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Lets Start A RIOT

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We in Riot Society like to tech raid, well I do. I happen to tech raid people in my range, it's how the world works. I happened to tech raid a nation called Isle of Sheppey ruled by kent detective, and I offered peace after two GA's like a nice raider. 


To: BringMeTheHorizon    From: kent detective    Date: 1/8/2014 11:34:32 AM


Subject: Wars


Message: I see you are active in attacking many defenceless nations without first talking to them.
You behave like a school bully.
Why not find others who are game for a war and leave everyone else to progress in the game?
Their are plenty of players who like wars. Those with no losses are obvously more interested in simply playing the game without being attacked.
I won't forget what you have done to my peace loving nation.
It's very sneaky and underhand of you to endorse such behviour.
BUT I realise it's just a GAME.....
My response

To: kent detective    From: BringMeTheHorizon    Date: 1/6/2014 12:34:28 PMSubject:


RE: Peace Offer


Message: There's peace mode for a reason.
You were attacked for land/tech/money - a essential part of the game. 
I'm not entirely a bad person (in this game) if you would like I can get you tech deals to help you re-grow, but I can't stop other people from attacking you.


As you can see I was willing to help him grow faster, and better.
For my nice efforts I was reported for cheating, for knowing how the world works, apparently. Then spammed with more messages from kent detective. 

To: BringMeTheHorizon    From: kent detective    Date: 1/8/2014 6:48:13 PM


Subject: Wars


Message: I have taken the time to have a close look at your past wars - It's glaringly obvious you only ever pick on nations which are inactive for a few days. This obviously allows you to attack without fear of instant retrebution. 
I see you didn't use bombers on me - had you done so, my fighters would have destroyed your bombers - I own 15 Level 8 fighters. 
Rest assured your card is marked - I will recover my losses from your nation in the future. 
You are playing a poor game - trying to pick off easy touches instead of fighting nations able to defend themselves. 
If you want to continue a war, go ahead - I have a few tricks up my sleeve should you decide this now.... 
I have over 10Million in the bank now and I will fortify my nation instantly. 
Yes it's a game but you picked on the wrong nation here. 
To: BringMeTheHorizon    From: kent detective    Date: 1/8/2014 6:57:05 PM
Subject: 4 other friends who will help me
Message: I have 4 other mates in the game waiting to declare war on you if you carry on picking on defenceless nations. Two have access to nuclear weapons. 
All 4 are within your attack range.
I appeal to you to STOP acting like a bully. 
In case you didn't realise, attacking me wasn't such a great idea in the long term.....
I have a long memory. I will bide my time.
Unless of course you wish to continue our little spat now?
Don't tell me I didn't warn you.
To: BringMeTheHorizon    From: kent detective    Date: 1/8/2014 7:00:35 PM
Subject: Truce 
Message: If you pay me 5 Million I will forget our little spat.
5 Million is a fair settlement because you took 400 land miles, togther with infrus and tech.
I see you lost more soldiers than I did. 



He has four nations, and is looking to extend this tech raid into a war upon me. He wants to recover his losses from my nation in the future, and have four people attack me in response. He is in his right to defend his nation as he see's fit. He wants to continue the little spat, so if I attacked him again, I assume one of the four nations in my range would be his alliance mates, why should his alliance mates have all the fun?
I'm a prideful man, and being called a cheat for knowing how to play the game hurts, deep down, my heart aches tonight. 
There for Riot Society hereby declares war on the British Defence Force. 
el Presidente - BringMeTheHorizon
el Capitan - Mistral
I dub thee 'School Yard Bully War'.
We're a small alliance, if anyone was wondering, here are our
*Side note, Mistral went to bed already, so only expect two wars declared tonight. 
Edited by BringMeTheHorizon
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While it pains me to say this, good luck Bringme. If you will notice, their largest nation, who is the commander of their forces, has been around since MJ/SF war to include EQ and this one in Asgaard and AI, and has 0 attacking casualties. With a commander like that, your tech raid should be plenty fruitful.

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Oh, wow. I love every sentence of every message he sent you. It's rich. I mean, "15 level 8 fighters" and "10 million in the bank"... this is some serious stuff we're talking about. I can't imagine the horror Riot Society will experience going up against this guy... 


Does Riot Society have a protector or want one? Judging from the OP alone, you seem like you're fairly up DT's alley.

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Oh, wow. I love every sentence of every message he sent you. It's rich. I mean, "15 level 8 fighters" and "10 million in the bank"... this is some serious stuff we're talking about. I can't imagine the horror Riot Society will experience going up against this guy... 


Does Riot Society have a protector or want one? Judging from the OP alone, you seem like you're fairly up DT's alley.

They have nebulous friends in high places with certain amounts of money and high-level planes, along with connections to nations wielding nuclear weaponry, and potential friends and/or allies containing a specific measure of political influence and dominance.

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... But you're against the "political bullying/stranglehold" of "The Powers That Be"? What a hypocritical clown you are.

BTMH apologized for his misdeeds and offered assistance to the victim. If the victim refused to accept that assistance then that's his problem.


Side note: RIOT is a micro, I don't consider them to be a part of TPTB.

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They have nebulous friends in high places with certain amounts of money and high-level planes, along with connections to nations wielding nuclear weaponry, and potential friends and/or allies containing a specific measure of political influence and dominance.

Tru dat. Mustn't forget these mighty vague and implausible yet frightening in their unwieldy incomprehensibility weapons of war and terror. Don't count them out yet.

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BTMH apologized for his misdeeds and offered assistance to the victim. If the victim refused to accept that assistance then that's his problem.
Side note: RIOT is a micro, I don't consider them to be a part of TPTB.

The fact that they aren't TPTB doesn't excuse the fact that tech raiding is part of the complaints you had against GOONS.
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While I'm no fan of tech raids, and fully support the right of the raided nation to return fire, I'm somewhat at a loss to see how BringMeTheHorizon was being that much of a "bully" in this instance. Perhaps it was the unsupported accusation of cheating, threats of retaliation, and demand for reparations under threat of retaliation, but Isle of Sheppey seems to be a far less peaceful nation than my Uustonia.


Having taken a brief look at the transactions listed on Isle of Sheppey's aid screen, along with the national slogan:


If you attack a BDF protected nation, your nation will be relentlessly attacked with combined BDF resources. Your nation will also be relentlessly targeted (undermined) by the BDF Intelligence Agency in future without warning.


I have to wonder if British Defense Force isn't facing a steeper economic, diplomatic, and military learning curve than is conducive to long-term peace and stability.  That, or perhaps I just have a different working definition of "relentless targeting" when it comes to espionage operations.


Either way, I'll wish "happy hunting" to Riot Society.

Edited by Hob Dobson
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The fact that they aren't TPTB doesn't excuse the fact that tech raiding is part of the complaints you had against GOONS.

For the record, no it wasn't. I tech raid myself so I'd be a hypocrite if I ever called someone out for tech raiding. Tech raiding is a part of this game, but it only becomes a problem when small nations get wrecked for no reason. BTMH offered the victim peace, the victim understandably chose to continue fighting; therefore, it is now a war. I was merely wishing a friend good luck. I don't like GOONS because they treat people like crap. Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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For the record, no it wasn't. I tech raid myself so I'd be a hypocrite if I ever called someone out for tech raiding. I don't like GOONS because they treat people like crap.

Then why bitch when you got raided?
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