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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1356045442' post='3066444']
patience; in time there will be plenty of egg on your face.

Yes clearly. What will happen is you'll get your fill of UnknownSmurf, despite what it costs you in NS, land, tech and all the good stuff. Once that is out the way and for a prolonged period of us not surrendering, white peace will be declared due to peoples realize how retarded it was to fight in the first place and waste so much over 1 person.

Yea Egg on my face.

Egg on your face for loosing so much over 1 person.

I've kept it quite cordial to my opponents so far, I plan to try and keep it that way. I like a fight and it's the best part of this[ooc] game[ooc]. I'm less tolerant of rubber nutted peanut gallery types that make terrible comments. So forgive me if I come across as a bit short. Goodnight.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356045873' post='3066448']
Yes clearly. What will happen is you'll get your fill of UnknownSmurf, despite what it costs you in NS, land, tech and all the good stuff. Once that is out the way and for a prolonged period of us not surrendering, white peace will be declared due to peoples realize how retarded it was to fight in the first place and waste so much over 1 person.

Yea Egg on my face.

Egg on your face for loosing so much over 1 person.

also a dumb statement; this war is a GREAT thing for NSO and you're doing us a big favor. You've got no idea.

and still fails to grasp my previous point.

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[center][quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1356038810' post='3066393']
[b][i][color=#FF0000] [/color][/i][/b][b][i][color=#FF0000]“Those heroes that shed their blood, and lost their lives … [/color][/i][/b][/center]
[center][color=#FF0000][b][i]You are now lying in the soil of a friendly country. [/i][/b][/color][/center]
[center][b][color=#FF0000][i]T[/i][i]herefore, rest in peace. [/i][/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=#FF0000][i]There is no difference between the Siths[/i][/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=#FF0000][i]And Kaskus to us where they lie side by side, [/i][/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=#FF0000][i]Here in this country of ours [/i][/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][color=#FF0000][i]You, the mothers, who sent their sons from far away countries … [/i][/color][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][color=#FF0000][i]Wipe away your tears. [/i][/color][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][color=#FF0000][i]Your sons are now lying in our bosom and are in peace. [/i][/color][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][color=#FF0000][i]After having lost their lives on this land, they have [/i][/color][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center]
[center][b][color=#FF0000][i][b][i][color=#FF0000]Become our sons as well”.[/color] [/i][/b][/i][/color][/b][/center]

I like it but you must understand something. We Sith don't give up.

Through Strength, we attain Power;
Through Power, we attain Victory;
Through Victory our chains are broken.

I'll let a Sith Lord explain it for you ;)

[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1356045985' post='3066450']
also a dumb statement; this war is a GREAT thing for NSO and you're doing us a big favor. You've got no idea.

and still fails to grasp my previous point.

[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1356044665' post='3066434']
Is wakakakaka Indonesian for surrender? :huh:

It sounds like Shakira, maybe they just want world peace and us to sing kumbaya.

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356045873' post='3066448']
Yes clearly. What will happen is you'll get your fill of UnknownSmurf, despite what it costs you in NS, land, tech and all the good stuff. Once that is out the way and for a prolonged period of us not surrendering, white peace will be declared due to peoples realize how retarded it was to fight in the first place and waste so much over 1 person.[/quote]

One you are wrong, this war is great for us, and two as much as you think this isn't worth it; it most definitely is. Smurf made a big mistake and we are not about to let some half-cocked alliance try and tell us we can't hit someone for crossing us. We are Sith we will do as we wish.

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356045873' post='3066448']
Yea Egg on my face.

Egg on your face for loosing so much over 1 person.[/quote]

There will be no egg on our face, the whole of CN agrees that what we are doing is acceptable, while many don't like us they agree that its the right course of action. Too bad y'all over at Kaskus couldn't realize that if you wanted a war all you had to do was ask.

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356045873' post='3066448']
I've kept it quite cordial to my opponents so far, I plan to try and keep it that way. I like a fight and it's the best part of this[ooc] game[ooc]. I'm less tolerant of rubber nutted peanut gallery types that make terrible comments. So forgive me if I come across as a bit short. Goodnight.

