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A Message from the Emperor of the New Pacific Order

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We accepted the terms quickly to help our allies and associates. Something you'd expect an alliance as well known as NPO to do when things are so grim. However best luck post war and on to new ventures.

If you accepted them so quick, you must not of thought they were very bad. A more positive approach you could take if you want to encourage less terms in general, is you could either offer a term where they agree not to impose damaging terms on Umbrella in the future if they get the opportunity or have them sign a NAP with you guys or something along those lines. Something which promotes not doing the damaging terms thing every war. Although if you are set in your thinking the victors should impose damaging terms on the losers in wars and that is how things should continue, then enjoy the path you've chosen wherever it may lead you.


Never Forget, Never Forgive. At least by doing so you'll prove those who favored leniency towards you in the Equilibrium War wrong and those who favored terms against you right for future reference. Good luck to you in your future ventures as well.

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Of course YOU would say this. You wouldn't make it public before rolling another sphere.


The terms you want to impose on NPO set you up for the next aggressive, preemptive war very nicely. Other spheres should be paying close attention.

You must really think you are on to something here.







NoR's going through tough times. Give them a break. 

I guess so. The old public faces like Zeppelin are infinitely better.



It is a preemptive aggressive war with the goal of neutralizing competition. The NpO/TOP side are the imperialist aggressors working to create a power bloc that cannot be easily contested.

Yes, but also a justified war with the goal of neutralizing a threat.


See, your problem is you mistake aggression with evil. That is not the case. I know CN likes to think it is quite often, but only the Sith deal in absolute.



TOP demoted to Polar attack dogs.


The Truth comes out....

This truth has already been out.  Although I prefer the term lapdogs.  :awesome:

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By deflecting my point rather than addressing it, I can only assume you agree with it.

Not at all, I just want you to remember that no matter how bad or dumb you think any alliance is, that they're better than NSO. If war success is your barometer, then NSO is objectively one of the least successful alliances of all time. So maybe stick to your own forums and try to figure out how to fix your own strategies. Ours work pretty well for us.
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Not at all, I just want you to remember that no matter how bad or dumb you think any alliance is, that they're better than NSO. If war success is your barometer, then NSO is objectively one of the least successful alliances of all time. So maybe stick to your own forums and try to figure out how to fix your own strategies. Ours work pretty well for us.

If war success is the barometer, VE has been one of the bottom third alliances in the last year and a half. So, I mean, it really goes both ways there.
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If war success is the barometer, VE has been one of the bottom third alliances in the last year and a half. So, I mean, it really goes both ways there.

Which means we were the best alliance in CN for the three years before that?

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Not at all, I just want you to remember that no matter how bad or dumb you think any alliance is, that they're better than NSO. If war success is your barometer, then NSO is objectively one of the least successful alliances of all time. So maybe stick to your own forums and try to figure out how to fix your own strategies. Ours work pretty well for us.

What are you even talking about? Making your deflection longer isn't going to suddenly make me jump on it. You're the one judging alliance success by war success; all I did was point out that your war strategy as an alliance was to bum rush into getting the shit kicked out of you for multiple wars, all of which were under your leadership. Do you or do you not dispute this fact?
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You don't have to, even though Impero would appreciate it.

I was teasing. It wasn't the most inspired performance, but it certainly does count. (Like, who the fuck would take away a war even for PR purposes?)

Which means we were the best alliance in CN for the three years before that?

I suppose, yeah. That would be around mediocre once it evens out :v
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What are you even talking about? Making your deflection longer isn't going to suddenly make me jump on it. You're the one judging alliance success by war success; all I did was point out that your war strategy as an alliance was to bum rush into getting the !@#$ kicked out of you for multiple wars, all of which were under your leadership. Do you or do you not dispute this fact?

Seeing as I've only led VE through two wars, I do dispute that fact. On top of that, we've only ever had the shit kicked out of us in EQ, and based on the NS of each of the coalitions that should have been the most lopsided curbstomp in CN global war history, except it wasn't. And EQ set this war up perfectly for us, so I can't be that mad about it.


Your point is that VE gets the shit kicked out of us in multiple wars. We "lost" Dave, because we chose to go in on GOD's side even when we had multiple treaties that could have slid us to the other side, and we lost EQ. Unless you want to bring up the Viridicide, that's it. We've won every other war in CN. I proudly subject VE to judgement, you'll never find anyone who has ever fought us who would share your viewpoints, but you don't have to fight NSO to know you guys are incapable of success.

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I proudly subject VE to judgement, you'll never find anyone who has ever fought us who would share your viewpoints, but you don't have to fight NSO to know you guys are incapable of success.

I'm sure you'll find people who have fought beside you who share the viewpoint; regardless - all these tears from you just tell me we're definitely doing something right. I hope to see you cry more as you scramble over the pile of wit your spewing.
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I'm sure you'll find people who have fought beside you who share the viewpoint; regardless - all these tears from you just tell me we're definitely doing something right. I hope to see you cry more as you scramble over the pile of wit your spewing.

How would you know what "doing something right" looks like?

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Each time I revisit this discussion, I become more convinced that permawar and the complete destruction of planet Bob would be the only merciful outcome.

There'll be no complete destruction of planet Bob but permawar for NPO and co is a possibility.

Edited by Daenerys Targaryen
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There'll be no complete destruction of planet Bob but permawar for NPO and co is a possibility.

And you open your mouth and show your intelligence yet again ..

If you were of an alliance that was of importance, or connected to anyone who matters (lol TTE), or understood a couple of the posts on the previous page - you'd be aware that this is not a possibility.
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And you open your mouth and show your intelligence yet again ..

If you were of an alliance that was of importance, or connected to anyone who matters (lol TTE), or understood a couple of the posts on the previous page - you'd be aware that this is not a possibility.

I'm glad someone appreciates my intelligence but no need to brown nose Rayvon. Believe me when I say not many around here like yous. I was being sarcastic in reply to Pingu's post about permawar and the destruction of planet Bob but I guess your not smart enough to see that.

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