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Don't worry sweetboi be confident in the fact I and others will keep your trick card full and accept your fate and stop, calm down, smoke some pakalolol and accept your fate before you and methrage get PTSD from all the stressing and fear of impending Doom.... :v:


coming from the guy who didn't want to get nuked by the rebel in a one-on-one...

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well there's good reason for me not fighting you since then and even though it was 5 vs 1 I still managed to almost tie you in damage.

I might have thrown one nuke, but almost all that damage I did was conventional. 5 vs 1 allowed you to drop a lot of nukes on me, while those with the most tech wanted to take care of the nuking on you. So even though I didn't get to throw more than 1 nuke max, I still managed to outdamage you. Usually in a 5 vs 1, I'm able to outdamage everyone who isn't the main nuker with ease when I'm able to spread my nukes out. ;)
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Excuses blah blah grovel blah I'm the greatest 1k infra, 75 tech 40 wonders and 100 improvement fighters eva!!!

lies! Your weak and your Momma dresses you funny or it may just be your preferences in shoplifting weird things? Your definitely a legend in your own mind hiding under 5k NS with 40 wonders and the improvements of a 80k nation bragging about your fighting prowess... :v: Well methmouf I almost feel sorry for you and the crushing defeat in senate and on battlefield you are in store for but by God you earned it brochacho along with all your other bottombois... :psyduck:

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lies! Your weak and your Momma dresses you funny or it may just be your preferences in shoplifting weird things? Your definitely a legend in your own mind hiding under 5k NS with 40 wonders and the improvements of a 80k nation bragging about your fighting prowess... :v: Well methmouf I almost feel sorry for you and the crushing defeat in senate and on battlefield you are in store for but by God you earned it brochacho along with all your other bottombois... :psyduck:


This is great. stonewall is always looking for people to fight for him.... him and junka have that in common!


