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14: Objects in Space

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[center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernations/images/c/c1/BrowncoatsFlag.png[/img] [IMG]http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff246/cndump/Flags/flagAS6.png[/IMG][/center]

It is my bittersweet duty to inform you of the cancellation of the "[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=68774"]Of Robes and Dusters[/url]" ODOAP between the Cult of Justitia and Browncoats.

Like CoJ, Browncoats was an alliance which set out to take its own unique approach to Digiterra. We had a good run together, had a blast trouncing an old mutual enemy in the single activation of the treaty (with plenty of help from Nemesis, thanks!), and I'm glad to have called such good men both allies and friends.

Browncoats had a good short run in its second incarnation, but the old ship only had so many miles in her, and for some time Browncoats has remained as a one-man AA. Today, the last Browncoat joined us in the Temple of Justice, and so it comes down to tying up loose ends.

There will be no jealous silliness about the AA, if any freewheeling spirit(s) in the future decide they've got the spunk and grit to fly the ship, let them do it with the respect the venture deserves, that's all.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1341722077' post='3006465']
Thank you for bringing this extremely important information to our attention.
You're welcome! Thank you for indicating how important this was to you by spending time on it rather than ignoring it as have the other 50 people that have viewed this thread in the past 15 minutes. Dumbass.

[quote name='Sunny Side King' timestamp='1341722183' post='3006467']

Edited by Schattenmann
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I could have sworn I saw a browncoats disbandment thread last year around this time...must be going crazy I guess

Best of luck in CoJ

Edited by Lurunin
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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1341722209' post='3006468']
You're welcome! Thank you for indicating how important this was to you by spending time on it rather than ignoring it. Dumbass.

To the contrary, any actions concerning the Browncoats holds the utmost interest and attention in my and I'm sure everyone else's view.

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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1341722324' post='3006469']
I could have sworn I saw a browncoats disbandment thread last year around this time...must be going crazy I guess

Best of luck in CoJ

I don't remember making such a thread, and since I was the only member of Browncoats at the time, it would have been I who made it. But considering at the time I was about as active as a Snorlax on a running race track, I doubt I would have made such an announcement.

But now it's official. The last remaining Browncoat is now a member of CoJ. Call it a merger if you will. I've decided to become active again in the in the world I once enjoyed so much. A lot has changed in the last three years. I hope CoJ (with me now as a member) continues to prosper as it always has. It's good to be home.

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[quote name='Scandalous Rumour' timestamp='1341748485' post='3006608']
Such a great alliance theme, I hope to see it reincarnated stronger than ever someday.


The problem with Browncoats (First one and second one) has always been activity related. My only suggestion to anyone who wishes to try and fly the ole ship, make sure you have a good and active crew first.

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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1341724448' post='3006489']
Don't you mean "Browncoat"?

[quote name='JohnGulager' timestamp='1341725768' post='3006505']
Zing. I liked that dig very much.
[/quote][quote name='Neo Uruk' timestamp='1341727470' post='3006523']
Does that really qualify for wit? Oh, your alliance...
:blush: No dig, I just don't really care to write a history article.

Edited by Schattenmann
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