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The Big Boss

John More Dread

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Now it's not my fault that a global war happened prior to this raid and people are burnt out as a result now, is it? I believe most of the people which make up the Blood Pack fought in that war as well and they are still ready to put on a fight.
It really isn't an argument if it's a matter of common sense. In war, you generally attack when the odds are in your favour or weak (just like the New Polar Order did in the Disorder War which you took part in). A key part of the game and the reason many play is that it includes a war function (which if you want to ignore, you might as well go and play a certain other game out there which removes war altogether). War is what defined and shape this game, and if the World Task Force gets burnt, then that's on them for not adapting to the times.
If they don't want to play the political game then fine, but at least have someone in charge who is willing to sign agreements so that they can be properly safeguarded or at least teach their nations how to defend themselves when they get attacked.
Nwo Starfox in relation to having respect for Doombird Doomcave and none for Blood Pack, fair enough that's your opinion and I can't really change that. The thing is though that this game is also built around curbstomps and please don't deny you were not part of any because we both know that is a lie. Also in terms of your use of the word "skill", it does take a little to make sure you don't mess up your war attacks but I think most would just call that "experience".
Some do fight back with token gestures (Nintendo of Nintendo Land I must commend though for actually fighting back properly) so if they aren't really giving me a challenge then that's on them. Who said anything about glory? For me, it's a duty for me to go out and rid the game of inactive nations so that only the strong survive, just like Darwin told the world in "On the Origin of Species". To do otherwise would be letting the rot set into the game and result in a degradation of the game further.


Sign agreements to guarantee safety? That would do what, exactly? Every neutral alliance in the game has been hit by someone. Every protected alliance above a certain NS level has been dragged into something at a certain point. They didn't need agreements in the past because it was a gentleman's agreement that we would not hit them and they would mind their own business.


If I've been involved in any curbstomps that could be at all compared to attacking a neutral alliance with a bunch of mercenaries, please let me know. The last time a neutral alliance was attacked, I was put to PZI for a year by the NPO for getting involved. Seems to be the opposite of a curbstomp, though. Lethargy is a bit too dominant from everyone, though.


Oh, and you are on a mission to rid the game of inactive nations? You seem to be awfully selective and ineffective in that role. You're ignoring entire webs of nations and only target nations who don't seem to have MP's. If you really feel you are on a heroic mission to save CN from itself, you might want to do a better job. Maybe you should attack me because I could be considered inactive in alliance affairs. 


You are just not doing a very good job at putting forth an effective argument to support your actions, and you may want to abandon your talking points, and just admit you're a follower trying to win some favor in the mold of Sparta.


To put it into something you'd understand, Bloodpack is like the 3rd man in a 3 man handicap match setup by Vince McMahon (DBDC) on poor John Cena (WTF), who just refuses to put any of you over. Stop being a heel Shawn Michaels. ;)

Edited by Starfox101
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To put it into something you'd understand, Bloodpack is like the 3rd man in a 3 man handicap match setup by Vince McMahon (DBDC) on poor John Cena (WTF), who just refuses to put any of you over. Stop being a heel Shawn Michaels. ;)

The problem there is that you have not designated the other man in the match unless it's Vince McMahon (DBDC) and Shawn Michaels (Blood Pack) vs John Cena (WTF). Noting the current trend of the past year with Supercena (or in the case of the game, Neutral alliance!) has been on the wane with hits on their comrades Dolph Ziggler (The Democratic Order) and Ryback (Grey Council), I would say that John Cena's chances in the match are quite limited. With all the smarks (DBDC's allies along with the peanut gallery in general) cheering on the destruction of the neutral babyface by the monster heel boss Vince McMahon and his boy toy Shawn Michaels, it seems likely that the Cena fans (people in this thread who believe in neutrals being left alone) will be in for yet another upset.


