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The over 50 clause... commrp

Captain Enema

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I'm not going to lie, I actually enjoyed the hell out of watching Eva get scrubbed. Mostly because of the irony of the situation given the part Eva played in forcing that disgusting Optional Recognition compromise onto the community.


That being said, there isn't much about this rule I find very merit worthy.



Now are we ready to have an actual discussion on it?


One free of rancor and and retard posturing?


The over 50k nations aren't going anywhere. They are here to stay, they are full members of our community. Their troops have been capped, their technology limited, and their navy and airforces limited.


I don't really see a need for a full on voting thread every time someone over 50k joins.


Hereno, seemingly more and more a voice of wisdom I find myself supporting as a future possible GM or formal adviser of sorts, proposes we have one rule for all for special cases. 


You know.. those people so insane we have to deal with them.


I don't mean irc crap.. I mean ic insanity and blatant rule violations and refusing to work with the community on bring their nations stats into line.


Seriously, say your piece this time, be professional about it, and stop making excuses for why you can't seemingly bring yourself to bother.





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Right, so my opinion on the matter is rather simple. We put the caps up, they're not all that much more powerful than the Less-Than-Fifty-Thousands, there's no need to keep treating them like second class citizens when they've been clearly limited. Now, this isn't to say that I don't take some issue on a couple of the caps, but that's not what this discussion is for obviously. I support letting them in, I support having them be full members, anyone causing trouble, Above or Below 50k, should be viewed and evaluated on a case by case basis and not by a ridiculous, skewed vote every time someone doesn't like the cut of their clothes.

I support the motion.

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Retard Posturing? You overstepped your bounds and complete disregard for an actual discussion last time and turned this into a popularity contest instead of one based on the ability to RP. It had only been two days since the last post in the discussion thread, and you threw up the posting. Two days of discussion, that is clearly enough time to discuss anything. Who was this RP created for? Who were we trying to keep out? You haven't exactly done much, other than turn things into CNRP2 Idol at this point in regard to a group of people that were never supposed to be involved in the RP. There is no Navy Cap, the Air Force Cap doesn't really mean much in regards to people that are sitting on all improvements and wonders and have the capability to use the maximum count in comparison to someone who is 8K NS. A soldier cap that benefits the larger nations. There really is nothing for the above 50K nations at this point to simply start filtering people in to change the rules to benefit themselves even more.


This RP is not and was never designed to support them.


The larger nations had another alternative to play, CNRP. If they didn't like that one, they had their own capability to create their own RP. This entire thing has allowed personal feelings and friendships to cloud any thought or reason and has made you people forget why we did this. 


And another thing, at this point the rules dictate two GM's, so you need to make a decision who the second GM is, Uberstein of Rudolph. We never voted on making it a three GM system, so thus there is no three GM system in place, and at this point the only person who had a majority vote is TBM even though you don't stick to your guns and you fold easier than a piece of paper.

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Retard Posturing? You overstepped your bounds and complete disregard for an actual discussion last time and turned this into a popularity contest instead of one based on the ability to RP. It had only been two days since the last post in the discussion thread, and you threw up the posting. Two days of discussion, that is clearly enough time to discuss anything. Who was this RP created for? Who were we trying to keep out? You haven't exactly done much, other than turn things into CNRP2 Idol at this point in regard to a group of people that were never supposed to be involved in the RP. There is no Navy Cap, the Air Force Cap doesn't really mean much in regards to people that are sitting on all improvements and wonders and have the capability to use the maximum count in comparison to someone who is 8K NS. A soldier cap that benefits the larger nations. There really is nothing for the above 50K nations at this point to simply start filtering people in to change the rules to benefit themselves even more.


This RP is not and was never designed to support them.


The larger nations had another alternative to play, CNRP. If they didn't like that one, they had their own capability to create their own RP. This entire thing has allowed personal feelings and friendships to cloud any thought or reason and has made you people forget why we did this. 


And another thing, at this point the rules dictate two GM's, so you need to make a decision who the second GM is, Uberstein of Rudolph. We never voted on making it a three GM system, so thus there is no three GM system in place, and at this point the only person who had a majority vote is TBM even though you don't stick to your guns and you fold easier than a piece of paper.



You really seem unhappy around here, you should leave.

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Maybe you should stick to what we set out to do instead of flopping around like a dying fish. Everyone knew who this RP was set up for when they joined it. You have have failed in your position as a GM. You should step down. You have no ground to stand on, and have no real counter argument because you know I am right at this point, which is the real sad part. I have pointed out how your actions and disregard for the basic foundation of this RP and the goals set out for it have made your true character known.

Edited by Lysergide
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Maybe you should stick to what we set out to do instead of flopping around like a dying fish. Everyone knew who this RP was set up for when they joined it. You have have failed in your position as a GM. You should step down. You have no ground to stand on, and have no real counter argument because you know I am right at this point, which is the real sad part. I have pointed out how your actions and disregard for the basic foundation of this RP and the goals set out for it have made your true character known.


I can see us going around in circles over this for weeks.


I'll tell you what.


You draft a formal proposal that will get the community's support to effect the exact changes you want, do an actual discussion thread, and if you get enough support for it, I'll happily set up the voting thread on it myself.


Because all you are doing right now is finger pointing because you didn't get your way when I said no to voiding Zoot's vote. Which is interesting because Zoot now is in an alliance with one of your primary IC opponents. Further, your entire argument got more absurd with each and every passing moment. Starting with Zoot being able to vote and dissolving directly into you not being notified properly about an ongoing discussion. 


