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Did nobody else except flak attack realize he just did yesterday's update with a couple of awful jokes on it?

I noticed some stuff. I didn't really know what it was, I know it wasn't jokes. But I know people always put useless stuff on updates so I didn't bother.

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October 24, 2009

top.png 1 [226] (+1) The Order Of The Paradox : 56.10 --> 56.16 (+0.06)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 2 [630] (-1) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 52.08 --> 52.08 (+0.00)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 3 [572] (+0) Sparta : 51.98 --> 51.98 (+0.00)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [423] (-2) New Polar Order : 50.85 --> 50.86 (+0.01)

sanctionironcd8.png 5 [534] (+2) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations : 45.01 --> 45.06 (+0.05)

sanctionodnto4.png 6 [360] (-2) Orange Defense Network : 36.87 --> 36.85 (-0.02)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 7 [308] (+0) Fark : 34.62 --> 34.62 (+0.00)

gpa.png 8 [271] (+1) Green Protection Agency : 32.90 --> 32.92 (+0.02)

sanctionnpo.png 9 [637] (+0) New Pacific Order : 32.85 --> 32.84 (-0.01)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [238] (+1) FOK : 29.34 --> 29.35 (+0.01)

sanctionwtf.png 11 [241] (+0) World Task Force : 28.69 --> 28.69 (+0.00)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 12 [461] (-1) The Democratic Order : 28.08 --> 28.10 (+0.02)


{171} (+0) Mushroom Kingdom : 27.96 --> 27.97 (+0.01)

13 [246] (+0) The Order Of Light : 27.87 --> 27.86 (-0.01)

14 [293] (+0) Viridian Entente : 26.20 --> 26.22 (+0.02)

15 [410] (+0) The Legion : 24.57 --> 24.58 (+0.01)

---------- Tier Barrier 1 : 23.08 --> 23.10 (+0.02)

[349] (+0) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 22.50 --> 22.51 (+0.01)

[292] (-1) Ragnarok : 21.74 --> 21.75 (+0.01)

{195} (+0) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 20.26 --> 20.39 (+0.13)

{180} (+0) Athens : 20.04 --> 20.05 (+0.01)

{75} (-1) The Grämlins : 19.94 --> 19.85 (-0.09)

[227] (+0) United Purple Nations : 19.45 --> 19.46 (+0.01)

[232] (+0) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 19.35 --> 19.36 (+0.01)

---------- Tier Barrier 2 : 18.08 --> 18.10 (+0.02)

{187} (+0) Siberian Tiger Alliance : 17.57 --> 17.58 (+0.01)

[228] (+0) Random Insanity Alliance : 17.56 --> 17.57 (+0.01)

{196} (+1) Invicta : 17.04 --> 17.06 (+0.02)

{158} (+1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 15.84 --> 15.87 (+0.03)

[213] (+0) RnR : 15.71 --> 15.71 (+0.00)

{123} (+0) M*A*S*H : 15.45 --> 15.45 (+0.00)

{191} (+0) Monos Archein : 15.11 --> 15.11 (+0.00)

{144} (+0) We Are Perth Army : 14.95 --> 14.95 (+0.00)

{119} (+0) Nueva Vida : 14.56 --> 14.56 (+0.00)

---------- Add Line : 14.04 --> 14.05 (+0.01)

{67} (+0) Umbrella : 13.84 --> 13.84 (+0.00)

---------- Drop Line : 13.74 --> 13.75 (+0.01)


Total Sanction Race (w/ Weekly Inflation) : 886.88 --> 887.21 (0.26%)

Total Sanctioned (w/ Weekly Inflation) : 479.37 --> 479.51 (0.20%)

Biggest Gainer

Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations (+0.13)

Biggest Loser

The Grämlins (-0.09)

Passes of the Day



Yesterday's Update using UE's stats.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en


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October 25, 2009

top.png 1 [228] (+2) The Order Of The Paradox : 56.16 --> 56.55 (+0.39)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 2 [574] (+2) Sparta : 51.98 --> 52.20 (+0.22)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 3 [633] (+3) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 52.08 --> 52.07 (-0.01)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 4 [426] (+3) New Polar Order : 50.86 --> 51.02 (+0.16)

sanctionironcd8.png 5 [530] (-4) Independent Republic Of Orange Nations : 45.06 --> 44.95 (-0.11)

sanctionodnto4.png 6 [362] (+2) Orange Defense Network : 36.85 --> 37.06 (+0.21)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 7 [308] (+0) Fark : 34.62 --> 34.71 (+0.09)

gpa.png 8 [272] (+1) Green Protection Agency : 32.92 --> 32.96 (+0.04)

sanctionnpo.png 9 [634] (-3) New Pacific Order : 32.84 --> 32.84 (+0.00)

sanctionfokqu8.png 10 [237] (-1) FOK : 29.35 --> 29.44 (+0.09)

sanctionwtf.png 11 [241] (+0) World Task Force : 28.69 --> 28.74 (+0.05)

Tdoflagv401-1.jpg 12 [465] (+4) The Democratic Order : 28.10 --> 28.21 (+0.11)


{170} (-1) Mushroom Kingdom : 27.97 --> 28.02 (+0.05)

13 [245] (-1) The Order Of Light : 27.86 --> 27.95 (+0.09)

14 [295] (+2) Viridian Entente : 26.22 --> 26.34 (+0.12)

