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last week we were DBDC puppets, this week it's NPO...next week who knows?


Kaskus for sure.  :ph34r:



98% of WTF turtled.  He only got GA wins off the initial assault.  Again, 14k tech compared to 70k+ he dished out is of no comparison.  WTF is almost out of people to stagger him and when that happens he goes back to gaining tech while WTF has to constantly worry about nations that go above the top 250 line.  I think they have far exceeded in losing than Cuba has but again each person is going to see a win and loss differently.  


I do applaud WTF for their consistency and tenacity in throwing every able and willing body at Cuba and DBDC but it will all be in vain.


If their endgoal is to defend their isolationism, then I would argue they have succeeded therefore this is a victory. The only thing they need to do is make this war hard enough for DBDC so that DBDC/opportunists won't hit them. 


I'd argue that is the goal of any alliance. 

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I would HOPE it was intentional... no one could possibly come up with dialog THAT bad on their own a second time I would think. After all, it's just a retread of the whole idea of if there were no devil, could there be a god?


I'm not so sure "feared" should be in that description, peacocking or chest thumping is a fine thing... but it has to have some believability to it. If DBDC we as feared as you might want to believe? Everyone in the top 250 would just sit in peace mode and shiver in their boots. WTF certainly doesnt fear DBDC, after all, this is just a game. We knew you were coming eventually, and when your offer of peace came at the ten day mark it was made clear then that we didn't fear you.


And we've always been completely fine with no one caring about us, apparently not everyone gets the fact that being told so for the 400th time means just as little as the 1st.


I didn't think the dialogue was that bad.  It certainty fits, you need a boogeyman to fight and the anti DBDC crowd needs an enemy to hate and rally against. 


The funny thing is you actually think you are winning.  While dragging down a few lower ns DBDC members, you aren't really cracking any of their top 18.  While you have wars on Cuba, what is the damage ratio?  When he has more tech than your nations do infra and tech and land combined, the damage ratios are not in your favor.  I get that you want to fight for months and months, but I've done, and most people here have done that and its boring.  You feel emboldened by your anti DBDC cheerleaders waving their pom pomps from the sidelines and see you doing some damage so you puff your chest a bit, walk a little straighter, maybe with a bit of swag in your step telling yourselves "we're beating DBDC". 


You guys aren't beating DBDC now.  We'll see how a long fight works out for ya, but my money is on DBDC.

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Kaskus for sure.  :ph34r:



If their endgoal is to defend their isolationism, then I would argue they have succeeded therefore this is a victory. The only thing they need to do is make this war hard enough for DBDC so that DBDC/opportunists won't hit them. 


I'd argue that is the goal of any alliance. 


At the rate this is going they'll all be out of DBDC range so DBDC cannot continue attacks on them, thus achieving a lasting peace.

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Oh come on, 2 of the last 3 wars ODN came in on the losing side and took a beating.

Edit: And Schattenman...Garion doesn't dictate policy for R&R, Magicninja doesn't for GATO. Using two individual comments to suggest ODN's allies will sit back and watch the fireworks is a bit of a stretch.

And before you go all crazy on this post, I do not dictate NATO policy :/


I didn't say they were afraid of a fight. I just stated the objective fact ODN aren't exactly vicious go-getters like their "contemporaries". Despite what the OP said, they are, in fact, followers. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, our political landscape has always been one of horses and riders after all, but it makes these idle threats pointless. 




But speaking of alliances that always conveniently position themselves on the fence so they can avoid a real fight as much as possible:

This post could maybe be taken as a debate-worthy point, had it not come from you.



How's it going, R&R! Never thought I'd see you stuck up the rear of ODN, but whatever way the wind blows, right?

Edited by Ayatollah Bromeini
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At the rate this is going they'll all be out of DBDC range so DBDC cannot continue attacks on them, thus achieving a lasting peace.




Once war is done both sides will rebuild. That is to say WTF will have people in the top 250 eventually no matter how badly they are beaten down this war. 

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The funny thing is you actually think you are winning.  While dragging down a few lower ns DBDC members, you aren't really cracking any of their top 18.  While you have wars on Cuba, what is the damage ratio?  When he has more tech than your nations do infra and tech and land combined, the damage ratios are not in your favor.  I get that you want to fight for months and months, but I've done, and most people here have done that and its boring.  You feel emboldened by your anti DBDC cheerleaders waving their pom pomps from the sidelines and see you doing some damage so you puff your chest a bit, walk a little straighter, maybe with a bit of swag in your step telling yourselves "we're beating DBDC". 


You guys aren't beating DBDC now.  We'll see how a long fight works out for ya, but my money is on DBDC.

