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You are all retarded, Jesus Christ. Every single one of you involved in this war is retarded. I cannot put into words how retarded you all are because I don't have the time to write a wall of text on your collective retardation. Excuses, whining, sniping, stalling, more whining and sniping and then eating socks filled with dog!@#$ because you are retarded. If you all stopped behaving like retards, like all of you, every one of you who is being retarded, which is all of you by the way if that wasnt clear, you might actually get !@#$ done.
Thank $%&@ I avoided this cluster$%&@ war of retardation, I have seen more decorum and grace during South Parks special olympics episode than on this forum over the last month. So Herpaderpa derp. Stop being retarded.
I am NOT drunk or high. Stone cold sober.

>talks about decorum and grace
>uses "retarded" as an insult

you should smoke a j and chill out bro
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You are all retarded, Jesus Christ. Every single one of you involved in this war is retarded. I cannot put into words how retarded you all are because I don't have the time to write a wall of text on your collective retardation. Excuses, whining, sniping, stalling, more whining and sniping and then eating socks filled with dog!@#$ because you are retarded. If you all stopped behaving like retards, like all of you, every one of you who is being retarded, which is all of you by the way if that wasnt clear, you might actually get !@#$ done.


Thank $%&@ I avoided this cluster$%&@ war of retardation, I have seen more decorum and grace during South Parks special olympics episode than on this forum over the last month. So Herpaderpa derp. Stop being retarded.


I am NOT drunk or high. Stone cold sober.

you fuckin' tell em zoot

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Having 999,500 tons of chemical/biological agents goes against common sense. The GM team has agreed your entire stockpile, as of now, will be 60,000 tons for both types of agents. This is based on Russia's declared chemical weapons stockpile of 40,000 tons in the early 1990's after decades of production, with some consideration for RP.

I have edited my numbers accordingly and begun a more extensive RP to maintain further construction of such weapons, if I can get a reply as to my capability of building more, or if this is considered a cap.

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You are all retarded, Jesus Christ. Every single one of you involved in this war is retarded. I cannot put into words how retarded you all are because I don't have the time to write a wall of text on your collective retardation. Excuses, whining, sniping, stalling, more whining and sniping and then eating socks filled with dog!@#$ because you are retarded. If you all stopped behaving like retards, like all of you, every one of you who is being retarded, which is all of you by the way if that wasnt clear, you might actually get !@#$ done.


Thank $%&@ I avoided this cluster$%&@ war of retardation, I have seen more decorum and grace during South Parks special olympics episode than on this forum over the last month. So Herpaderpa derp. Stop being retarded.


I am NOT drunk or high. Stone cold sober.




so true, just about everyword of it.



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I'm also sorry Eva decided to invade Rudolph.

I'm not, given anyone with two brain cells could've seen a war coming, when it was clear that African troops get deployed in Yugoslavia and Rudy went to Zoot, to ask for assistence. And I might remark, both are events which I have ICly knowledge of.


The fact that a global coalition was then already in place to missile spam Britain this quickly is not giving much credibility to the idea of "But we were just reacting to Eva".


Best excuse still left is an international relations failure on par with the July crisis. Just a bit more petty.

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I'm not, given anyone with two brain cells could've seen a war coming, when it was clear that African troops get deployed in Yugoslavia and Rudy went to Zoot, to ask for assistence. And I might remark, both are events which I have ICly knowledge of.


The fact that a global coalition was then already in place to missile spam Britain this quickly is not giving much credibility to the idea of "But we were just reacting to Eva".


Best excuse still left is an international relations failure on par with the July crisis. Just a bit more petty.

I believe that Voodoo has been brought up to speed as to how the coalition came to form, and that if our IC justifications, while unique to each member, held no weight, the war would have been wiped. The only war that was coming was one of your own making.