Behind the scenes, Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels had discussed how the match should go over and are preparing another screwjob in a similar way that they did back at Survivor Series '97 *Beer Guzzlers War) against Bret Hart (Guinness) and his family (North Star Federation) to John Cena. However what's this? While Cena has taken a beating, he looks over to the ramp and he sees that Nikki Bella (Starfox101) is willing him on to get up and win this for all the fans, Make a Wish Foundation children (Hime Themis) and for god himself, Hulk Hogan (Admin). With this renewed strength, Cena gets the energy to rise after taking 2 Sweet Chin Musics and puts Shawn Michaels into the Attitude Adjustment.


But wait... what's this! The Heartbreak Kid counters the move and puts Cena into the Sharpshooter! Are we seeing this clearly? BAH GAWD! CENA'S WINCING IN PAIN! END THE MATCH, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! But.... but... Cena won't tap out! My god, his strength is hercul.... Mr. McMahon has hit Cena with a chair! McMahon goes for the pin... 1.... 2.... WAIT, SHAWN MICHAELS SUPERKICKS Mr McMahon threw the table which was propped up on the ropes and goes for the pin himself... 1... 2... 3!


SHAWN MICHAELS WINS THE PLANET BOB HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! BAH GAWD! HE PUT THE BOSS THROUGH THE TABLE! HE'S CERTAIN TO GET FIRED FOR THIS! But wait... who is that masked man sporting a red, white and blue wrestling attire... could it be?




I love you booker man!

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The problem there is that you have not designated the other man in the match unless it's Vince McMahon (DBDC) and Shawn Michaels (Blood Pack) vs John Cena (WTF). Noting the current trend of the past year with Supercena (or in the case of the game, Neutral alliance!) has been on the wane with hits on their comrades Dolph Ziggler (The Democratic Order) and Ryback (Grey Council), I would say that John Cena's chances in the match are quite limited. With all the smarks (DBDC's allies along with the peanut gallery in general) cheering on the destruction of the neutral babyface by the monster heel boss Vince McMahon and his boy toy Shawn Michaels, it seems likely that the Cena fans (people in this thread who believe in neutrals being left alone) will be in for yet another upset.


Behind the scenes, Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels had discussed how the match should go over and are preparing another screwjob in a similar way that they did back at Survivor Series '97 *Beer Guzzlers War) against Bret Hart (Guinness) and his family (North Star Federation) to John Cena. However what's this? While Cena has taken a beating, he looks over to the ramp and he sees that Nikki Bella (Starfox101) is willing him on to get up and win this for all the fans, Make a Wish Foundation children (Hime Themis) and for god himself, Hulk Hogan (Admin). With this renewed strength, Cena gets the energy to rise after taking 2 Sweet Chin Musics and puts Shawn Michaels into the Attitude Adjustment.


But wait... what's this! The Heartbreak Kid counters the move and puts Cena into the Sharpshooter! Are we seeing this clearly? BAH GAWD! CENA'S WINCING IN PAIN! END THE MATCH, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! But.... but... Cena won't tap out! My god, his strength is hercul.... Mr. McMahon has hit Cena with a chair! McMahon goes for the pin... 1.... 2.... WAIT, SHAWN MICHAELS SUPERKICKS Mr McMahon threw the table which was propped up on the ropes and goes for the pin himself... 1... 2... 3!


SHAWN MICHAELS WINS THE PLANET BOB HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP! BAH GAWD! HE PUT THE BOSS THROUGH THE TABLE! HE'S CERTAIN TO GET FIRED FOR THIS! But wait... who is that masked man sporting a red, white and blue wrestling attire... could it be?




I love you booker man!