For the very last time so we can be done with this. Please, anyone, ANYONE show me and the rest of WTF where we EVER said we were winning. If someone else says it? It must be true then right? You say that we think we're winning... I say I think you must have a Scarface poster on your wall and a love for crappy movies than probably ends with you crying, because you were so motivated by their retread dialog that you try to pass it off UN-cleverly as your own.


I said it, so it must be true, right? Just like you're saying it, so it must be true.


Stop with the nonsense.



At the rate this is going they'll all be out of DBDC range so DBDC cannot continue attacks on them, thus achieving a lasting peace.


Also not true... which is why ODN has arrived in the first place.

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Once war is done both sides will rebuild. That is to say WTF will have people in the top 250 eventually no matter how badly they are beaten down this war. 


Depends on how much of their WC's WTF uses to build back into Cuba's range only to be beaten right back out of it.

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Depends on how much of their WC's WTF uses to build back into Cuba's range only to be beaten right back out of it.


They are fully wondered nations that do tech deals and are isolationist so probably won't be in too many wars. To continue the trend of quoting bad movies: They'll be back. 

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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They are fully wondered nations that do tech deals and are isolationist so probably won't be in too many wars. To continue the trend of quoting bad movies: They'll be back. 




The "bad" movies tend to be the most entertaining.

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While what you say, in practice may be correct, I just want to point out that Thriller did not "handle the heat." They tucked tail and disbanded. So coming from you, it really is ineffectual commentary. If you do not practice what you preach, do not preach it, memories are long.


The irony

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You can look at it in 2 ways.


1) I left DBDC and betrayed them.


2) I left DBDC to help friends.


I would rather fight for WTF vs pompous cry babies like cuba and co. Anyway cuba had it coming ever since he declared on tim and ramon for not following his rules. He once threatened to declare on me and OYA but when we lold at him and said do it he ran off crying and kicked us. Cuba deserved the beat down he got from me and the beat down he continues to receive.


Every single time DBDC discussed attacking GPA/OBR/WTF etc i would make it very clear that if WTF was attacked i would leave DBDC and fight for them. Everyone in DBDC can tell you that i would always stick up for WTF. 


I do n ot care about bridges that lead to people like Cuba tbh. I will gladly burn them.

I missed this.


CT, while you were in DBDC you cared more about WTF than DBDC.  That is by definition a betrayal, if your loyal to a different AA than you need to drop AA and be in the one you are loyal too.  That is a betrayal. 


You did both #1 and #2 here.  You betrayed DBDC by leaving to help who you consider friends. 

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Every alliance in existence has done this during war time.  Is it really all that different when someone doesn't say "I declare war on you for these made up reasons"?  I'm all for more war, but shorter wars.  Has it out on the battlefield,  Old school NSO had the right idea, war for a few weeks than white peace.

Of course you are. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that DBDC already accomplished their mission and continuing further is completely pointless for them. At this point, DBDC has more to lose than WTF does. They do not need their NS to project their political position, but DBDC does. You're just trying to be honorable, and give them a fair chance with no reps, right? You attacked an alliance with absolutely no justification, and have flip-flopped AA's to rebuild before re-entering, all the while accusing someone else who flip flopped AA's of being a nuclear rogue, after you launched an unproved mass attack on an alliance.


If you don't see any of the hypocrisy in any of this event, you really need to take a step back and turn off your blinders. Was DBDC not the same alliance who promised Polar eternal war after we fought back against their raids in the only way we could? I thought you were in favor of short wars? Your actions and your statements haven't been in-line for the entire existence of this alliance. The sheer fact that you guys have convinced some of the most gullible alliances in the world to go along with it is no small achievement.


Do you honestly think anyone buys anything you say? I've seen worse from Vladimir during the days of the hegemony. If you repeat this line enough, you just might believe you're noble.

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Of course you are. It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that DBDC already accomplished their mission and continuing further is completely pointless for them. At this point, DBDC has more to lose than WTF does. They do not need their NS to project their political position, but DBDC does. You're just trying to be honorable, and give them a fair chance with no reps, right? You attacked an alliance with absolutely no justification, and have flip-flopped AA's to rebuild before re-entering, all the while accusing someone else who flip flopped AA's of being a nuclear rogue, after you launched an unproved mass attack on an alliance.


If you don't see any of the hypocrisy in any of this event, you really need to take a step back and turn off your blinders. Was DBDC not the same alliance who promised Polar eternal war after we fought back against their raids in the only way we could? I thought you were in favor of short wars? Your actions and your statements haven't been in-line for the entire existence of this alliance. The sheer fact that you guys have convinced some of the most gullible alliances in the world to go along with it is no small achievement.


Do you honestly think anyone buys anything you say? I've seen worse from Vladimir during the days of the hegemony. If you repeat this line enough, you just might believe you're noble.


Oh do shut up.  


