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considering half of his NS is just land, all it would take is two months of offensive wars against him with high tech level nations, of course that would also mean nations in range willing to burn themselves down far more than what they would do for that one round.


Hey Mogar


Its amazing what a team of 3 big nations can do. I remember when LM was number 1. He was massive and was much larger then all other top ten nations, he was also skilled in war. But when 3 of us attacked him along with oyababy it was only a matter of time before his stats(power) faded away. Its the same with Cuba. 


Also remember how quickly nukes are used up. If cuba has 3 nations attack him and then a second wave hit him he would most likely have 0 nukes left for the 2nd wave unless he was very lucky. The 2nd wave nations would have a sitting duck for target practice.


Yes you are right. Some nations will burn in the process. Like i myself am burning. But i am burning with a smile on my face because i am burning for a good cause




I can only imagine how much Cuba has cried losing all that tech. No one in CN loves his stats more than that coward. HAHA, good luck trying to catch up to Dulra.


o/ CT 


o/ cverf :)


HAHA much CN love to you brother cverf. Yep, he always used to talk about how he wanted to catch Dulra in tech and then hit OBR. Oh well cuba, how is "winning the game" going for you now?

Edited by christian trojans
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He's almost defeated, with his warchest falling below 20b he'll be in bill lock any day now. 


What are you talking about? Cuba has just over 5b i spied him.


Seriously u really need to pull your tongue out of the behind of DBDC! You look pathetic.


Isnt being used for free tech insulting enough?

Edited by christian trojans
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I don't know DBDC look like they are doing pretty well. O ya doesn't have any wars at all and here are plenty of WTF still in range.


Yes of course DBDC are doing well. Noone can deny they r a solid fighting force. They will always do well vs anyone.




WTF are also doing extremely well. DBDC has lost 2,000,000 Nation strength Sir. cuba alone has lost nearly 20,000 tech and around 150k ns. WTF are fighting the GOOD fight, defending themselves and doing damage.

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Just wait until the people trying to burn DBDC do so and then become what they hated in DBDC. 

THIS, I couldn't agree with more. I've watched it happen many times now in this game over nearly 9 years. No one truly is good when they play the politics game, they're just not the number one bad guy yet.

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Just wait until the people trying to burn DBDC do so and then become what they hated in DBDC. 

Given that the only people who have the bottle to burn DBDC at the moment are an isolationist alliance defending itself, that has done very little in the time its been around. Makes me think they won't be changing course anytime in the foreseeable future.
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Just wait until the people trying to burn DBDC do so and then become what they hated in DBDC.

They Became What They Beheld

... an isolationist alliance defending itself

We are no longer just "defending" ourselves. Edited by PrMn
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They Became What They Beheld

We are no longer just "defending" ourselves.


WTF have declared war on Cuba again haha


I wish i was there to witness the geek rage and the tears haha. I bet he is running around DT and IRON irc as we speak crying for help. Cowardly Rat.


Maybe the leech will think twice before attacking innocent alliances next time ;)

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Maybe the leeches will think twice before attacking innocent alliances next time ;)

I for one applaud WTF for putting up a fight, it's been quite the fun war - and I hope it continues for a bit yet. There's certainly no problem in any of this, in fact this is the best outcome.

If only more alliances had a backbone, this would be way less boring.
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I for one applaud WTF for putting up a fight, it's been quite the fun war - and I hope it continues for a bit yet. There's certainly no problem in any of this, in fact this is the best outcome.

If only more alliances had a backbone, this would be way less boring.


Yes I always said on DBDC skype that WTF will not roll over like other aa's did and i was right.


Yes this will go on "for a bit yet" SCM. Im glad you are having fun :)


There is a problem with attacking alliances that just want to build a cool nations and chill. Some nations are very proud and enjoy their creation. And then other nations just come along and wreck it. I can not do that anymore. I feel bad.


At our level we can destroy years worth of growth in a week. Its just wrong.

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We are no longer just "defending" ourselves.


It is commendable that your alliance as a whole is taking to fight to DBDC as not many would do in that situation and on the other hand I'm sure DBDC as a whole are enjoying having a decent fight for a change. It must of been a hell of a boring time for the most part raiding and watching nation after nation and alliance after alliance roll over.


But I was talking about the normally used core terms of the two sides of a conflict: aggressor and defender.

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It is commendable that your alliance as a whole is taking to fight to DBDC as not many would do in that situation and on the other hand I'm sure DBDC as a whole are enjoying having a decent fight for a change. It must of been a hell of a boring time for the most part raiding and watching nation after nation and alliance after alliance roll over.


But I was talking about the normally used core terms of the two sides of a conflict: aggressor and defender.