So nuff of the crazy from you, take a mental health day or whatever it is you need.


Here is your chance to do something useful, to right those wrongs you find so terribly troubling, get on that horsie of yours and go write up that proposal that will scour the world of community role play of all the evil as you see it.


Of course, you'll need to get the community to back it.


And stop assuming that because i want something, it means it will happen.


What the community wants, it gets. If it was what I wanted, it would be called TBMRP, and that is generally referred to as porn. 

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Retard Posturing? You overstepped your bounds and complete disregard for an actual discussion last time and turned this into a popularity contest instead of one based on the ability to RP. It had only been two days since the last post in the discussion thread, and you threw up the posting. Two days of discussion, that is clearly enough time to discuss anything. Who was this RP created for? Who were we trying to keep out? You haven't exactly done much, other than turn things into CNRP2 Idol at this point in regard to a group of people that were never supposed to be involved in the RP. There is no Navy Cap, the Air Force Cap doesn't really mean much in regards to people that are sitting on all improvements and wonders and have the capability to use the maximum count in comparison to someone who is 8K NS. A soldier cap that benefits the larger nations. There really is nothing for the above 50K nations at this point to simply start filtering people in to change the rules to benefit themselves even more.


This RP is not and was never designed to support them.


The larger nations had another alternative to play, CNRP. If they didn't like that one, they had their own capability to create their own RP. This entire thing has allowed personal feelings and friendships to cloud any thought or reason and has made you people forget why we did this. 


And another thing, at this point the rules dictate two GM's, so you need to make a decision who the second GM is, Uberstein of Rudolph. We never voted on making it a three GM system, so thus there is no three GM system in place, and at this point the only person who had a majority vote is TBM even though you don't stick to your guns and you fold easier than a piece of paper.


It isn't that I disagree with you, it's that the under 50k NS players disagree with you as much as the over 50k NS players disagree with you. I was the one who proposed and tried to push through the soldier cap that capped everybody across the board at a low number, which would benefit smaller nations. But we got outvoted. People voted for a tiered system just to allow us to have some diversity, even though it personally screwed them over, as smaller nations. Hence why I've proposed a compromise which seems to have a lot of support from everybody, especially those who agree that the current rules benefit 50k+ nations too much, but who don't want every nation to be cookie cutter. You're trying to frame things as though the 50k+ NS nations have taken over the RP, but in reality, their votes being excluded wouldn't have changed any of our voting outcomes. So even though I agree with you in principle that they shouldn't have been allowed to vote, the reality is that if we had done things our way, our current situation wouldn't be any different. To continue pushing things like this against large community opposition, for a change that would be meaningless and make us waste a ton of time, is exactly the kind of destructive behavior that you're accusing TBM of.

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I am fine with letting 50k nations in with the caps provided that anyone we voted out before can come back.


Also, if someone is here just to troll (no matter what their NS is) I believe we should be able to remove them by community referendum. That is my only fear with letting 50k ns + coming in. 


But I do agree now that everything is established and we are no longer in Alpha stage, we should let the others in to test the waters for Beta :V

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I am fine with letting 50k nations in with the caps provided that anyone we voted out before can come back.


Also, if someone is here just to troll (no matter what their NS is) I believe we should be able to remove them by community referendum. That is my only fear with letting 50k ns + coming in. 


But I do agree now that everything is established and we are no longer in Alpha stage, we should let the others in to test the waters for Beta :V


I'm fine with the weeaboos coming back. Other than the irony of Eva getting voted off after she/he badgered her way in, I took nothing from her/it being voted off the island in the first place. 

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I'm not going to lie, I actually enjoyed the hell out of watching Eva get scrubbed. Mostly because of the irony of the situation given the part Eva played in forcing that disgusting Optional Recognition compromise onto the community.

I'm fine with the weeaboos coming back. Other than the irony of Eva getting voted off after she/he badgered her way in, I took nothing from her/it being voted off the island in the first place. 

It might be worth noting that while I pushed for the inclusion of 50k+ people on the grounds of equal rights to participate, it was not me who came up with the optional recognition rule. That was your doing and I merely said I was fine with having it for 45 days, which you wanted to have to get something better.


It is however rather telling that certain people think I deserved getting kicked out for reasons like this, given that seemingly adressing issues will get one kicked. Together with general anti-50k+ attitude and the occasional person that couldn't sort it out in the RP.


That being said, I support dropping the voting process, given with capped stats, it really is doing more harm than good.

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My, we went from an exclusive community of 49k NS or less nations to an inclusive community where everyone can join.

Congrats. Let us hope history doesn't repeat itself.

Wait till friday, its going to get even crazier. Phase 2 commences there. Won't tell you more. 





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I am fine with letting 50k nations in with the caps provided that anyone we voted out before can come back.


Also, if someone is here just to troll (no matter what their NS is) I believe we should be able to remove them by community referendum. That is my only fear with letting 50k ns + coming in. 


But I do agree now that everything is established and we are no longer in Alpha stage, we should let the others in to test the waters for Beta :V


That's not a GM issue, thats a forum rules issue, report it through the proper process rather than using it as an excuse to eliminate IC threats.

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I was going to put this up for vote, but realized there don't seem to be any polling options. 


That being said, I'm going to hit the sack and give you all till morning to come up with something good.



I need at least one suggestion for a viable replacement policy, hopefully two. 


bbiab to see what yall got. 






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