You really do sound mad, would you like something for it? I could definitely get you some help: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i1IpGWYROs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i1IpGWYROs[/url]

You should listen to them, they know what they are talking about.

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[size=5][b]For those just joining the thread, allow me to summarize:[/b][/size]

[size=5][b]1. Kaskus took Unknown Smurf, and placed him in gov't[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]2. NSO did not approve, as he was on ZI list[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]3. NSO attacks Smurf[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]4. Kaskus defends Smurf[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]5. 'Sup GOD?[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]6. No, 'Sup INT?[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]7. NSO is no GOONS.[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]8. Oh yeah? KASKUS is no Legion[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]7. Smurf = Dave 93[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]8. Oh no he's not[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]9. Is so![/b][/size]
[size=5][b]10. Curtis Goodman considers Kaskus the Gem of the Highlands and fully supports their efforts[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]11. You guys have poor quads/no warchest/moon bases[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]12. HA! Is that all you got, quads/warchest and moon base jokes?[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]13. Hiro is %#^& poster[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]14. No he's not, you are simply a &^%$&^nut.[/b][/size]

[size=5][b]Note that we still have opening for the following cliches:[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Kaskus/NSO is the new NPO[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Peace mode jab[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Sad, but necessary[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Somebody is bad,for posting in this thread, and they should feel bad[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Nope, Chuck Testa[/b][/size]

[size=5][b]In closing, good luck to two alliances who clearly wanted a war. May I remind you both that the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114148&hl=iafg"]IAFG is available for hire as mercenaries should either of you decide it is time to put a nail in the other alliance's coffin and end this thing.[/url][/b][/size]

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First, My post did not say anyone would lose/give up. I hope not, this is fun, reason to play, just saying there is honor in protecting what you believe, no matter the side, we are warriors.

And did someone say eggs? I will take an egg samich with mayo please oh SITH LORD!

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[quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1356049659' post='3066469']
First, My post did not say anyone would lose/give up. I hope not, this is fun, reason to play, just saying there is honor in protecting what you believe, no matter the side, we are warriors.

And did someone say eggs? I will take an egg samich with mayo please oh SITH LORD!

Hi Lord, you sounded like TAN now and getting wise..... hahahha...

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356045873' post='3066448']
Yes clearly. What will happen is you'll get your fill of UnknownSmurf, despite what it costs you in NS, land, tech and all the good stuff. Once that is out the way and for a prolonged period of us not surrendering, white peace will be declared due to peoples realize how retarded it was to fight in the first place and waste so much over 1 person.

Yea Egg on my face.

Egg on your face for loosing so much over 1 person.

I've kept it quite cordial to my opponents so far, I plan to try and keep it that way. I like a fight and it's the best part of this[ooc] game[ooc]. I'm less tolerant of rubber nutted peanut gallery types that make terrible comments. So forgive me if I come across as a bit short. Goodnight.
Oh, I finally dig why you are sending these scrubs into defeat. So it's your own peanut gallery you are sending to their doom?
Just like Isaac, wut?

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1356042996' post='3066411']
Posts like this make me wonder if people have no concept of numbers, or they just intentionally ignore them. NSO had 4x the nations Kaskus has.. and their ANS is within 2000 of one another (suggesting that they can adequately cover alltiers in Kaskus.) The only thing that could possibly fail for NSO in this instance, is a complete and utter lack of activity and an unwillingness of people to actually launch their wars. Other than that, any suggestion that Kaskus may in any way, shape or form, have an upper hand over NSO is patently ridiculous.
Have you considered the distribution of NS strength within Alliances?
Kaskus is quite heavy in the 30K-60K range but very thin everywhere else.

Technically, this allows for a situation in which Kaskus does well in that bandwidth ( accounting for 2/3rd of their Membership) while the hapless third that is somewhere else gets a very painful... treatment.

You might then even see 2 Alliances proclaiming to have won. The centers of gravity do not match.
Their Best Players and our Best Players cannot exchange blows.

Just my 2 bits as one of the Corps Commanders in the lower tiers of NationStrength.

