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Quick Note from MK

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Except it's not. Unless for example IRON is at war with NG. So, door 1 or 2 my friend?

Not either one, the police, in practus, seems to be a tempery MDP block (without firther declaration) enactable at the nation level.  But (me for example) wouldn't attack a NG nation any more than MK wold counter NG if they were to counter a Top atack on us.

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As an outside observer I can understand it as an accident. You attacked an alliance you have had previous bad relations with, basically without previous knowledge of your alliance, certainly not in support of your allies as you eventually claimed. You acted like a rogue acts. That alliance asked for what alliances ask for when hit by rogues - a sanction - and got it.


You then proceeded to complain with great vigor in public.


I rather doubt that in all that you contacted oyababy about it.


As a matter of record, you immediately accused oyababy of being a rogue yourself and "Doomhouse and their allies are now utilizing a sanction campaign to conduct their war."


So what part of your behavior warranted homework?


Honestly, as a disinterested party you acted like a rogue and were treated as such.


All that follows after is a direct result of your behavior, so in that respect it is not an accident. It is either a deliberate and considered scheme on your part or an act of thuggish buffoonery gone awry.


This is a nice argument, except for the part where you are wrong.


Yes, it is true, oh no, I have bad blood with EvU.  I was unaware that this translates to "any war declared on EvU is therefore a rogue action."  It takes two seconds to realize that EvU hit RIA's ally.  Was I picking a war that had particular personal satisfaction for myself?  Of course.  Does that have any bearing on the legitimacy of the war?  Not at all.  People hit people they dislike all the goddamn time when the big wars roll around, and my situation was no different, except that I didn't have to hop AA's to pretend it was legitimate, because it was actually legitimate.

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Honestly, you're quickly moving up the shit posting ladder. You're not HoT or Mogar yet but you're definitely aiming for the stars. You'd do your alliance an immense service by not posting.

Every single person who has ever posted on the OWF would have done their alliance an immense service by not posting.

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Every single person who has ever posted on the OWF would have done their alliance an immense service by not posting.


There are exceptions. Me, as an example.

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I get the sense that you think the apology was some kind of game-changer. I'd let the comments in this thread serve as an indicator of how much meaning anyone on the EQ side of things is attaching to it, except perhaps as a reminder that the pride goeth before the fall.

It's funny that the only ones being hubristic in this discussion are CoJ members. Don't conflate your sense of pride with our own; we are well aware that this apology is not a "game-changer." It is, however, honest. Regardless of how unfeeling and unprincipled you'd like to paint us as being, we are reasonable people, and are more than willing to own up to our mistakes. Nevertheless, we are much more receptive to doing so when treated like actual human-beings, and when issues are at least mentioned to us prior to being hurled before the public eye. Edited by Diogenes
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wow ur so edgy

Actually no, you're just trying way too hard. Maybe one day you too will be able to craft an insult without delving into over the top immaturity. Good luck!

Every alliance I've been in has gotten the better of Sparta. :smug:

I think NPO of old and MK got the better of everyone in their respective days, but aye. NSO on the other hand, we've had some fun with them....not that that's much to brag about :ph34r:



EDIT: And I wouldn't say my comments are immature. I just hold unrivaled hate for the entirety of your coalition.

Edited by Enamel32
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I think NPO of old and MK got the better of everyone in their respective days, but aye. NSO on the other hand, we've had some fun with them....not that that's much to brag about :ph34r:



EDIT: And I wouldn't say my comments are immature. I just hold unrivaled hate for the entirety of your coalition.


Get a hobby. It is better for your health than obsessing over this trivial matter and does everyone a favor in the end.

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When you drink the TOP Kool-aid, you just grab the pitcher and chug, don't you?   <_<


FYI: MK has stated it wants NO part in a sanction war because it knows while it might benefit your side of the war on a few colors, it would be devastating to them on others and would be of no benefit to them.  But if you want to continue to insist you can win a thermonuclear war Mr. Strangelove, please keep talking.

I was not discussing what MK should do.  The Kingdom is doing precisely what it should be doing in respecting the desires of its allies, which is what I assume prompted this thread.  You're dim if you think fear of sanctions is the sole cause.


I had a lengthy post written up here explaining why you're wrong, but I want you to be wrong and I want you to act on it.  Please, please make my day.  And 1337's day.  And the day of every Shroomer who desires a phase of combat they, and every intelligent mind, knows they'd win.  They won't start it, but they'll damn sure enjoy it.

