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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order


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I can answer that GK

Pacifica are ruled by a cowardly puppet who is too gutless to do other than he's told by his master. Puppet Letum is truly a special Emperor and one of the few people I read spectacularly wrong. When he was appointed I started a topic in every single allies embassy and asked their thoughts while stating mine. I said I thought he was different to previous Emperors and maybe a good leader for Pacifica. I guess I was right on the first part, he is different. I couldn't have been more wrong on the second though!

So now we have a gutless puppet running Pacifica. One who said in his own words "we are invited to combat against an alliance we have no personal issue with". His masters have spoken and he has obeyed.

The real tragedy is he is too afraid to even name his master, as his master has not given permission. His master is no less a coward, and sits back privately manoeuvring the puppets into position, while not even fighting the war himself! I guess as this war plays out and grows eventually the leader will enter, when everyone is engaged where he wants and his alliance can win while taking little damage.

I can't decide which is sadder, Pacifica now being run by a coward, a puppet or a fool.

Again I call on you Pacifica to nut up, throw off your shackles and come at us like men. Stand up to you puppet master and be the leader you once were.

It is comprehensible that Polar thinks that being treatied to someone means you are a puppet to their will. Or at least hardly surprising -- I think most people know Polar tends to see many of her own treaties that way, except with them being the puppetmaster, not the puppets. I remember being gov in an alliance treatied to Polar, and basically only talking to Polar when Polar needed our NS. Harsh, but largely true.


However, not all alliance relationships are like that. Some are more equal, and there is some more give and take. Sometimes, you do things you wouldn't have done without the treaty, because your counterpart makes those sacrifices at other times, for you. In such a relationship, where neither partner is in control over the other, you may end up fighting someone whom you don't dislike. I know many of Polar's allies are going to wind up doing so in this war. Would you rather that your allies ran off to fight some 1v1 duel and left you without backup? Because that is what you are asking us to do to our allies.

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Mighty Pacifica has changed. I am saddened to see them in this sad state, as I've had a soft spot for them many years. Many months of "stone cold FA" has been tossed to the wind, for what? Let's be firends, they said. It will be fun, they said. We thought we'd be signing a treaty soon, instead we got this completely surprising war from NPO, and a treaty cancellation from NATO to enable it. Extremely disappointing, but chins up! AFT is getting good at this.   

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Really? Were your allies puppets whenever they answered your call to fight an alliance they had to beef with? Or is NPO supposed to this special alliance that needs to be held up to a different rule?

When I asked for support we led and bled from the front. You have already stated you aren't. You joined on a ghost DoW because you were told to, puppet.
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When I asked for support we led and bled from the front. You have already stated you aren't. You joined on a ghost DoW because you were told to, puppet.

Right, so is it the timing that makes someone a puppet? If we fought someone after our other mid-tier allies are engaged it'd be business as normal, but do it beforehand and we're a coward?

Because I'm sorry to say, the timing is just down to coincidence that SNX opened up before the other fronts, and the fronts were divided up before the war begun. If say, Polar had decided to defend Invicta directly, there'd be completely different people coming in. It's a strategy you should be familiar with considering it's been a staple of wars for a while...
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So are you trying to tell me your master is already at war or are they coming in later?

Yes when it comes to leading order does matter, you lead from the front! Maybe you need to think about that for a bit. The mighty master you serve hasn't even appeared in public yet!


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So are you trying to tell me your master is already at war or are they coming in later?

Yes when it comes to leading order does matter, you lead from the front! Maybe you need to think about that for a bit. The mighty master you serve hasn't even appeared in public yet!

The closest thing to a "leader" that this coalition has was the first one in tbh.
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So you're saying Umbrella is your leader?

I'm talking about Doomsquad. In function, a coalition works more by trying to find common ground between each leader, but if you are looking for a lead member, they are the ones who brought everyone together.
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Now your telling me Pacifica answers to Doom Squad, the micro of tech farms!

I love it.


Is it any wonder people have lost all respect for Pacifica? Why not retire now and go join Reavers. Pacifica deserves better.

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So what I'm getting from this is that the OoO will not be re-signed anytime soon?


