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Notice to the New Pacific Order

The Zigur

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1 hour ago, The Zigur said:


When I spoke of barbarians, I did not speak of Pacifica. Pacifica's closest modern ally, Non Grata, was responsible for numerous raids and wars against peaceful alliances, and now rampages against your other allies in IRON.


I am 100% with you when it comes to fighting rogues. Last year I was fighting rogues for months at a time in defense of the Imperium. But sometimes men like Deathadder make enemies where there were none, and though my strife with Polar during their last war was settled diplomatically, Deathadder sought to interject himself into the issue (supposedly) a month after it had been resolved.


There is a point where Imperial Officers can make more problems than there were before, this was true in 2008 and it remains true today. You and I have both held the title of Emperor, though I one of lesser scale. And we see the big picture while our officers are caught up in more mundane, and sometimes, petty affairs.


Deathadder may be an efficient commander who has earned his post by merit. Is merit always accompanied by wisdom? I do not think that is so. Deathadder's orgiastic triumph over my fall, and overbearing desire for my submission, should be warning enough against that line of thinking.


The only time you fight is to protect your interests against those weaker than you, as has been demonstrated by people/Alliances who have stepped forward to speak out against you, some of whom are outspoken enemies of the Order, and the Hegemony, and, outside of the occasional alliance war, have been left alone by Pacifica and her allies, which not only proves that "our bootlickers" are against you, but also, our critics, it also shows your claims that those who speak out against us get rolled, are lies. 


You never had the high ground with which to stand upon, Junka. 


You have shown to the community at large, throughout a decade of existence on one name or another, yet always the same individual, that you are a bully towards anyone that can't defend against you, with insecure beliefs and foundation principals that crumble under criticism and force you to lash out in personal attacks against other people, but also, a chronic liar. For those demonstrations, while simultaneously threatening an ally of Pacifica, and a member of Oculus,  and then supporting a Rogue Senator, you are a declared Rogue.


Any agreement Grub reached with you was not shared with Oculus, nor has Polaris requested either your removal from sanctions, or, your removal from targeting.


Furthermore, the Regent of Polaris himself stated to you in this thread, that the only reason he quit bothering with you was because he had more important matters and individuals to deal with. That, in no way, indicates that you are not still an Enemy of the Orders, or of Oculus itself.


The Emperors of both haven't even seen you as worthy of their time to acknowledge beyond mocking you to their membership and public channels.


You will not reach peace through weaseling your way out of conflict, you will not be given peace through negotiations. You will be subject to Oculus sanctioned Open Warfare from the community at large until you show a complete change in behavior whether you're in a position of any semblance of power, or, cut off and locked in Anarchy.

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7 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:


The only time you fight is to protect your interests against those weaker than you, as has been demonstrated by people/Alliances who have stepped forward to speak out against you, some of whom are outspoken enemies of the Order, and the Hegemony, and, outside of the occasional alliance war, have been left alone by Pacifica and her allies, which not only proves that "our bootlickers" are against you, but also, our critics, it also shows your claims that those who speak out against us get rolled, are lies. 


You never had the high ground with which to stand upon, Junka. 


You have shown to the community at large, throughout a decade of existence on one name or another, yet always the same individual, that you are a bully towards anyone that can't defend against you, with insecure beliefs and foundation principals that crumble under criticism and force you to lash out in personal attacks against other people, but also, a chronic liar. For those demonstrations, while simultaneously threatening an ally of Pacifica, and a member of Oculus,  and then supporting a Rogue Senator, you are a declared Rogue.


Any agreement Grub reached with you was not shared with Oculus, nor has Polaris requested either your removal from sanctions, or, your removal from targeting.


Furthermore, the Regent of Polaris himself stated to you in this thread, that the only reason he quit bothering with you was because he had more important matters and individuals to deal with. That, in no way, indicates that you are not still an Enemy of the Orders, or of Oculus itself.


The Emperors of both haven't even seen you as worthy of their time to acknowledge beyond mocking you to their membership and public channels.


You will not reach peace through weaseling your way out of conflict, you will not be given peace through negotiations. You will be subject to Oculus sanctioned Open Warfare from the community at large until you show a complete change in behavior whether you're in a position of any semblance of power, or, cut off and locked in Anarchy.


I received the Order Hero medal in Polaris fighting against the hordes of Doom War. I commanded IAA in 2008 against the vast Pacifican hordes, and later fought with Vox Populi. And in the last two years I have fought and commanded countless wars against multi-billion rogues and micro-barbarians. Yet according to you I only fight against weaker parties.


If you are to claim that I am a bully then you should demonstrate specific examples. This is after all your primary justification for PZI. If you cannot demonstrate your claims with evidence, then you are the bully that you claim me to be, and furthermore lack the courage to admit it.

Edited by The Zigur
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The continued sanctions and targeting speak well enough that the community accepts our Casus Belli. There is zero incentive for me to both parrot myself and other people, from this thread, and others, so you can use your tired old circular arguments to attempt to bore me from carrying through with your public flogging.


Cry, deny and claim all you want about your past, your personal leadership in ISX showed the complete opposite, and turned most of their original allies against them, and forced existing allies to butter you up to their friends to give you protection, but, even then, your attitude caused cancellation from those folks, too.

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I would be far more likely to submit to whatever it is Deathadder wants from me (shudder) if he were truthful about his motivation. In the NPO channel when I was there he claimed no justification beyond his position of authority, but now says this is some sort of moral crusade to save the world from me. Right of conquest would at least carry with it the strength of truth.