[12/21/2015 10:35:45 PM] hitchcock: Define raider AAs
[12/21/2015 10:36:04 PM] Stonewall: as war like raiders
[12/21/2015 10:36:05 PM] hitchcock: Methrage is a 'raider aa'
[12/21/2015 10:36:15 PM] Stonewall: sane ones lol
[12/21/2015 10:36:37 PM] hitchcock: Ds dropped TCA
[12/21/2015 10:36:45 PM] hitchcock: I would verify that with isolator
[12/21/2015 10:36:46 PM] Stonewall: idk i'm high what you need? :p
[12/21/2015 10:37:05 PM] hitchcock: What's our relationship with DK atm?
[12/21/2015 10:37:12 PM] Stonewall: I dropped us out of TCA when I lead DS
[12/21/2015 10:37:39 PM] Stonewall: I also as you know told TCA I would not fight for them epriod
[12/21/2015 10:37:57 PM] Stonewall: not very good with DK
[12/21/2015 10:38:12 PM] Stonewall: as shown every day in their actions
[12/21/2015 10:38:18 PM] hitchcock: Thats the vibe I'm getting
[12/21/2015 10:38:35 PM] hitchcock: And we need them on board, I think they could block us from any big treaties
[12/21/2015 10:38:51 PM] Stonewall: is why we are uniting our bloc of Bones sphere so we can stand alone
Which i guess when you get in hot water with SPTR you run back to Junka to get back in with Doom (again, hilarious)
[12/19/2015 4:58:53 PM] Iso: We're gonna need all the main players on the same pitch
[12/19/2015 4:59:35 PM] Stonewall: well you already said they wouldn't ally TAO so they need not have any say in what we do either
[12/19/2015 5:00:27 PM] Iso: You'd have to ask Hershey or WC if you wanted a treaty with DK
[12/19/2015 5:00:49 PM] Iso: But there are some people in DK that don't like TAO
[12/19/2015 5:01:04 PM] Stonewall: well then we roll without them simple as that
[12/19/2015 5:01:31 PM] hitchcock: May I suggest something to you Stonewall
[12/19/2015 5:01:37 PM] Stonewall: sure
[12/19/2015 5:01:56 PM] hitchcock: even if we aren't tied to DK in anyway, it certainly won't help progress if we burn that bridge
[12/19/2015 5:02:10 PM] Stonewall: TAO is playing big boy politics and has no time for past grudges or feeling of spite to hold us back
[12/19/2015 5:02:45 PM] Stonewall: what else can I do L_H they rolled me and I apologized
But why wouldn't they ally TAO? sure you are all mighty and competent and no one challenges you... except 'da webel'. Hmmmmm, I wonder if this entire war was pre planned?
[12/21/2015 4:40:45 PM | Edited 4:41:02 PM] Stonewall: okay 2nd time SnX refused to help us even though they have personal grudge against our intended target
[12/21/2015 4:41:23 PM] Iso: It makes sense though
[12/21/2015 4:41:24 PM] Stonewall: To: stonewall    From: Immortan Junka    Date: 12/21/2015 3:38:01 PM
Subject: RE: Senor de La Guerra
Message: Haha probably the smart thing to do, Doom wants us to sit out and keep building low tier nukers for the next big war
[12/21/2015 4:41:28 PM] Iso: If he does fight Methrage
[12/21/2015 4:41:36 PM] Iso: Methrage will sanction a bunch of SNXers
[12/21/2015 4:41:39 PM] Stonewall: no it was not methrage
[12/21/2015 4:41:43 PM] Iso: And it'll cause him a lot of trouble
[12/21/2015 4:41:43 PM] Iso: Oh?
[12/21/2015 4:41:52 PM] Stonewall: that is fear talking
[12/21/2015 4:42:06 PM] Iso: haha
[12/21/2015 4:42:12 PM] Iso: Not everyone in his alliance loves to fight
[12/21/2015 4:42:19 PM] Stonewall: we will not be allied to people who direct their FAs out of fear and excuses
[12/21/2015 4:42:47 PM] Stonewall: fear is contagious and soon you can exscuse and back out of anything
[12/21/2015 4:43:07 PM] Stonewall: I believe we need to trim the treaty web
[12/21/2015 4:43:22 PM] Iso: I thought you guys were going to fight LPCN?
[12/21/2015 4:44:38 PM] Stonewall: lpcn is bogged down with Goons and no need to hit them at this time but we do have like I said an open contract out on Meth and we will fill it if he ever stops fighting Goons or should he get upper hand against them