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[quote name='Walshington' timestamp='1356049276' post='3066465']

[size=5][b]For those just joining the thread, allow me to summarize:[/b][/size]

[size=5][b]1. Kaskus took Unknown Smurf, and placed him in gov't[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]2. NSO did not approve, as he was on ZI list[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]3. NSO attacks Smurf[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]4. Kaskus defends Smurf[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]5. 'Sup GOD?[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]6. No, 'Sup INT?[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]7. NSO is no GOONS.[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]8. Oh yeah? KASKUS is no Legion[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]7. Smurf = Dave 93[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]8. Oh no he's not[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]9. Is so![/b][/size]
[size=5][b]10. Curtis Goodman considers Kaskus the Gem of the Highlands and fully supports their efforts[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]11. You guys have poor quads/no warchest/moon bases[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]12. HA! Is that all you got, quads/warchest and moon base jokes?[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]13. Hiro is %#^& poster[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]14. No he's not, you are simply a &^%$&^nut.[/b][/size]

[size=5][b]Note that we still have opening for the following cliches:[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Kaskus/NSO is the new NPO[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Peace mode jab[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Sad, but necessary[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Somebody is bad,for posting in this thread, and they should feel bad[/b][/size]
[size=5][b]- Nope, Chuck Testa[/b][/size]

[size=5][b]In closing, good luck to two alliances who clearly wanted a war. May I remind you both that the [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=114148&hl=iafg"]IAFG is available for hire as mercenaries should either of you decide it is time to put a nail in the other alliance's coffin and end this thing.[/url][/b][/size]

Probably the best summary possible with this thread. Made reading the boards worthwhile tonight.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1356032211' post='3066352']
Whether or not you post an announcement, when you attack an alliance in large numbers, that's an aggressive action. If I rolled BFF against Non Grata today without declaring a formal war, it would be an aggressive action.

[quote name='Max Power' timestamp='1356032248' post='3066353']
Instigation of hostilities is the more important thing. The party that is the first to be polite enough to issue an official declaration doesn't have to be burdened with the bad PR of starting a war. Otherwise all wars would be fought covertly. There are a couple famous OOC examples if you need them.

I thought Nor was the first one to declare wars (Ingame)? Which would mean LSF, the alliance, was in a defensive war.

[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1356035448' post='3066371']
Commonly seen as an act of war, actually.

One that is usually handled with reps. My understanding of the scenario is this:

Alliance A sent two aid packages to two rogues attacking Alliance B. The two rogues used to be part of alliance A.
Alliance A did not agree to the amount Alliance B wanted in reparations for that.
Alliance B declares war on Alliance A.

..That, in my mind, makes alliance B the aggressor; even though alliance A gave them the CB.

A MDP treaty in my mind means you are going to defend the alliance you MDP'd no matter what. If theres a reason you wouldn't do this (like if you are int and you can't do it without MKs approval even though you aren't allied to them) then you should sign ODPs.

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[quote name='Haraldson' timestamp='1356056429' post='3066501']
Have you considered the distribution of NS strength within Alliances?
Kaskus is quite heavy in the 30K-60K range but very thin everywhere else.

Technically, this allows for a situation in which Kaskus does well in that bandwidth ( accounting for 2/3rd of their Membership) while the hapless third that is somewhere else gets a very painful... treatment.

You might then even see 2 Alliances proclaiming to have won. The centers of gravity do not match.
Their Best Players and our Best Players cannot exchange blows.

Just my 2 bits as one of the Corps Commanders in the lower tiers of NationStrength.

Kaskus has 38 nations total.... NSO has 31 nations just in the 30-60K range.... the math does not lie... an alliance with 4x the nations of another alliance... and nearly the same average nation strength... will always have adequate coverage over the smaller alliance. In every range. Its one of the few instances (1v1 alliances wars) where you can pretty much read both sides with just looking at ANS.

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Hello Lord Sith Joe Stupid, didn't you recruit me to ragnorak? Or was that a evil twin? I know we have met. I have smelled your life force before. YUCK! You need to wipe better! JK dog
And Rush Sykes (friend of Londo/ATHENS??) hello to you also, and MERRy Christmas to all!
as for 30k-60k doing good in kaskus, several under 30K kaskusinans take offence to that. A

And still waiting on my DAMN EGG samich!