You never know.  Dajobo is just doing the normal trying to bait part of the coalition to provoke a response that can be used to try and cause spits in it. Seeing Leturm cool collected responses he is clearly aware of this gambit.  I think they both know they are playing roles in the same game that has been played so many times before.  

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It is comprehensible that Polar thinks that being treatied to someone means you are a puppet to their will. Or at least hardly surprising -- I think most people know Polar tends to see many of her own treaties that way, except with them being the puppetmaster, not the puppets. I remember being gov in an alliance treatied to Polar, and basically only talking to Polar when Polar needed our NS. Harsh, but largely true.


However, not all alliance relationships are like that. Some are more equal, and there is some more give and take. Sometimes, you do things you wouldn't have done without the treaty, because your counterpart makes those sacrifices at other times, for you. In such a relationship, where neither partner is in control over the other, you may end up fighting someone whom you don't dislike. I know many of Polar's allies are going to wind up doing so in this war. Would you rather that your allies ran off to fight some 1v1 duel and left you without backup? Because that is what you are asking us to do to our allies.


Only talking to Polar when Polar needed your NS? Did you hit your head somewhere, dude? I don't think there is a shred of doubt in our long years of existence that we did and we will stand up for our allies whenever they need us.

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I'm talking about Doomsquad. In function, a coalition works more by trying to find common ground between each leader, but if you are looking for a lead member, they are the ones who brought everyone together.


They brought everyone together to fight a major war over what amounts to at worst one rogue member of SNX hitting a DS member?  The point is if anyone has a beef as you previously stated about maligned alliances do because of our choices then here we are:  http://www.cybernations.net/alliance_display.asp?ID=10006  Get some.

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Now your telling me Pacifica answers to Doom Squad, the micro of tech farms!
I love it.
Is it any wonder people have lost all respect for Pacifica? Why not retire now and go join Reavers. Pacifica deserves better.

You aren't explaining the logical consistency behind why you think that *this* specific coalition is composed of master-puppet relationships and is reprehensible but any previous coalition that has done the exact same thing is just fine.
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I can answer that GK

Pacifica are ruled by a cowardly puppet who is too gutless to do other than he's told by his master. Puppet Letum is truly a special Emperor and one of the few people I read spectacularly wrong. When he was appointed I started a topic in every single allies embassy and asked their thoughts while stating mine. I said I thought he was different to previous Emperors and maybe a good leader for Pacifica. I guess I was right on the first part, he is different. I couldn't have been more wrong on the second though!

So now we have a gutless puppet running Pacifica. One who said in his own words "we are invited to combat against an alliance we have no personal issue with". His masters have spoken and he has obeyed.

The real tragedy is he is too afraid to even name his master, as his master has not given permission. His master is no less a coward, and sits back privately manoeuvring the puppets into position, while not even fighting the war himself! I guess as this war plays out and grows eventually the leader will enter, when everyone is engaged where he wants and his alliance can win while taking little damage.

I can't decide which is sadder, Pacifica now being run by a coward, a puppet or a fool.

Again I call on you Pacifica to nut up, throw off your shackles and come at us like men. Stand up to you puppet master and be the leader you once were.


As a former Pacifican reading this makes me wither. I guess I know how it was for Al Kassad and the other Praetorians now.

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You aren't explaining the logical consistency behind why you think that *this* specific coalition is composed of master-puppet relationships and is reprehensible but any previous coalition that has done the exact same thing is just fine.


The world expects more from an Order.  Following a tech farm to war is unbecoming of an Order.  


An Imperial Decree From the New Pacific Order:  The New Pacific Order Declares War Upon The New Polar Order.


That would be leading.  That would be historic.  

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The world expects more from an Order.  Following a tech farm to war is unbecoming of an Order.  
An Imperial Decree From the New Pacific Order:  The New Pacific Order Declares War Upon The New Polar Order.
That would be leading.  That would be historic.

If the time ever comes that Pacifica's foreign affairs are to be dictated by Polar, I'll come and grab you and then your input might actually be worth something.
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So how is not countering an attack against your ally and letting Aftermath do your dirty work for you leading from the front Dajobo?

You might have me more to blame for that than polar. Maybe SNX hasn't called all her allies just yet.
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