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An Imperial Decree


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So many people who are surprised at the fact that, regardless of how it came about, it's possible to have a war that both sides feel is worth having for its own sake, because they feel it's right. A war that has plenty of accusations and trash-talking, but is good-spirited at the same time. Would it have been more efficient for the NSO to just pre-empt on Kaskus, regardless of the facts? Probably, but would it have been [i]right[/i]? When you already outnumber and outgun an opponent in every way, is it right to curbstomp them pre-emptively just because they might attack you?

Sure, from the point of view of the Sith, it would have been acceptable simply because it's more in our interests than waiting for the attack, but even the dark side can look beyond just short-term interests. On the long term, it is better to go through the motions, even if that means having a few more anarchied nations than the other side for the first couple of days. Better to be an alliance that is known to appreciate the sporting aspect of things. It's more instructive for nations that have never fought before to fight multiple defensive wars than it is to curbstomp some unprepared nations in Defcon 5 and minimal soldiers.

People from other alliances should take note of this silly little war, which is largely being fought for its own sake, especially when they are part of some neutral alliance where they only ever shovel tech around, when they are in an alliance that only calls on them for some no-CB curbstomp, or when they are in an alliance that makes them bleed for some other alliance.

Edited by Mr Garcia
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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1356012491' post='3066285']
Hello friend. Good luck in your war. I have to ask though why you think the disbandment of PB was your doing? It really wasn't. Please stop implying you did.

Hello ex. Boss...

I did? Well, my mistake then.
As I can recall, back then, PB was the largest and powerfull bloc in this entire game system.
I wouldn't even dare to dream that I/we caused the disbandment of PB.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1356005950' post='3066269']
Funniest part of the thread was condoning GOD hanging Kaskus out to dry while forgetting they tried to crucify INT for doing the same thing.....ie not supporting an ally clearly in the wrong....and Mogar talks about only ok when we do it scenarios......

You are all pretty horrible at this whole thing.

Can you idiots stop with the whole ripping on GOD thing ITT? Like, honestly, it's pathetic that you're going to hold activating an optional treaty against the wishes of their allies on the same level as not only ignoring an MDoAP twice in the cases of both IRON /and/ NoR, but after you had already /explicitly told LSF to do what they did because you would have their back/. Of course, you don't actually believe that - it would just be convenient for those who see the writing on the wall to delay MK getting it's teeth kicked in a long as possible, and this war blowing up would do that. But it's not going to happen, and nobody is buying the !@#$ you are peddling. So stop !@#$ting up the thread of my allies with your !@#$%* political !@#$%^&* and let's enjoy a war in which both sides seem to be getting what they want, for once.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356012637' post='3066287']
Wow, you picked all that up from his post? Most normal people would think it's in reference to getting the entire PB to attack them, because GOONS couldn't handle Kaskus/Mongols.
I read into it the same way, but that's because I also read Kaskus' wiki page and they list the disbandment of PB along with the other links in that war.

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Why is everyone here assuming Kaskus is the one who will require allies anyhow? Past history shows it would be NSO who would need intervention. Either way though, its fun to see 1 on 1 alliance wars.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1356005950' post='3066269']
Funniest part of the thread was condoning GOD hanging Kaskus out to dry while forgetting they tried to crucify INT for doing the same thing.....ie not supporting an ally clearly in the wrong....and Mogar talks about only ok when we do it scenarios......

You are all pretty horrible at this whole thing.
[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1356006770' post='3066271']
Difference being Xiphosis actually has the power to make that promise...in other words screenshots of the voting membership of INT saying they would back LSF please....see how that works? Like I said you are all bad at this. Plus you're ugly. I hate this place now. All hypocrits...no honor or yruth in one of you. It's quite pathetic already.
we're all in the gutter, some of us are actually watching the stars in reference to the hypocrite sections of that, and the difference between Xiph and INT is you dont make those kind of claims when you're leadership unless you're going to back it up, and what the next quote says is my opinion on who is going to be calling in allies first.
[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1356023376' post='3066317']
Why is everyone here assuming Kaskus is the one who will require allies anyhow? Past history shows it would be NSO who would need intervention. Either way though, its fun to see 1 on 1 alliance wars.

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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1356023376' post='3066317']
Why is everyone here assuming Kaskus is the one who will require allies anyhow? Past history shows it would be NSO who would need intervention. Either way though, its fun to see 1 on 1 alliance wars.

Wel, if you are refering to the last war NSO was involved in, then I think you mean Tetris, because they had MD+ treaties with NSO/NsO and all.

Anyways, have a good time, NSO. I know you will have fun.

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This thread is not about INT, LSF, RnR, IRON or (despite our wishes to the contrary) GOD. Enough.

Now let us enjoy some good ol' fashioned porksaber cartoons.

[quote name='porksaber' timestamp='1355972586' post='3066169']
what who wont due? do ewe hear that breehon? it's the pheoune. the pheoune is ring-ing. please pick up the pheoune.


wat? a beoum for kaskus? wat? were ewe expecting one?


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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1356025374' post='3066327']
What history is that? Your ink still looks a little wet there.

I believe he is talking about the fact that GOONS declared war on Kaskus and had to ask DH for help to finish the war.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1356005950' post='3066269']
Funniest part of the thread was condoning GOD hanging Kaskus out to dry while forgetting they tried to crucify INT for doing the same thing.....ie not supporting an ally clearly in the wrong....and Mogar talks about only ok when we do it scenarios......

You are all pretty horrible at this whole thing.

GOD has a ODP; Int had a MDoAP with LSF.

[quote name='Longshadow' timestamp='1356023820' post='3066319']
Kaskus growing in size already. Boy I just love bandwagoners :wub:

Let's have fun shall we gents?

So is NSO.

[quote name='Saniiro Matsudaira' timestamp='1356024730' post='3066323']
Wel, if you are refering to the last war NSO was involved in, then I think you mean Tetris, because they had MD+ treaties with NSO/NsO and all.
I think he meant the last war kaskus was in... i.e. GOONS calling in PB (not DH because MK didn't enter iirc)

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[quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1356025374' post='3066327']
What history is that? Your ink still looks a little wet there.


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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356029119' post='3066339']
Is umbrella being rolled? Have I missed an announcement?

Oh I just love Hiro's posts, they make giggle on the inside. While I agree about Umbrella being a terrible alliance I won't allow an insult on Kaskus to go unnoticed. ;)

[quote name='LegendoftheSkies' timestamp='1356028758' post='3066338']

Nothing like the rolling of a !@#$%* alliance to bring everyone together for the holidays.

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[quote name='Longshadow' timestamp='1356029324' post='3066340']
Oh I just love Hiro's posts, they make giggle on the inside. While I agree about Umbrella being a terrible alliance I won't allow an insult on Kaskus to go unnoticed. ;)

I love you talking about military tactics in bob :v

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