Edited by Lord Bit
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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1356059517' post='3066510']
Kaskus has 38 nations total.... NSO has 31 nations just in the 30-60K range.... the math does not lie... an alliance with 4x the nations of another alliance... and nearly the same average nation strength... will always have adequate coverage over the smaller alliance. In every range. Its one of the few instances (1v1 alliances wars) where you can pretty much read both sides with just looking at ANS.

While I will agree with this and agree that this war is pretty even. Our smaller nations (including myself) aren't getting a whole lot of action and probably won't till middle of next week because Kaskus nations are in the majority 20k+ NS. Now once those nations descend to the lower tiers you would be right in that we would win. But until then its as even as it gets.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1356059478' post='3066509']
I thought Nor was the first one to declare wars (Ingame)? Which would mean LSF, the alliance, was in a defensive war.

One that is usually handled with reps. My understanding of the scenario is this:

Alliance A sent two aid packages to two rogues attacking Alliance B. The two rogues used to be part of alliance A.
Alliance A did not agree to the amount Alliance B wanted in reparations for that.
Alliance B declares war on Alliance A.

..That, in my mind, makes alliance B the aggressor; even though alliance A gave them the CB.

A MDP treaty in my mind means you are going to defend the alliance you MDP'd no matter what. If theres a reason you wouldn't do this (like if you are int and you can't do it without MKs approval even though you aren't allied to them) then you should sign ODPs.

No, LSF launched the first wars. And no, that's not what an MDP means. Almost every MDP treaty does not call for defense in the event of retaliation for an aggressive action. That's the "A" part of treaties. If BFF hit NPO tomorrow and NPO retaliated, I could not demand GOONS enter because it was an aggressive war, thus making any action on the part of GOONS optional.

Correction: You are right about the LSF nations, they were under another AA, albeit a freshly-created one. The entire event was created to instigate a war with NoR. Further, there really isn't a government at LSF for NoR to contact, so it's not like reps could have been worked out. NoR acted in accordance with every alliance's guidelines. Regardless, that's not the issue here. Let's get back to betting on alliances, eh?

Edited by Ernesto Che Guevara
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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1356066792' post='3066526']
No, LSF launched the first wars. And no, that's not what an MDP means. Almost every MDP treaty does not call for defense in the event of retaliation for an aggressive action. That's the "A" part of treaties. If BFF hit NPO tomorrow and NPO retaliated, I could not demand GOONS enter because it was an aggressive war, thus making any action on the part of GOONS optional.

Correction: You are right about the LSF nations, they were under another AA, albeit a freshly-created one. The entire event was created to instigate a war with NoR. Further, there really isn't a government at LSF for NoR to contact, so it's not like reps could have been worked out. NoR acted in accordance with every alliance's guidelines. Regardless, that's not the issue here. Let's get back to betting on alliances, eh?

I agree, you're making yourself look incredibly foolish, it would be best for you to shut up and hope nobody remembers.

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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1356066792' post='3066526']
No, LSF launched the first wars. And no, that's not what an MDP means. Almost every MDP treaty does not call for defense in the event of retaliation for an aggressive action. That's the "A" part of treaties. If BFF hit NPO tomorrow and NPO retaliated, I could not demand GOONS enter because it was an aggressive war, thus making any action on the part of GOONS optional.

Correction: You are right about the LSF nations, they were under another AA, albeit a freshly-created one. The entire event was created to instigate a war with NoR. Further, there really isn't a government at LSF for NoR to contact, so it's not like reps could have been worked out. NoR acted in accordance with every alliance's guidelines.[b] Regardless, that's not the issue here. Let's get back to betting on alliances, eh?[/b]

Agreed; hit me up on IRC if you wanna discuss it further though. I'm interested in the way you view a MDP.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1356067444' post='3066528']
Agreed; hit me up on IRC if you wanna discuss it further though. I'm interested in the way you view a MDP.

There is only one way to view an MDP. For example because Kaskus hit us (as in you are the aggressor we simply went after the one member) our allies who hold MDP's with us can come in on our side if we asked them. If we attacked Kaskus first they could not do that if there was not an aggression portion to the treaty that gave them that option or required them to.

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