That's not best for business. Stephanie McMahon (mods) and Triple H (admin) are not going to stand for Shawn Michaels (Bloodpack) putting his boss McMahon (DBDC) through a table, and for stealing the belt from the clutches of Cena (WTF). As a result you will now find yourselves in a HELL...IN A....CELL MATCH against BROCK LESNAR (NPO), SETH ROLLINS (Umbrella), DANIEL BRYAN (IRON) and a SURPRISE ENTRANT, KURT ANGLE (Vox Populi) WHO IS MAKING HIS RETURN TO WWE (CN) to rid WWE (CN) of heel Shawn Michaels (Bloodpack).





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That's not best for business. Stephanie McMahon (mods) and Triple H (admin) are not going to stand for Shawn Michaels (Bloodpack) putting his boss McMahon (DBDC) through a table, and for stealing the belt from the clutches of Cena (WTF). As a result you will now find yourselves in a HELL...IN A....CELL MATCH against BROCK LESNAR (NPO), SETH ROLLINS (Umbrella), DANIEL BRYAN (IRON) and a SURPRISE ENTRANT, KURT ANGLE (Vox Populi) WHO IS MAKING HIS RETURN TO WWE (CN) to rid WWE (CN) of heel Shawn Michaels (Bloodpack).





(Hulk Hogan and Triple H = Admin, by god, you've gone power mad and I like it!)



Shawn Michaels (Blood Pack... eh, who are we kidding at this point. Blood Pack is just Franz and his mates) happily rubs his hands together as he notes that he can simply call the D-Generation X made up of Chyna (Sparta) The New Age Outlaws (Doom Kingdom) and X-Pac (GOONS) along with the loveable leprechaun Hornswoggle (Atlas) even nobody really liked X-Pac to cheer him on in case anything happened. He was saddened though that Triple H (Admin) had split off from the faction but hoped they could heal the rift and dominate the sport of professional nation building. Either way, it was a steep challenge that had to be overcome.


Noting that Brock Lesnar (NPO) and Seth Rollins (Umbrella) were legitimately scary men, but not as scary as Roman Reigns (GPA) who could legit break hearts, skulls and bank balances. Daniel Bryan (IRON) on the other hand was considered a vanilla midget who would not amount to much and only the deluded would cheer for him when the Showstopper, the Main Event, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels was in the fight!


The announcement of Kurt Angle (Vox Populi) took Shawn by surprise however to be honest, he was hoping this day would come. Kurt was known as a real workhorse and ever since the Rabid Wolverine (LUE) had vanished from Planet Bob, there was a hole that needed to be filled and it was clear to Shawn that Kurt had to return. However, he always thought that Kurt had got too caught up in the fact that he had his Wrestlemania moment (Sanction) that he would never return so it was quite a shock for it to happen (please take note Starfox101, if you get Vox Populi to return, I believe that it could be good for the game).


Also, Shawn considered whether or not Triple H and Stephanie would be up for some Triple Threat action after the match to crown the undisputed King of the Ring!




Now, in terms of the game, I wish to thank Californian for having a pair and actually declaring on me! It's a close-fought battle but with the back and forth we are engaging in, I believe it will be a fun and enjoyable battle for both involved. If World Task Force emulated him, then I believe they would have a better time.


As mentioned above, I would absolutely love for Vox Populi to return to the game and if there are people willing to create that, I believe it would be a worthwhile cause for people to consider. However, I sense it's impact could be restricted by the fact that Vox Populi only got its power by taking in all of the nations who had gotten PZId or EZId by the Hegemony but I am certain that like then, there are people who sympathise with the cause and would be willing to join such a group in order to fight Doombird Doomcave, Blood Pack and anyone else who is thrown at it.


Starfox101, I really recommend you consider it, it would do the game some real good if you can pull it off as it would actually help to bring some stability to the game and be a good way to try and bring down the new hegemony of DBDC et al.

