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Announcement From the War Front On TLR


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Lol at rage quitting, far from it. When 20 plus people quit in one day that is not rage quitting, that is seeing a sinking ship and getting far away from it. The only rage I see is from you imbeciles, keep t up.

Some would call that poaching, seeing as they all followed you within a very short space of time, that could only have been coordinated behind the scenes. 


But hey, you did it, it worked, and now you are getting your revenge, by destroying the alliance you swore eternal allegiance to, and in which you constantly derided others for doing individually that which you accomplished en mass. So congratulations on a job well done


I do though, find it strange that you are now allied with leftist alliances, whom you regularly ranted against and wanted to see destroyed, in fact some of your ex-NoR members were the most fanatical opponents of anything on the left.  Better hope that some of your allies do not do the same digging on your membership that they have on NoR's, the truth would certainly put the cat among the pigeons

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Ah DoD where real life right wing extremists go, to take the heat off.  Stranger though, that left wing extremists then ally with them?????


Interesting claim for NoR to make.



I also want a surrender to me personally, tbh.


May I add a term about "Mandatory audition of the Red Army Choir's complete score"?

Edited by Krashnaia
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Course we can. Seriously, NoR does not have the testicular fortitude to sit in PM for as long as FAN. They will cave and frankly, I hope when they do, we force more terms on them. 


You know I personally think NoR is being silly here, and should accept the surrender and end the war.


However, I would simply like to comment that the bravado coming from you is comical at best. I cannot wait to see how much you and your alliance cries when the tables are turned.

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This is true. Again, you seem to think that NoR was ever any sort of priority. You weren't. Who said we need any other alliances to hit NoR? We don't. MI6 is now at war with NoR and NPO. Most other alliances at war with NoR no longer are at war with other alliances. Thus, you will become a priority. Have fun withering in PM as y'all too damn chicken!@#$ to come out of it. 



Our side does not leave an ally or a friend out to dry. We aren't IRON here. Also, who says we want to peace out NoR? Nah, personally at this point, I hope we not only force y'all to surrender but given your love affair for Bassman, I hope we force y'all to have to right an essay on how great Bassman is as well as force your nations to stay in PM for 3x the duration of the war. 






Course we can. Seriously, NoR does not have the testicular fortitude to sit in PM for as long as FAN. They will cave and frankly, I hope when they do, we force more terms on them. 



How you've changed. 

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Some would call that poaching, seeing as they all followed you within a very short space of time, that could only have been coordinated behind the scenes. 


But hey, you did it, it worked, and now you are getting your revenge, by destroying the alliance you swore eternal allegiance to, and in which you constantly derided others for doing individually that which you accomplished en mass. So congratulations on a job well done


I do though, find it strange that you are now allied with leftist alliances, whom you regularly ranted against and wanted to see destroyed, in fact some of your ex-NoR members were the most fanatical opponents of anything on the left.  Better hope that some of your allies do not do the same digging on your membership that they have on NoR's, the truth would certainly put the cat among the pigeons

Eternal allegiance to an alliance? Now, we all know that never ends well.

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And in this case it did not


I'm sorry to say I think you missed his point, CnaedmacAilpn: it is impossible to pledge eternal fealty to any alliance. I have had the distinct pleasure of meeting a few players whose loyalty has remand uninterrupted  by the passage of time and boredom. You can only expect that someone is going to break their vows and disrupt the service once offered, eventually.  

Edited by Malkavian
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You know I personally think NoR is being silly here, and should accept the surrender and end the war.
However, I would simply like to comment that the bravado coming from you is comical at best. I cannot wait to see how much you and your alliance cries when the tables are turned.

So long as the Coalition alliances embrace global stability and order I dont see how the tables will be turned. Instead of resentment and anger despite liberal terms, why not join the global international community at the table and work together?
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So long as the Coalition alliances embrace global stability and order I dont see how the tables will be turned. Instead of resentment and anger despite liberal terms, why not join the global international community at the table and work together?


All you've done is moved Doomhouse Leaders to a different group, the same leaders who led MK to dominance now reside in TOP.

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How you've changed. 

