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The Big Boss

John More Dread

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Yeah. Wrestling lost its appeal to me after the whole '99-'00 RAW is War.
I did watch WM XXX, though. Purely for Taker vs. Lesnar.

Similar case, I just watch the Undertaker matches. Shame about the lesnar match.

Re:Chyna, what a horrible porn homevid, that is all I gotta say. Edited by shahenshah
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Similar case, I just watch the Undertaker matches. Shame about the lesnar match.

Re:Chyna, what a horrible porn homevid, that is all I gotta say.


It was a shame that his record got beaten. Still, 22-1 is still a WM Legend. To be honest, I'm glad that it was Lesnar who broke the streak. The match wasn't nearly as dirty as the 21 matches before it, and Lesnar beat him with pure power. I have to respect that.


Oh jeez... I actually managed to forget about that until you mentioned it.  This could potentially be the most legit CB on Bob in 5+ yrs. :p

Edited by DeathAdder
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Heh, if this is OOC and you want me to be honest, I'll be honest with you. You just probably are gonna hate it and it'll probably ruin our friendship. Meh.


Franz, you and the rest of blood pack are cowards. Blood pack, smh, I dunno how you guys can ever see yourselves as that. Opportunists pack is more like it. You go and hit WTF because you thought they'd be inactives and you'd get free exp and stuff. I've talked to the people on the AA, the ones who were hit hard are not happy about it. I'm talking your entire mid/upper tier (minus TBR). They were promised easy pickings and that WTF would surrender relatively soon and yall bit off more than they can chew. I dunno how involved each individual person was/how much they were talked to but that was the general consensus and that is why most of you guys went. 


If you truly did it because you love war or because you want to show the neutrals what war is about you should hit some true neutrals like GPA or Grey Council or someone. But no you hit WTF because you felt they were already beaten down. But you guys are idiots because once DBDC beat those super nations down, they left you with tech inflated fully wondered nations that wrecked you.


If you truly did it just because you want to hit people who refuse to play the game then go hit FAN or someone. You won't.


It fits the bill though, the entire Doom sphere is full of cowards. They have been since MK back in the day and probably even before that. Those !@#$%*^ sat at the top tier and made backdoor deals behind their governments that they wouldn't attack each other. They did this for global war after global war after global war and then they became huge. Imagine that. EDIT: To clarify, yes they did fight, but they made deals with each other so the active fighters wouldn't hit each other. They just declared on inactive guys and made sure it looked like they were fighting. Imagine two DBDC super nations on opposite sides of a war, instead of fighting each other they would say "hey the other guy on my AA is inactive, just hit him and not me and I'll hit the inactives on your AA." Do you not see how thats fucked up? You're selling your own alliance out to save a bit of money.


And then they get call out and berate alliances like Valhalla and LoSS for doing exactly what they've BEEN doing for 4-5 years now? Smh. You guys are so !@#$@#$ delusional it's hilarious. 


I have no problem with attacking neutrals and unaligned and whatever. If it was actually what you said it was, I would have literally no issue. My issue is that you aren't hxc yolo-ists like you claim to be. You prey on the weak, you don't initiate anything until you are sure you can win. DBDC keeps saying about how WTF had a comparable upper tier going into this war. Yeah that was true ...before DBDC recruited 10 super tier nations to their cause. Cuba talked about how he wants to roll Bob Dole and all that stuff and then enxt thing you know he's begging for Bob to come back to DBDCs o that he can soak up some of this WTF damage. Others too. Matt miller, Umair, and the rest of the guys who jumped over? Yeah. Ok. Opportunists. 


Before you guys went and started hitting WTF, you made sure you were safe. You made sure that you could sucker punch WTF but have half a dozen alliances from ODN to DS to whoever to have your back if !@#$ went down badly. If Kaskus came in and !@#$@#$ rekt you, you would be crying out to mommy DK so fast it would make GOONS look good.


The way you guys !@#$ on IRON/ODN/whoever for switching to the winning side.. well you guys are doing the same thing. It's impossible to talk morals and standards in this game because there are very very few people who have them. You know one of the people who do? Asa. WTF. They aren't neutrals like you say. 


They went independent 7 years ago because there was nobody worth allying int heir minds. They used to have treaties. They were a part of the MDP web and they said $%&@ it. If there are people worth fighting for and with, they should be in your alliance. It's different than how you say they've been avoiding wars and everything. 


Hey who is that in the MDP web in the mid-bottom left? 



Edited by Unknown Smurf
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Smurf no one is afraid of your crappy alliance lmao

It comes to no surprise to anyone that your reading comprehension is lacking once again. It has nothing to do with my alliance, youve clearly missed the point. The point was that there were plenty of better targets for Blood pack to hit if they truly believed what they claim to believe in. Is that simple enough for you? If not maybe you can get some of your friends to use that donation money for hooked on phonics classes instead.
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Heh, if this is OOC and you want me to be honest, I'll be honest with you. You just probably are gonna hate it and it'll probably ruin our friendship. Meh.


Franz, you and the rest of blood pack are cowards. Blood pack, smh, I dunno how you guys can ever see yourselves as that. Opportunists pack is more like it. You go and hit WTF because you thought they'd be inactives and you'd get free exp and stuff. I've talked to the people on the AA, the ones who were hit hard are not happy about it. I'm talking your entire mid/upper tier (minus TBR). They were promised easy pickings and that WTF would surrender relatively soon and yall bit off more than they can chew. I dunno how involved each individual person was/how much they were talked to but that was the general consensus and that is why most of you guys went. 


