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Cnrp2 aircraft rule discussion

Captain Enema

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I think we've about ironed out what people can agree with via irc. However, we still need to have a formal discussion period followed by a vote.


Further, I'm not even sure what it is most folks are agreeing to go along with and if everyone knows the same thing.


So, let's get the proposals up and tinkered with if needed.


I reference the naval rule discussion as a model for this one. Well mannered, useful, and people not taking things personally.



Chop chop, let's get this done.



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The original rule on the map thread put there by me:


In game airplane slots x 2 = squadrons... 


One proposal to change this:


up to 3500 infra = ingame airplane slots x 3 = total airplanes



over 3500 = ingame slots x 6 = total combat airplanes



so for me, 70 slots x 6 = 420 combat aircraft

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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in-game aircraft limit...

x2 IG numbers 0-2k infra. (realistically 100 to 120 planes) no wonders included

x4 IG numbers 2k to 4k infra. (200 to 240 planes) no wonders included

x6 IG numbers 4k+ infra (300 to 630 planes) with 630 as a max cap including all possible wonders and navy.


was another proposal, if Uber wishes to post his points system that would be nice.

Edited by Mogar
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The number of aircraft a nation can have is based on a point system. To make it based off the game, every nation starts with 60 points. For each 10k nation strength, they get 10 more points.
Combat aircraft cost points. Non-combat are "common sense." Point value is based off of two factors: Tech year and Role. You add these two numbers together to see how many points the plane costs.
If a plane is from your tech bracket: 0.5 points
Before your tech bracket: 0.25
(((This needs more work, suggestions welcome)))
Multi-role: 1
Strategic Bomber: 2
CAS: 0.5
Air Superiority: 0.5
Interceptor: 0.5
So, my nation theoretically could have an air force of:
12 Strategic Bombers
24 Air-Superiority Fighters
6 CAS Bombers
6 Strategic Bombers
40 Air-Superiority Fighters
5 Interceptors
and so on and so forth. Customability is high. Larger nations also get more planes, but the number won't exceed 200. Even if I'm a 50k NS nation (110 points) and use fighters behind my tech bracket, you're looking at 88 multi-role fighters.

It needs work tbh. I like the simpler system proposed, though I feel stealth aircraft and strategic bombers should cost 2 "slots" given how expensive they are to maintain IRL. Edited by Uberstein
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in-game aircraft limit...

x2 IG numbers 0-2k infra. (realistically 100 to 120 planes) no wonders included

x4 IG numbers 2k to 4k infra. (200 to 240 planes) no wonders included

x6 IG numbers 4k+ infra (300 to 630 planes) with 630 as a max cap including all possible wonders and navy.


was another proposal, if Uber wishes to post his points system that would be nice.

This is the winning proposal in my opinion. Its simple and easy to follow.

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I agree with Mogar. KISS is good.


On Wilding's question: A squadron is classically defined as 12 airplanes. So 630 airplanes divided by 12 = 52.5 squadrons.

(This is also why the airplane rule in old RP is IG * 12 - because each IG plane counts as squadron in the old RP.)

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I'm gonna throw my support in for Mogar's proposal, with the infra modifiers. As much as I quiite like Uberstein's points system, I can't help but think it's not really entirely necessary for aircraft. 


And I would suggest we keep it simple and focus on individual planes rather than squadrons.

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in-game aircraft limit...

x2 IG numbers 0-2k infra. (realistically 100 to 120 planes) no wonders included

x4 IG numbers 2k to 4k infra. (200 to 240 planes) no wonders included

x6 IG numbers 4k+ infra (300 to 630 planes) with 630 as a max cap including all possible wonders and navy.


was another proposal, if Uber wishes to post his points system that would be nice.

After thinking on it for a night,this is the best idea I've seen.

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What do people think of using Mogar's system, but making stealth aircraft worth 2 points?


When you look at stealth, even the US only operates so many. The largest military in the world only has 21 B-2's and 187 F-22's. Considering the US maintains the kind of air force most nations could only dream of (5,551 US Air Force (My numbers include non-combat) vs say, Russia's 2126, or Germany's 428) I feel it would be unrealistic to assume every nation can field the kind of forces the US can.


Stealth is expensive to maintain both in materials and man-hours.

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What do people think of using Mogar's system, but making stealth aircraft worth 2 points?
When you look at stealth, even the US only operates so many. The largest military in the world only has 21 B-2's and 187 F-22's. Considering the US maintains the kind of air force most nations could only dream of (5,551 US Air Force (My numbers include non-combat) vs say, Russia's 2126, or Germany's 428) I feel it would be unrealistic to assume every nation can field the kind of forces the US can.
Stealth is expensive to maintain both in materials and man-hours.

This is fine with me.
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My setup is very complicated because in real life you dont just throw out hundreds of fighters and bombers. Thats why I have a carefully calibrated and diverse types of aircraft which support the layered defense strategy.

You can have 600 fighters or whatever but that doesnt mean anything on the tactical level.

Edited by Tywin Lannister
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I agree with Mogar. KISS is good.
On Wilding's question: A squadron is classically defined as 12 airplanes. So 630 airplanes divided by 12 = 52.5 squadrons.
(This is also why the airplane rule in old RP is IG * 12 - because each IG plane counts as squadron in the old RP.)

I thought a squadron was 16 airplanes flying in the 4x4 formation
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Looks to me like we are ready for a vote. 


I will get a summary of the polling options tomorrow in case people have anything else to add. 


I'd like to see an example of how the 2 slots for 1 stealth plane would work as part of one of the proposed polling options before I post a poll. 

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