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[spoiler]Good Jerdge
This has nothing to do with DBDC
 You have mouthed one of the phrases I find most disturbing.
this is just a game
Truly throughout the time I have been on Digiterra I have seen  that phrase used, to justify all measure of poor behavior and down right nasty attitude.
What do you think that actually means?
I see the same in my daily life when we engage in game play.
It is just a game.
What is that supposed to mean? If there is one place where fair gameplay, etiquette and sportsmanship should matter, it is IN A GAME.There is nothing real to "win" nor gain.
 Stop saying that.
You wish to justify behavior unacceptable in a RL environment because "it is just a game" . It does not.
We are not required to reveal and revel in our basest behavior because " it is just a game."
You are not some crazed warlord or miniature Machiavelli you are what you are behind the keyboard, you impress no one with your bravado or machismo in a an online game. This is just a game.
This is just a game and frankly, I wish those who power game or wish to act out their lousy fantasies by crushing new players or smashing the civility of play would actually get it through their heads. THIS IS JUST A GAME> you have no need to act out your worst side. Being a Richard with no RL consequences is lazy and amazingly easy. Try a real challenge, try to win with honesty, etiquette and fair play. Then you might have accomplished something.
This is just a game.
Dame Hime Themis[/spoiler]

Hime, I agree that game ethics and fair play are important when playing games, however I was talking of another thing.

When talking of the game from an out of character point of view in game morals have no weight, or at least they shouldn't. You can say that CN villain narratives are too often poor (I'd agree) that villains too often expect an easy time in their wars (probable) thus the tough guy attitude some of them have is ridiculous (I personally have no hope they realize it, but it's true) etc.
The OOC rationalizations some are displaying here about what they're doing are hilarious to read (although, only if you find them terrible as players, I guess), and pathetic, but their in game morality (or lack of it) have nothing to do with that: bringing them up makes little sense.
Furthermore, not because some are making an ass of themselves, everyone participating in game is equally bad.

In short, you can't claim that being the villain in a game is bad. You can claim that reaching certain levels of bad at being the villain in a game is awful: on that I agree.
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Hime, I agree that game ethics and fair play are important when playing games, however I was talking of another thing.

When talking of the game from an out of character point of view in game morals have no weight, or at least they shouldn't. You can say that CN villain narratives are too often poor (I'd agree) that villains too often expect an easy time in their wars (probable) thus the tough guy attitude some of them have is ridiculous (I personally have no hope they realize it, but it's true) etc.
The OOC rationalizations some are displaying here about what they're doing are hilarious to read (although, only if you find them terrible as players, I guess), and pathetic, but their in game morality (or lack of it) have nothing to do with that: bringing them up makes little sense.
Furthermore, not because some are making an ass of themselves, everyone participating in game is equally bad.

In short, you can't claim that being the villain in a game is bad. You can claim that reaching certain levels of bad at being the villain in a game is awful: on that I agree.

Good Jerdge


 I never once argued that being a villain was "bad". I said the argument that being a putz because "its just a game" is cheap and lazy. When NPO played the heavy they at least spent the time and effort to Role Play a decent baddy. They set an ethos about how and why they were the "masters" and all about ORDER. They also reserved some modicum of "Lawful Evil" rules that eventually let the boot up. This led to a very meaningful game enjoyment then whe Vox helped put togehter an alliance to take down the evil tyrant. The raiders who nuke and bring in reinforcements to pound a new nation are just lazy. I am personally sick and tired of those who play the game who just want to be punks and then claim "its just a game" to justify being a jerk.


 Since this game has no win or lose then the real fun comes from the developing story lines that are made. This game is far more D+D than board game. If we become too lazy to bother and justify stupid and petulant behaviour with "Its just a game" then frankly why bother. It is the same reason I despise roguing out when leaving the game, akin to kickin over the chess board when losing.

 What is tuly revolting is the way some play little tinpots as if their accomplisments her meaning anything and yet justify urine poor behaviour with "its just a game". Yes it is learn to play with some fair gameplay.



Dame Hime Themis

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 Ah, munchin vs. roleplay. The age-old debate. Some want to carefully craft an experience. Some want to puzzle over the mechanics. Both enhance our time here on Bob, and both should be given room to play. Those methods of play that add to the game will stick around. Those that don't will leave.