The hypocrisy is that you are bandwagonning CT's nuts so hard right now that a mere 5 months ago you thought he was a piece of scum.  The hypocrisy is that all of these people on the OWF suddenly have balls but no NS to do anything in game so you all grabbed on to whatever pathetic nation you can to do what you could and will never be able to do.  That is to take a crap ton of damage and dish out a minimal amount in return.  Oh wait... NpO did that already.  I retract part of my previous statement.

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I wasn't aware that if I didn't like someone at a certain point, I am literally never allowed to refer to them in a positive way. Man, I really should tell Polar that. Although I never mentioned CT, I will state I don't think he is that bad of a guy. He was swept away on the tide in the hopes of staying safe, which is a position quite a few people find themselves in these days. It is hard to continue to fault him for that when he has taken steps to rectify his previous actions.


Also, are we not allowed to post critically of someone unless we are in range of their nation? If so, you guys are going to have a very lonely time.


Not one thing you mentioned was hypocrisy, however. I suggest you look up the definition, instead of attempting to use the same word I used to Caliph, against me, without understanding the meaning of it.

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The irony of gatorback05 acting like he has big brass balls, someone who had hid away from war for most of his existence.

Yes gatorback05 most of the people you talk to here had balls long before you dipped your toes into the world of warfare, you have no room to talk about balls as you were an extremely late starter. :)

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The irony of gatorback05 acting like he has big brass balls, someone who had hid away from war for most of his existence.

Yes gatorback05 most of the people you talk to here had balls long before you dipped your toes into the world of warfare, you have no room to talk about balls as you were an extremely late starter. :)

Very true. I was top 100 once, as well. Unfortunately that was while I was in GGA during GW1...so, yeah.

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The irony of gatorback05 acting like he has big brass balls, someone who had hid away from war for most of his existence.

Yes gatorback05 most of the people you talk to here had balls long before you dipped your toes into the world of warfare, you have no room to talk about balls as you were an extremely late starter. :)


Played it smart.  Don't be all butthurt that I played my way and you played your way.  They call this a game for a reason.  I will voluntarily say that when I was in college I was much more invested in RL and partying then this game hence never really actively looking for an AA that warred plus I love my pixels.  Then again you are defending and cheering on a person who did much worse than me.  CT left weeks hell even nights before wars in other AA's but now he is some martyr that you all look up too? He claims that he only raided alliances that he didn't like what he fails to mention are the raids he didn't go on because he wasn't given the right targets or the targets with more land.  


Oh how I LoL at your wanna be jab at me being a late starter.  Could care less if anyone in here has more war experience at the mid tier than me.  Doesn't take a genius to look at my nation page and see how little my casualties are and again that in no way hurts my feelings one bit.  Now go back to your ranting about DBDC and licking the dingleberries out of CT's dark atrium and let's get back to having some fun.

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Played it smart.  Don't be all butthurt that I played my way and you played your way.  They call this a game for a reason.  I will voluntarily say that when I was in college I was much more invested in RL and partying then this game hence never really actively looking for an AA that warred plus I love my pixels.  Then again you are defending and cheering on a person who did much worse than me.  CT left weeks hell even nights before wars in other AA's but now he is some martyr that you all look up too? He claims that he only raided alliances that he didn't like what he fails to mention are the raids he didn't go on because he wasn't given the right targets or the targets with more land.  
Oh how I LoL at your wanna be jab at me being a late starter.  Could care less if anyone in here has more war experience at the mid tier than me.  Doesn't take a genius to look at my nation page and see how little my casualties are and again that in no way hurts my feelings one bit.  Now go back to your ranting about DBDC and licking the dingleberries out of CT's dark atrium and let's get back to having some fun.

Tldr- Everyone who has casualties is a loser.

I wonder what alliance has the majority of the top casualty nations?
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I don't know if it's so much doublespeak as it is a case of Plato's noble lie. I can't speak for this peaches character, but I know that, even in the privacy of CnG high gov channels, Os would always be the voice for "honor" and "the right thing" while very clearly supporting and encouraging moves that were not very honorable or right at all. I mean, I did too, as did all of us running the bloc, but no one else had delusions about what was going on. That very much seems to be the case here, with what is clearly a not-so-subtle threat being earnestly defended as a TRUE ATTEMPT AT DIPLOMACY
That's historically, in my somewhat limited experience, always been the problem with ODN: They believe everything they say.

Oh, they're sadistic.

Oh come on, 2 of the last 3 wars ODN came in on the losing side and took a beating.

Edit: And Schattenman...Garion doesn't dictate policy for R&R, Magicninja doesn't for GATO. Using two individual comments to suggest ODN's allies will sit back and watch the fireworks is a bit of a stretch.