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Not either one, the police, in practus, seems to be a tempery MDP block (without firther declaration) enactable at the nation level.  But (me for example) wouldn't attack a NG nation any more than MK wold counter NG if they were to counter a Top atack on us.



Now, an MDP is a Defence Pact is an agreement based on mutual trust and understanding that states the parties involved MUST defend one another in times of war.

- If it is temporary, then it is not a MDP, since this indicates that is only applicable when convenient for the attacking Alliance, or Alliance bloc.

- If the parties involved can choose when to apply this 'Musketeer Doctrine' (one for all and all for one?), then its strictures are only optional and will only be applied when it is convenient. It is not an MDP.

- If it applies to nations without any standing agreements between each other then it lacks any basis on mutual relations and are only based on perceiving each other as being on the 'same side.' It is not an MDP.


EQ is right, folks. It is a very simple policy, designed to mitigate the problems it has foreseen in being able to use its bulk to attack a smaller number of top-heavy (hurr, TOP) alliances. It is essentially a Doctrine of allowing any Alliance it sees as part of its side to declare on anyone they see fit. This policy only works when the invoker has a large majority and benefits from a larger Treaty web. That is why the 'Musketeer Doctrine' is in essence a policy of 'War when convenient'.


When did I last see people talking about 'War when convenient'? Oh yeah. But this whole issue has nothing to do with that doctrine, as HoT actually pointed out by using a network of legitimate treaties to back their case for Sanction revocation. MK eventually acceded. But if GoD's motivation for s'upping sanctioning MK members is somehow related to that matter, why haven't they been revoked by now?


Apologies for beating up on someone with a limited grasp of English. I do feel rather dirty about that, but this has to be said. Boy, I hate having friends on both sides of this war...



EDIT: Can anyone confirm use of this Doctrine in an offensive context? if so, that would be a final nail in the '1-4all is a MDP" lead coffin.

Edited by revolutionary rebel
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It's funny that the only ones being hubristic in this discussion are CoJ members. Don't conflate your sense of pride with our own; we are well aware that this apology is not a "game-changer." It is, however, honest. Regardless of how unfeeling and unprincipled you'd like to paint us as being, we are reasonable people, and are more than willing to own up to our mistakes. Nevertheless, we are much more receptive to doing so when treated like actual human-beings, and when issues are at least mentioned to us prior to being hurled before the public eye.


Your apology was anything but honest.  I must say, I am mildly amused that MK had to wheel you out to do PR cleanup, after the incredibly condescending attitude that you guys had towards me in my thread.


Anyone with two neurons to rub together can see that you're lying through your teeth.  Because your lie is public information, and the 180 in your attitude as soon as things went south for you is readily apparent to anyone with basic reading skills.

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I was not discussing what MK should do.  The Kingdom is doing precisely what it should be doing in respecting the desires of its allies, which is what I assume prompted this thread.  You're dim if you think fear of sanctions is the sole cause.


I had a lengthy post written up here explaining why you're wrong, but I want you to be wrong and I want you to act on it.  Please, please make my day.  And 1337's day.  And the day of every Shroomer who desires a phase of combat they, and every intelligent mind, knows they'd win.  They won't start it, but they'll damn sure enjoy it.


Clearly this is why MK went into panic mode, because this is a phase they would win and they are refraining from it out of the pure goodness of their hearts just to protect us little folk.  This is clearly what is happening and is totally in like with typical MK behavior.

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Oh right the reference to ng members hiding amongst the schoolkid nations. The one that I referred to as beslanesque.

Oops mentioned it again. Still think it was beslanesque though.


The fact that you still think this is an equivalent comparison speaks volumes.  

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Wow, there's a lot to go through here - most of it seemingly irrelevant to the issue at hand.


I think there a few important points to raise (forgive me if they have been raised and I didn't see them):

  • Since when is a senator a representative ONLY of an alliance?  They are not.  They are a representative of a team colour.  If you look at o ya baby's vote count, it exceeds that of the number of members in MK.
  • Another key fact that people seem to be missing is that HoT has previously gone rogue on the alliance that requested the sanction.  When there is no declaration of war and no acknowledgement from RIA government for days, why is it so unreasonable for people to see that a legitimate mistake could have been made?
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