplomatic, financial or other forms of aid as necessary or desirable.


Article V: White Knight
Since the best way to maximize profits is through working together, which necessitates the continued existence of both, the Parties are encouraged to provide diplomatic, financial, and/or military assistance in the case a third party attempts a hostile takeover of either one.


Article VI: Proxy Battle
Since a reduction of competition is a good way to increase profits, the Parties are encouraged to provide diplomatic, financial, and/or military assistance in case one deems it good for business to eliminate a rival.


Article VII: Investing into the Future
The Parties shall undertake a far-reaching audit, including the examination of each other’s books, within four months in order to determine whether this Mutual Fund has made them wealthy beyond their dreams or has led them to bankruptcy and take appropriate measures.


Article VIII: Divestment Amendments and Termination
In addition to the terms from Article VII, this treaty may be amended by mutual consent, should both Parties deem it useful in the pursuit of Dogecoin profit.
In addition to the terms from Article VII, this treaty may be terminated by either Party with a 72 hour notice, should either Party deem it no longer useful in the pursuit of Dogecoin profit.


Article IX: Trading Hours
The Mutual Fund shall be open for business as of the moment of this Treaty being posted on the Forums at forums.cybernations.net.


Signed for Sparta

Whitetigger - King of Sparta

Tim - King of Sparta


Signed for NATO

Dev0win - Triumvar

LennyNKarl - Triumvar / Royal King of NATO

SteelersFan - Triumvar

Warden - Secretary of Foreign Affairs


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I admire the commitment to cryptocurrency.


May your new friendship be as confusing and wild as cryptocurrency currently is! Especially when you take off to the moon!


Congrats Sparta and NATO!

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Have fought you guys numerous times in the past but always enjoyed the mutual respect along the way.  Something tells me buying low will pay off big when this thing goes to the moon.  😎


o/ Sparta


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