Hi Rebel,


No this is not true my friend. As soon as someone fights back cuba does everything he can to drag others into the fight and to avoid a tough fight. He is very butt hurt and sad that he is losing stats. cuba's one and only goal is always to hide behind real fighters and to pick easy/inactive targets so that he profits from every single war.

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I've personally had no interaction with either of the sides on an individual or alliance level, hence the "as a whole" as going off experience I've seen lots of irate top tier nations in the past years complain about lack of targets in a standard global war and that tends to be the rule but of course there will be exceptions to that rule. Going off your personal interactions with Cuba he would be the exception in your opinion.

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There is a problem with attacking alliances that just want to build a cool nations and chill. Some nations are very proud and enjoy their creation. And then other nations just come along and wreck it. I can not do that anymore. I feel bad.


At our level we can destroy years worth of growth in a week. Its just wrong.

When I first read this, I was surprised because it's the first time I've seen a comment from you that sounds like you may actually have a clue about what it means to have ethics. 


Thankfully I looked at your nation and figured out what is really happening.  I see that you are down to "only" 35,809 technology.  Yes folks, I do mean DOWN, as in CT's technology before he started this was the usual DBDC level of outrageous.  I'm sure someone can let us know what it was when he started. 


Being nuked by nations with 50K to 60K plus technology must not be pleasent.  Another month of fighting and you may even end up in the averages as far as technology levels.  Poor CT.

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Yes I always said on DBDC skype that WTF will not roll over like other aa's did and i was right.
Yes this will go on "for a bit yet" SCM. Im glad you are having fun :)
There is a problem with attacking alliances that just want to build a cool nations and chill. Some nations are very proud and enjoy their creation. And then other nations just come along and wreck it. I can not do that anymore. I feel bad.
At our level we can destroy years worth of growth in a week. Its just wrong.

if only more in CN could see the light.
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When I first read this, I was surprised because it's the first time I've seen a comment from you that sounds like you may actually have a clue about what it means to have ethics. 


Thankfully I looked at your nation and figured out what is really happening.  I see that you are down to "only" 35,809 technology.  Yes folks, I do mean DOWN, as in CT's technology before he started this was the usual DBDC level of outrageous.  I'm sure someone can let us know what it was when he started. 


Being nuked by nations with 50K to 60K plus technology must not be pleasent.  Another month of fighting and you may even end up in the averages as far as technology levels.  Poor CT.


WC this post is almost as useless as your diplomacy skills.


WC you have always had either your tongue or a finger inside cuba, everyone knows that. So we all know why you talk like this.


Anyway i am extremely happy with my nation and its current state. I am very happy to be losing stats for a good cause. I have probably taken about 300K-400K NS away from DBDC in this war and that makes it all worth it :D. I have said from the start that i have always wanted to go out for a good cause.


Unlike you WC i have a history of attacking the largest nations CN has EVER seen! Just 2 of which are Liquid Mercury and cuba. I am very well aware of how i will be smashed down for attacking an alliance full of large nations. This is OK with me and my attitude has been the same from the very start. So drop the crap about how i am changing because i have lost stats. I refer you to my first owf thread called "sitting duck garden pond" which was made weeks ago and expressed the exact same sentiment.


WC, please crawl away and let the real diplomat TB pop up and do the talking.


"POOR CT" no no nooo kid "Happy CT"

Edited by christian trojans
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In what world does what you did justify your position now?  You betrayed an alliance that considered you a friend and now you want to make it simultaneously about taking down the evil DBDC, but yet every word out of your mouth seems to be only about me? 


The jealousy is so palpable, I'm almost blushing reading your posts.  If you think I'm the least bit concerned over shedding some of my personal infra and tech numbers to defeat an alliance of well over 100 and twice my own AA's starting NS, you really haven't been paying attention to the way we do things in DBDC.  It's so much bigger than merely Cuba, or merely White Chocolate diplomacy or one member leaving the AA to join our enemy.  The people who follow me and who follow DBDC do not do so because I'm forcing them to, they do so because we represent an exciting dynamic to the status quo and you ranting vulgarities and bragging publicly about how much damage you do isn't going to derail support like you hope it will.


Like I've said before, I don't expect you to grasp any of these concepts, and you'll undoubtedly psychologically project some random factoid about "Cuba" that's really about yourself, like choosing targets.  I literally have logs of DBDC having to change up target lists because you threw a tantrum.  


As White Coco said, soon you yourself will fade into irrelevance, but your actions will live in infamy.

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If only you met the prerequisites for irrelevance.


I'm thinking as long as he has a mention in your nation slogan space the usual prereqs dont apply.


Also shazam! You're at the sweet spot and you are STILL ranked number one. That's quite an incredible collection of land there.

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