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One Last Question

Malik Shabazz

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Things have been done differently. Things have to be done correctly. When nobody is buying into your idea, maybe it's not the community that's at fault.

As far as I know, CN politics have operated in the same manner since the Karma War with little variation.


People are set in their ways because they think it is the best way, but you can change the world if you show people a better way to do things.

Trying to convince people in CN that the current way isn't the right way, is like trying to convince a dog to stop barking. Like talking to a wall. Which is why I pretty much gave up.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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CN used to be very different. CN changed. I think you've decided your personal ego and own personal definition of what change you want to see is your issue here.

There was never any right to walk in and change CN, the things that changed CN was people working like dogs to make it happen. Learn a little about delayed gratification, or don't. No one really cares for very long if all you do is complain.

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As far as I know, CN politics have operated in the same manner since the Karma War with little variation.


Trying to convince people in CN that the current way isn't the right way, is like trying to convince a dog to stop barking. Like talking to a wall. Which is why I pretty much gave up.

Then use your mind to outsmart them. Find allies and convince them of a better way.

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It all depends on how big of a change you want. You can start with yourself and your friends, and you can do things differently there just fine. If you want to overturn the status quo, you basically need a majority of the major players/alliances to want to change it as well. You can try to enact change like you want if you have an alliance or are government in an alliance, and maybe it will work well there.


Also, CN players want competence. This tends to mean playing for years, learning the game, and then trying out your new idea, instead of starting the day you join. And not being a total tool while you are at it.


Actually, not being a total tool is probably one of the most important things you can do when attempting anything new. Or making friends.


Lets review our formula for change:

1. Don't be a tool.

2. Play the game for years, acquire trust and competence.

3. Control the major power structures of political world.

4. Enact change.


So yeah, global change is hard. Not really your fault. Best to enjoy things as they are, In My Very Humble Opinion.

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Why are the people of CN against doing things differently?


Because the current leaders like the way things operate and, for them, it works.
If you want it to change, join or build an alliance (I'd suggest join) and try to work your way up the alliance COC; once at the top, either you'll understand why things are done the way they are or you'll still believe that your opinions are better than the status quo and can implement your opinions, at least within your alliance; after that point you can see if they work, based on whether you get rolled or do the rolling.

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Because the current leaders like the way things operate and, for them, it works.
If you want it to change, join or build an alliance (I'd suggest join) and try to work your way up the alliance COC; once at the top, either you'll understand why things are done the way they are or you'll still believe that your opinions are better than the status quo and can implement your opinions, at least within your alliance; after that point you can see if they work, based on whether you get rolled or do the rolling.

Very few alliances share my vision.


Did you really think everyone would just stop and listen to you, of all people?

Your loss.


Then use your mind to outsmart them. Find allies and convince them of a better way.

I could've but then I just lost motivation to do so.

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Very few alliances share my vision.

Your loss.

I could've but then I just lost motivation to do so.

Nobody worth their weight shares your "visions" because quite frankly your visions are shit. Change the world because? Why?

Nobody is losing anything by ignoring you. In fact if we listen to you we are likely to lose a few brain cells

So what you are saying is you want change but dont want to bring it about? Cool.
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Then it seems the failure is yourself, not the world.

You ask the world to change and yet nothing inside you changes. Lead by example and maybe you will garner respect.

Which doesn't make sense. If I want to change the world around me to my vision of it, why would I need to change who I am? I should convince people to join me instead of having to surrender to a system I think is bad.


Literally what did I lose out on, Loki?

Someone to aspire to, someone to be like, someone who could have taken this world to the next level.


The CN world is constantly changing, just not the way you want

Power structures change, the system doesn't.

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