If you truly did it because you love war or because you want to show the neutrals what war is about you should hit some true neutrals like GPA or Grey Council or someone. But no you hit WTF because you felt they were already beaten down. But you guys are idiots because once DBDC beat those super nations down, they left you with tech inflated fully wondered nations that wrecked you.


If you truly did it just because you want to hit people who refuse to play the game then go hit FAN or someone. You won't.

Smurf, let me be honest, this won't hurt our friendship in the slightest because I'm a big boy and can take it. I already hit Grey Council last year remember? The thing is that if you wanted to, we could draw parallels between Monsters Inc hitting The Prussian Confederation who fit the bill as an "inactive" alliance with a similar situation to the World Task Force who I do believe you protect.I don't believe anyone came into the alliance thinking that it was going to be easy or that the World Task Force would surrender but instead just to fight and encounter resistance eventually and just take the hits with the wins.


I respect FAN too much to go and hit them, shout out to Kittiquel by the way.


As an aside, I believe I am the only person who joined the Blood Pack AA who was not approached to join the alliance but instead joined it voluntarily to get the casualties, to fight alongside Krihelion and to have a great time chatting with the World Task Force guys. For the past year, I have fought or assisted in a good proportion of the major and minor wars that went down (FAN-UCR War, LT-GC War, Beer Guzzlers War, AZTEC-Riot Society War and hell even both sides of the Kaskus-MI6 War). I had members who decided to go to MI6 who ended up fighting against Kaskus and I gave permission to Lavender Town members to fight for Kaskus in that war including Hitchcock which I am certain you were happy to receive.


Thus, I don't really see myself as a coward, I like to fight on the front lines alongside the grunts. Is that not the opposite of a coward who runs at the fight sign of trouble?


Anyway, to sum it up, Blood Pack was created to fight against the World Task Force and once the time is right, I am certain the components within will move onto other things. Such is this game.


PS: We should get GeniusInc out of retirement so we can have a proper chat on the revived Apathy Report!

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Smurf you are so clueless. You are calling the super tier nations cowards for supposedly making backdoor deals..please ask TOP how that worked out for them

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It comes to no surprise to anyone that your reading comprehension is lacking once again. It has nothing to do with my alliance, youve clearly missed the point. The point was that there were plenty of better targets for Blood pack to hit if they truly believed what they claim to believe in. Is that simple enough for you? If not maybe you can get some of your friends to use that donation money for hooked on phonics classes instead.

Stay mad dawg.  I'll keep winning and you'll keep losing.  Keep on throwing around your half baked ideas that myself or any other large nation from MK made "backdoor" deals to not attack large nations and running in circles talking to the ceiling.  I'm sure someone will believe you.  My war history and any one of my comrade's war history will show you that no one "dodged" nations that could harm them, but aight.  You're not the brightest bulb so I'm not surprised.

And Sigrun Vapnei, I'll just talk with you when you finally grow into the top 250, kay? :smug:

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Stay mad dawg.  I'll keep winning and you'll keep losing.  Keep on throwing around your half baked ideas that myself or any other large nation from MK made "backdoor" deals to not attack large nations and running in circles talking to the ceiling.  I'm sure someone will believe you.  My war history and any one of my comrade's war history will show you that no one "dodged" nations that could harm them, but aight.  You're not the brightest bulb so I'm not surprised.

And Sigrun Vapnei, I'll just talk with you when you finally grow into the top 250, kay? :smug:

he said your cybernation is too small



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 My war history and any one of my comrade's war history will show you that no one "dodged" nations that could harm them, but aight.  You're not the brightest bulb so I'm not surprised.


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And Sigrun Vapnei, I'll just talk with you when you finally grow into the top 250, kay? :smug:


Currently ranked #221  where are you? :smug:


Oh, you meant by NS! Yeah, don't hold your breath. I have no desire to see my nation ranked so highly it's no fun to play anymore, and plenty of tactics to use to avoid that fate.

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he said your cybernation is too small



Nah. I'm just going to smash it whenever he or any of his friends get into range.  ;)

GPA?  I aggressively attacked GPA... what's your point?  C'mon Mogar, you're better than that. 

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And yet, you quickly folded to them as well.

I folded to them?  That's very hardly what happened.  They all ran to peace mode and started asking for ways out when all of DBDC started to come out and get ready to hit them.

What's GPA doing right now again?  Oh, their entire top 40 is in peace mode right now.... I wonder why? :v:

You're an idiot if you think I'm afraid to fight anyone in this game

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At least I can acknowledge my past, you apparently want to whitewash the reality that GPA had no issues destroying your nation and Cuba bailed you out with a very lengthy NAP.

My nation was, and never will be, in any danger of being destroyed.  Sorry to break it to you, cupcake. Stay salty, my friend.  :smug:

Starfox, quit trying.  Your 9GAG humor is far away from home here.

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You can say that all you would like, the reality was seen by the rest of the world though.

Okay.  That fully explains why all of GPA fled to peace mode and begged for a way out, and why they're currently all sitting in peace mode right now. 

It's because we're so afraid of them. :awesome:

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