[12/21/2015 4:45:04 PM] Stonewall: or whenever an opportunity arises to cash it in
[12/21/2015 4:46:35 PM] Stonewall: we do have a couple of nuked guys in his range atm but both are noobs and not very active but are reachable by TeamSpeak....and besides I intend to fill the contract personally as one day I may be in his range after a big war...:D
[12/21/2015 4:47:31 PM] Stonewall: we will however "raid" animalz asap...:p
[12/21/2015 4:48:18 PM] Stonewall: but atm we are in no rush to do anything but once again our allies have refused to help so why are we "allied"?
And really, I wonder what started it in the first place? Stonewall, did anyone call you a pussy?.... ahhhh, yes, da webel did!
hmmmm... your reaction:
12/22/2015 2:11:14 PM] Stonewall: even though he approved us hitting him we will do it right
[12/22/2015 2:11:44 PM] Iso: Are you guys going to attack Invicta if they say no?
[12/22/2015 2:12:12 PM] Stonewall: what other choice do we have?
[12/22/2015 2:12:36 PM] Stonewall: eat shit and like it?
[12/22/2015 5:37:50 PM] claude: Stone I talked with the leader of invicta and we setup a 1vs 1 fight
[12/22/2015 5:37:59 PM] claude: you vs rebel
[12/22/2015 5:38:38 PM] claude: do you agree brochacho?
[12/22/2015 5:38:45 PM] hitchcock: Take it
[12/22/2015 5:38:45 PM] claude: (flex)
[12/22/2015 5:38:57 PM] claude: Or you are too scur
[12/22/2015 5:39:02 PM] claude: (cwl)
[12/22/2015 5:39:07 PM] claude: (victory)
[12/22/2015 5:39:14 PM] hitchcock: If you don't it will be a pr nightmare
[12/22/2015 5:41:50 PM] claude: Yeah it would makes us look bad
[12/22/2015 5:42:04 PM] claude: tao Wil be perceived as a pussy alliance
[12/22/2015 5:42:13 PM] claude: :$
[12/22/2015 5:57:30 PM] Stonewall: ok
[12/22/2015 5:58:03 PM] claude: So you agree ?
[12/22/2015 5:58:19 PM] claude: one round brochacho?
[12/22/2015 5:58:28 PM] Stonewall: I agree I will attack him yes
[12/22/2015 5:58:55 PM] claude: just you or would you request help ?
[12/22/2015 5:59:26 PM] Stonewall: me brochacho I already said I would
[12/22/2015 5:59:36 PM] claude: Bones wills it you will destroy the infidel
[12/22/2015 5:59:49 PM] Stonewall: no Bones does not will it
[12/22/2015 5:59:57 PM] claude: show him not mess with us
[12/22/2015 6:00:27 PM] Stonewall: I will he needs to be severely beaten
[12/22/2015 6:00:40 PM] claude: Yeah
[12/22/2015 6:01:10 PM] Stonewall: King William has not opened my PM so who exactly did you speak to?
[12/22/2015 6:01:18 PM] Stonewall: show me
[12/22/2015 6:02:59 PM | Edited 6:03:20 PM] Stonewall: in addition they do not dictate terms or rules as it was not their leader and alliance flamed for several days straight
[12/22/2015 6:03:50 PM] Stonewall: we do not cater to everyone who wants to challenge us and let them make the rules
[12/22/2015 6:04:10 PM] Stonewall: if that is the case then we can challenge whoever we want when we want
[12/22/2015 6:05:28 PM] claude: I'm just trying to find a solution to this mess with rebel
[12/22/2015 6:05:53 PM] claude: I haven't been able to contact any of their gov yet
[12/22/2015 6:06:01 PM] Stonewall: well he does not dictate to us terms of engagement he did this not me or us
[12/22/2015 6:06:05 PM] Stonewall: so you lied
[12/22/2015 6:06:24 PM] claude: but rumors is what the rebel wants
[12/22/2015 6:06:33 PM] claude: he wants a fight with you
[12/22/2015 6:06:41 PM] claude: not with the whole alliance
[12/22/2015 6:06:44 PM] Stonewall: [Tuesday, December 22, 2015 5:37 PM] claude: 
<<< Stone I talked with the leader of invicta and we setup a 1vs 1 fight
you vs rebel
do you agree brochacho?
[12/22/2015 6:06:53 PM] claude: I was joking
[12/22/2015 6:06:53 PM] Stonewall: rebel does not pull our strings
[12/22/2015 6:07:10 PM] Stonewall: you lied
[12/22/2015 6:07:11 PM] claude: their gov seems very inactive
[12/22/2015 6:07:14 PM] Stonewall: not a joke