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You are all retarded, Jesus Christ. Every single one of you involved in this war is retarded. I cannot put into words how retarded you all are because I don't have the time to write a wall of text on your collective retardation. Excuses, whining, sniping, stalling, more whining and sniping and then eating socks filled with dog!@#$ because you are retarded. If you all stopped behaving like retards, like all of you, every one of you who is being retarded, which is all of you by the way if that wasnt clear, you might actually get !@#$ done.


Thank $%&@ I avoided this cluster$%&@ war of retardation, I have seen more decorum and grace during South Parks special olympics episode than on this forum over the last month. So Herpaderpa derp. Stop being retarded.


I am NOT drunk or high. Stone cold sober.

*Waves at Zoot from the grandstands*

You get a better view from up here.

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*reads the gm's minds* Auto-advance denied on grounds GM decisions relating to these events are still pending, therefore the delay is not the fault of the players. Just sayin.


What decisions are still pending? None of us have been approached regarding the war in Europe.


As for Mael's spaceplane design, it will be considered optional canon. The canon is a gun in the spaceplanes cargo. There is no boom connecting to a gun. There is no gun attached to a plane. It is a gun in a cargohold.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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My plane does not have the gun integrated. It's a payload on the boom mounted by bolts. Therefore you just said my planes are canon. Thank you for acknowledging they work.


What kind  of crap gm makes a ruling and then has to go back and edit it because they realize they made an oversight that makes my planes full legal?


With all due respect, your bias is showing voodoo.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Wow voodoo, original ruling post is changing every 5-10 minutes. I think I'll actually wait for a decisive GM to weigh in on this. Also, why would I launch a gun in a cargo bay without a means of deploying it? (A boom.) Your bias is still showing. Glad to see you holding the hegemon line. Like to see my wars fought IC and all.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Wow voodoo, original ruling post is changing every 5-10 minutes. I think I'll actually wait for a decisive GM to weigh in on this. Also, why would I launch a gun in a cargo bay without a means of deploying it? (A boom.) Your bias is still showing. Glad to see you holding the hegemon line. Like to see my wars fought IC and all.


To be fair, I would have kiboshed your dorky idea as well or maybe allowed it with a 80 percent chance of the gun shooting your pilot in the head roll.

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To be fair, I would have kiboshed your dorky idea as well or maybe allowed it with a 80 percent chance of the gun shooting your pilot in the head roll.


Just one problem.. the x37b is unmanned. Shooting the pilot that doesn't exist in the head probably would not have worked on it... unless the non-existant pilot were generalissimo.. and then it may spin the plane out of control.

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What decisions are still pending? None of us have been approached regarding the war in Europe.


As for Mael's spaceplane design, it will be considered optional canon. The canon is a gun in the spaceplanes cargo. There is no boom connecting to a gun. There is no gun attached to a plane. It is a gun in a cargohold.


Considering that this was not what was agreed upon in the GM channel in any shape or form after ample discussion, consider the ruling as a whole to be denied on my part.

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Considering that this was not what was agreed upon in the GM channel in any shape or form after ample discussion, consider the ruling as a whole to be denied on my part.

You have a direct ic stake in this war so no thanks, not recognizing your ruling.
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Your insults are cute.


Even cuter proven true. Thats all I'll say directly to you from this point. I have no trust in forked tongued  two-faced snakes who speak out of two mouths and have to make fast-edits to protect themselves from ic consequences of fair decisions that would affect them.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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Even cuter proven true. Thats all I'll say directly to you from this point. I have no trust in forked tongued  two-faced snakes who speak out of two mouths and have ot make fast-edits to protect themselves.

you're just distraught because you're convinced anybody who doesn't hand you everything you want on a silver platter must be out to get you. unfortunately (for you), the community does trust Voodoo, seeing as they voted him into the GM's hall, so no matter how many accusations and tantrums you throw in his direction, or in general, you kinda just have to spine up and deal with it.


Mara: plenty of people don't currently have a stake in the war. it's not nearly as all-encompassing as some folks seem to believe it is.

Edited by dotCom
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