I'm more inclined to be accepting of "just-a-game" behavior than you, Hime or Jerdge, because I think it makes the game more interesting. Some of the best times I had were fighting Rotavele with Caustic and BlackClown (I think TidyBowlMan was there, too, but don't remember). I was delayed getting an MP because of it and had to pull back my attacks in DoomWar due to lack of WC, but I would not have changed what happened. While I would never want to share an AA with or spend a long time interacting with Rotavele, I wish he would have reeled in his behavior enough to stick around. I learned a lot from fighting him. Aside: it's worth noting that Rotavele was under a PZI order from NG tri until DoomSquad came to the rescue. So DS deserved a little credit for trying to keep a player in the game.


Bloodpack is basically full of nations that love to fight. They've chosen to back DBDC because of friendship ties, but they would likely be bored back at their old AAs. WTF is free to treat them as it wants, or fight as long as it wants. But I doubt they'll have an easy time or find themselves better off by keeping battle-hardened nations at war when their own nations don't enjoy fighting.

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(Hulk Hogan and Triple H = Admin, by god, you've gone power mad and I like it!)



Shawn Michaels (Blood Pack... eh, who are we kidding at this point. Blood Pack is just Franz and his mates) happily rubs his hands together as he notes that he can simply call the D-Generation X made up of Chyna (Sparta) The New Age Outlaws (Doom Kingdom) and X-Pac (GOONS) along with the loveable leprechaun Hornswoggle (Atlas) even nobody really liked X-Pac to cheer him on in case anything happened. He was saddened though that Triple H (Admin) had split off from the faction but hoped they could heal the rift and dominate the sport of professional nation building. Either way, it was a steep challenge that had to be overcome.


Noting that Brock Lesnar (NPO) and Seth Rollins (Umbrella) were legitimately scary men, but not as scary as Roman Reigns (GPA) who could legit break hearts, skulls and bank balances. Daniel Bryan (IRON) on the other hand was considered a vanilla midget who would not amount to much and only the deluded would cheer for him when the Showstopper, the Main Event, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels was in the fight!


The announcement of Kurt Angle (Vox Populi) took Shawn by surprise however to be honest, he was hoping this day would come. Kurt was known as a real workhorse and ever since the Rabid Wolverine (LUE) had vanished from Planet Bob, there was a hole that needed to be filled and it was clear to Shawn that Kurt had to return. However, he always thought that Kurt had got too caught up in the fact that he had his Wrestlemania moment (Sanction) that he would never return so it was quite a shock for it to happen (please take note Starfox101, if you get Vox Populi to return, I believe that it could be good for the game).


Also, Shawn considered whether or not Triple H and Stephanie would be up for some Triple Threat action after the match to crown the undisputed King of the Ring!




Now, in terms of the game, I wish to thank Californian for having a pair and actually declaring on me! It's a close-fought battle but with the back and forth we are engaging in, I believe it will be a fun and enjoyable battle for both involved. If World Task Force emulated him, then I believe they would have a better time.


As mentioned above, I would absolutely love for Vox Populi to return to the game and if there are people willing to create that, I believe it would be a worthwhile cause for people to consider. However, I sense it's impact could be restricted by the fact that Vox Populi only got its power by taking in all of the nations who had gotten PZId or EZId by the Hegemony but I am certain that like then, there are people who sympathise with the cause and would be willing to join such a group in order to fight Doombird Doomcave, Blood Pack and anyone else who is thrown at it.


Starfox101, I really recommend you consider it, it would do the game some real good if you can pull it off as it would actually help to bring some stability to the game and be a good way to try and bring down the new hegemony of DBDC et al.

You had me laughing out loud with this wrestling RP. Please make every post in this manner.


Also, a return of Vox has never been off the table. You just need the right people, as it would not work otherwise.