Now of course, this REALLY bothered you... being called AND acting like a huge mangina.... so... the hazing continued... and your paranoia deepend


[12/22/2015 6:09:35 PM] Stonewall: I am not for your amusement
[12/22/2015 6:09:40 PM] claude: all I'm saying is the rebel keeps calling you out
[12/22/2015 6:09:55 PM] claude: And I agree we need to build bup
[12/22/2015 6:09:56 PM] claude: Up
[12/22/2015 6:10:09 PM] claude: Get ready for the big war
[12/22/2015 6:10:25 PM] Stonewall: but your missing my point you claude and ben are egging the fight on and plotting to get me to fight him
[12/22/2015 6:10:48 PM] claude: We aren't plotting anything
[12/22/2015 6:11:03 PM] claude: is just rebel needs to stfu
[12/22/2015 6:11:07 PM] Stonewall: you came here and lied like your in league with rebel to get me to attack him
[12/22/2015 6:11:14 PM] claude: He is lucky I'm not in range
[12/22/2015 6:11:16 PM] Stonewall: [Tuesday, December 22, 2015 5:37 PM] claude: 
<<< Stone I talked with the leader of invicta and we setup a 1vs 1 fight
you vs rebel
do you agree brochacho?
[12/22/2015 6:11:41 PM] Stonewall: I almost did it lol
[12/22/2015 6:11:50 PM] claude: I haven't talked with the leader
[12/22/2015 6:12:00 PM] Stonewall: but I checked to see if he opened my PM
[12/22/2015 6:12:17 PM] claude: I'm on their irc channel
[12/22/2015 6:12:32 PM] Stonewall: [Tuesday, December 22, 2015 5:39 PM] hitchcock: 
<<< If you don't it will be a pr nightmare
[12/22/2015 6:12:42 PM] Stonewall: tao Wil be perceived as a pussy alliance
[12/22/2015 6:13:00 PM] Stonewall: ^^\
[12/22/2015 6:13:07 PM] claude: we never backdown
[12/22/2015 6:13:20 PM] hitchcock: Your right stonewall. Let it be openly known that people can call tao pussies
[12/22/2015 6:13:22 PM] claude: When hal called out Lord bones he got hit
[12/22/2015 6:13:28 PM] claude: Isn't right?
[12/22/2015 6:13:39 PM] Stonewall: see your both still doing it
[12/22/2015 6:13:49 PM] claude: Lol forget it
[12/22/2015 6:14:03 PM] Stonewall: if you think we are pussies L_H we can end our treaty right now
[12/22/2015 6:14:04 PM] claude: rebel isn't worth
[12/22/2015 6:14:17 PM] Stonewall: you wouldn't want to be protected by pussies amirite?
[12/22/2015 6:14:33 PM] claude: plus hitting invixta will be bad for our sphere
[12/22/2015 6:14:35 PM] Stonewall: matter of fact I think that's best
[12/22/2015 6:14:39 PM] claude: You are right stone
[12/22/2015 6:14:42 PM] claude: My bad
And then Stonewall goes full retard:
[12/22/2015 6:18:51 PM] ben.hitchcock: Then best advise, don't respond to Rebel anymore
[12/22/2015 6:19:02 PM] claude perrin: Yeah don't feed the troll
[12/22/2015 6:19:08 PM] ben.hitchcock: As he's slowly gaining attention to the thread
[12/22/2015 6:19:47 PM] claude perrin: I saw also sir kindle starting to post
[12/22/2015 6:20:02 PM] claude perrin: Meth s bitch
[12/22/2015 6:20:44 PM] Stonewall14: we already made our govt inquiries and stated our position but you too are pretty much egging it on and saying point blank I am a pussy if I don't fight him so if that's the case maybe Rebel or Invicta would be better suited to protect Minc
[12/22/2015 6:21:10 PM] Stonewall14: I am dead serious and not joking in the least
[12/22/2015 6:21:36 PM] Stonewall14: you have nada to fear TAO are pussies right?
[12/22/2015 6:21:43 PM] ben.hitchcock: Giving you advice about the situation and then turning it into a 'drop m inc' thing isn't cool
[12/22/2015 6:22:06 PM] claude perrin: Yeah chilloit brochachos
and the back pat
[12/22/2015 6:59:17 PM] Isolatar: Anyway Stonewall, you've got to learn to ignore the smaller things
[12/22/2015 6:59:25 PM] Isolatar: Like ignore people who are taunting you
and stonewall getting paranoid
[12/22/2015 10:21:38 PM] hitchcock: Stonewall, did you get spied?
[12/22/2015 10:23:12 PM] Stonewall: why would you know this?
[12/22/2015 10:24:00 PM] Stonewall: answer me there Ben how would you know I got spied?
[12/22/2015 10:25:15 PM] hitchcock: Staccs said something on the owf. And it's on the 'exposed spy ops across the globe'
[12/22/2015 10:26:10 PM] Stonewall: yeah I see a concerted effort on the parts of you, franz and rebel and staccs
[12/22/2015 10:26:27 PM] hitchcock: ?
[12/22/2015 10:26:48 PM] Stonewall: your egging it on a getting reactions for them
[12/22/2015 10:27:07 PM] *** Stonewall removed hitchcock from this conversation. ***
[12/23/2015 1:07:00 PM] *** Iso added hitchcock ***
The Animalz war was pre-planned. Stonewall is a wimp. And they used white chocolate as their PR train.
Anyway, back to the battlefield we go.
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[12/21/2015 4:44:38 PM] Stonewall: lpcn is bogged down with Goons and no need to hit them at this time but we do have like I said an open contract out on Meth and we will fill it if he ever stops fighting Goons or should he get upper hand against them
[12/21/2015 4:45:04 PM] Stonewall: or whenever an opportunity arises to cash it in
[12/21/2015 4:46:35 PM] Stonewall: we do have a couple of nuked guys in his range atm but both are noobs and not very active but are reachable by TeamSpeak....and besides I intend to fill the contract personally as one day I may be in his range after a big war... :D
[12/21/2015 4:47:31 PM] Stonewall: we will however "raid" animalz asap... :P
[12/21/2015 4:48:18 PM] Stonewall: but atm we are in no rush to do anything but once again our allies have refused to help so why are we "allied"?