And before you go all crazy on this post, I do not dictate NATO policy :/

ODN didn't just "come in" on losing wars, they're allied to a sphere that lost and their FA hopes haven't panned out the way they were supposed to.  In one losing war they were given guarantees before the war of what would happen.

Schattenmann topics never fails to deliver.  If Schatt had a talk show about CN.  I would be one of it's biggest fan.

Oh, God, man, thanks but no thanks.  I did a CN radio show for a couple months and it was Hell.

As far as I can tell, WTF is succeeding in their goals. Not only have they have managed to consistently cause enough damage to Cuba for the past 49 days that his incoming tech/donations/GA wins are not enough to increase his tech levels, they've destroyed 14.4k of his tech. He has lost roughly 260 days worth of incoming tech so far. That's a pretty impressive accomplishment fighting against the strongest nation in the game with the second highest amount of tech. Yes, he's done *far* more damage to WTF than they've done to him. Their damage is spread across X nations, they can rebuild their tech X times faster than he can. They are also not the type to use their nation size to declare war on whoever they feel like whenever they feel like, so the damage done to Cuba is far more important to his foreign policy than theirs is.

As for ODN's shenanigans and threats, I'd almost buy the "throw away comment by random member".. if their gov immediately corrected his statement in the embassy. I don't have an account on WTF's forums so I'm not sure if they did or not.

In some cases this is paradigms talking past each other, in others it's also a mix of Baghdad Bobism.  No one thinks WTF is going to "win" in the sense of DBDC surrendering, but you've got their pals out here shouting "WTF is losing!" as if that matters. 
Caliph, Berbers, whoever knows that there is not going to be a standard win to this war, and they know we know that, but they need to frame it within the way that looks best for them.
Yeah, DBDC is winning.  And if this is what winning this war looks like I'm glad to be on the sidelines.

This is because many of the DBDC targets ran off to other alliances when they realized they were in a bad spot. Ran to peace mode. Or kept burning WC to buy up in attempts to stay out of range of the WTFers dragging their friends down, mysteriously even when prior war declaration we only made in game.

Oh, make no mistake, 4 or 400, the number of wars makes no difference.  4 is clearly enough ;)

You need people to call the bad guy so you can sit back and call yourselves good.  Perhaps not WTF as much as the anti DBDC crowd who is only supporting you because its anti DBDC. 
 Nobody is calling WTF evil.  But just recognize that the only reason you get any support in this war is because its against DBDC, the most hated, respected, and feared alliance here right now.  Without them you'd simply be another page of stats that nobody cares about because you never use them.


I didn't think the dialogue was that bad.  It certainty fits, you need a boogeyman to fight and the anti DBDC crowd needs an enemy to hate and rally against.

 This is such bad pap.  It's so dead.  It ignores reality.

No one hates DBDC because they just hate DBDC, no one hates DBDC because they need to hate them or else, what, they disappear or melt?

DBDC has enemies because they've actively sought to make them, just like MK had enemies because they actively sought to make them.  It's not even original, MK did the whole meta-evil thing trying their damnedest to be as ebil as possible to create a new, active, perpetual Spring world, and in the end what they were were a bunch of guys that never could engineer what came to NPO naturally.  If, if, DBDC has this existential attitude as you're asserting, then it's kind of sad.  It's been done.  Nothing DBDC does is novel.


How stupid to say that WTF needs DBDC or else they'd just be useless stats?  That's what WTF already is, it's what they already were before DBDC ever existed, it's all they want to be.


This is so lazy, it's insulting.  It's why quotation is so often not a serviceable substitute for wit.

I missed this.
CT, while you were in DBDC you cared more about WTF than DBDC.  That is by definition a betrayal, if your loyal to a different AA than you need to drop AA and be in the one you are loyal too.  That is a betrayal. 
You did both #1 and #2 here.  You betrayed DBDC by leaving to help who you consider friends.

One of DBDC's fault lines has always been its reliance on simplistic, feel-good, hackneyed friends-based politics.  "Once a member always a member" "No man left behind" "to death for friends" "I love you, you love me, we're a happy family"

DBDC cannot both draw members from all over the AA landscape and attack all over the landscape, eventually, they will have to decide which friends matter most just like every other sandbox virtues alliance has, bad blood rises, and hey, here we are.

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Just noticed this was posted on the 6th anniversary of the 5th episode of TWiP and a month after the 6th anniversary of the first edition (yee :gag: , we didn't even have a graphics department!)

I'll be reading the next installment. Apparently so will most of Planet Bob, given the number of people that appears looking at this topic.

Schatt, you are in danger of becoming the Rush Limbaugh of Planet Bob. dry.gif


Are you kidding ?? Schatt is this worlds version of Andrew Breitbart

Close enough

o/ Monday Nights

Hail Mondays!

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