Now he's just somebody you used to know!!


the whole dod/nor shabang can be described in a similar sense, I remember not too long ago when we were all destroying SF. Nor should take peace, even if they have to bite the bullet. Gives them something to look forward too/build up/make new friends over, it's not like dod would shy away from a fight either. 

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Because they left NoR and then formed DoD, besides it does not take the brains of a Rocket Scientist to figure it out from some of their nicks and nations





It doesn't takes the brains of a Rocket Sciencist to figure out how to use que Quote function properly, either.


Anyway, it's still an interesting claim for an alliance so fond on the use of extreme rightwing imaginery, and who takes offense so easily when someone calls you the N word.

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All you've done is moved Doomhouse Leaders to a different group, the same leaders who led MK to dominance now reside in TOP.

Refugees rarely rise to power. Lulzism was defeated and the Mushroom Will broken by the stability operation against Mushqaeda. TOP are rational actors and have been for years, and the rains fall on the halls of the mushroom palace with not a soul to hear.
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It doesn't takes the brains of a Rocket Sciencist to figure out how to use que Quote function properly, either.


Anyway, it's still an interesting claim for an alliance so fond on the use of extreme rightwing imaginery, and who takes offense so easily when someone calls you the N word.


Nordreich (NoR) is a Germanic imperialist alliance that upholds the principles of Pan-European cultural preservation and manifestation. Centered around Germanic Folkish Nationalism, Nordreich stands in firm opposition to the corrupting influences and shortcomings of worldwide capitalism and international communism, finding both in their extreme forms, as incompatible with the preservation and of traditional European culture and ideals. Primarily based on Germanic culture, values and languages, the Greater Northern Reich is neither politically left-wing nor right-wing, welcoming ideas straddling the political spectrum, welcoming members from all walks of life, so long as they do not embody or further a threat to the Volk. The Reich (being a Pan-European organization) officially promotes and encourages the proper revival of European culture and folklore in an effort to restore the values, industriousness and over all efficiency of these worthy contributors to civilization. United by blood, we strive to protect our unique culture and with it, the people of Nordreich.

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It doesn't takes the brains of a Rocket Sciencist to figure out how to use que Quote function properly, either.


Anyway, it's still an interesting claim for an alliance so fond on the use of extreme rightwing imaginery, and who takes offense so easily when someone calls you the N word.

Actually I have only been with them for a short period, I am came because I wanted a fight.  I do not take offence, they might have the right wing imagery, but DoD took the Right Wingers.


As to the queue quote, yes at 53 I may not be able to use it properly.  But unlike you I can spell and understand English grammar (not bad for a Prussian/Scot) - rightwing imaginery should be right-wing imagery, Sciencist is Scientist  (might want to look up que, to find the proper spelling as well).  So I will keep my ability to use a spell check, a sound education and knowledge of the English language over your use of queue quote any day.


(ooc) By the way, I served 16 years in the RL British Military Intelligence Services, so unlike you I am not some pimply couch-spud and armchair warrior, whose love life revolves around the five-fingered-widow.  So get a life (/ooc)

Edited by CnaedmacAilpn
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Actually I have only been with them for a short period, I am came because I wanted a fight.  I do not take offence, they might have the right wing imagery, but DoD took the Right Wingers.


As to the queue quote, yes at 53 I may not be able to use it properly.  But unlike you I can spell and understand English grammar (not bad for a Prussian/Scot) - rightwing imaginery should be right-wing imagery, Sciencist is Scientist  (might want to look up que, to find the proper spelling as well).  So I will keep my ability to use a spell check, a sound education and knowledge of the English language over your use of queue quote any day.


(ooc) By the way, I served 16 years in the RL British Military Intelligence Services, so unlike you I am not some pimply couch-spud and armchair warrior, whose love life revolves around the five-fingered-widow.  So get a life (/ooc)




Why the defensiveness?

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For shits and giggles, just say "No Peace for Nordriech" so DoD can hit whomever comes out of peace mode. Seriously, at least it would give me something to do on here besides collect.  Lord knows they aren't fighting.

And just by reading the last 19 pages of pure drek, I can honestly state I was never a member of Nordriech nor do I ever want to be.   All I see is a replay of sour grapes done over and over again when an alliance splits and what's left is just..... Well.... Terrible.

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