I knew it was pre-planned, but in case anyone had doubts here is the proof.
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When your "arguments" consist of OOC accusations, there is no reasoning with you and its clear you're a troll. For an IC forum, I'll only pay attention to those who can keep things IC & responding doesn't require breaking any rules myself.


How about you all go get some fresh air and come back and try to keep it IC in this section of the forums and stop discussing moderation issues?  Warns have already been issued and more will be issued if you cannot figure it out.

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[12/22/2015 10:21:38 PM] hitchcock: Stonewall, did you get spied?
[12/22/2015 10:23:12 PM] Stonewall: why would you know this?
[12/22/2015 10:24:00 PM] Stonewall: answer me there Ben how would you know I got spied?
[12/22/2015 10:25:15 PM] hitchcock: Staccs said something on the owf. And it's on the 'exposed spy ops across the globe'
[12/22/2015 10:26:10 PM] Stonewall: yeah I see a concerted effort on the parts of you, franz and rebel and staccs
[12/22/2015 10:26:27 PM] hitchcock: ?
[12/22/2015 10:26:48 PM] Stonewall: your egging it on a getting reactions for them
[12/22/2015 10:27:07 PM] *** Stonewall removed hitchcock from this conversation. ***
[12/23/2015 1:07:00 PM] *** Iso added hitchcock ***

Considering he wasn't even aware he could see Meth's voters, I'm not at all surprised he doesn't know well enough where to find global reports available to the entirety of the globe -- and then smell some big conspiracy against him .... Y'all smell conspiracy every other post in your little micro-world ...
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I knew it was pre-planned, but in case anyone had doubts here is the proof.

I told you 12 threads ago I did this to you...I plotted your downfall in senate and defeat militarily for months with allies and some of the treaties we signed were for that end...I specifically told you last week or whenever this current war started that I did this to you and you can ask anybody... :smug: As far as the other crap snitchboi spewed, who cares? and I didn't even bother proof reading it as me and claude were constantly talking thrash about everyone and we gonna roll this AA or that knowing full well the proud snitchboi was logging it all as that is what he does and is first person I ever met who is proud of his snitchings and brags about it when he dumps on whoever... :v: Good times because Okay always said Okay if we mentioned hitting someone every time... :awesome: 


Considering he wasn't even aware he could see Meth's voters, I'm not at all surprised he doesn't know well enough where to find global reports available to the entirety of the globe -- and then smell some big conspiracy against him .... Y'all smell conspiracy every other post in your little micro-world ...

Exactly I am intimate with the aspects of war and that's about it...

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It was obvious you & Junka were doing everything you possibly could to start a war with us leading up to this. Since we were still fully engaged fighting GOONS when you attacked & were unable to respond to your continued aggression, SNX attacking verified what I already suspected. However SNX & TAO had both given many reasons for us to attack over while fighting GOONS even if SNX didn't attack.


Although I think this war is going to backfire on both SNX and TAO, with that already having begun. With SNX trying to vote up other Senators to push me out, I'm still only 4 votes away from 5th, so you might be assuming I've lost in the Senate a bit to soon.

Edited by Sephiroth
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It was obvious you & Junka were doing everything you possibly could to start a war with us leading up to this. Since we were still fully engaged fighting GOONS when you attacked, when SNX attacked it verified what I already suspected. Although I think this war is going to backfire on both SNX and TAO, with that already having begun.


With SNX trying to vote up other Senators to push me out, I'm still only 4 votes away from 5th, so you might be assuming I've lost in the Senate a bit to soon.

Well with nations voting for you then deleting, that's very odd do you not think?, and new nations with like 4 or 5 days played time also voting for you, seems like someone has people making fake nations to push their numbers.

As for Stone and Junka teaming up to hit you what does it matter you are no one important, you have no powerful friends or support, you are nothing more than a tech raid that is all, so do not think you are that important over this war used to stop our smaller nations from getting bored.