Edited by Starfox101
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 Ah, munchin vs. roleplay. The age-old debate. Some want to carefully craft an experience. Some want to puzzle over the mechanics. Both enhance our time here on Bob, and both should be given room to play. Those methods of play that add to the game will stick around. Those that don't will leave.


I'm more inclined to be accepting of "just-a-game" behavior than you, Hime or Jerdge, because I think it makes the game more interesting. Some of the best times I had were fighting Rotavele with Caustic and BlackClown (I think TidyBowlMan was there, too, but don't remember). I was delayed getting an MP because of it and had to pull back my attacks in DoomWar due to lack of WC, but I would not have changed what happened. While I would never want to share an AA with or spend a long time interacting with Rotavele, I wish he would have reeled in his behavior enough to stick around. I learned a lot from fighting him. Aside: it's worth noting that Rotavele was under a PZI order from NG tri until DoomSquad came to the rescue. So DS deserved a little credit for trying to keep a player in the game.


Bloodpack is basically full of nations that love to fight. They've chosen to back DBDC because of friendship ties, but they would likely be bored back at their old AAs. WTF is free to treat them as it wants, or fight as long as it wants. But I doubt they'll have an easy time or find themselves better off by keeping battle-hardened nations at war when their own nations don't enjoy fighting.

Good Duderonomy


 Do not miss understand I have a really close friend who when we play just wants"to roll dice" . He likes to say "We are here to have fun wether you like it or not". He is there for the play of the game. I love that but he is never deliberately rude, he does not power game and will always help a new player learn a game. There is having fun and giving a fling about winning as you described and I can always live with that. What annoys me is those who power game and reck the play for others. Just because you can crush a player particularily a new player does not mean you should. Rock on and war just for the sake of fun is fine because YOU look for willing partners. It is when they are unwilling I find objection.



Dame HIme Themis

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There's an option for "unwilling" partners. It's called peace mode. If you hang out in war mode, then you have indicated your willingness to fight. Players might object to the penalty of peace mode, but it is still there as an option for those that truly don't want to fight. The assumption will always be that war mode means you're ready for war, overriding any claims to a non-political stance.


As for rudeness, that's always a grey area if there ever was one. I'll grant you that some rhetoric might be getting out of hand on the WTF forums (I wouldn't know since I'm keeping well away from that mess), and maybe there are other things happening off the OWF. I take DBDC's side of things because I have more history and ties to DBDC. Fark's vouch for WTF means a lot, but it's not enough to overcome my existing trust.


Manners are far too subjective for me to regard them seriously. I've been called hair-raising things by my best friends and treated like a king by my worst enemies. My opinion depends on context, not just content. Head games (including teasing, criticism, and other forms of propaganda) are not confined to Bob, but are present in sport, business, and relationships. While I try to treat those who can't handle it gently, I don't respect them and don't rely on them in my hour of need. Otherwise, I can expect them to passive-aggressively ignore my problems because I forgot to say "Thank You" for something. That's why I fit with Non Grata because the worst most of them will do is insult me or mess with my forum profile. They have never deleted my comments, and only one (now former) member has ever sought to silence me by banning me. The ban was rescinded soon after by cooler heads.


If my situation were different, I would probably be in BloodPack for the fun, especially given WTF's outspoken presence on the OWF. But I'm unprepared for a war of that scale at the moment. Judge me harshly for that if you want.

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There are two levels at which that can be taken Jerdge. There is IC morality, and there is OOC morality, and they are very different things, but both exist.


This being an OOC forum, I was of course talking about OOC morality. I know you were not directing yourself at myself alone, but I will be very clear where I am coming from.


It's OOC morality that says that we should find ways to coëxist here *even when there is no good IC reason to do so* because we are all human beings playing a game we love and we all have a right to play. We are a community and we all have and should have an interest in keeping it a healthy diverse community where everyone has a place rather than seeing it made smaller and more homogenous by running rulers (or worse yet entire communities or classes of them) out of the game. I think that has been and should be a bright line where IC concerns have to take a derential second place to OOC morality.


