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The Network Hungers


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Two of the most annoying, irrelevant loud mouths talking shit in the same thread.
I'll grab the band-aids and Neosporin everyone, come to me if your eyes begin to bleed.

I'm assuming your talking about myself and magic ninja and i just want to let you know that sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.

many_pocket_stones_newest_lg.jpg Edited by Rotavele
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Two of the most annoying, irrelevant loud mouths talking shit in the same thread.


I'll grab the band-aids and Neosporin everyone, come to me if your eyes begin to bleed.


You and Rebel, but that was a good guess.


That description matches yourself and can even apply it to most, but I guess its different strokes for different folks.

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Is that why you called all of your allies in? Also TPF is #5 in damage this week. GATO is falling a great bit in NS. You guys do have a lot of hope though. It's the thought that counts, right?


Don't know if we called them but if we did ODN was the only one.........TLR is fighting on a different front as is TIO and NPO of course. III% decided to come in anyway after we told them to sit it out......So yes ODN is all of our allies unlike Invicta who actually called in all of their allies......yeah.... Compared to what we've dished out our losses are meager.


Also, yes Rebel....it's not like NPO isn't fighting a few people other than yourselves...or we don't also have 6 alliances on our back. You have to fight two heavily engaged alliances....and you're still bleeding as bad as anyone in the fight.... 


Also lol and indeed WarriorSoul but I ain't wrong......

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Hey ODN, would you ask the rogues, you know, the two who hit me after applying to ODN but while still pending acceptance, to buy some soldiers please.  Being the aggressors and that this war is only days old, you'd think turtling would just be an embarrassment to them, and by extension, you, because you accepted them.

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Hey ODN, would you ask the rogues, you know, the two who hit me after applying to ODN but while still pending acceptance, to buy some soldiers please.  Being the aggressors and that this war is only days old, you'd think turtling would just be an embarrassment to them, and by extension, you, because you accepted them.


Hit or be hit in my opinion. Applicants haven't been spared in the past.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I call dibs on Viceroy of ODN.  Give 'em Hell, CCC.

My Dear Comrade Shantamantan,

We have shed blood together, not all of it our own. Together we have brought low some of the mightiest powers anyone has ever witnessed. This is all true.

But, with The Admin-God Kevin (A Thousand Hails Upon Him) as my Witness, I will never allow you to usurp my authority as the One True Leader, the Viceroy, of the Orange Defense Network. I rose to this lofty position in 2006, and have maintained my station through both good times and bad. I was actually acclaimed Viceroy over five years ago by a vote of the ODN's polity. This position is mine, and mine alone. If you wish to take it from me, honor compels me to challenge you to a duel. Shall it be handsomeness at dawn? Or will you recognize my legitimate and rightful rule over this, the most ancient of orange alliances?

Yours truly, &c, &c,

Electron Herbert Walker Sponge, Esquire
Viceroy of the Orange Defense Network
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I think you misunderstand, but I'm not surprised.



NPL triumvirate.


Now I can realize why no one likes you and makes fun of NPL. I forgot you guys were in this war. Also nice damage hahahahaha.


not enough Miley, imho.


Why have you been in peace mode this entire war? I looked at your war screen and it says you havent came out the entire war.

Edited by Rotavele
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Pingu, that might just be one of the worst things I've laid witness too. And trust me, I was in an alliance with Lanore for three years, I've seen some pretty frightful things.


You don't shit post even remotely as bad as you did a few months ago. Did GATO Whoop that ass once you became MoFA?

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