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Don't drag my name into your conspiracy theories Methrage, the only time I am mentioned in those logs is turning down war requests, and SNX only engaged defensively.


It's facts. Let's not pretend you didn't antagonize animalz to become besties with stonewall again who really needed the DK loving 

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Don't drag my name into your conspiracy theories Methrage, the only time I am mentioned in those logs is turning down war requests, and SNX only engaged defensively.

You gott involved in attacking aNiMaLz where that NAP with aNiMaLz came into play to end, also TAO attacked me then at your directions & I only let it go at the time because you convinced Sir Kindle to white peace. I warned you when we closed up that war not to repeat TAO's provocations & try using the treaty to get aNiMaLz to turn on the LPC if you wanted a lasting peace; yet that's exactly what you did.


So you were definitely active in plotting this & even bragged about setting all this up at some earlier point in the war.

Edited by Sephiroth
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You gott involved in attacking aNiMaLz where that NAP with aNiMaLz came into play to end, also TAO attacked me then at your directions & I only let it go at the time because you convinced Sir Kindle to white peace. I warned you when we closed up that war not to repeat TAO's provocations & try using the treaty to get aNiMaLz to turn on the LPC if you wanted a lasting peace; yet that's exactly what you did.


So you were definitely active in plotting this & even bragged about setting all this up at some earlier point in the war.


and using WC to do your PR work...


Junka, you really are pathetic.

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Well with nations voting for you then deleting, that's very odd do you not think?, and new nations with like 4 or 5 days played time also voting for you, seems like someone has people making fake nations to push their numbers.

As for Stone and Junka teaming up to hit you what does it matter you are no one important, you have no powerful friends or support, you are nothing more than a tech raid that is all, so do not think you are that important over this war used to stop our smaller nations from getting bored.

Exactly nobody cares about him or his lpcn clown posse except us who are determined to rid our planet of his terrorist influences and the many other AAs sick of your delusions of grandeur and the many victims of animalz rogue attacks and exhortations over the years...Devialance and quite a few others are cutting weight through wars and aiding out and soon our ranks will swell with nuke turrents dropping down for the final purge of the liberturdian bottom feeders... :psyduck:



and using WC to do your PR work...


Junka, you really are pathetic.

Go count your infra with your toes it won't take but a few seconds...nobody likes a snitch especially not a habitual one like you whose calling card boasts of his snitching prowess like it is your career path... :v: Your were like a mushroom to us and treated as such...fed a bunch of BS and kept in the dark and everyone else refused to talk in the same room as you as you disgust them and none of us trusted you and anyone who does is a fool of the highest order because you burn your hosts or try to every time playing musical spheres to suck up to rinse and repeat... :ehm: Your lack of treaties and friends is telling and testament to your leadership abilities and state of your alliance whose main bragging point is their amount of casualties from getting destroyed eventually every time you rear your heads up but there is no one to save you this time and for you to hide behind while you lick your wounds so you can do it all over again... :facepalm: 

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Exactly nobody cares about him or his lpcn clown posse except us who are determined to rid our planet of his terrorist influences and the many other AAs sick of your delusions of grandeur and the many victims of animalz rogue attacks and exhortations over the years...Devialance and quite a few others are cutting weight through wars and aiding out and soon our ranks will swell with nuke turrents dropping down for the final purge of the liberturdian bottom feeders... :psyduck:


Go count your infra with your toes it won't take but a few seconds...nobody likes a snitch especially not a habitual one like you whose calling card boasts of his snitching prowess like it is your career path... :v: Your were like a mushroom to us and treated as such...fed a bunch of BS and kept in the dark and everyone else refused to talk in the same room as you as you disgust them and none of us trusted you and anyone who does is a fool of the highest order because you burn your hosts or try to every time playing musical spheres to suck up to rinse and repeat... :ehm: Your lack of treaties and friends is telling and testament to your leadership abilities and state of your alliance whose main bragging point is their amount of casualties from getting destroyed eventually every time you rear your heads up but there is no one to save you this time and for you to hide behind while you lick your wounds so you can do it all over again... :facepalm:



it's funny because facts contradict the hot air you blow on here

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Doing just as well as yours :)

It was about 5 generals and no you don't have all the best generals because I killed them like you did with mine.

You don't have tons of xp either:

That was out of the spy op before we started the tit for tat general kill.