It's truly disturbing to see so many disagree.

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I said the argument that being a putz because "its just a game" is cheap and lazy.

Since that wasn't my argument, we agree. :)

Sigrun, I hadn't read your reasoning in that way. I would have talked of game ethics and fair play rather than morals, but that's just semantics. Now that I get your point of view I can say that I agree with it.

I don't like very much looking at it as a moral stance because it sounds like players that don't play it that way would be morally guilty. I'd rather say that they're bad and/or immature players. I also see how they could say that there's nothing wrong in the way they play (I'd disagree, but I can see how their pattern of thought isn't stupid/invalid).

Some are more competitive, others think of the community. Yes, my "moral" stance is more of the second kind, which I believe to be the only one really sustainable on top of it being just better, but I am not going to look down on those that are more competitive just because of that.
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That's a bad argument. I don't know, or even care really, what exactly DBDC has or hasn't gotten away with, but saying that it's not as bad IC as NPO was, or not as bad OOC as MK was, doesn't make it any less bad or even scummy. Judge their actions for their actions.

Edit: That's not even just for you Caliph; I just see that argument all the time. It's not even always about DBDC.

Also been a minute buddy, happy Easter.


I was specifically referring to Starfox when he said DBDC gets away with more than everyone else has in the whole of the cyberverse here both IC and OOC.  I disagree, having been here since 2006 and have seen things I would classify as worse than what DBDC has done/is doing. 


I'm only specifically responding to that one claim that DBDC is worse than everything else in the whole of CN. 


And ya, its been a while, you get on irc anymore? 

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 D-Generation X made up of Chyna (Sparta) The New Age Outlaws (Doom Kingdom) and X-Pac (GOONS) along with the loveable leprechaun Hornswoggle (Atlas) even nobody really liked X-Pac to cheer him on in case anything happened. He was saddened though that Triple H (Admin) had split off from the faction but hoped they could heal the rift and dominate the sport of professional nation building. Either way, it was a steep challenge that had to be overcome.


Why do I have to be the Man-Beast Chyna?


Masked Kane was a (very limited) member of D-Generation X when it was worthwhile, too.

Edit: And where the hell is Secksual Chocolate?

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Why do I have to be the Man-Beast Chyna?


Masked Kane was a (very limited) member of D-Generation X when it was worthwhile, too.

Edit: And where the hell is Secksual Chocolate?


As Chyna you are also the 9th wonder of the world, and co European champion with Jericho.


As for limited members, there was also Mike Tyson.


For that analogy to work, DBDC must be Triple H, because they are just that damn good.  the cerebral assassin picking apart their enemies leaving them destroyed at the end. 


As for sexual chocolate, he's in a triple threat match with Val Venis and the Godfather, winner gets to ride the Hoooooooe train.

Edited by Caliph
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It was New Age Outlays for me.  Chyna was great but only when Triple H was around.  On her own she wasn't that interesting.  Though in solo the New Age Outlaws weren't that good either, but they were incredibly entertaining.


I mean when Road Dogg came up to the mic and started his "ladies and gentlement boys and girls children of all ages ..." bit, who didn't join in?  everyone knew the words, and it was great fun.


i can't even watch the show now, its a far cry to what it was like in the Attitude Era.

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As Chyna you are also the 9th wonder of the world, and co European champion with Jericho.


As for limited members, there was also Mike Tyson.


For that analogy to work, DBDC must be Triple H, because they are just that damn good.  the cerebral assassin picking apart their enemies leaving them destroyed at the end. 


As for sexual chocolate, he's in a triple threat match with Val Venis and the Godfather, winner gets to ride the Hoooooooe train.



Now, we have to decide just who exactly is Val Venis?

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