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An Imperial Decree


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Looking for someone looking for a good time, 22,000 nation strength, Anything goes as long as both sides have fun.

Hit me up if you're interested and hopefully we can send each other some lovely gifts.

Hope to see someone soon,

Love you all :wub:

Lord Caparo

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[quote name='Tiber Septim' timestamp='1357459816' post='3071973']
Until he makes a post saying he "used" your alliance under Ardus' direction.

If you believe that this is the case, why don't you attack the real perpetrator in this conflict. Why don't you cut to the master mind?
I just hope it is not because you guys are too scare to make that call just because they are too big.

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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1357481522' post='3072019']
Looking for someone looking for a good time, 22,000 nation strength, Anything goes as long as both sides have fun.

Hit me up if you're interested and hopefully we can send each other some lovely gifts.

Hope to see someone soon,

Love you all :wub:

Lord Caparo

You beat me to it Caparo!

Yes, I would like some fun too (casualties). All defensive slots open. In fact, during this entire little skirmish- only one defensive war. Thanks Mr Kain.

Help a brother out NSO- I need some casualties- I am falling behind.


Death from above 82

Edited by death from above 82
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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1357482172' post='3072024']
If you believe that this is the case, why don't you attack the real perpetrator in this conflict. Why don't you cut to the master mind?
I just hope it is not because you guys are too scare to make that call just because they are too big.

I think you missed the point of the quotation marks, or why we're here [that 'Delusion' thread where Smurf claimed - and yes we're all well aware that everything was false/lies, no surprise coming from Smurf and that's part of the problem - that he was working for/with MK/Ardus] in this war.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1357482585' post='3072029']
I think you missed the point of the quotation marks, or why we're here [that 'Delusion' thread where Smurf claimed - and yes we're all well aware that everything was false/lies, no surprise coming from Smurf and that's part of the problem - that he was working for/with MK/Ardus] in this war.

Is he actually working for Ardus? Sorry, I cannot understand what you said.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1357477588' post='3072011']
And Kaskus has been flawless in their executions of 'destroy cruise missile' on CM-less nations and inciting gov of nations not in anarchy :smug:

Have we tried to spy away nukes that are protected? :lol1:

My personal favorite is when your guys send in maximum level 9 bombers.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1357477588' post='3072011']
And Kaskus has been flawless in their executions of [b]'destroy cruise missile' on CM-less nations [/b]and inciting gov of nations not in anarchy :smug:

Ok that one is on me- cant teach an old dog new tricks (dam smart phone)- or how about, dam fingers to fat for the phone buttons- that one is believable right?

Come on NSO I am bored- you got me posting.

I need me some casualties

Death from above 82

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1357482585' post='3072029']
I think you missed the point of the quotation marks, or why we're here [that 'Delusion' thread where Smurf claimed - and yes we're all well aware that everything was false/lies, no surprise coming from Smurf and that's part of the problem - that he was working for/with MK/Ardus] in this war.

At 45 pages in I don't think they're gonna get it, or they get it and they don't care. Either way you're wasting your breath.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1357492437' post='3072062']
At 45 pages in I don't think they're gonna get it, or they get it and they don't care. Either way you're wasting your breath.

Listen to this wise man. Just keep pounding them and ignore their posts here.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1357492437' post='3072062']
At 45 pages in I don't think they're gonna get it, or they get it and they don't care. Either way you're wasting your breath.

i just want to enjoy the war. havent been in one since CSN was a sanctioned alliance ......feel my pain :(

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1357482862' post='3072031']
Is he actually working for Ardus? Sorry, I cannot understand what you said.
[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1357483100' post='3072034']
"[b]and yes we're all well aware that everything was false/lies[/b], no surprise coming from Smurf and that's part of the problem - [b]that he was working for/with MK/Ardus[/b]"
To be fair, that [i]was [/i]the most poorly constructed sentence I've seen in a long time.

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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1357444870' post='3071893']
Nope. The Mongols did, and Kaskus decided to intervene. Then when the war irrefutably turned south for them they tried playing the OOC race/2005 tsunami cards. Which is the worst possible thing they could have done for obvious reasons seeing as our war with them had nothing to do with either. Kaskus spews revised fables in an attempt to change the past or to provide justification for their incompetence. They did it then, they've done it since and they're doing it now. Nothing new here.

I stand corrected then Marx.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1357498152' post='3072087']
To be fair, that [i]was [/i]the most poorly constructed sentence I've seen in a long time.

Chopped down to the pertinent part, sure. I had to show him exactly where I said it was false in the full sentence, was no need to post the entirety of it for that little piece if the entirety already put him off.

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1357475029' post='3072005']
My terms are still there, they've not gone anywhere. Waiting for discussion whenever Tan wants to be serious.
Like I said earlier, unless you force them to surrender by squashing them, they won't do it.

e: Hell, they've got guys itt asking for defensive wars and you're demanding that they wave a white flag? That makes no sense man.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1357504723' post='3072118']
Like I said earlier, unless you force them to surrender by squashing them, they won't do it.

e: Hell, they've got guys itt asking for defensive wars and you're demanding that they wave a white flag? That makes no sense man.

Then they can be as !@#$ as GOONS was when you called in an entire bloc to deal with something you couldn't.

I recon if you post your wishes another 3 times, they might take you up on it.

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All defensive slots also standing by, Not one person this whole war wants to ride the short bus. lets get this party started. I have an open dance card, and am a easy lady, rwar! Ok I will say it, Goons would KILL!! NSO in a even war of two 120ish alliances, I will wager the farm on that. Better coordination, better warriors, better personalities, except the SCARY CLOWN GUY, please change your profile picture, it give me nightmares.

we look forward to the counter attack, on day 1 we waited, on day 2 waited while we hit your weak, and on day 2 thought OH NO they are planning a BIG offensive, then day 3 and so on. I will drop a load in my pants when the massive NSO war machine gets "oiled" hell spit on the thing and stick it in!

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[quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1357512093' post='3072150']
All defensive slots also standing by, Not one person this whole war wants to ride the short bus. lets get this party started. I have an open dance card, and am a easy lady, rwar! Ok I will say it, Goons would KILL!! NSO in a even war of two 120ish alliances, I will wager the farm on that. Better coordination, better warriors, better personalities, except the SCARY CLOWN GUY, please change your profile picture, it give me nightmares.

we look forward to the counter attack, on day 1 we waited, on day 2 waited while we hit your weak, and on day 2 thought OH NO they are planning a BIG offensive, then day 3 and so on. I will drop a load in my pants when the massive NSO war machine gets "oiled" hell spit on the thing and stick it in!

I read this whole thing in an Indonesian accent and combined with the broken english I've never laughed so hard at an OWF post ever.

Just. Lol.

Maybe you should sell down like Smurf did! :awesome:

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This is pretty much past the point of debating who won or lost, who was right or wrong, who was better or worse. I think we're at the point now that Kaskus has to determine how they want to end this. The way I see it they have three options; disbandment, surrender, or negotiation. I know which one I would choose at this point if I were them.

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