If he was really so benevolent, then why not assist IRON with their struggle against rogue Non Grata? Oh that's right, my nation is broke, most of my spies are dead, and in his own words I am not a threat to anyone. 


It's a sad truth that Deathadder's greatest conquest will have been "publicly flogging" a powerless nation ruler.

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1 hour ago, The Zigur said:

I would be far more likely to submit to whatever it is Deathadder wants from me (shudder) if he were truthful about his motivation. In the NPO channel when I was there he claimed no justification beyond his position of authority, but now says this is some sort of moral crusade to save the world from me. Right of conquest would at least carry with it the strength of truth.


I.E., you came in, claimed I 'abused my power (which you also sent as propaganda to membership) and I corrected your misinformation that I don't need anyone's permission as an IO to add you to targeting. Your attempts to lie your way out of this are becoming weaker, and far more reaching.


1 hour ago, The Zigur said:

If he was really so benevolent, then why not assist IRON with their struggle against rogue Non Grata? Oh that's right, my nation is broke, most of my spies are dead, and in his own words I am not a threat to anyone. 


As for matters that didn't concern you (hence why you weren't told, and literally, one of the last people to know); maybe if IRON requests assistance, we'll consider it. However, based on this:


Aid Slots Votes War Mode Peace Mode Anarchy
17 / 185 
2 23 8



It seems they're managing NG just fine. You should probably quit trying to earn cookie points and realize, that Alliance, too, doesn't like you.


1 hour ago, The Zigur said:

It's a sad truth that Deathadder's greatest conquest will have been "publicly flogging" a powerless nation ruler.


You'll just be a minor footnote in another piece of history. Like all mentions of you.

Edited by DeathAdder
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Oh child Zigur,


Do you not understand that the magnificence that is ME is the construct of the existing order? Their achievements go well beyond smiting you little one. I have given not much to this world, but Pacifica has made me everything I am, every Io, every member of high command, every member of the imperial council when it existed, every praetorian, every Emperor.. has fed into me and grown my wings. I am the very example of what Pacifica can raise up. For I started a Pacifican, and I shall end a Pacifican, joining the alliance as soon as able.. and never parting. Woe to those that stand bask in personal delusion, that they might compare to its glory. For while the rest of the world makes its way on profits or imported currencies, Pacifica strives on pure will alone.


Vini Vidi Vedevoravit


What is the ant before the world eater? To have existed for more than its time and yet still remain but an insect among its hill? The Glory of Death Adder lies not in who he destroys, but what he has built to destroy you our enemy. Which partly includes me. My 10th birthday only recently passed.. some hatch I turned out to be.


Maelstrom Vortex,

Devourer of Nations, Builder of Empires.

Bob's resident arrogant dragon o war.


Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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On 7/25/2018 at 5:24 AM, The Zigur said:


GATO crossed the line by sanctioning me wrongfully, when I wasn't a rogue. Harry simply responded to your bad sanctions, "tech raid" and your arranged attacks against himself and his voters by using sanctions in return.


You were initially sanctioned specifically at my request.  I declared you ''persona non-grata'' and every single color agreed to my request for sanction based on the evidence offered.... which to be fair was them simply reading the OWF and agreeing that your conduct, which managed to bring diverse sides of politics together on a  single issue, you, was both offensive and moronic.


Here is the thing Junka, and I trust you will read this and attempt to comprehend before replying, you have been judged, not by the ''hegemony'', not by Oculus and not by Polar, but by the world.


If one man calls you a donkey, you can safely ignore him.

If a second man calls you a donkey, you can safely ignore him too.

When the third man calls you a donkey, buy yourself a saddle.

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I will concede I am unpopular amongst those in the current power structure. And there are many with petty grievances who cannot resist joining in what they perceive to be my humiliation.




However, in other realms I am still worshipped as a Meme God. In the words of the apostle Joseph6549:


"The Church of Junka will stand tall through all trials and tribulations! Why shall a brick wall stop us, when we have Junka on our side? If we succumb to a brick wall, how shall we survive Clan Wars and Advances?"


My journey may have begun on this little rock, but my story has reached the hearts of many other souls. And though I may be persecuted in this world, my followers shall be with me in the next.

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11 hours ago, The Zigur said:

However, in other realms I am still worshipped as a Meme God.


Where I'm from, we make memes designed to rip the core of yourself to shreds. We know nothing of the meaning of "feels", that we have to devour the souls of others like yourself like a nice tasty peel-off-the-bone brontosaurus rib cooked in the smoker. We simply reject your god for cheezits.

After all, you're nothing but a meat-coated skeleton made of stardust. If your might is so legendary, how come I have never heard of your feats far and wide among the brethren? That being said, your cries are of sheep among the wolves set to hunt your flesh. Tread carefully in these waters.

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5 minutes ago, Horus Lytton said:

Where I'm from, we make memes designed to rip the core of yourself to shreds. We know nothing of the meaning of "feels", that we have to devour the souls of others like yourself like a nice tasty peel-off-the-bone brontosaurus rib cooked in the smoker. 




Your first mistake, mortal, is believing I have a soul.

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Hmm, this is still a thing?  Oh, I see why.


12 hours ago, The Zigur said:

I will concede I am unpopular amongst those in the current power structure


I will concede I am unpopular amongst those in the current power structure.  FIXED!


2 hours ago, The Zigur said:

applies to alot


Alots are majestic creatures, not race cars, they would appreciate it A LOT if you'd not apply stuff to them 😐

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