There was a point to turning off xp. :)


Announcement Title


2/28/2016 12:13:33 AM rebel update 1

You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of rebellion. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:

Last Tax Collection: 2/19/2016 3:07:27 AM
Last Bill Payment: 2/25/2016 1:02:13 AM
Desired Religion: Islam
Desired Government: Communist
Threat Level: Severe
Tax Rate: 30%
Number of Spies: 795
Last Nuke Purchase: 2/27/2016 3:38:46 AM
Last Wonder Purchase: 7/26/2014
Total Money: $1,450,491,513
Technology: 1,638.83 Levels

Trade Partners: Space Cuba, Ozone, Nordic Confederation, SuperSpace, Corponation
Secret Aid Sent To: None
Military XP Ratings: Army XP: 27, Navy XP: 7, Air Force XP: 1182, Intelligence XP: 5
Assigned Generals: None

Total Aircraft: 38
Aircraft Fighter Strength: 342
Aircraft Bomber Strength: 0
Navy Purchases Today: 0
Navy Vessels:
Corvettes: 0
Landing Ships: 0
Battleships: 0
Cruisers: 0
Frigates: 0
Destroyers: 0
Submarines: 0
Aircraft Carriers: 0

Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.


Announcement by PaultheWall
View all Alliance Announcements

(2/12/2016 12:04:42 AM)
You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of rebellion. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:

Last Tax Collection: 2/1/2016 4:12:28 PM
Last Bill Payment: 2/11/2016 2:06:56 AM
Desired Religion: Hinduism
Desired Government: Communist
Threat Level: Severe
Tax Rate: 30%
Number of Spies: 800
Last Nuke Purchase: 2/11/2016 3:00:20 AM
Last Wonder Purchase: 7/26/2014
Total Money: $1,882,183,019
Technology: 2,633.82 Levels

Trade Partners: Space Cuba, Ozone, Nordic Confederation, SuperSpace, Corponation
Secret Aid Sent To: None
Military XP Ratings: Army XP: 21, Navy XP: 7, Air Force XP: 1924, Intelligence XP: 46
Assigned Generals: Air Force XP Level 454, Army XP Level 119, Intelligence XP Level 55, Navy XP Level 58

Total Aircraft: 80
Aircraft Fighter Strength: 711
Aircraft Bomber Strength: 9
Navy Purchases Today: 0
Navy Vessels:
Corvettes: 0
Landing Ships: 0
Battleships: 0
Cruisers: 0
Frigates: 0
Destroyers: 0
Submarines: 0
Aircraft Carriers: 0

Although the mission was a success your spies were caught, 20 spies were killed, and your identity has been publicly revealed.



AWE :( you lost all your generals  and are down over 450 million from the time I first hit you...soon in the not so distant future you will be 1k infra 75 tech like your buddy methrage scamming people for tech deals like the rest of lpcn... :ehm:

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Stonewall, you should really come out of peace mode and fight the rebel until you fall into range if you want to back up your talk. Right now you're sitting in peace mode as others are doing your fighting for you, you'll never be in range to fight me if you go in peace mode to rebuild after every round..

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AWE :( you lost all your generals  and are down over 450 million from the time I first hit you...soon in the not so distant future you will be 1k infra 75 tech like your buddy methrage scamming people for tech deals like the rest of lpcn... :ehm:

Generals are two a penny and easy to kill you should know that considering you lost 3 good Intel generals with ~70% odds.

Around 200 mill of the decrease was building back up to hit you who ran for the hills thinking you was safe you left peacemode, got hit be me and proceeded to cry in the backrooms for help.


Lord Hitchcock's log dump is hilarious, you act like a right little pussy :D
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It's funny how those annoying things called facts always get in Stonewall and Junka's way... (facepalm)

[12/21/2015 4:41:24 PM] Stonewall: To: stonewall    From: Immortan Junka    Date: 12/21/2015 3:38:01 PM


Subject: RE: Senor de La Guerra


Message: Haha probably the smart thing to do, Doom wants us to sit out and keep building low tier nukers for the next big war

was the only time junka said anything in your great big wall of crap logs. So quit sniffing glue and making up imaginary lines connecting SNX to all this. While yourat it, find a damn hobby or something.
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