15 [409] (-1) The Legion : 24.58 --> 24.56 (-0.02)

---------- Tier Barrier 1 : 23.10 --> 23.21 (+0.11)

[345] (-4) Global Alliance And Treaty Organization : 22.51 --> 22.73 (+0.22)

[296] (+4) Ragnarok : 21.75 --> 22.26 (+0.51)

{196} (+1) Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations : 20.39 --> 20.33 (-0.06)

{178} (-2) Athens : 20.05 --> 20.05 (+0.00)

{76} (+1) The Grämlins : 19.85 --> 19.92 (+0.07)

[230] (+3) United Purple Nations : 19.46 --> 19.47 (+0.01)

[230] (-2) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 19.36 --> 19.25 (-0.11)

---------- Tier Barrier 2 : 18.10 --> 18.21 (+0.11)

[228] (+0) Random Insanity Alliance : 17.57 --> 17.62 (+0.05)

{187} (+0) Siberian Tiger Alliance : 17.58 --> 17.44 (-0.14)

{195} (-1) Invicta : 17.06 --> 17.11 (+0.05)

{159} (+1) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 15.87 --> 15.91 (+0.04)

[217] (+4) RnR : 15.71 --> 15.52 (-0.19)

{123} (+0) M*A*S*H : 15.45 --> 15.49 (+0.04)

{143} (-1) We Are Perth Army : 14.95 --> 14.96 (+0.01)

{188} (-3) Monos Archein : 15.11 --> 14.92 (-0.19)

{118} (-1) Nueva Vida : 14.56 --> 14.42 (-0.14)

---------- Add Line : 14.05 --> 14.11 (+0.06)

{67} (+0) Umbrella : 13.84 --> 13.87 (+0.03)

---------- Drop Line : 13.75 --> 13.80 (+0.05)


Total Sanction Race (w/ Daily Percentage Gain): 887.21 --> 888.89 (0.19%)

Total Sanctioned Alliances (w/ Daily Percentage Gain): 479.51 --> 480.75 (0.26%)

Weekly Biggest Gainer: The Order Of The Paradox (+1.43)

Weekly Biggest Loser: Monos Archein (-2.58)

Biggest Gainer

Ragnarok (+0.51)

Biggest Loser

RnR (-0.19)

Passes of the Day

Sparta passes Mostly Harmless Alliance

Random Insanity Alliance passes Siberian Tiger Alliance

We Are Perth Army passes Monos Archein


This Update covers just over 30 hours, so that could explain some of the larger-than-normal numbers we're seeing. The Order Of The Paradox leads us off by gaining two-fifths of a point, while the New Polar Order gains roughly half of that to stay in the hunt for fourth. The Independent Republic Of Orange Nations shows us a rare double-digit loss - one which the Orange Defense Network takes advantage of to post a 0.20 gain. The Democratic Order gains a tenth of a point, but barely manages to inch away from The Order Of Light, who posts a similar gain to stay a quarter-point behind, while the Viridian Entente also adds a sizable chunk to our overall gain today.

Down in the lower decks, the Global Alliance And Treaty Organization posts a quarter-point gain to make Brown proud - a gain which absolutely pales in the face of Ragnarok's amazing, stupendous, pizzazzful, Hoo-tastic half-point gain, spread amongst four nations. This gives us a split of nearly two full points ahead of the Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations, who lost score today, as did the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance, who lost more than a tenth of a point from a couple of nations, doubling the gap between themselves and the United Purple Nations.

Those two weren't the only ones to see heavy losses today. Points are flowing out of the bottom deck like people out of the Titanic, with the Siberian Tiger Alliance, RnR, Monos Archein, and Nueva Vida combining to sink our collective score by two-thirds of a point. Umbrella might find themselves treading water as well in the near future, with less than a tenth of a point to spare before they're left at sea.

Today's special shoutout goes to Sparta and the Mostly Harmless Alliance: Stop it. Seriously.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en


Edited by Gopherbashi
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And as promised, weekly growth figures for 2009


Now, see that giant dip there? In only seven days, we blew out 11.90% of the Sanction Race's total score. In fact, if you add up all those percentage drops, we blew up nearly 30% of the Sanction Race's tech, land, nations, and infra - all in the span of six weeks. Remember how we cowered in front of admin's score recalcuation? That didn't even hit 6%. Fear us admin - you know not the wrath we can unleash upon our pixels.

To put that in perspective - the Karma War took us down to a score level that we hadn't seen since October 12th, 2008 - fully six months prior to the beginning of hostilities, and nearly eight months before we started going back into positive growth. Our current score level is the same that it was on January 25th of this year - nine months ago to the day. The BLEU-NADC War and the 1V-GATO War both saw us lose around 0.3% of our score, the Q-GPA War saw us lose just over 1%, and the War of the Coalition lost us 5.24% over three weeks. The Karma War more than doubles that in one.

Edited by Gopherbashi
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---------- Tier Barrier 2 : 18.10 --> 18.21 (+0.11)

[228] (+0) Random Insanity Alliance : 17.57 --> 17.62 (+0.05)

{187} (+0) Siberian Tiger Alliance : 17.58 --> 17.44 (-0.14)

Passes of the Day

Random Insanity Alliance passes Siberian Tiger Alliance

I'm going to miss Great Lord Moth's enthusiastic commentary. :(

Also, seeya Centurius.

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